Sunday 17 December 2017

Trippel m black box handel systemet

John Bray kör registeret före kriget, T-typen och Y-typen. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas åt fordon före 1955. Medlemmarna träffas den första torsdagen i varje månad (observera att du inte behöver ägna ett fordon före 1955 för att delta). Dessa är en vänlig 8220get tillsammans8221 i någon skyttel eller garage, en lätt middag och en bra tid att dela information och upplevelser. En liten donation betalas mot kvällsmat vid ankomst. Du kan kontakta John på ph: 82785133, mob: 0403 043 434 Dagbokdatum - nästa möte tors 2 mars till Brian Goldy Golding på Murray Bridge. En konvoj kommer att lämna från Crafers Hotel klockan 18:20 för en lugn körning till quotGoldysquot. PRE-WAR OCH T REGISTER poängsystem för att tilldela Irving Cup En poäng för att delta i ett registermöte i ett registerfordon En punkt för att delta i det möte i ett registerfordon. I händelse av bundna poäng kommer alla vinnare att bli igenkända. Vad några av våra medlemmar är medlemmar i The Dons senaste glädjeresa. En svart 49 TC Don Walker, Goolwa SA Prewar och T Registrera rapporten på Peter Aulds, Fife Ave. Torrens Park den 2 februari 2017 För att se bilder och bilder från Terry Wright - klicka här Nej, för de som förutser en annan prewar MG som kommer in i veckan är det Peter Auld, My Garage Rules-mötet som hölls i Torrens Parks lummiga förort som väcktes av de barkande utblåsningarna hos de många MG som anlände och avgick med gusto i det lugna området. Enkelt sagt var det en annan utsökt natt och om det var Manou eller Pete som bedömde garaget så gick det väldigt bra så här för Peter Amp Christine: Manou. Atmosfären och strukturen i garaget kan bara beskrivas som sött, arrangemanget och presentationen är puurfect, jag ger dig en 10. Pete skulle förmodligen säga, kunde du ha gjort det bättre jag ger dig en 10. Tack Christine och Peter för utmärkt mat , bra som ses på MKR, förtärkt direkt av den ravenous horde av upphetsade medlemmar som gav dig ett gruppresultat på 9. Förskoning: TD McNabb, David Fairbrother, Ken Fisher, Trevor Driver, Laurie Foody, Mike Lyons, David Amp Joy Pearson. Fyrtio två medlemmar faktiskt loggade in, 15 Registrera fordon, 8 TC, 2 TF, 2 TD, 1 Y, 1 NA amp 1 ND Allmänt: Neil Stagg talade om den kommande MG CC SA-helgen i oktober till Kangaroo Island, som bjudit in medlemmar att delta , har World Press informerats om att Maurice Linehan tar TC över, så att de inte saknar framsidan denna gång. Sandra Carnell sprang två tomter till stöd för årsstämma i april. Reg OMalley återvände från sjukdom, skarp som någonsin, bra att se honom tillbaka i veckan. Ian Buckley kunde rapportera om Barry Bahinischs nuvarande tillstånd i vård på Daw Park genom Daphne som ville komma ihåg för alla, Ian har ringt in för att se Barry ett tag och en diskussion om MGs. Hes inte illa men misslyckas med att känna igen vänner tyvärr. Jag kunde rapportera den långa tiden medlem Graham Clark, även i vård på Kalyara, Belair är ganska ljus enligt Jill Clark och hon tackade oss för att fråga om Graham. Det är mest osannolikt att vi någonsin kommer att se dem ut på MGCC-funktioner som är verkligen ledsna. Tillfälligt var det Peter Aulds födelsedag igen vid mötet i år, den rika chokladkakan gick ner en behandling efter en mumlande återgivning av grattis på födelsedagen från trängseln. Irving Cup Presentation: Efter att ha svurit till sekretess var det en stor besvikelse att lära sig att TD McNabb fick information om resultatet av domaren Baldrick Hough som nu har blivit allvarligt reprimanded och kan förlora sin status i hierarkin av Registrera. Resultatet var: 1: Peter Auld 17 Poängsätt vinnare igen i år. 2: Russell Garth 12 poäng. 3: bundet på 10 poäng Maurice Linehan, Ian Buckley, Artfur RoodIger. Ett bra resultat verkligen och en stor insats av Peter Auld. Peter skulle vilja säga att ägaren till 5 Coopers Premium Light från den sex packen förblir i sitt kylskåp och kan samlas när som helst genom att kontakta Peter, men kanske inte vid nästa möte. Jag kan försäkra er om att öl är säker med Peter, han kommer inte att röra en droppe. Materiell av betydelse: Doc Dallwitz, TC 8411, dumpade en röra från radiatorn över Christines brickor i carporten, den ständigt vakna fotografen Terry Wright var tyvärr inte tillräckligt snabb för att få ett skott innan Christine hade doused den kränkande röra med kitty Thane Martin har startat en trend genom att plonka en flaska vin på TC: s främre förkläde, copycats har följt Schapel amp Buckley, allt för att ses på webbplatsens foton om du tittar. Andrew Bate körde till mötet i hans nyligen restaurerade TF. Detta gjordes med hjälp av Bob Bazzica och det var fantastiskt att se Batesy ut i det igen, en stor förändring från den tidigare gulfärgen. MG memorabilia skulle ses i Peters garage, en fin display Peter för de av oss som kan komma ihåg antik från 60-talet på Lanac Park och Blackwood paddocks lera plugging försök. Ronnie Jellet anlände i en blötläggning, det verkar som att värmen inne i Goldys TC var relaterad till en svensk bastu utan massör att hälla kallt vatten över huvudet. Faktum är att sidogardinerna kan avlägsnas, någon berättar för pojkarna. Peter Cundys NA fortsätter att imponera, se webbsidor, Baldrick ser på den delen, skämmer verkligen. Brytande nyheter: När jag sätter detta på redaktören har jag lärt mig att Arthur Ruediger tog ut topppriset, Best in Show på All British Day på Uraidla, bra gjort bra för att se att generatorn jobbar igen och förmodligen fick dig poängen i slutet. Nästa möten: 2 mars: Vi går till Riverland nästa månad i konvoj som lämnar Crafers Hotel klockan 6:20 för en lugn körning till Brian Goldy Golding på Murray Bridge, A-registret har också blivit inbjudet att följa med. Brian amp Kath är våra värdar, förra året var det en hoot Ronnie Jellit kommer inte att sakna bastun, men han gillar grus uppfart. Aprilmöte: Klubbrum möts med besökare på stämman, se webbplats. Ser fram emot att se en bra utdelning nästa månad. Skål, John Bray, Grand Vizier och Koordinator. PRE-WAR amp T REGISTRERA RAPPORT, 5 januari 2017 från John Bray Photos från Buckles, TD McNabb och Terry Wright. - klicka här för att se The Magic of MG i King Arthurs Castle, triple M magic Minns av scenen 1 från Shakespeares Macbeth Jag säger, väl en anpassning verkligen, när ska vi tre mötas igen. I åskväder eller i regnet kan jag inte komma ihåg eller kanske någon annan, som deltar i ett möte i registret med tre sensationella före krigsmössor som finns på ett och samma ställe i företaget av många T-seriebilar så vackert presenterade. Kan beskrivas som en världsklass händelse som du skulle tro, mycket bra gjort alla och tack till Bob Bazzica - J2, Peter Cundy - NA, amp King Arthur - ND för bildskärmen, se bilder - klicka här för att visa ursäkta: Ja Det fanns några, J Tamke, G Brice, G Glasson, K Fisher, B Forth, D Hosking, D Kemp, D Fairbrother, Reg OMalley amp Hon. S Ley MP (Gold Coast). Reg har blivit sjukhus och återhämtar sig, vi alla önskar honom väl. Tack Artfur för att vara värd för ditt årliga och privilegierade januarimöte i år, kommer några fall i standarder att se det flytta, men i år var en standout och du är säker för 2018. Inloggad var 37 medlemmar, 22 registerfordon, 3 före krigsmarginaler . Den slickade Mustangen parkerade på framsidan fick inte en biljett men det gjorde flera oförnämnda medlemmar till mötet. Irving Cup: Tack till Peter Auld för att återvända så att den kan delas ut igen i år på Peters Register-möte i februari vid Torrens Park. Resultaten från 2016 vinnaren är nu kända för ett fåtal få, om än att ryssarna har försökt misslyckas med att påverka resultatet. Allmänna affärer: Peter Auld betonade vikten av att alltid signera din historiska Rego Log-bok innan han slog ut i MG, när han stoppades av ploden, andas testades under protest (aldrig haft alkohol i sitt liv säger han, förutom alter vin och Irländsk Moss hosta sirap) så notera. Tack Peter för att köra upp från din fritid gräver på Victor Harbor för att återvända koppen. De villkorliga registreringsförändringarna i lagstiftningen om historiska fordon registreringen fick en avsevärd luftning från AC Pearson och andra, det är för inblandat att rapporteras exakt här, informationen kommer att cirkuleras till alla utom det seriella skadedjuret, John Neilson, som vet allt ändå Geraldine rapporterade på det nationella mötet i april, begärde Anthony stöd för domare att leda upp team som bedömer MGs vid concourse-händelsen, var vänlig hjälp var du kan, (Peter Auld kommer inte att döma TF 1500) aprilmötet kommer att vara i klubbrummen till träffa interstate deltagare. Konvojen MGs, TCs amp TD från Buckleys var en händelse att se, se bilden nedan. Jo, det är alla folk, Laurie har begränsat mig till en sida denna månad, så att slutföra ett sista citat lånat från Macbeth. Mässan är foul och foul är rättvis, TCs trivs i dimma och den smutsiga luften John Bray. MG TC. JAG ÄR. RC Imperial Master till några, registrera koordinator till andra. PRE-WAR amp T REGISTRERINGSRAPPORT, 1 december 2016 Förkrigsförstärkare T Typ Registrera möte på Eden Hills, The Biggest, Beaut, Bonza amp Bonsai En av de största T-registermötet som vi har haft för året, riktigt bra uppkomst av registrera fordon som hålls igen under det spridande olivträdet, den största i SA, förmodligen hela världen enligt våra värderade och populära värdar, Maurice och Steph Linehan. Tack igen för en annan beaut night Mozza amp Steph, snyggt väder, beaut bilar och mat. En bonza show av 22 registerbilar, 11 TCs inte mindre, kolla in bilderna på webbplatsen från Terry amp TD McNabb, 6 TD, 2 TF, 1 Y amp 1 NA. Vilken bonza lineup av TCs inklusive den nya tillägget av Paul Doc Dallwitz. Ursäkt: Peter Auld (sjunger i regnet), Geoff Glasson amp John Tamke (barnbarn, men en sen ankomst) amp Bev Waters (barnsällskap), Hillary Clinton (igen) Ankomsten till mötet av Peter Cundys senaste förvärv, en 1934 NA köpt från Queensland, orsakade en känsla vid mötet, en underbar maskin och en stor tillgång att faktiskt ha på registret till partner Arthurs ND. Peter måste gratuleras för hans smidiga förhandlingsförmåga att utvinna den tidigare ägaren ur förarplatsen som inte har sett anothers bum på läder på 37 år. Åtminstone fick han en körning innan det slutade förhandlingar. men jag förstår att det gavs motvilligt, den körning som är. Ett annat fantastiskt köp av Doc Paul Dallwitz. Dragit ut ur sanddynerna vid Semaphore berättar historien. Nåväl var den öppna shed krossad med sand och salt spray jag får höra. Paul presenterade bilen till mötet och han hade tillbringat mycket tid på att städa och tvätta saltbelastat smuts av kroppen och krom. Det som är intressant är att han uppnådde en hög grad av polsk och glänsande krom med stålull och Coca Cola, nu är det nyskapande för dig. Grattis Doc, en annan TC för registret. General Business: Det var inte så mycket. Reg. Omalley noterar MG Försäljningen är levande, och Andrew Willington letar efter TC-delar som jag får veta att han nu har mest men behöver ett 16-tums trådhjul, Gordon Brice på dörrkläder och tillbehör. Mozz-ampten Steph, som firar 19 års jubileum, lycklig fru, lyckligt liv Mozza, tycks få dig att behålla TC för framtida möten. John Neilson, vårt seriella skadedjur, kommer att fira en annan årsdag av en annan sort 2017, 50 år sedan han köpte sin TC, har han fortfarande kvitton (producerade till mig vid mötet) men det är fortfarande i bitar som jag får veta, när vi kommer till sitt registermöte är det troligt att han är en arbetande bi. Kolla in sitt foto från Terry Wright på hemsidan. David amp Joy Pearson deltog och det var en spänning för dem och vi fick dem där på en mild natt i bergen. Båda i nittiotalet var David 92 den 1 oktober 2016, en underbar prestation från vår uppskattade bilklubbmedlem och andra världskrigets veteran. MG Car Clubs nationella möte kommer att hållas i Adelaide under påsken år 2017, det finns mycket information på hemsidan och i tidningarna är deltagande och assistanshändelser ivrigt eftertraktade. Registret kommer att vara värd för ett möte i klubbrummen så som interstate besökare kan engagera sig med oss ​​och titta över våra bilar. Försök och kom till den natten med ditt fordon. Du kanske mycket väl frågar vad heck bonsai har att göra med registermötet. Väl presenteras våra begåvade och konstnärliga värdar på show, en vacker bit av levande bonsai, ett träd med en skala modell TC replika Mozzas TC infunderad i teckenfönstret under olivträdet. Detta genererade ett intresse av dem som inte limmade till Peter Cundys NA, men det var ett stort fokus på modellen TC från klubbarna avid model sniffer, Stan Shepard. Flera telefonsamtal följde efter mötet, Stan på jakten på källan till modellproducenten, uppenbarligen vill lägga till sin fina samling MG-modeller och memorabilia. Modellen är från vägsignatur 92468 MG TC MIDGET 1047 Cream Color 1:18 Scale E Bay källa, PL Modeller Superstore. Nästa sammanträde: torsdagen den 5 januari 2017, i enlighet med tradition som endast har brutits en gång av kejserliga mästaren, kommer mötet att hållas vid Arthur Ruedigers, 28 Huntingdale Dr West Lakes. Förhoppningsvis kommer vi att ha 3 Triple M Register fordon där, N amp K Types av messers Ruediger, Cundy amp Bazzica. 2 februari möte kommer att vara värd av Peter amp Christine Auld, Torrens Park. 2 mars, möte på Goldys, Murray Bridge, MGA Register inbjudet till den minnesvärda enheten. 13 april klubbrum, nationell möte händelse. 4 maj, för att bli uppmärksammad, sökte ivrigt efter den här prestigefyllda händelsen den 5 oktober, tar Peter Amp Bronwyn Micklems Paechtown-tävlingar 2. Slutsats: Det kommer att vara bra in i det nya året när denna rapport publiceras kommer nyårshälsningar att bli bra över då, men gott nytt år ändå. Jag är ungefär upphetsad som Donald Trump kommer in i Vita huset för det kommande året 2017. Det var verkligen en överraskning att se nya bilar dyker upp på scenen, N-typerna, TC, LHD TD Jason Ampay Edwards och kanske andra som jag har missat. Tyvärr skickade Roland Harris Y Type Saloon till ett annat hem interstate, alla minnesvärda inom ramen för saker. Heres ser fram emot ett annat underhållande år 2017 kommer det att bli en ripper Se dig på Arthurs hjul - och fälgverk. John Bray, registerkoordinator Det är bara ett spinnmål En förändring av mötesplatsen till våra klubbrum visade sig vara ett populärt val och en idealisk miljö för spin-läkare som höll dom bland de 36 medlemmarna som loggade in. carpark på en cool men trevligaste natten. För att se bilderna från Terry Wright - klicka här ursäkta: Mottagna från Ken Fisher, Thane Martin, John Tamke, Geoff Mc Lean, Mike Lyons, Mike Greenwood, Leigh Ritcher, förstärkt Chris Kinney. Mc Nabb producerade den senaste utgåvan av Sporting Car Club tidningen Wheel Spin med vår populära medlem Dean Hosking på framsidan, foto circa 1970 i processen med en större spin-out på banan någonstans. Dekan har gott om kopior om du vill ha en. Meddelande från spin-läkare Artfur amp amp Baldrick Hough som har blivit obsessad med restaureringen av 19 tums trådhjul i sena, höll mötet med sin rivande oratory på hur man återupplivar gamla hjul. Det verkar som om ett nytt företag har utvecklats på West Lakes, Rummerger Restorations för att hantera de förväntade order som säkert kommer att flöda från detta företag kanske. Arthurs färdiga 19 tums hjul kommer att vara en gudstjänst nästa gång han försöker avsluta min uppfart på Blackwood. AC Pearson tillkännager att han har 19 amp 16 tums hjul till salu till fantastiska priser om du inte kan tro det, men han är alltid bra för hans ord. Allmänna affärer: Peter Cundy gav mötet ett riktigt bra skäl på en bok som han köpt på MGs historia, särskilt de formativa åren då Cecil Kimber utvecklade MG till konkurrenskraftig racing på 1930-talet. Boken, COMBAT, En Motor Racing History av Barre Lyndon, som publicerades 1933, är en förtrollande läsning och en måste läsas enligt Ian Curwen-Walker. Peter har lånat mig sin kopia och jag tycker att det är en fascinerande läsning speciellt vid den tidiga tävlingen på historiska banor i Storbritannien och Europa. Roland Harris har sålt sin Y-typ till en viktoriansk samlare och bedömer med sitt entusiastiska råd att han måste ha ett bra pris. Don Walker har äntligen gjort ett köp och köpt den tidigare ägda av Ross Roberts, en riktigt fin bil, svart med 16 tums hjul alla i riktigt bra form. David Kemp har lidit ett missförhållande med TCs bensintank, som exploderade när han reparerades nyligen, har Lachy Kinnear erbjudit sig att låna ut en till Kimber Run. På Kimber Run, vill klubben fortfarande ha inmatningar för att fylla den förväntade kvoten, snälla om du kan få T-ut och ge den en välförtjänt lopp. Ronnie Jellet är verkligen stoked med Datsuns styrbox i sin TC och bra att se honom och Goldy upp från bron igen vid mötet. Vi kommer på väg till Murray Bridge nästa år igen. Geoff Glasson ger några godisar från SupaCheap Auto att dela ut som tröstpris för dem som saknade sig på tomten, tack Geoff. Geraldine Hough begärde att registret skulle vara aktivt under riksmötet påsk nästa år och att bilar ska köras till klubben för att träffa interstate besökare och gäster. Särskilt tack: Geraldine Hough och Joy Pearson gav kvällsmiddagen och det var härligt, tack. Arthur klarade barstolarna för oss och gjorde sitt vanliga kapabla jobb. Jag hoppas att presidenten kommer att vara nöjd med takten över baren på natten och tack till er alla som stödde klubben. Möte i år: Tyvärr är septemberlokal i Coromandel Valley inte längre tillgänglig, förhoppningsvis kan jag omplacera någon annanstans, var god titta på annonsören och webbplatsen. Oktober: Peter amp Bronwyn Micklem, Paechtown nära Hahndorf, träffas vid Crafers Hotel kl 18:15 november: Bridgewater Hotel, träffas vid BP Belair 6:00 för 6:30 start. December: Mozza Linehans, Olive Tree Eden Hills januari 2017: Arthurs Wheel Works, Huntingdale Avenue West Lakes. Februari: Peter Aulds Torrens Park Mars: Brian Goldings Murray Bridge, Twilight Run, träffas på Crafers Hotel. Eventuella erbjudanden för ett möte i registret uppskattas med glädje om du kan låta mig veta. Tja, det är det folk, tack för ditt intresse och deltagande på natten på klubbrummen. Säkerhet Snabbare. John Bray, registerkoordinator. 7 juli 2016 hos David och Joy Pearsons, Hawthorndene, kommer jag från garaget. NED UNDER Tja, det var verkligen en bra natt i Pearsongaraget ner under huset på Hawthorndene på en mycket kylig men torr natt. Endast 29 beställare undertecknade boken, men det fanns minst 35 närvarande, 7 T registrera fordon och en BMC Mini parkerad på den främre gräsmattan, Thane se nattens bilder från David McNabb - klicka här Down Undergaraget framkallar fortfarande minnen av de många MG som hörde till Pearsons och det är en glädje att poke i och runt en uppsättning verktyg och sprayburkar som pryder väggarna. Titta på ditt huvud, strålarna är lågt prydligt dekorerade med använda nummerplattor med alla beskrivningar, verktyg och svarv är minnesvärda egenskaper av tid som spenderas på bra bilar. Ordet accolade kommer i åtanke och enligt definition av Dr Google är synonymer: hyllning, beröm, erkännande, applåder, ovation, acklamation, beröm välkommen smickling och det fortsätter Nu var alla dessa synonymer ett inslag i natten i allmänt affärer och i de allround osammanhängande uthällningarna som gjorts av interjektorer som inte kommer att förbli namnlösa som du kommer att se. (ref den seriella skadedjuren John Neilson) ursäkta. Stan Shephard, Roland Harris, Mike Lyons (alla på sjukskrivning), Laurie Foody (som sover i stolen), Maurice Linehan (födelsedag), David Fairbrother, Lachy Kinnear, Geoff Glasson, Bob amp Shelley Bazzica. Raymond Finch verkade återigen och mottog ett uttalande från Nick Proferes för arbetet som gjordes av Finch Restorations på Book Face, men att en underbar utmärkelse måste dras tillbaka eftersom Ray inte längre äger företaget. Precis lika eh, du skulle inte vilja ha ett gott rykte på något sätt Ray Ett medlemskap kan inte vara långt borta Ray. I överensstämmelse med registret syftar till att förbättra könsbalansen, var Joy glad över att ha Suzanne Bray, Jenny McNaughton och vår Geraldine-fru till Baldrick tillsammans med företaget. Välkommen också till ny medlem till registret, David Kemp, hela vägen från Hahndorf. Allmänna Business Först tillskott gick till Maurice Mozza Linehan. medlemmarna var privilegierade att sjunga en lycklig födelsedag hyllning i samband med hans 71-årsdag i Melbourne via ACPs smarta telefon. För det andra, våra Artfur lavished heaps of praise och outright smickeri på hans irländska vänner i Belfast efter hans återkomst från MMM rally, flygplats pickup, J1 MG av Uber, K3s och naturligtvis en syster ND att kasta på. Riktigt bra gjort Arthur, vi är alla vansinnigt avundsjuk på din underbara resa till Irland med Triple M-familjen (inte Roo amp Dits) bilar, bilar, bilar. Baldrick fick det tredje erkännandet efter hans upplysta tal om respekten för ett 19 tums hjul för sin TC. Jag kan inte säga att medlemmarna bröt sig i spontan applåder, men de skänkte lämplig acklamation på Wayne för hans nya funna kunskap och informativa råd. AC Pearson. au informerade den ouppmärksamma folket att Brian Jenkins har bitar kvar från sin TF, någon som är intresserad av att maila Anthony för detaljer, acpearsonchariot. au Han har också TC-saker från en byte om du behöver bitar och bitar. Det var ingen applåder. Reg kommenterade en restaurering av en K3 någonstans med en L-typmotor, tut tut Dean Hosking meddelade att det finns nya Morris Minor Crown Wheel och pinions tillgängliga för uppgraderingar till TC differentialer och liknande. Tack Dean, synd om inget erkännande för dina ansträngningar. Tack hejdar till Ian Buckley för 5pc arrangörslådorna till tomten, tillskott 4 Accolade fem. 50-årsjubileum av bildandet av förkrigstjänstemannens T-register. T-registret bildades den 11 mars 1966 vid 84 Hawthorndene Drive, Hawthorndene precis uppför vägen från Pearson Down Under-garaget, i hemmet av Ian Curwen-Walker som blev den första registreordföranden, är kopior av de ursprungliga protokollen fortfarande tillgängliga för visning av endast de som bär vita handskar. Russell Garth kämpade för denna sena fest med en rik chokladkaka och ljus. Generösa smickrande kommentarer tilldelades tidigare Registrera sekreterare och samordnare närvarande. De som mottog adulation var Russell Garth, Peter Auld, Ian Curwen-Walker, John Neilson, Anthony Pearson, Ian Buckley och John Bray. Paparazzi var aktiv för att spela in den här firandet, bilderna publiceras på hemsidan. Särskild begäran. Jag läste ut till mötet, en förfrågan från en Scott McAuliffe som söker en tur för sin terminalsjuka svärfar, som var en ägare av MG TD i sin tid. Vid 81 års ålder pratar han fortfarande med Scott om äventyr i MG. Scott letar efter en av oss att göra en bil tillgänglig som en särskild begäran för sin svärfar som en överraskning vid denna känsliga tid. Kan du hjälpa till att tacka Accolade Six. Till glädje och David, tack för att du låter oss ligga i Down under Garage och den generösa kvällsmaten som erbjuds. Bekräftelse till Anthony för att förbereda garaget för evenemanget, tack. Nästa möte. Torsdag 4 augusti 2016. Detta kommer att vara i klubbrummen i vår klubb, 93 Chief Street Brompton. Vänligen kom och stöd klubben, Arthur öppnar baren och kvällsmat kommer att ordnas som vanligt. Stöd med barhandel kommer att uppskattas av bilklubbutskottet. Den verkliga Accolade. Jag måste berätta för dig att detta tema för natten kommer från vår värd Joy Pearson, som regelbundet kontrollerar fraktbrevet i annonsören. Hon noterade att Accolade II inte hade blivit synas sen i leveransscheman. Accoladen reser regelbundet mellan PT Adelaide och västkusten som levererar ingredienserna till Adelaide Brighton Cement, hon (inte glädje) är en smärta i de ordspråkiga avbrutna segelbåtarna i sommarkvällserien vid yttre hamnen. På dagen för registret fick Joy ett brev från Diane Holmes med en hel del detaljer på Accolade som gladde henne oerhört, hon berättade för mig. Den slutliga utmärkelsen går ut till er alla för att delta och göra natten minnesvärd. Tack så mycket, vi ses på Clubrooms, första veckan i augusti. John Bray, registerkoordinator, Imperial Ring Master och Cat Herder. 2 juni 2016, Robert och Beverly Horn på Clarence Park. KORNUCOPIEN, HÖNNEN AV PLENTY Från latin, cornu copiae eller horn of plenty är en symbol för överflöd, (MG) och näring, vanligtvis en stor container (garageverkstad) som överflödar med produkter (bilar) blommor eller nötter och i detta fall bil delar och många andra saker för att njuta av sinnena av syn och lukt. För registret räknar jag uppriktigt Robert och Beverly med framgången med deras jungfruregister natt i deras hem, Beverly för den underbara kvällsmaten, Robert för att presentera sitt mörkhoppgarage i bra skick med MG Ts-armén som en lovande medlem beskrivs som kåt (snälla ursäkta ordstaven, Robert), ingen tvekan om att du kan gissa vem det kan vara, men den självutnämnda sekreteraren för TD-registret kommer att omnämnas senare. 42 loggade in och det fanns 14 T registrera fordon närvarande, inte alla i garaget dock. Ursäkter: i linje med temat var det gott om Geoff Glasson (igen), David Leibbrandt, Goldy och Ronnie Jellet, Mike Greenwood, Mike Lyons, Roland Harris-Tweed, David Amp Joy Pearson, Kenny Fisher, Stan Shepherd (sjukhus, dåligt ben) och två från Monaco GP Andrew Willington amp rörmokare Trevor Driver. Det har blivit ryktat att Willington Amp Driver var i Red Bull shed när Riccardos däck gick saknas under GP, roligt om det. Chris och Heather Bennett, stolta nya ägare av en TF under restaurering deltog i mötet, förhoppningsvis kommer de att gå med som medlemmar, bilderna på bilen ser bra ut. Allmänna affärer. Dean Hosking öppnade batten med en komplimang som gavs till Rod OMalley och hans team på MG Sales amp Service, tjänsten är det operativa ordet här, bra gjort Rod bra att höra det och välförtjänt. Sätt ett stort leende på ansiktet av den gamla blocket i hörnet, eh Reg Bob Schapel gav oss en rapport om Historic Racing på Winton, tillsammans med Terry Wright och Ian Buckley sa han att Bob visst hade gjort ok i sin klass men led av låg ökning. Jag är inte säker på att han pratade om TC, hade antagligen något att göra med den produktiva vinförbrukningen som går med territoriet när alla tre träffas. Arthur Ruddyger rapporterade på en tävling 1948 TC special med historia till salu, pris okänt än. 9 juli är MGCC, 60 års jubileumsmiddag, bordslistor och biljetter, se Geraldine Hough. Bazzica har några gamla TC-cylinderhuvuden för att ge bort, en med ventiler i gott nick är 100. Föremål av stort intresse. 1. Arthur är borta till Belfast för att ansluta sig till IRA i MMM Rally, hakade en tur i en J2 midget. 2. AC Pearson gick till NZ med sin vackra fru, blev distraherad av en VA MG, hur trevligt. 3. Hongkong Cricket Club deltar ut nya jockeyhattar, Terry Wright älskar dem 4. Russell Garth har ett slagjobb i TF, hår som är huva på en kall kväll, bra gjort son. 5. Maurice Mozza Linehan med sin tvilling, Thany Martino, kan inte observera 40K hastighetsgränserna. 6. TC tvillingarna har båda tagit sig till huvar upp, det verkar som att lämna Russ verkligen ute i kylan. 7. Ian Curly-Walker har tillbringat UBER, två bilar ringde för att samla in honom för mötet 8. Den kejserliga mästaren ber om ursäkt till TD McNabb för att kalla kvällsmat tidigt, för länge att vänta verkligen. 9. Någon säger till Terry Wright att vi är en bilklubb, inte en utländsk kinesisk Cricket Club. 10. Paul Doc Dallwitz vann det lyckliga medlemspriset på natten, trevlig manväska att ta hem. 11. Vad sägs om den 1939 TB Roberts, underbar atmosfär och patina på den ursprungliga kroppen. 12. Dess Linehan, Linehan, Linehan, bara att se till att jag får det rätt för dig Mozza. Nu seriöst: Robert Horn gav en kort rundgång på sina bilar, medlemmar är välkomna att släppa in och prata med honom om någonting om de gillar, han har många reservdelar, inklusive elva runda TF-bakljus om du är kort, det är en intressant historia om hur de kom till. TD MC Nabb gjorde något kriminaltekniskt arbete på Roberts TD, som kontrollerar identifierings-, chassi - och motornummer som du gör. Enligt TD byggdes bilen på en tisdag efter en långhelg i november 1951, det är därför det är så bra. Bilen har några funktioner i en senare modell som är intressant. Lakan är den ursprungliga färgen, den första metallfärgen vi får veta av Robert Horn bekräftades också av Laurie Foody, som också donned ett dammskikt för rättsmedicinen. Don Walker överväger att skaffa en annan TC, han känner sig ensam utan att köra i. Tack till Terry Wright och TD för att ta bilder för tidningen och hemsidan. att se - klicka här Det finns en mycket stark rykt om att vi kommer att bli inbjudna till seriernas skadedjur, som jag kanske skulle lägga till har varit väldigt bra för sent, till Lyndoch i Barossa-dalen under dagsljuset för ett registermöte och visning av den berömda Neilson TC under renovering av återställningsförstärkning år 2017. Endast en rykt på detta stadium men fart växer. Framtida möten: Förhoppningsvis kommer juli att vara hos David Amp Joy Pearsons, Suffolk Road Hawthorndene den 7 juli. August är inte färdig men det kan vara på en fredagskväll på MG CC-klubbrummen för att hjälpa klubben med barhandeln, detta kommer att bekräftas men var vänlig kom ihåg det. Vissa medlemmar kan inte komma på en torsdag som jag får veta. Slutligen, omslaget: Tack igen till Robert Amp Bev, jag hoppas verkligen att vi får gå tillbaka igen någon gång, det var en bra upplevelse. Vinter handlar bara om oss, men låt inte det avskräcka dig, mötena är fortfarande roliga och du kommer att bära de WW2-flygande jackor, hjälmar, skyddsglasögon och roliga varma hattar som Ian Hobbs. Skål för nu, John Bray Registrera koordinator och sist men inte minst till några, Imperial Master. Säkerhet Snabba Pre-War och T Register rapport 4 maj, Paul Louise Dallwitz på Unley. Ett tecken på tiden: Ett stort tack till Paulus och Louise för att vara värd en bra kväll för registret. Varför ett tecken på de tider du kanske frågar, det finns väl mer emaljskyltar där Paul har samlat in sedan han var i rullar upp byxor och hängslen än bilverkstäderna längs Main North Road. Det har varit en bra hobby tillsammans med kamerans samling som har varit en distraktion av hans, förutom bilarna. Tack och lov är fastighetsförsäljningsskyltarna kärnflöjtplastik annars skulle det finnas nollförsäljning i storstadsområdet. Enough said on that, but another sign of the times past was the outcoming of the blended ports after most had left except for the devoted few who wound up at 12:15am in Mc Gowan street after bidding good night to our hosts. Reminds me of the late nights and early morning departures from Ian Curley Walkers years ago. Maybe the Register is returning to past customs of lots of conversation and fine red wine port Apologies: Here we go again, apologies from me for omitting two prominent members last meeting. The lucky ones who got listed as absent apologies are: Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, AC Pearson, Curly Walker, Chris Kinney, Mike Lyons, Geoff Glasson, Donald Trump amp Bobs Ya Uncle. Amazing as it seems, Bob Schapel had no one to apologise for again this meeting. Peter Auld and John Tamke both attended this month in lieu of last months meeting. Visitors: Robert Rust (MGB), Terry Fitzpatrick came with Inspector Buckles, Peter Shipside and Don Walker arrived in the splendid MG WA Tickford drophead which you may see on the website photographs. It was a splendid introduction to the night seeing the big red car parked amazingly snug behind Pauls verandah on arrival, a great piece of theatre boys. Vale: Tom Stevens, an inaugural member of the MG Car Club of SA died recently. Tom was known in the club as the father of TC Racing and it was lovely to hear accolades from Reg OMalley about Toms racing achievements in the TA Special. Thankyou Peter Auld for bringing it to my attention, I did send a condolence card to his family on behalf of the Register. Y Series for sale: Roland Harris has let me know that he is considering retiring out of the Y Type which is in excellent condition and well known as the car that Barry Bahnisch restored and sold to Roland, ph: 8277 2138 General Business: Don Walker on behalf of Peter Shipside proudly announced that the 1930s WA in which he was riding as observer, actually passed another car heading in the same direction on the way to the meeting. Bit of a squeeze getting out of the OTR at Aldinga maybe, one way to pass a car Birthday boy Ian Hobbs gave up his family dinner just to attend the Register, silly boy really, he now gets to pay for all of them the following night. The ever amazing belle of the car club, racing and competition guru, Bev Walters was a surprise attendee at the meeting, on the way home from babysitting, but very welcome indeed. Mozza Lineham drove to the meeting hood up again How embarrassing for his good mate Thane Martin in look alike TCs barrelling down Shepherds Hill Road to the meeting. The goggles and flying helmets were made to look good in Spitfire cockpits in WW2 over Britain, not in hood up TCs Mozz. However there was a slight reprieve, he did drive home hood down side curtains up for Thane. Brian Golding amp his good mate Ronnie Jellet made the journey up from Murray Bridge again, Goldy is not available for the next two meetings but the good news is that he will host another register night next year at the Bridge in daylight saving time so that we can admire the sunset apparently. Those who pocketed gravel from his driveway should return it on the night. Peter Aulds win in the raffle, luckiest member prize, 1 magnum of Di Bortoli red wine will not be wasted he says despite being a Coca Cola devotee, Christine eagerly awaits his home coming on occaisions like this, lucky man is Peter eh, you can read anything you like into this. Breaking news: The worlds greatest ongoing mystery of the whereabouts of Lord Lucan has not been solved, however the self appointed guru of TC and TD history in SA, Hon. Stan Shepard produced a document that clearly identifies that in 1970 at 6 Moore Street Tranmere, Register Secretary and serial pest John Neilson, recorded 32 T Type Register vehicles at the meeting. 12 TCs, 7 TDs, 9 TF and 4 Y Series vehicles. (two MGAs one Alfa. Holden amp Studebaker blocked the driveway) I would like to publish the document after permission from the Mortlock Library. June 2, monthly meeting at Clarence Park. I was delighted to announce that our host for the next meeting will be Robert Horn at 6 Mills Terrace Clarence Park, just off Goodwood Road near the underpass. I was able to visit Robert at his home and amazing garage which houses a complete set of MG T TYPES, starting at TA, TB, TC, TD and TF. Robert said that he acquired them about 35 years ago after owning the TC, This is truly exciting and I know members will be gobsmacked as I was on seeing them. The great thing is that not all are in pristine condition, they all run ok, but it is truly an amazing sight to see. Robert is a talented man who has many varied interests including wooden boats (2 off) and he is a most interesting conversationalist and drinks red wine. A register member with perfect credentials, it should be a long night again you would think. SEPTEMBER 1: Thane Martin, The Walk Coromandel Valley OCTOBER 6: Peter amp Bronwyn Micklem Paechtown near Hahndorf NOVEMBER 3. Bridgewater Hotel Dinner, start at OTR Belair Triangle DECEMBER 1: Mozza Lineham Eden Hills, under the spreading Olive Tree JANUARY 2017: Artfur Roodygers. West Lakes JULY amp AUGUST this year are free at this stage, I am looking for volunteer hosts so please help if you can, the pay is good if the food is up to it. Wrapping up: The news that you have been waiting for, just to keep you in suspense and rivetted to this report. 40 attended the Dallwitz Sign of the Times meeting, 13 register vehicles. 6 TC, 3 TD, 2 TF, 1 YT, 1 Prewar WA. This is a good result however I am sure that we will get a good crowd again next month at Robert Horns where the starting gun count is 5 whoo hoo Thankyou once again for your attendance at the meeting, the interjections and heckling were tolerable for a change, good to see great conversation pervading the evening, great cars on display, Pauls racing special, fine red wine ports to finish off with, what more could you want Dont forget the MG CC dinner in July at the Glenelg Convention Centre Brighton Road. The Imperial Master is pleased, executions have been postponed for the school holidays. Cheers and Safety Farts April 2016 7 April 2016 Meeting at Brian Goldings, Florence Street Murray Bridge SA. THE PW amp T REGISTER NIGHT: ITS PURE GOLD Yes, gold it was. It can only be described that way right from the start, 5:30 Joans Pantry Hawthorndene, 6:00 The Crafers Hotel, 7:10 The Goldings at Murray Bridge after some spirited driving up the freeway to Mt Barker then on to Murray Bridge. What a night to be in convoy on the road, hoods down, WW2 flying jackets, goggles and gloves, high revs and rhythmic exhaust notes if you could keep up with the T Type in front. for other photos from the night - click here Thankyou to our hosts for the night, Brian amp Kath Golding who did a splendid job on the night especially given the great roll up of members who totalled 37 in all, 7 TCs, 1 TD, 1TF amp 1 Y-type Saloon. The drive up to the event was quite an experience given the fast moving traffic on the freeway, however all who had the pedal to the metal managed to negotiate a safe passage to the event. Apologies: Received from: Stan Shephard, Robin Gibbs, Ken Fisher, Geoff McLean, amp Don Offler. The Buzz: Leigh Ritcher amp Laurie saw us off at the Crafers Pub, after a shaky start given Arthurs late arrival and Buckles wonky rear tail light which blinked incessantly along the road trip. Bob Schapel fresh from his success at Phillip Island took the convoy on outside Callington and sped way ahead with his monk like passenger Terry Wright wrapped up in his North Sea duffle coat and hoodie. Good to see the TC out on the road again Bob. Good to see an old face again, Ian Purdy of TF fame back with us from Kangaroo Island, Bob Schapel collected his sister from nearby and brought her to the meeting. Ian Hobbs missed the LeMans start from the Crafers Hotel but managed to get there for supper. General Business: It took considerable effort to get the attention of the gathering to commence the meeting, however once started a number of items were aired and fiercely debated especially the upcoming rule changes to Historic Registration as reported by AC Pearson. The forthcoming MGCC of SA 60 year anniversary dinner on the 9th July at the Glenelg function centre on Brighton Road was mentioned by Geraldine Hough suggesting that the Register Group take up tables for the event. Bob Schapels success in his TC at Phillip Island was reported to the meeting by Willow Willington and though Bob is to be congratulated it should be remembered that the older he gets, the faster he seems to go leaving other poor competitors in his wake, mind you he did say that the safety car had a bit to do with his winning every event that he entered. The Ford Trophy for the fastest TC is a special award, well deserved. He could have got another one on the way Murray Bridge the way he drove All sorts of items got aired, those that were paying attention will surely retain them in their photographic memory you would think. Those like Russell Girth, Ian Buckley, Thane Martin and TD McNabb have got no hope given their short attention span during the course of the meeting, however items raised also included number plate heights (Trevor Driver), McLaren Vale Festival ( Graham Loader), stub axles for TCs with holes (A Willington), MGA handbook for the library, supposedly given to Russ G by one of his customers, Bob Bazzica looking for a left hand side internal bonnet catch for TC, 60 years MGCC badges amp Entertainment books Geraldine, National Meeting report by Geoff Glasson, etc. As I said, those who were paying attention will remember it all, but it was good fun after all. Congratulations: Breaking news for the register, Peter Micklem with his newly acquired TD got front cover of the April MG Motoring magazine if you have not seen it, and after several fine and passionate attempts, ace photographer Terry Wright (the monk in Bobs TC) provided the stunning internal shot from Ken Fishers Register night, well done boys, thanks to Editor Laurie Houghton for recognising quality on both counts. A few observations and points of interest. en. Brain Goldings Vincent motor bike sand side car was on show, looks great. b. McNabb has not got the TD on the road yet, but he still has black magazines. c. Jan amp Mike Greenwood drove up from Strathalbyn in a plastic what no MG d. Nobody noticed the PORSCHE in Brians shed. I did, it was a Porsche drill press. e. Peter Cundy had a bleeding lip no stiches needed though, culprit was beer bottle. f. Ronnie Jellets TC graced a meeting for the first time, great to see. g. Ronnie Jellet showed great restraint by not spinning the wheels on Goldys gravel. h. Russell Girth will sue anyone who mentions his waistline, eg Sir Cumference Ian Hobbs. jag. Dean Hoskings red MGB 1974 V8, does 100 miles ph in the dark going home (guaranteed) j. Mozzas aviator goggles are not original but cheap Japanese imports, he loves them though. The Next Meeting: The Doc Paul Dallwitz will host the May meeting at his home, 18 Mc Gowan Street Unley, off King William Road on WEDNESDAY 4 May. Please note this date as it cannot be Thursday due to limited street parking on Thursday nights late night trading. I will post it up on the website and hopefully the Advertiser will publish it as well. After that I am hoping for a night to be scheduled at Clarence Gardens or elsewhere. If you have your place available, please let me know. Thankyou for all those who attended Brian amp Kaths Register night, you showed great support for Brian who regularly makes the trip up from Murray Bridge to our meetings, hope to see you at the Docs next month. Cheers and Safety Fast, especially Dean. The Imperial Master of Calamities, John Bray March 2016 Meeting at Ken Fishers. 18 Benjamin St Marys SA. MEET AND GREET WITH THE REGISTER ELITE What a fabulous night to be out and about with the T Register faithful and lob in at the home of the Fisher King, Benjamin Street St Marys, 42 attendees, 20 Register vehicles. Thankyou Firstly to my esteemed fellow gnome, Russell of the Girth who stood in for me at mine time of need. I might note that he read, on the pulpit stairs, perfectly from his running sheet without which the meeting would have fallen into disarray. Secondly but importantly, to Ken Fisher and his staff for preparing the premises for our enjoyment with interesting vehicles to compliment the MGs on show. Kens father of 91 good years, a former RAF airman in WW2 thoroughly enjoyed the night, and I am told asked for Curleys autograph. Thirdly, I must thank another gnome, Baldrick Hough and his lovely Queen Geraldine for assisting me with the register book and the ever demanding task of collecting the money, thankyou both. Of note, a Register meeting at Fairview Park could be a reality one day says the Baldrick, however the Queen must be consulted and suitably persuaded and plied with generous gifts to succumb. Guests: We were able to welcome two new members to the register, Brenton Illingworth-MG TF in restoration and Stephen Keightley MG P Type in fine running condition. Welcome to both, it will be sensational to see both vehicles out with us in the foreseeable future. General Business: The continuing debate on the record number of Register cars at a meeting continues, surpassing the disappearance of Lord Lucan which is nothing really compared to this compelling mystery of when, where and how many cars were supposably present at some MG CC Register going back 50 years. Maurice Mozza Lineham is to be congratulated on the new plush looking trim inside the TC. This includes the steering wheel which now alleviates the necessity for him to wear gloves on the highly absorbent material which soaks up the sweat from clammy palms driving at breakneck speed through Eden Hills with the hood up. Its a new good look Mozza Our good mate Paul Dallwitz has offered a meeting for us at Hyde Park on a Friday night due to limited street parking on a Thursday. Looking forward to that, watch this space and the website. The auction sale of Barry Bahnisch cars was a remarkable thing grossing high numbers for the respective vehicles sold, I do not want to divulge figures but the total exceeded 360K which was great for the family in the long run. Some cars will go interstate and to the UK. The Irving Cup: Congratulations once again to Peter Auld, the cup being his to hold for the remainder of the year. The April Meeting: Brian amp Kath Golding will host our April meeting, Thursday 6 th at 3 Florence Street Murray Bridge. We are to meet at the Crafers Hotel. off the Freeway at Crafers, 6.00pm for 6.20 start to Murray Bridge which takes Goldy 47.25minutes in the TC to get there. Buckley amp Dallwitz are taking on anybody in the TC for the hill climb into Mt Barker, be aware. We owe it to Brian to attend in whatever you feel comfortable, preferably MG, as he has put in over the years, regularly attending meetings here in the TC from Murray Bridge in all types of weather. Points of interest: a. The content of free magazines has changed somewhat if you had not noticed. b. David Mc Nabb has ground to a halt in the TD after 500,000ks apparently. c. Russell of the Girth, showed disrespect to the imperial leader from his elevated position . d. The serial pest failed to appear this meeting or indeed lodge an apology. e. Bob Schapel forgot who he was apologising for this meeting. f. Terry Wright has been practising portrait photography for a front page cover shot. g. Terrys photographic skills were displayed on the ABC weather report recently, fg Lorikeet he says, no bleeding parrot, the ABC are not interested in Phillip Island it appears. h. AC Pearson was unnoticed at the meeting, must be planning a coup with Russ. jag. Geoff Glasson has had his shocks renovated and back on the TD, now stiff as hell he says Attendance at the Register meetings has been outstanding of late, hopefully all are enjoying the fun and spirit of the MG fraternity that has developed amazingly in SA over the years, keep it up there are new members filtering in with interesting cars, make them welcome and help out when you can. A final wise old saying: Frustration is trying to find your glasses. without your glasses To view other photos of the night - click here Cheers and Safety Fast. From: The Imperial Master of The Register, Kim Jong Bray February 2016 Meeting at Peter and Christine Aulds TORRENS PARK, IT WAS JUST PERFECT REALLY Perfect night, perfect venue, perfect hosts, cars and our own Peter perfect Brock Auld. Peter and Chris prepared their delightful venue perfectly for the Register devotees to salivate on the beautifully presented MGA Coupe, MG TF and the Triumph Gloriadisplayed to perfection. Enough of the perfect stuff, but it is testimony to the skill and expertise that Peter has displayed over his many years in the MG Car Club (early sixties) finishing his cars to concourse winning standards. It was also Peters 75 th birthday that night, the splendid cake was a surprise to him from Christine at the end of supper making coffee and cake even more special. Apologies: John Neilson called just to make sure that we missed him, Trevor Driver, Andrew Willow Willington, Roland Harris, Geraldene Hough, and The Pearsons were recorded as absentees. Statistics: Would you believe, another near record of register vehicles present, just look at the photos on the website, a total of 19 vehicles: 1 prewar ND, 7 TCs, 6 TDs, 4 TFs amp 1 T Type saloon. 41 signed in the book and presumably paid their dues. Visitors: Ken Fisher has finally been able to get Brenton Illingworth along to the register, he has a 1250 TF in bits and his wife Gaye is hoping that we will enthuse him enough to get it moving and the various body parts relocated out of the living areas at home, who knows it could be a good thing for his marriage. You may see Brenton in the photos displayed on the website and in the magazine wearing a tie which was noticed from a distance by the ever vigilant Terry Wright who can sniff out a Hong Kong Cricket Club tie over the length of 4 cricket pitches. Terry obviously has one himself and was a distinguished member of that club and a fine cricketer to boot, not to mention a prominent social butterfly as well, great spotting Terry, nice tie Brenton. General Business: Laurie Foody has some Aussie Jet Ink cartridges to give away, thanks they are expensive. Brian Forth has a new business importing Veteran and Vintage Tyres, specialising in beaded edge tyres, wheels, rims and spokes for Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle. Speak to him if you are looking for say 19inch tyres for TC etc, he will ensure that you receive a very compeditive price. Phone 0409514213 or 8251 4213. Mozza Lineham is looking for a car trailer to take the TC to Robe for the weekender. 0412670378 A C Pearson: Anthony had something to say but it was too noisy to hear after Doc Colin Whyatt offered cut rate digital examinations to any bloke over 70 which there a quite a few, nobody was game to accept. Peter Micklem (new TD owner), had for display a composite workshop manual for servicing all British Cars up to TDTF, found at a stall at the Hahndorf Lions Mart he says, great document really. Geoff Glasson spoke of the woes in trying to find someone to service repair shock absorbers for the TTypes, LUVAXGIRLING DAMPERS. yes this is a problem around Australia and needs further research in finding a reliable contact. I know that Bill Schapel when he was alive had a chap in Victoria repair dampers, his name is Greg Keely at Oakleigh East Vic. Tel 0419388234 The Register Book: Two new additions are Peter Micklems TD and a member from Keith through Arthur Roodyger. All British Day. Valentines Day, Sunday 14 th at Echunga Oval. Mc Laren Vale Vintage amp Classic. Sunday April 17th, street Parade 11.00 am Australia Day Parade. TD Mc Nabb gave a brief report. 6 register vehicles attended in the parade. THE IRVING CUP: Presented to the club by R D Irving Esq, to encourage the use and preservation of register vehicles and to be presented annually. Last years winner John Davies kindly handed over the cup to me at the meeting, however at that time the chief scrutineer had not adequately finished the job of assessing and checking the attendances and participation of members with their register vehicles at club events. I cannot divulge any details of the chief scrutineer, however Houghie said that he will return the attendance book at the next meeting now that the result is known. I am pleased to announce that the clear winner this year is Peter Auld, congratulations Peter, it is a well deserved win as has been the others previously. The cup will be presented at Ken Fishers Register meeting on Thursday March 3, Benjamin Street St Marys. MEETINGS 2016: March meeting is Ken Fishers Benjamin Street St Marys. Thurs 3 March (indoors) April meeting scheduled at Brian Goldings at Murray Bridge, address to be advised but we can meet at the Crafers Hotel off the Freeway at Crafers say 6.00pm for the run to Murray Bridge which usually takes Goldy 45 minutes approx. from there in the TC. We owe it to Brian to go to his register night as he has always been a regular attendee to meetings up here in Adelaide. Photographs: My thanks to Terry Wright and David Mc Nabb who provided many splendid photos at Peter Aulds please see the website as well as what is included in the magazine. To view the many photos of the evening - click here Cheers from Register Coordinator and herder of goats and sheep, John Bray January 2016 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 7 January 2016. West lakes Arrival: Members and guests were feted to the two pre - war cars on display in King Arthurs garage upon arrival, the magnificent ND amp Bazzicas J2 side by side in front of the T Types of our members. This set the scene for an exciting night of chatter and fellowship, punctuated by bad jokes at others expense. Apologies: Alan Semmler, Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, Leigh Ritcher amp Inspector Buckley. New Register members: A sincere welcome to Peter amp Brownwyn Micklem (MGCC members) with their late model MGTD recently purchased from NSW, beautiful condition, Car TD29127 Eng XPAG 29584. Incredibly the numbers align with the T Series Association reference book that I have, first time ever General Business: The Register wishes to express sincere condolences to the families of those associated with the MG Car Club who have lost loved ones very recently. Chris Ritcher, wife of Leigh, Angela McLean, daughter of Tony Ohlmeyer and inaugural member of the MG Car Club of SA, Alan Hutchings. Attendees: 47 signed into the book, 13 Register vehicles, 2 Pre-war, 11 T - Types. Russell Garth says he tracked down the former owner of his TF well over 30 years ago, not sure that he is getting the information that he wanted, try the folding stuff Russell. AC Pearson reported on the Shannons Insurance scam going around, simply hang up if not sure, Pearson has a squeaky voice. Alan amp Sandra Cardnell presented TD Mc Nabb with photos of a table setting in a haunted castle in the UK with his name on the seating place card, apparently the Mc Nabbs are not entirely descendants of NZ sheep herders after all, maybe Ancestory. au can help David All MG Day, Sunday 10 April, Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza, brochure handed out to members. Australian T Series Association. Mike Greenwood is the state of SA representative and spoke to the meeting about membership and displayed their attractive magazine. There are associations with other groups around the world, coordinator is Peter Kerr 07 54441 552, kerrpcyahoo Pre-war MMM Register: Bathurst. Arthur has bragging rights for the two laps around Mt Panorama in his historic, well done, not many of us will achieve that. Supper: The numbers caught Arthur by surprise, but there was plenty of action in the kitchen by Geraldine and the others from MKR it seems. Good old Arthur, not to be seen to be short, pulled the dusty MG ports out of the cupboard coupled with the 2 cm squares of lamington cake that saw everyone off reasonably satisfied.(Dominos were on standby at West Lakes just in case) Faces in the crowd: Tim Edmonds, Maxie Sierp, John SP Neilson, Brian Sparks, all good to see at the meeting. for other photos of the night - cick here Next Meeting: Peter Aulds Thursday 4 February, 27A Fife Avenue Torrens Park Brian Golding has offered a night at his home in Murray Bridge, this is likely to be in May at this stage. It would be good to support Brian and his mate Ronnie Jellet (TC) as they make the run up regularly. More news to come, see you all at Peter amp Christine Aulds next month. Wise old saying: Every morning is the dawn of a new error. Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Coordinator Boss. December 2015 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT - 3 December 2015, Eden Hills The Register celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the MG TC, born into production 1945. In - The Garden with the classic delights, where old T desires are turned into reality. To view photos of the night - click here Hosts Mozza amp Steph Lineham, a big thankyou for another amazing event characterised by the lovely garden and ambience of Australias biggest olive tree. A long standing record almost broken, how unfortunate that the hosting TC was not in the garage Mozza Apologies: John Neilson, Mike Lyons, Bazzicas, Pearsons seniors, Fat Cat amp Humphrey. Signed were 44 attendees, 20 Register vehicles consisting of 1 MG ND, 7 TCs, 5 TDs, 5 TFs, 2 Y Types, total is 20, 2 short of an outright record I was told on a number of times, great though. General business: Great to see the boys from Goolwa up in the TF 1500, Peter Shipster and Don Walker whos restoration on his TF is progressing well, see photos on website, thanks Don. On TFs Andrew Bate has progressed his TF to the wiring loom install, all good but when will we see it Andrew King Arthur was the first to arrive in the ND just to ensure a prominent possy as he should. Great to see the McNabb duo, Kerry and David arrive in the TD, it was Kerrys first register meeting for some time she said, however the lucky lad pulled a winner, blue ticket sucks, in Kiwi. Chris Kinney, at last the TC appears from Fergusson Ave to roll into the garden, looks good as ever Chris, and still sounds good too. Ian Buckleys flowers for host Stephanie was a very nice gesture, plucked from another garden of earthly delights, neighbourhood watch not seen. Steph, thankyou for the great photos for the website. A resurgence of TDs was especially good to see, TFs equal to the occasion, keep it going boys. T Type shock absorber repairs, LuvaxGirling dampers, questions on anyone who does work on these, I know of a person near Melbourne, but none in Adelaide, anyone have contacts Vale - Robert (Bob) Morphett: A long standing member of the MG CC, Robert passed away just prior to the meeting. In his heyday he was known for his driving skills as I remember, a calm and serene driver with a calmness not often seen in competitive track work in a white MGA, this was in the 60s but recently his name surfaced when Mike Greenwood purchased the two very rare M Type MGs from him that Bob had kept for many years. The Register Quiz, celebrating the TC 1945-2015: Please refer to the photo of the four amigos and answer the following to receive a generous prize at the next register meeting. 1. What event was significant to all of them in 2015 X Lotto birthday 2. Are they Baby Boomers or not Yes no 3. Do any of them own a car older than they are Yes no 4. How many have a T Type in their garage. Two three four 5. Who is the most recent member of the MG CC SA Mozza JB 6. Two have reached full retirement, which two. Mozza AW JB TD 7. Which one did not host a register meeting in 2015. T Driver Next meeting: We are meeting at Arthur Ruedigers, 28 Huntingdale Ave West Lakes,7 January 2016. February 4 - Peter Auld, Fife Ave Torrens Park. 3 March - Elizabeth to be confirmed. Many thanks to all who hosted a Register Meeting in 2015, please consider one in 2016 if you have not had one before or would like to do it again. Best wishes for the new year and safe driving in 2016. John Bray, Register Coordinator. November 2015 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 5 November 2015, Dinner meeting at the Bridgewater Hotel The Take off. A contingent of members assembled at the OTR (BP) at Belair for the run to Bridgewater led off by the former Aldgate boy in his hot Y Type, Graham Loader no less. Leigh Ritcher came down from Aldgate to enjoy the run back with the group. Messers Martin, Lineham amp Pearson were seen examining their dipsticks before the takeoff. Did you see Roland Harriss Spitfire T shirt Stunning but out of place in the 1975 Rubbernose B Apologies. An important hotspot, so here they are: T Wright, A Willington, T Driver, I Hobbs, Bazzica, M Lyons, L Kinnear, S Shephard, Curly-Walker, Pearson seniors amp Chopper Reed. Statistics. Many signed the book, but not all however 31 signatures was somewhat reassuring, 10 register vehicles made it to the carpark. No body complained about the food, great 54 squares were sold for the raffle (thanks Buckles) which will ensure a good supply of prizes next meeting or two. Visitors. Apart from spouses and girlfriends which was good to see, Maurice brought his old mate Col. Colin Chapman (MGB) both sporting English leather flying jackets, completely wasted with the hood up, but it was lovely to see the members spoiling their partners who now completely understand the importance of Register business away from home. Goldy amp Kath a special mention, good to see. General Business. Not much was transacted at all really, even if there was it was too noisy and I was too busy to write it down, those at the back which included Chris and Annette Kinny, Robin Gibbs, Loader and Sparks needed it repeated afterwards. Barry Bainichs cars are being prepared for auction soon, so sad that it ends this way. Artfur is heading off to Melbourne hopefully to pick up the ND for the Triple M Register at Bathurst, and for those who do not know, triple M stands for it is Midget-Magnette-Magna amp Pre-war MGs. No one gave me much trouble on the night, I must say that the serial pest was amazingly quiet and subdued thank the lord Next meetings. We will, be gracing the wonderful ambience of the Australias largest olive tree at Eden Hills for the December Christmas meeting on 3 December with our host Maurice Lineham and his lovely wife. It should be a grand celebration, Maurice is 70 you know and we should celebrate that milestone under the spreading olive tree with a few bubbles I say. Arthur has offered the January 2016 meeting at West Lakes again next year which is particularly generous of him. I will be scouting for others to host next year, John Davies has something lined up for the Register which should be of interest. Brian Sparks has offered a night again as a backup, thanks Sparksy. Thats it folks, thanks for your great support again this month hope to see you at Eden Hills peeling olives and boys, the lemon tree awaits you Close. For Maurice: The top up The weather forecast inside your TC is at least as bad as that for the outside world and your insurance company refuses to insure you against pneumonia. Happy days. John Bray, Register Coordinator and gatherer of facts and apologies. To view the other photos fronm David McNabb and John Bray - click here October 2015 Thursday 1 October 2015 at IAN BUCKLEYS Birdwood Terrace North Plympton. Apologies: John Davies, Dean Hoskin, David Fairbrother, David Mc Naughton, A C Pearson, Geoff Glasson. for other photos of the night by David McNabb and Terry White - click here There we were on a balmy night, sun setting over the metal sails of Buckleys carport and shed, the Register night was going swimmingly and sailing along at cruising pace which reminded me of a sea shanty song that we once sang in the Scouts out of earshot from our leaders: THE GOOD SHIP VENUS Twas on the good ship venus Ho ho you should have seen us The register night was a sheer delight The neighbours got a hellava fright The register host was Buckles He handed out many chuckles His best mates name is Terry A GT man and very merry Spring rolls he made delicious Which really, were most nutritious Abdul the Turk did come Displaying the seal from the jerry can drum Not in the desert did he find the can But from bloody Fitch The Rubber Man Twas on the good ship Venus Hell, you should have seen us Bazzica arrives with advice to share Poor Arthurs in a daze and can only stare The photographers name is Mc Nabb Hes bee n showing up quite a flab A cover shot on the club magazine no less Has pushed his ego into a horrible mess Terrys got a cap thats cricket and flat Hobbs cant sign the book, needs a map Curlys all good came for the ride While Russell is bold with nothing to hide Goldys brought his mate from far away Its Ronnie Jellett whos hid his TC for the day The streering box stuffed, hes had enough The cost of a conversion sounds pretty rough Another mate is Kevin Mills Half the Y Type is in the Ashbourne Hills He says his garage is a mess But finishing it is his only stress Reg O Malley never got into Buckles galley So, he promptly sat down next to Shelley He brought a mate Quinton Quirk I say He was a member from many a long day Our mate John Tamkes there All at ease in his chair The RV8s on show for us to see The TFs under the house, what will be The serial pest arrives as a guest He says he will behave at his very best John Nielson is his name Long standing member of TC fame Andrew Bate sneaks in late TF not seen, whats its fate Our Brian Sparks is back It seems things are back on track Twas on the good ship Venus Bloody hell you should have seen us The night went well Buckley rang the bell The food was good as it oughta Thats it, see you at the Bridgewater Attendance. 38 signed in Ian Hobbs by proxy, 10 register vehicles. Next meeting. Bridgewater Inn 5th November 7.00pm Drive in convoy, meet BP Belair Triangle 6.00 for run at 6.45pm to Bridgewater Note: Due to ill health of Chris Ritcher, Decembers meeting is to be decided, hopefully at Eden Hills Thanks: To Ian Buckley for a splendid night, Peter Cundy informative talk about the former owner of his car from the UK, Terry Wright re MG parts from Peter Thompsons estate, Alan Semmler Kimber Run at 90 entrants to date, needs more. Bazzica re French MG meeting next year in France amp all for attending. Thoughts. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. A hole has been found in a nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. And finally, no matter how much you push the envelope, itll still be stationery Cheers from the bridge of the Good Ship Venus quotBruce Springsteinquot, alias John Bray, the Boss September 2015 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER Thursday 3 September 2015 at Andrew Willingtons, Coromandel Valley Held in the crime scene garage with new roller doors. Congratulations. Andrew on preparing the garage and presenting a great night in cool conditions for 35 members and 7 register vehickles. Special thanks to Verona for a great spread of food. Apologies: Apol Goldy, Kenny Fisher, Mike Lyons, A C Pearson, amp Inspector Buckley (China) The meeting was in full swing by the time I arrived at the meeting just after eight, however it was really exciting to see so many old faces amongst the regulars, Ray Finch invitee of Andrew Willington, Don Offler amp Peter Ivy long time members from the sixties, Mr MG Bob Bazzica amp Shelly along with Reg OMalley and Ian CurwenWalker not to forget Peter Auld, all personalities that established the MG Car Club and the Register from those heady days of the 1960s. The Ivy Fuel Consumption Test. Peter Ivy, the originator of this event from which it gets its name was able to articulate in great detail the goings on by car club members which today would find them arrested and held over in the city watch given the amounts of fuel consumed at a plethora of city hotels on a Saturday afternoon. I was a participant once that I can remember, others partook in this event on numerous occasions which included lift cramming and unbelievable pranks. The good name and reputation of the MG Car Club of SA was miraculously spared from the Sunday Mail from all accounts. Register meeting 1. It was fitting to mention that the very first meeting of our register was held on the 11 March 1966 in Hawthorndene at Curlys home, 49 years ago when young Curly was a mere 35 years old and had commenced work on the 1880 Several of us were at that meeting including Bob Bazzica (Parts Secretary), Ian Curwen-Walker (Chairman), Reg OMalley amp John Bray (General committee) and fitting to be together again on Andrews register night. The crime scene: Yes it was a crime scene where the night cleaners cleaned out the garage as you all have heard, but judging by the vast number of registration plates hung on the walls, you could be excused for thinking that someone has done time there. New roller doors are a treat though Andrew. Thanks for putting the Special on show it was a star attraction. Thanks Terry Wright for driving to Victor Harbor amp back to supply the four plastic chairs for your mate. Kimber Run: Allan Semmler advised that 120 had registered so far, many more wanted again for this years run. Allan is looking for an MGB he says, maybe came to the wrong meeting. Black Hat: Dean Hosking proudly arrived in his new red MGB USA converted car, all photos show a smiling face, guess you cannot hide it Dean. Hats. It seems to be a popular thing to sport a hat at register meetings, I believe the it has been started by Trevor Driver whose current regalia looks like a Nepalese Sherper. We have Black Hat Hosking, Rusky Ivan Hobbs, woolly mamouth Dr Dally wiz, and David Fairbrother perfect fit General business: was brief not much to report on that front except Trevor Driver is looking for Jerry Can seals, it was suggested he take a trip to Tobruk, Rommell may have left some behind. Vale John Cundy. It was mentioned that Peter Cundys father John has passed away recently. John and Peter were popular attendees at previous meetings and it was most evident that John enjoyed being with his son at our meetings arriving in the TD. Our condolences go out to Peter and family suffice it to say that we will miss John and his informative and interesting conversations. Welcome back Morrie Lineham from your adventures across the Nullabor celebrating your entry into an eighth decade of your life. Please note that despite the cool evening, at least two of us had our hoods retracted, seems that you and Thane are softening Website: Check the website for a brace of photographs kindly taken by TD Mc Nabb. You will find these informative and in some cases downright embarrassing. Try not to miss the flying circus, Ivey and Offler in their Luftwaffe flying helmets Click here to view photos. Next meetings: October 1 is at Ian Buckleys. Birdwood Ave North Plympton November 5. at Bridgewater Inn, Mt Barker Rd Bridgewater I have booked for 40, arrive at 7.00 for 7:30pm start. Intrepid T Types amp other MGs can drive in thrilling convoy by meeting at the Belair Triangle next to OTR at 6.00 for a take off at 6.30pm. Thanks again for your attention during the meeting, I have been told again by Mr MG to hurry things along, hes getting so old hes forgotten, it was always like that. Cheers Safety Farts John Bray, Coordinator General. August 2015 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER Thursday 6 August 2015 at Ken Fishers, Benjamin Street, St Marys Congratulations Ken, Stephen amp Peter Fisher for a wonderful night undercover in your premises on a cool and somewhat damp evening. Thanks especially to Peter on the BBQ, excellent results Ken had things beautifully organised to ensure a splendid result, just as well I rang him the day before he says, otherwise we would have met at OTR up the road. Apologies: Geoff McLean, Maurice Lineham, Ian Hobbs, Peter Auld, Ian Buckley, Mike Lyons, The Semmlers, Reg OMalley and a few others who I could not get down on paper in limited time. Special mention: With apologies for turning up, the serial pest John TC Neilson was given the usual club greeting by members assembled, good to have him back interjecting and sticking his fingers in others beer well, Leopards do not change their spots do they New members and guests: Ron Gillet, TC has just purchased a TC from NSW and is learning fast just how difficult the TC steering box can be, welcome to the club Ron. Chris Bennet from the RAA (TF) good to see again, Dave Crispin who has bogged up more cars than we have had hot dinners collectively, but expertly mind, was ferried to the meeting by Thane Martin in the TC, hood up on a clear night. Lineham will note this act of cowardice. The voice from America, guest speaker. I think I warned you in last months report that TD McNabb would return with wonderous stories about his trip to the USA including Indiana and the famous Indianapolis race circuit. Given generous time to articulate his travel tales, he performed exceptionally well and received appropriate applause at the end, hopefully he will rest up for a few years before going again. Seriously though his contact with Tom Wilson, organiser of the GOF (gathering of the faithful) for the MGCC in US was really interesting. Check ooseimgs David McNaughton, who did not get a chance on the podium to speak has just returned from the UK where he visited the MG CC at Abingdon, Silverstone GP and would you believe Moss Motors who had him already on their database including half you lot as well by SA post codes, global village or what The English Moss Motors catalogue on T Types that David brought back is really good. General business: Proved to be a bit dull this meeting apart from the wine glass left at Graham Loaders in April, now in the hands of Steptoe Pearson of course, if you are the owner he will wash it for you. Anthony did offer to fill his container leaving the UK with the Harry Lester books if you want one approx. 20GBP hardly any freight though which is generous of him. General attire: It is noted that some members are becoming increasingly conscious of headgear at our meetings, Willow Willington has reverted to a decent MG cap, Terry Wright sensibly attired, however Abdul Trevor Driver sported a traditional Turkish thing, hardly a fashion statement at a car club but quite suitable in the Blue Mosque for prayers. Thane Martin rugged up in his thick navy blue beanie, pity the hood was up on the car though, another wasted effort. Catering, good news bad news: Apparently not all goes to plan at Register meetings, my little mate Artfur Ruediger over catered his meeting last month, my fault maybe, however the good news is that it is in the freezer for next years hosting. Good news, Willow Willington is planning ahead for next months meeting so nothing will be left to chance. This was ensured by a lunch meeting with Terry and myself with two bottles of red, hopefully he can remember what we discussed. In short: The committee of the All British Day need help from car clubs for the 2016 event, otherwise they may abandon it if not supported, more news will come from our club. Terry Wrights 1976 bottle of port wine was withdrawn from the meeting with a constipated cork, however Dean Hoskins generous contribution of a flagon of tawney port was excellent, try harder next time Terry. Thanks for your photos Terry amp TD Mc Nabb, all good. Click here to view. Good to see that Robin Gibbs got Stan Shepard to the meeting, thanks Robin we all appreciate you getting him along as it means a lot to Stan. Rodger Thomas at Blackwood has a TC (TA engine), spare TC engine amp gearbox, also MGA for sale he told me to pass on, see me if you want to get in contact he is overseas back end of August. Arthurs pics of the upholstery for the ND done by Phil Spencer look magnificent and I am told that he is reversing it in and out of the garage like the boy he is with his new toy. Maurice Lineham is still on his road trip celebration but is finding time to produce MG TF graphics for Russell Garth. I have seen them and they are quite remarkable. Garths car is now roadworthy I am told. however he declined an appearance in it as he thought it would rain, most unlike him to squib out on a clear night. I must say that the carbys really suck in the moist air and the TC runs really well as I experienced going home after the meeting up Shepherds Hill Road at about 11.00pm, a good night all round. Next meeting. Willingtons 5 Jackson Ave Coromandel Valley, TF Special on display, many other items courtesy of the night thieves for viewing, heating provided by Abdul Driver, splendid food well planned for, dont let him down be there should be a fab night, Thursday 3 September. October 1st, Ian Buckleys, 52 Birdwood Terrace North Plympton, November, Bridgewater Inn. That is of course if he ever gets back from his OS travelling. Finally: A woman does not turn up for work on Monday, Tuesday her boss asks why She responds that her husband overdosed on Viagra and she could not leave him with the maid all day Thanks for your great support, see you at Willows in September. John Bray, Register Coordinator PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER, Thursday 4 June 2015 at David amp Joy Pearsons. Hawthorndene Apologies: Ken Fisher, Dean Hoskin, Ian Buckley, Bob Bazzica, Brian Golding, David Mc Naughton, Gordon Brice, Wayne amp Geraldine Hough, Allan Semmler Omitted from last month, Peter Auld amp Chris Kinney who spent an enormous amount of coin ringing me, sooory you two. View photos of the night from David McNabb - click here It was a cold dry night tucked away under David amp Joys house when the register met and all the usual suspects were there, a little subdued at first but things got underway pretty smartly once a few screw tops were loosened and the red elixir passed around. The TC twins. Maurice and Thane both arrived with hoods down just to impress us but more importantly in Maurices case to avoid being singled out for driving around Blackwood again in beautiful sunshine with the hood and side curtains up. Michael Lyons gave us an informative note on the recent health of Graham Loader who at the time of the meeting was convalescing in Ashford Hospital after a recent heart scare, just before going away on a holiday trip with Pat, we all wish him the best for a full recovery. Member attendance was 29 and a total of 7 register vehicles were present on the night, some of us preferred the heated seats of our wives cars for the cold trip up to Hawthorndene. The mud crab Austin 1800, was sold for an outrageous profit by Steptoe, A C Pearson we were told, apparently he did not take long to put it on the market, guess that is what you do when you are in the pickup and sell business. Bobby Schapel and friends fresh back from Historic racing at Winton was very pleased with himself scoring a well deserved first and fastest in one race, surprised, well he did not think that he won it. On Winton, the pyjama boys forgot to get their act together and were a mismatch for this trip. Mind you, Terry Wright proudly wore his Knackered Sailor beanie to the meeting, but his pyjama twin Willo Willington at least was sporting a Jag cap which was far more appropriate for a car night. Talking about caps, Trevor Driver has dispensed with the Scottish tarten (Royal Stewart) which I am told that he is entitled to wear, dubious heritage but he now has a leather MG motif peak cap purchased from a Greek in the islands somewhere near Athens he says, got it for a good price, no need to be embarrassed Trev your mate had to make sure that it was newsworthy. Geoff Glasson has offered to start the project list on who is working on what MG for the register, Gordon Brice emailed in to say that it was a good idea, he is busy with a TD. good on you Geoff. Lachy Kinnear, also up to his neck with a TC Special, let us know that John Paynes J2 special will most likely go to Queensland, John is retiring from MG Racing, what a wonderful career he has had. Russell Ill sue Garth was tempted to interject a few times but was restrained enough to get a story out on a TD but I was so distracted by Reg OMalley that I completely missed the essence of the yarn, sorry Russ please repeat next month if we can keep Reg quiet. Ian Hobbs produce a tin plate model of an MG, purchased at the Historic Race meeting at Phillip Island, originally thought to be a TC, but with a keen eye and his passion for the K3, Ian was able to determine that indeed it was a fake. instead it turns out to be much more desirable than the sellers thought a K3 of all things with a sizable defect, only 4 exhausts from the manifold not 6 as should be. A C Pearson, was able to articulate to the assembled throng just how this came about, photography of all things he says, photo taken obliquely front on. concealed the last two pipes, bloody amazing really, Pearson is a fountain of knowledge on all things MG His demonstration spinning the reflector on the lathe was informative, thanks Anthony. Artfur Ruediger. Next month is the big showing of the very rare and prestigious MG ND at Arthurs West Lakes conservatorium of cars where we will be treated to a viewing of the car that has miraculously been towed back from Melbourne unscathed by Bazzica and little Artfur. It will be just great to have such a rare vehicle in our club and to see it out on the road. Thats about all folks, thanks to David amp Joy for a great spread of food really great to see you both well and enjoying the company of the Register. Thanks to TD Mc Nabb for a few photo pics to go onto the website. Next meeting: Arthur Ruedigers 28 Huntingdale Ave West Lakes, Thursday 2nd July. Keep your eye on the website and paper for meetings after that. Safety Farts John Bray - Register Coordinator Pre-War amp T Register, Thursday 7 May 2015, at John amp Suzanne Brays in Blackwood. Apologies: Ken Fisher, Dean Hoskin, Robin Gibbs, Stan Shepherd, Ian Buckley. Andrew Willington. View photos of the night from David McNabb - click here It was a cold night for the meeting at the bottom of the steep driveway at my place, however the rain held off and all T Type owners reported a good run up to Blackwood in the moist atmosphere which is sensational for engine performance through the SUs. Arthur Ruediger was first to arrive at the bottom of the driveway in the red T complete with 19 inch wheels this year, firstly to get prime parking position and a front on assault back up the driveway. Arthurs legacy is his unfortunate demise at the top of the drive a year ago running 15 inch wheels that saw him stuck and bottoming out in front of amused members. Members attendance was 29, 7 T Register cars were present, some like Maurice Lineham thought that there was ice on the driveway so the T was left at home, others like Brian Golding, Thane Martin, Graham Loader, Brett Cole managed it well right to the bottom. TD McNabb however got cold feet and yours truly brought the TD down minus a working handbrake Brett discovered the saying running on the smell of an oily rag well and truly. Alighting from the TD he saw oil on his jeans. then discovers an oil soaked rag stuffed under the dash in the wiring loom, why and what he says Yes, a leaking oil pressure gauge connection Trevor Drivers new Scottish tartan cap was noticed immediately and commented upon by the ever observant Terry Wright who misses nothing these days. THE Irving cup. Points will now be awarded on a simpler and easier basis. One point for attending a Register Meeting in a Register Vehicle, and One point for attending the Monthly General Meeting in a Register Vehicle. In the event of a tie, all winners will be recognised. Next Register meeting, Thursday 4 June. Unfortunately Ken Fisher will be overseas on business and the meeting has been taken up at the home of David amp Joy Pearson, 36 SUFFOLK RD HAWTHORNDENE. Barn Find. Breaking news, Anthony Pearson arrived with his parents in tow in what could only be described as a lumbering mud crab. The Austin 1800 was found inside a shed of a deceased estate in Belair, true to form Anthony negotiates a ridiculously low price, bettered only by his pulling an expresso coffee machine out of a roadside hard rubbish collection. Pearson you are amazing, your car yard is likely to attract the local council sometime soon you would have to say. Bit of bother. It has been reported that some unfortunate incident occurred between prominent members leaving the Register meeting in the narrow street after the meeting. Reversing cameras not working I am told. Well, in conclusion, it seemed quite subdued in my shed on the night, the usual serial pests were quiet and well disciplined which is most pleasing. Seems as though the Register Police are doing a fine job. Geoff Glasson (TD) suggested that we have a list of members who are working on or have car projects running, this seems like a good idea, for example hearing about Kevin Mills YT progress and the Paul Dallwitz special project is always good, now Lachy Kinnear is in the fold with his TC special. Keep an eye on the club website for meeting venues and news, John Davies is on top of the Thursday Advertiser announcements in the motoring section, but changes do occur due to unforseen circumstances. Thanks for your support to the Register and attendance again to make it a good night indeed. John Bray, T Register coordinator April 2015 MG Car Club of SA. T Register report, held Thursday 9 April 2015 at Graham amp Pat Loaders, Flinders Park. Apologies: Geoff Glasson, Bob Schapel, Ken Fisher. A big thankyou to Graham amp Pat, another excellent night with 12 Register vehicles and 36 hungry attendees who enthusiastically devoured the supper with amazing speed. Good to see and hear plenty of deep conversation round and about cars on display, banter and heckling from certain quarters during the business section of the meeting has been noted and will no doubt attract appropriate penalties in the future. Russ the risk taker has been named. The Lew Schapel trophy for competition in a road registered register vehicle has been won this year by Wayne Hough, presented by his mate and star pupil, Arthur Ruediger, well done Houghie Long standing member John Tamke returned to the register fold, he has added to the TF chassis and bits from under the house, with another rolling chassis to start up a project which, knowing Johns abilities will no doubt be an excellent result, eventually. New member Brett Cole arrived with his inheritance, lovely red TD, mostly original and in beautiful condition, just needs to sort out a few numbers with it, welcome Brett. Inspector Buckley back from China is still fiddling with the TC, Goldy arrived from Murray Bridge in his TC which by all reports is running better. TD Mc Nabb gave an update for Landline on the condition of NZ sheep in the land of the long white fog, another trip is forecast in a few years for the TD faithful it seems over there, he did have a great time, passionate about MG, likes the place too. The prize for the best dressed goes to Maurice Lineham. hood down at last in the TC, apparel worn consisted of Aviators flying helmet, goggles, gloves, sheep skin fleece lined leather flying bomber jacket, all fully authentic English made, tally ho old chap, pity that he could not keep up with the flying Thane Martins TC up Shepherds Hill Road though. Maurice a Tiger Moth might be more suitable. The Y is it so team. Aptly represented by our host Graham, Paul Dallwitz, and rarely seen Roland Harris in the former Barry Bahnish 1949 YA, cars were on display, Roland getting a recharge into the battery as well. News that Doug Clarke is to join the club and get his father Grahams TD back on the road is great, sadly Graham is in permanent care up at Belair these days and we wish him well. The Raffle. A slight variation to the format saw masked and wrapped prizes on offer to worthy but unsuspecting recipients, Brian Sparks was really thrilled with his nose hair trimmer, likewise Andrew Willington (fresh from the big cruise for the over 70s) like his bottle of balsamic vinegar, poor old Goldy got a bottle of red and immediately sought a swap. Anthony Pearson collected a LED torch to go with his new sales venture, LED driving bulbs, hoping to make MGs look like Audis on the road and our retired Chief Engineer from Channel Nine, Curwen-Walker got a buzz out of his electric test kit as he proudly displayed it around, not as though he needs it mind you. Meetings coming up. 1. John Brays Blackwood, 7 May ( its in the hills, but down hill mostly at my place) 2. Ken Fishers St Marys, 4 June (all under cover, rain will not be a problem) 3. Artfur Ruedigers, 2 July ( gold coin entry to see the rareamp expensive MG N Type ) 4. 6 August, not sure yet, to be confirmed, at Elizabeth Supaloc 5. Andrew Willingtons, 3 September (now called. Cash Convertors) Thankyou to all those who attended on the night, see you next month maybe John Bray, T Register Coordinator March 2015 PRE - WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT 5 March 2015, Thane Martins at Coromandel Valley. This months report is the result of an interview with the standin secretary for the meeting at Thanes, Russell Garth, who wants to take full credit for the success of the meeting. Any feedback to the contrary will be appreciated especially in relation to his performance. I therefore cannot take responsibility for any inaccuracies in this report to members. Approximately 32 members attended, 14 Register vehicles found their way to Coromandel Valley on a most pleasant driving night that saw Maurice Lineham arrive in the TC with the hood down at last Apologies were numerous as a number of us attended the Historic Racing at Phillip Island VIC. Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, Andrew Willington, Ian Hobbs, Bob Schapel, Georgie Schapel and myself went over for the race meeting. Ken Fisher phoned in, David TD McNabb was away checking sheep in NZ I am told. Arthur amp Bazz in Melbourne to look at the ND, sorry if I missed anyone. Inspector Buckley is in China taking photos of highly polluting steam trains in case you missed him. Wes Southgate caught up with us at Phillip Is. and sends his regards to all at MGCCSA, he looks well I am pleased to say and had duties to perform at the Melbourne Grand Prix, sadly his wife Jill is now in full time care. Meeting highlight was firstly Thanes new dog Harry, who I am told was really well behaved and a delight with members. On behalf of members, thankyou Thane to you and partner for a great night. Reg OMalley reported on the move of their business out to Cormack Road Wingfield, elaborating that they are expecting more on-line sales to do the business, sensible really as some of us may not make it that far in our T Types. Apologies to Nick Proferes as I am told I got his name wrong in previous reports. Andrew Willington is having a significant birthday this month, 70 and will take an elaborate cruise on the Queen Mary to celebrate, returning to Adelaide on 29 March, so we will miss out on welcome home festivities at Outer Harbour. You might take time to ask him when you see him for details of the passenger inventory and suggest that he celebrate appropriately with us at the next meeting. His good friend and member of our club, Terry Wright is denying all knowledge of the intimate details of the cruise, so it is on my head that I report appropriately. These are two very close mates who drive identical Porsche 944s and would you believe it, wear matching pyjamas on tour (authenticated by Trevor Driver) were at Phillip Island to support Bob amp Georgie Schapel. Georgie drove really well in the regularity and certainly showed that she can mix it with some of the flair shown by her late dad Bill. Ian Hobbs was at the Island doing his Elfin thing, he must have 4000 photos by now of the Elfin marque, however Terry Wright has got the bug and enthusiastically shoots with the auto lens on every conceivable vantage point hoping to catch up on Ian Hobbs by the next race meet. Brian Golding has the TC going again and drove up from Murray Bridge which is a fantastic effort at night Goldie, legend status mate TCs FOR SALE. A number have appeared recently, Neville Daniel, Stephen Lavis, amp Ian Hobbs mate, all in good condition, if you need details, send me an text message or e-mail. April Meeting, 9 April at Flinders Park, Y Heaven at Graham Loaders. His last Register night in September last year was sensational, so please come to the April meeting. Many notable Y Type owners, Roland amp Dr Paul etc are expected to front up with their cars. The question is: WHY IS IT SO The mighty Ys were built from 1947-1953, totalling 8336 vehicles, 6131 YAs, 904 YTs amp 1301 YBs and the first Scotsman to purchase a car and drive to lands end John OGroats Scotland in 1947 was as I am informed, Dr Jock Summner-Mc Miller. Amazing facts Finally: I was driving the other day when I saw a VW Beeltle with the number plates, Bobs MGquot. I pulled up at the lights and said. hey thats not an MG The driver looked at me and said, And I am not Bob So its goodnight from me and goodnight from him. Cheers amp Safety Fast. John Bray Register Secretary February 2015 5 February 2015 Register night under the SA Great Olive Tree, Eden Hills UNDER THE SPREADING OLIVE TREE Under the spreading olive tree The February T Register meeting stands. The host, a mighty man is he Maurice Lineham beckons with his hands. He welcomes all to park their cars On grass made ready for the MG clans. The mighty Ts roll in as planned They form up in lines in the fading light It is truly, a formidable sight. Theres Buckley, Mc Nabb Fisher and Wyatt Auld and Bowering Hobbs and Foody Garth and Loader Pearson and Kinney Glasson Preferas Dallwitz and OMalley To name but a few. there is just so many Theres Davies Fisher Hough Semmler and Bray Proud Register members just showing the way. The food is great the talk is rich The raffles run without a hitch The night rolls on its a beautiful night The talk is how the Registers a delight Theres cars for sale and spanners too But girls, theres a problem with the lemon tree loo. The Irving Cup has truly been won Arthur and Laurie were well underdone Its John Davies again from McNabb by a nose I will leave it to ponder as I prepare to close. The night wraps up to spontaneous applause The hosts are congratulated with due cause Maurice and Steph have done us proud Hes offered again expecting a much bigger crowd. Buckleys off to China and may let us down But Loader and Willington are coming around. Its been a great night thats all I can say Keep your eye on the Website for news of the day. Safety Fast, its really a blast The Register secretary is re-elected at last Irving Cup winner - John Davies Post script: 40 participants signed in on the book, 19 register vehicles on premises. Future Register meetings: 5 March. Thane Martin, Coromandel Valley 9 April. Graham Loader, Flinders Park 7 May. John Bray, Blackwood 4 June. Ken Fisherrsquos work premises at St Maryrsquos 2 July. Arthur Ruediger, West lakes 6 August. TBA, (host wanted) 3 September. Andrew Willington, Coromandel Valley 1 October. Ian Buckley, North Plympton 5 November. Bridgewater Inn, Bridgewater 3 December. Leigh Richter, Aldgate John Bray, Register Secretary. January 2015 8 January 2015 Gartham City register night at Coromandel Valley. late arriving Register Secretary Thirty devotees descended on the bat cave man shed meticulously prepared by Russ alias Bruce Wayne for this event at Gartham City Holy Totally T Type Batman was the call as the cars arrived to be parked on the steep slope of Banes Road, chocked by bricks strategically placed in readiness by our ever vigilant and watchfull host. Oblivious to the recorded surveillance of the security system that recorded every arrival, especially mine, the penguins paraded into man cave to begin their register chatter. Inspector Buckles was first to arrive and took centre stage on the driveway. Yes indeed, another great night catered handsomely by our hosts Russell and Margie Garth thoroughly enjoyed by all judging by the conversation and lineup for the sumptuous spread. Apologies: Trevor Driver, Joy amp David Pearson, Bob amp Shelly Bazzica, Geraldine Hough, Thane Martin (RAA patrol duties), Maurice Lineham, Rae Semmler amp Paul Dallwtz (holidays) Those keen to apologise for their spouses must surely need alibis in the magazine Visitors Nick Perefas (TD) and Geoff Glasson also TD amp club member were welcomed, thankyou to Nick for providing magazines to share around, also to ICW for the Safety Fast mags as well. Happy Birthday to Ian Curwen Walker, our Curley is 84, congratulations. and despite falling down the steps and barrel rolling over, he is in remarkably good shape. General business was not high on the agenda, Reg OMalley gave an insight to the wrap up of MG Car Sales clean out, some interesting discoveries have been made it seems. A C Pearson had some cheap spanners and sockets to sell, all good really . Ian Hobbs proudly displayed his K3 book, given as a present by family. It is a marvellous presentation of the K3 history and is beautifully documented with amazing photographs. Editor of our magazine, Laurie Houghton was acknowledged, great to see him along. Given a ride up with his little mate, Artfur Rummerger in the TC. Artfurs campaign manager Huffy also recognised seems that he is touting for business again, watch this space Buckles informed the meeting that Paul Dallwitz is recovering in a Florida Hospital after taking a fall while on holidays in the US. however he is ok and expected to come home soon. Maurice Lineham whose register meeting is next month at Eden Hills, was an unfortunate apology due to a house guest (brother in law) who could not be persuaded to ride in the TC for a brief appearance at the meeting, however we are looking forward to his register meet which I am told will be held around and under the worlds largest olive tree The results of the Irving Cup will be announced at the February meeting, I need the cup back to hand over to the successfull recipient on the night. Future Register meetings are Maurice Lineham, 5 February, 10 Willora Road Eden Hills, March 5 Ian Buckley, 52 Birdwood Terrace North Plympton, April 2 Thane Martin The Walk Coromandel Valley, May 7 John Bray 36 Grevillea Way Blackwood. Arthur will host July at West lakes where the newly acquired 1934 MG ND will be unveiled. I am still looking for other venues, hoping that after his shed was cleared out by the night thieves, Andrew Willington might shine and put the TC Special on show. Tack igen. it was a great night, great hosts and although the faithfull Bat Car TF was there it did not attract as much attention as Russells photos of the restoration carried out 30 years ago on the dirt floor of the garage. well done Russ To view the pics sent by David McNabb - click here Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary DECEMBER 2014 December 4, Chris and Leigh Richters, Aldgate The Richtenstein Castle was ablaze with Christmas lights and good cheer when we arrived for another sparkling Register Meeting. No moat of any form surrounds castle Richtenstein but unlit streets with no kerbs or gutters, pitch black and dark as a dogs date with a cork up his.. well you know the rest. Ten T Register vehicles were driven by their owners and others, to the meeting, 38 brave souls signed the book, hooray Apologies: Officially, all Pearsons, Paul Dallwitz, Kenny Fisher, Al Semmler, Maurie Lineham, and others including the serial pest. From the meeting: Ian Hobbs back from New Zealand with a new Register shirt, announced that he saw no T series MGs over there, looks like Mc Nabb got the last one. Chris Kinney has sold his XJ120 to a loving owner for restoration, the price is undisclosed but reported to be in the millions, (Thai Baht) Laurie Foodys TD has a new rear axle and finally he made it to a meeting to swell the numbers of TDs. sadly he missed last months at Bridgewater. Terry Wright is the quick talking king, got out of a speeding fine doing 69 in a 60 zone on Upper Sturt Rd, something to be said about a 69 maybe, amused the officer somewhat. Andrew Willington is getting ready for a Register night next year. His shed has been cleared out by persons unknown wearing cotton gloves and balaclavas, however the insurance company has yet to cough up for all the stolen items and must be told soon, first Thursday Mind you he had a very nice bottle of wine from a customer that he shared around. Ground Breaking News: The smile on Michelle Bazzicas face tells it all, MG Sales amp Service has been sold. Retirement is knocking loudly for Bob amp Shelly at last and it is certainly well deserved. They have been an institution in Adelaide and served the MG community exceptionally well with vast knowledge and ingenuity assisting and servicing the needs of many. More news: It was announced that Arthur Ruediger has purchase one of the worlds rarest cars out of Melbourne, one of only 24 ever made, a 1934 ND MG. How great is this to have such a rare car coming over to SA in pristine condition. His advisor and knowledgeable guru Bob Bazzica convinced him to purchase it following a big night at Crown Casino I am told. Arthur, we cannot wait to take turns driving it around Mallala Even more news: Ian Buckley allowed me to drive the TC to the meeting with my navigator Dean Hosking gripping the panic handle. Buckles of course had Deans Toyota 86 following the paleton of MGs up Acklands Hill Road. This batting order of TC (BrayHoskin),TC (T Martin), TF (Garth), TF (J Davies), Toyota (Buckley) sadly went pearshape when Garth was left behind, Davies got lost and Inspector Buckley had no GPS to guide him to Hillside Road. I have got to say that Ian has done a great job with the TC. it runs as good as Thane Martins and is a delight to drive in fourth gear at 5000 revs, thanks Ian, I will not forget that drive. Generally: Dean Nicholls who we met briefly at the Bridgewater Inn, brought along his late father Colins books and sold a lot of hardback MG issues. Colin raced a TC and had other cars. Ian Hobbs picked up a first edition of Mike Sherrells TCs Forever and was delighted with the purchase. It was really good for Deane that his fathers treasures went to MG family. Register meetings 2015: 8 Januarys meeting is to be hosted by Russell amp Margie Garth at 13 Banes Rd Coromandel Valley. February - Maurice Lineham, Eden Hills March - Ian Buckley, North Plympton April - Thane Martin, Coromandel Valley May - John Bray, Blackwood Other venues are to be advised. Raffle prizes: A thankyou to Paul Oliver, Autobarn Mile End for donating some interesting items for our raffle, hope you enjoyed the array, I may surprise you soon with take home prizes for wives, girlfriends, mistresses and secretaries. Finally: A huge thankyou to Chris and Leigh for providing a magnificent spread of food for members and friends on Thursday night last, really appreciated by all and a great deal of fun. to view the pics sent by David McNabb - click here See you at the next meeting, GARTHAM CITY, Coromandel Valley Thursday 8 January 2015. Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary NOVEMBER 2014 November 6, 2014 Bridgewater Inn, Bridgewater An excellent showing of members, friends and spouses descended upon the Bridgewater Inn right on the appointed time for dinner and fellowship, 23 signed the register book, the other 17 just could not find it. Ten (10) register vehicles attended, most of them assembled at the BP at Belair at 6.00pm for a dignified LeMans start at 6:30. It was an impressive array of Ts, Ys and other Mgs. Ian Buckleys was judged the best by a seven year old visitor with his mum. It did the heart good to smell the heated radiators after a trip up the hill and to see the coolant dripping from the red TD, Green TC and Blue TF ( David, Ian amp Russell). Jim Bowerings TC and Peter Aulds TF looked immaculate. congratulations fellows. Apologies noted in no particular order, Thane Martin, Maurice Lineham, Ian Hobbs, Ian Curley-Walker, Arthur Ruediger, Laurie Foody, perhaps some others, just fill in the spaces.. The Old Blue TF. It was my pleasure to be driven to the meeting by Kenny Rogers lookalike Russell Garth, in the recently restored TF (38 years ago). which can only be described as a robust but tidy machine, certainly showing its age. A novice who is the owner, restored it a long time ago and did an excellent job by all accounts as it runs very well indeed. In the years that I have known him, Russ has only had the hood and windscreen up once, a true and gallant member of the faithfull you would say. Gillette PTY LTD have withdrawn sponsorship. Stan Shepard. Dear Stan suffered a fairly serious setback after the Bazzicas night, but he is home again and in touch. Arthur Ruediger left for New Zealand to attend his sisters funeral and our condolences go out to him. We learnt that Alison West passed away on the night of the meeting, wife of club legend Mal West (deceased) which is sad indeed as the two of them were loyal members of the MGCC for many years. Mal was certainly a character for those who remember. General Business. Bob Schapel opened the batting quite spontaneously announcing himself without introduction (register night potential) to say that he has an oxy-acetalyne bottle cart for sale (small) possible use, zimmer frame. Lachy Kinnear freshly back from the UK engrossed most of us with stories of his experiences over there riding in racing TC, 160kw at the flywheel, and a trip in the J Type of John James of TT fame, through English villages dining out on pub grub. Reg OMalleys find on WD40 original, non politically correct advertisement was read out, something about loosening your nuts and other such things. Poor old Laurie Foody did not make it off Anzac Highway to Cross Road as the TD broke down, probably had Thane Martin in his RAA van in attendance, better luck next time Laurie. Terry Wright spent quite a long time searching around ICWs house at Hawthorndene in the long grass, only to find out that Curley was off to a CAMS meeting via the gathering of the faithfull at Belair The insanely knowledgeable AC Pearson dispelled the myth on the I LIKE CARS program on the BBC that the restored TC actually cost 17 GBP to purchase, sold for 38 GBP but actually cost 70 GBP to rebuild. Totally ruined it for me, but at least he came home from the Panama Canal Cruise with the desperates and dateless to get to the Rolling Stones concert. The Serial Pest was at it again, the next time he puts his finger in my glass, he might find it full of battery acid, however it was to our great displeasure that he took out first prize in the raffle. Commentary. It was a great venue, the food was excellent to most it seems, plenty of noise and great conversation. Those with their better halves, eg Drivers, Kinneys. Aulds. Houghs, Willingtons, Richters, Pearsons Snr, Semmlers etc seemed to be enjoying it spending money. Alan Semmler was congratulated and thanked for his amazing effort organising and coordinating the Kimber Run which was a truly exceptional event this year. Paul Dalwitz will not be at the next couple of meetings next year, he is going overseas, one would hope that he could take Neilson with him. TD Mc Nabb has posted some good shots of the cars and assembled members on the website. (click here to view ) Well that is enough and it is goodnight from him, and goodnight from me, see you at 21 HILLSIDE DRIVE ALDGATE, home of the Richters Leigh amp Chris. Bring plenty of money, it is going to be a big raffle night, Thursday 4 DECEMBER. Next year, January Russell Garths at Coromandel Valley, February Maurice Lineham at Eden Hills, March Ian Buckleys at North Plympton, should be good. Cheers and Safety Fast as you go. John Bray OCTOBER 2014 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT - from John Bray. Coordinator October 2, 2014 meeting at Bob amp Shelly Bazzicas, West Beach Another amazing meeting of the register at the Bazzicas reminiscence of the movie set, Raiders of The Lost Ark. Greeted by the boy kings bust, Tutenkaman at the front door and a wall display that would send a sword swallower into ecstasy, it was almost standing room only inside and out. 43 members signed in, 10 register vehicles on site. Apologies that I can remember: Lachy Kinnear, Russ Garth, Bob Schapel, David Fairbrother amp AC Pearson, Ken Fisher amp serial pest Neilson (up at Uluru) Vale Bill Schapel: A moment of reflection was taken for Bill Schapel who will be sadly missed from our ranks. Bills contribution to the car club cannot be forgotten. a wonderful personality, enthusiastic for the sport and for the success of our great club. Our sincere condolences go out to Bills family and his best mate, Bob Schapel. Sadly Graham Loader lost his mother the previous week, which is sad indeed after a wonderful life. 2015 Register meetings and events. Forward planning is ramping up for a bumper season, the queue is forming fast, those who are aiming at a night for the Register include: Russell Garth (Jan), Maurice Lineham (Feb) Ian Buckley (mar), Thane Martin, TD McNabb, Ken Fisher, John Bray, John Davies, maybes include. Andrew Willington, Paul Dallwitz, Ian Hobbs, Brian Sparks amp Arthur if he is still talking to me. It is really exciting to have the interest and enthusiasm by those above who will clear their sheds ready for the Register members to sniff out and poke around stuff. Daddy Pearson: Davids 90th birthday was celebrated with champagne and cake and a robust round of hes the horses arse from the members, followed by a warm speech from himself. Its hard to quantify the contribution that David. Joy. Anthony amp Winona have made to the club over the years and they are especially loved by the membership. 7 September 2014 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT From John Bray, Coordinator September 4, 2014 meeting at Graham Loaders, Flinders Park. What an AB-FAB meeting, held at what could only be described as Y HEAVEN in Flinders Park Graham Loader went to a great deal of trouble setting up his garage for the specific display of the T Type sedans and tourers for all to see, thankyou Graham it was a delight to be there amongst the cars. His garage with the MGC and the blue MG ZR really value added to the scene, plus his trophy displays are amazing and have more silver than the Franklin Mint. Twelve register vehicles were present, 29 signed the book, however more were present who forgot to sign and some kindly donated raffle prizes back by leaving them there, a common occurrence it seems. Apologise were received from Stan Shepherd. Peter Auld, Billy Schapel ( all unwell), Ken Fisher, Lord of the Bulbs Pearson, Artfur Ruediger, Wayne amp Geraldine Hough all overseas, Thane Martin amp Lachy Kinnear (working), Roly Harris and so sorry if I missed anyone. Good to see Dick Manning ( TC ) and Doug Gordon along for the meeting, also Russell Garth well again. We said our goodbyes to our great friend Wes Southgate ( 34 MG PA) as it was his last meeting before leaving to live in Melbourne, it is very sad to see him go and we will miss his appearances in the P Type. Bill Schapels Y Tourer was driven to the meeting by Terry Wright with navigator Trevor Driver and passenger Ian Curwen-Walker. Paul Dallwitz proudly displayed his black YA sedan out front of the others inside. Venues for the rest of 2014 are pretty well covered, refer to the September magazine and website, however 2015 is yet to be established and members were advised that there may be a new formula for the selection of hosts next year based on their behaviour and comments made at the meetings, also deeds of significance. Potential candidates for 2015 are: 1. David Mc Nabb - because he says its about time he did. 2. Ian Buckley because he promised to build his carport for us ( garage is great must see) 3. Russell Garth because he came to the meeting with the hood up on the TF ( unheard of ) 4. Maurice Lineham seen in Blackwood on a Sunday with the hood up on the TC ( it was a sunny day ) 5. Brian Sparks for winning first prize in the raffle ( valuable TC framed artwork ) 6. John Davies for jumping ahead of the agenda out of turn ( journalistic style it seems ) 7. Paul Dallwitz - because I missed the last one and we want to see the progress on the special. Bazz reported on a good TC for sale, early number vehicle, good running condition painted heritage style red and black, previously owned by the West family Mal amp Tony. John Davies did report and alerted members to coming events well publicised on the website, SA Hillclimb championships, Kimber Run, Bay to Birdwood event for pre 1955 cars, Bathurst day at the clubrooms, and apologised for jumping ahead of the well defined agenda. All is forgiven John. Alan Semmler advised that only 67 registrants for the Kimber Run have been received and refused any favours for special numbers eg 007, however it was a great surprise to hear that Ian Hobbs has secured number 001 due to being a clever operator and diligent with the internet, congratulations Hobbsy. Please support Alan and get your entries in asap. Thanks to all that turned out, it was a brilliant night, thoroughly catered for by Graham amp Pat Loader, really nicely presented cars and plenty of deep conversations going around talking stuff as usual. See you next month at Bob amp Shelly Bazzicas at West Beach, 31 Northern Avenue where you will see plenty of good old MG stuff and a mountain of other memorabilia for sure. There will be some good photos on the website of the cars and register attendees. (click here to view photos ) Cheers and Safety Fast John Bray Register Secretary T amp PRE WAR REGISTER REPORT 15 June 2014 from John Bray. Held at Supaloc Racing on 5th June, Elizabeth West and hosted by Allan Semmler the meeting was a memorable event and our thanks go to Allan and his staff for arranging the night and providing excellent food inside the racing stable workshop. Special thanks to Allan for his enthusiasm in arranging the visit for the MG Car Club register members and friends who totalled 38 plus 4 visitors signed off in the book. Only 4 register vehicles made the journey out to Elizabeth. however a total of 11 MGs adorned the carpark. The array of racing machines that Supaloc run are most impressive and the technology on show was mind blowing to all especially the competition members of the car club. Once Simon from Supaloc got into the drivers seat and cranked the Porsche and Lambos into life the mood of the meeting changed significantly due to the noise emission from the high powered motors. Noise and technology really go together with high powered racing machines, not to mention enthusiastic petrol heads gliding around the room admiring fine welding on the massive exhaust systems and body frames. A night like that really pulled some notable Car Club members out from in front of the TV at home. The irrepressible John TC Neilson presented himself looking fit and cheeky as ever, great to have his dry wit and mirth about the place again. Brian (Forthy) Forth TD appeared with advice that he has a number of useful parts of sorts to get rid of and maybe give away. The Gold, Brian Golding arrived in the Suby from Murray Bridge, not willing to risk the TC on the highway up to the meeting on a dark night, sensible decision Goldy. Where was Russell Garth, Bill Gates has a lot to answer for this year Arthur arrived with friends, Pat amp Sean Mullins, good to see that he does have good friends about. Greg Atkins. MGA, has not been seen at our meetings previously, came along with Geoff Goode, also MGA and enjoyed the night. Notable racing guru from the Club was our esteemed editor Laurie Houghton who stalked around the fine machinery on show, head inside cockpits and engine bays while at the same time making sure photographs taken were in vertical photographic format. note well David Mc Nabb. Bob Schapel revelling in his recent racing victories did not seem so interested in the cars but more fascinated with the machinery next door in the adjacent workshop, mind you he was not the only one that had to dragged back out of there for the business part of the meeting. Thankyou Dean Hosking for the ride out to Elizabeth in the Toyota 86, seems as though the speed limit has change past Parafield, I am sure it was 130 when I looked momentarily at the instruments on the dashboard, maybe not but it sure has some punch that car. The ever resilient Wes Southgate never ceases to amaze us with his appearances, again this month, he arrives from Melbourne about 6.30pm, looks at the calendar in the magazine, immediately rings the Register Secretary, primes the GPS, finds the place in the dark, finds his way unassisted through the maze of the workshops into the meeting straight to the food, bloody incredible Cannot name everyone but a few notables include messers Dallwitz, Archdall. Lineham, Driver, TD Mc Nabb, Kinnear, Kinney, Houghs x2, Mc Pearson, Davies, Chapman, Lyons, Foody, Doc Whyatt, were all present and appeared to savour the food and beverages with smiles of satisfaction. Apologies were received from overseas members Auld (Croatia) amp Buckley (China), locals Bill Schapel, Thane Martin, Russell Garth, and one other whose name was not decipherable. Parts: Does anyone know where there is a spare TC Air Cleaner cylinder and manifold about Thanks again everyone for making the night a success for the Register, next meeting is at the clubrooms, Chief Street Brompton on Thursday 3 July 730pm bring something to eat with you, raffle prizes will be run as usual, anyone who has not won, please see me I can sell you a whole book. Best wishes, see you in July, Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary MGCC SA Register report from John Bray, Register Secretary. The May meeting was held at Ken Fishers premises, indoors for cars and members on a very wet night indeed off the Main South Road at St Marys. Thirty eight attendees signed in the book, however only eight register cars were recorded, all inside the building to form the usual fine display that we get at Kens premises. Ken and his team put on a great supper as they usually do and we thoroughly appreciated the warmth inside the building and the hospitality shown to us all. Kens TD looked freshly cleaned and presented at the head of the lineup inside the premises. Wes Southgate stole the show when he drove in from the cold dripping wet but magnificently attired in greatcoat and black Prussian hat comrades How he ever got there amazed us all, no hood, windscreen or protection from the rain, but he did have a trusty GPS hidden below the instrument panel. Someone commented on the colour of the P Type, beautiful red with contrasting black wheels, fantastic really and glistening after the rain. Maurice Lineham proudly brought his new acquisition, the ex James Mc Wha 1948 TC, cream and green trim for us to admire, thankyou Maurice, a garage mate for your B Type, well done son Graham Byass brought along his good mate Brian Lee who is rebuilding a TC from chassis up and Brian was duly signed up as a new member. Historic Registration is a wonderfull thing to keep cars around the club. Now there a few building TCs at the club, Lachy Kinnear has a heap of spares to sell he tells me that will not be required on the racing special . I am looking for a replacement rear shock absorber if some knows where I might find one for the TC. Good to see Russell Garth back again, rather subdued without the TF present due to rain I suspect, so subdued that he failed to sign the book, maybe we need to go on-line for Mr Comptroub Bob Schapel is looking for a tow to Winton he says, Chris Kinney is keeping his head well down on that one, you never know Bob, someone may just bob up for you. Bill Schapel gave us notice that Bob is just too good at winning races these days, Red Bull might just get a CV delivered soon, you never know. Allan Semmler is hosting the next meeting at his Supaloc Racing premises at 2 Peachy Road Elizabeth West on Thursday 5 June, where there will be secure parking and some really interesting cars to see of the go very fast variety. It should be a treat and a good drive out there to boot. Perhaps some could meet at Gepps Cross and drive in convoy to Elizabeth. I remember the old days when we drove out to Tanunda for a meeting, what a hoot it was on the way back, T types forever The July meeting will be at the clubrooms as it traditionally is these days, enter it up, 3 July,7.00pm New business for the meetings, tales of gallantry, racing success, problem solving (Ken Fishers wiring) or just plain stuff, please feel free to let me know in advance and I will get it on the agenda for you. If you have anything to give away or sell. happy to let everyone know for you. Kind regards and Safety Fast John Bray, Register Secretary APRIL 2014 MGCCSA T-Register report from John Bray, Register Secretary The host for the April meeting was TC enthusiast and enthusiastic member of our club, Brian Sparks at Gawler Street Seaview Downs. Our thanks go to Brian for stepping in and holding the night one month earlier as Ken Fisher was not available. A very pleasing turnout on a coolish night it was and we thank Brian for his wonderful hospitality catering for 37 attendees with 12 Register vehicles distributed up the driveway and out into Gawler Street. A number of apologies were forwarded to the meeting with one notable absentee. Russell Garth who was home working against Bill Gates and the Windows XP melt down, the TF being a casualty as well. Notable personalities deserve a mention, but in no particular order, Stan Shepard displaying his exceptionally fine hand drawn illustrations of cars and photos of the old TD Register days. Wes and Jill Southgate arrived a little late courtesay of the boom gate fiasco at the Diagonal Road crossing down the hill, however the 1934 P Type (PA) was in resplendid condition, top down. Jill rugged up to the nines and Wes proudly resilient behind the wheel for both journeys, there and back in the cold. Meanwhile the Pearsons, Anthony. Joy and David enjoyed a warm ride home with yours truly, warm as toast in the soft leather seats at the rear. However their thoughts were with Jill and Wes in open top touring going home. The Schapelli racing team reported in on their racing exploits at Phillip Island the week before. Bob enjoyed some success, Bill announced that he became the most expensive spectator over there having pulled out of racing with what one would usually term a footy injury, excuse the pun Bill. I had a complaint about spelling errors in my very first write up for the magazine, it was not fat fingers, but correctional licence by the computer, apology to Brian Golfong Golding, brought to my attention by resound members Artfur Roodijer and Leigh Von Rietchtenstein, thankyou gentlemen. The editor will be pleased to know that TD McNabb has a new Sony Camera and promises not to tender to the magazine out of focus shots anymore. Paul Dallwitz wants captions and names below all portrait shots in future which is fair in case of misrepresentation of high profile members such as he. The Doc, Colin Whyatt loosely suggested that even though he is retired he could assist with medical advice to older male members of the register although none were too keen. Guess he feels out of it when there is tons of good MG advice being handed around by messers Buckley, Schapel, OMalley. Auld (Mr perfection) and AC light up my world Pearson, plus others. NOVEMBER 2013 MGCCSA Pre-War and T Register meeting, November 2013 Bill Schapel Planned as a triumphant return to a tradition which has come and gone a couple of times, we were to meet at BP Belair and drive in a glorious sounding convoy, on a balmy November evening, to the Bridgewater Inn. When the weather conspired against us, with the worst forecast in a dozen days, I expected to see maybe a car or two shivering at the top of the hill. To my surprise there were 11 Register vehicles 3 TCs, 3 TDs, 3 TFs and 2 Y sedans, showing how brave and resilient our members are, especially those five who were ldquotop downrdquo. The 25 minute drive to the Inn was enjoyed by all, despite the cold and the occasional shower, and we joined the throng where we had our own space in the downstairs dining area. The atmosphere was great, with most of the 46 members and friends standing, talking and laughing, having too much fun to bother with ordering a meal. When we eventually did the food was great, and by the end of the evening the place had received the seal of approval. The business part of he meeting was suitably brief and we look forward to a repeat next year, hopefully with the sort of weather which will see many more Register car owners enjoying the chat at Belair and the drive together on the country roads and lanes. Next meeting, on Dec 5th, will be at : Leigh and Chris Richterrsquos, Hillside Rd at Aldgate. January at Arthur Ruedigerrsquos, Huntingdale Ave, West Lakes February at Peter Auldrsquos, Fife Ave. Torrens Pk (a welcome new venue), March at John Daviesrsquo, Tigress Dve, Hallett Cove April at Ken Fisherrsquos, 16 Benjamin St, St. Marys. Notice: Due to my health issues, I will be standing down as Register Secretary at the end of this term, so if you have any aspirations, now is the time to give it some thought. Not an onerous job, with the holding of a brief meeting each month, writing a short Register report and buying a few raffle prizes and Sprint or Autobarn etc close to you will be delighted to give you trade price or better for an occasional mention in the mag. Remember, drive lsquoem, donrsquot hide lsquoem T and Pre-War Register Meeting, October 2013. Bill Schapel Paul Dallwitzrsquo home at Unley, very close to the upmarket shopping strip of King William Road, was the venue for a great meeting albeit a major break with tradition as the first ldquonon-Thursdayrdquo meeting any of us can recall. Due to shopping and parking conditions, it was on the Wednesday night and as far as we know no-one turned up (a day late) on the Thursday night 27 members attended, with 6 T types driven to the event. On display was Paulrsquos very purposeful TC special, now in rolling chassis form. Built many years ago by Brian Wright, Paul also has some amazing and rare MG componentry in a factory eight port cylinder head, and another eight port head which Brian Wright himself had designed and built. We enjoyed seeing Paul in place in the driverrsquos seat, as David McNabbrsquos excellent pic shows, and the car was a great focus and talking point through the evening. A lovely pizza followed the formal ldquomeetingrdquo and we thank Paul and Louise for their hospitality. The raffle was again a bit of fun Gordon Brice had kindly donated some wine and Sprint Auto parts Edwardstown had excelled again, with Penrite caps and other tasty goods and tools. Also thanks to Terry Wright who has donated wines for the next few raffles. Next meeting is special In a return to a long standing tradition we will meet at the BP Petrol Station at the top of Old Belair and Belair Roads at 6pm on Thursday 7th November. There we will admire each otherrsquos cars and tell lies for a time, before leaving in a glorious sounding convoy of XPAG cast iron for the short drive to the Bridgewater Inn, where we will have our meal and meeting. Be there The sound of a dozen or so T types together is a treat, even if you are following in a plastic modern Remember, drive lsquoem, donrsquot hide lsquoem. SEPTEMBER 2013 T and Pre-war Register meeting September 2013 Bill Schapel A great meeting, in a new venue, and we are grateful to Kevin Mills, Y tourer owner and new member, who stepped into the breach when we needed him. It was a dirty night, with rain and wind threatening, so only five Register vehicles were present. I live about 50 metres away, and my YT is temporarily unwell, so the TC Special found its way there, just in case we needed vehicles to look at apart from Kevinrsquos YT which is ldquounder restorationrdquo but still in more or less one piece. Also there was the unstoppable David McNabbrsquos TD, Arthurrsquos TC and the recently repaired and gorgeous P type of Wes Southgate four red cars in a row A lot of our regulars were away overseas Houghs, Bob Schapel, Pearson to name a few, so thirty-one guests was a good turnout. We welcomed Graeme Brown, who has a beautiful TC in the ldquoCaf racerrdquo style so popular in Melbourne, and he will be driving over to Vic soon to go on a trip with several other warmed over TCs up through inland Victoria. Thatrsquos REALLY using you t type Graeme built many of his TCrsquos body bits in aluminium and did a fine job. We also welcomed Robert Horn to his first Register meeting. Robert has a fair mob of T types TA, TB, TC, TD and TF. The TA and the TC (I think I have that right) are for sale. He is keen to host a meeting next year, so another new venue A lovely supper, a brief meeting and a well subscribed raffle was held, with Ken Fisher winning the coveted Bazzica T Type mudguard cover we all wanted. Thanks also to Jacobrsquos Creek (Hayley Bishop) and Sprint Edwardstown for their help Next meeting is at Paul Dallwitzrsquo place at 18 McGowan Ave. Unley. NOTE: It is on the WEDNESDAY 2nd October, NOT the usual Thursday. For November we will be meeting at the Belair BP at 6pm and driving in convoy to our dinner destination just like we used to several years ago. We will drive the interesting back roads on a short trip to the Bridgewater Inn. I have included two rather fuzzy pics of the cars at the meeting Wesrsquo P type and David and Billrsquos TD and TC Special, plus a couple of Jason Edwards doing amazing things with his TD at a recent Motorkhana. Now thatrsquos what Cecil Kimber really liked Other recently active Ts include Bill and Georgie Schapel who drove the TC recently at a Mallala Sprint, but their pics may appear on the Comps pages. Remember, drive em, donrsquot hide lsquoem. Graeme Brown and Jason Edwards certainly are From David McNabb - Some pix from last nights T-Register meeting, held at Kevin Mills, Lower Mitcham. Some brief pointers - Wes Southgate had his P type there, back on the road for first time since it was stacked in Melbourne 2 years ago We learned that Peter Cundy is looking at purchasing the Peter Ivey green MGTD Mike Lyons has just bought a rubbernose MGBGT V8 - ex New South Wales Bob Horn was present - Bob owns an MGTA, MGTB, MGTC, MGTD, and MGTF - the complete set He is looking to sell the TC and TD if the right price comes along. Bill Schapel had his MGTC Racecar there, and as well as the Southgate PA, there was the Ruediger MGTC and McNabb MGTD, driven on a rather damp evening. Our host Mr Mills has a MGYT which he has started tidying up - a very complete car which even has the Jackall jacking system in place Our hosts havent been Club members for very long, but were very generous in offering to host a Register meeting at their magnificent venue, turning on a supper that had to be seen to be believed The huge garage was full of surprises including a couple of vintage Whippets tucked down the back, and inside the house is a great gallery of artwork pieces and paintings which the Mills produce in their home studio. Again, a great setup. All highlighted by another surprise out front of the driveway - an electric automobile turntable, on which we were able to spin around the early MGs present All in all, a MaGnificent evening June T and Pre-War Register meeting, Ian Buckleyrsquos. A cold and wintry night does not encourage old MGs these days. We are all getting more frail and less adventurous, even if our cars are not. I claimed I left the YT home because the side-curtains donrsquot fit well and scratch the scuttle, but thatrsquos only an excuse, and Irsquom not alone. So while we had a good turnout of members 32 in fact - and a great night, there were only four register vehicles in attendance, and Bucklesrsquo gorgeous TC lives there. Dallwitz drove his comfy Y sedan and the only real heroes were Arthur in the TC and McNabb in his TD. Well done, lads Excellent meeting, new venue, and the house a credit to Ian. Supper was welcome, with hot pastries and cocktail frankfurts to warm our cockles, and the conversations flowed as usual, with few facts to get in the way of the good stories. A few were away at the MG Challenge, notably ICW. Issues raised included encouragement to all T and pre-war car owners to ensure their cars have a sheet in the register folders, and we have plenty of blank sheets available. Ian Denny and Arthur spoke on some changes to the historic rego rules. We discussed the next venue, for the July meeting, at Brian Sparksrsquo, 8 Gawler St Seaview Downs, but we urgently need venues for the August and September meetings. Let me know if you can help, even if you donrsquot have a register vehicle. Also mention made of some lovely MGs for sale, from Russ Fowlerrsquos estate, offered by wife Colleen. A TD, a TF 1250 and a Varitone Magnette. Contact Mob number 0428 241 005. Mention was made of the Winton Historics and Reg OrsquoMalley gave a summary, mentioning Bob, Bill and Georgie Schapelrsquos great showing in their two TC specials, and I can add that there were 20 T and Pre-war MGs competing an impressive list with J2, J3, Magna F special, K3, PA, 2 TAs, 2 TBs and 8 TCs plus a few specials with TC chassis or engines. Lots to see always at Winton. The photo attached, taken by our own Terry Wright, is of the Grand Prix winning ex-Les Murphy P type enjoying the weekend Again had great raffle prizes, with thanks again to Adelaide Tools (formerly Gasweld) of South Rd, St Maryrsquos for their help. Remember all members are welcome, just bring 5 (3 for supper donation and 2 for your raffle ticket) and a bottle and join the octagonal enjoyment. Remember to keep driving them (even when itrsquos cold) and keep enjoying them. Bill Schapel Another great night for the May meeting at Ken Fisherrsquos impressive business at St Maryrsquos, with 37 members and friends signing the book and 15 register vehicles in attendance. Having all the cars indoors and so well illuminated is always a treat, as is the fabulous hospitality of Ken, lovely wife Rosemary and the extended family, including brother Steven (who has leanings more toward Triumph TR8s, poor lad). Ken was carrying a nasty injury to a leg but it didnrsquot dampen his enthusiasm and we again had the benefit of an optional visit over the road to ldquoCrispin Crashrdquo, now in the hands of Ben Crispin, with support from father Dave, where the latest body repair and finishing techniques could be seen. Hobbsy noted that we had an almost complete set of post-war MGs present, with Y and YT, TC, TD, TF, MGA and MGA twin-cam, B tourer and GT, MGC and even an MGF. Of course there was another of those Toyota 86 things there, attracting attention Dean Hoskingrsquos this time. I think they are breeding We are starting a ldquopushrdquo to get the actual Register Folder up-dated, so if you have a T or Pre-War vehicle make sure that your vehicle has a card and it is in the main folder, held by the Register secretary. New cards are available from Bill or at the clubrooms. Next month we are visiting Ian Buckley, at 52 Birdwood Tce, North Plympton, then July with Brian Sparks, at 8 Gawler St. Seaview Downs. Remember, all MG enthusiasts are welcome at any Register meeting. just bring something to drink and the 5 donation gets you a raffle ticket (with some worthy prizes) and the opportunity to enjoy supper and a great night with some fellow MG people. Remember to drive them and enjoy them A crisp, clear night and a good roll-up of T types, plus a YT, made for a great meeting at Arthur Reudigerrsquos, where we had 37 members sign the book, and 15 register vehicles present, plus an MGC and an MGA. Conversation for some centred around the new Toyota 86 sports cars three of our register stalwarts now have these cars, and two were at the meeting. Arthur Reudiger, John Davies and Dean Hosking all had recently taken delivery, and Arthur and Deanrsquos cars were inspected and discussed. John Davies had driven his TF to the meeting, leaving his rsquo86 at home and Deanrsquos TC is not yet com-pleted, so we forgive him. David McNabb, Bazzicas, Bahnisch and a few others had recently returned from the Land of the Long White Cloud, where they had driven several delectable MGs at a biennial Pre-1956 event. David had some great pictures and mementoes on display, showing the beauty of New Zealand and the MGs in general. T types at Mallala and Collingrove Easter Historics were mentioned, where Bob Schapel managed pole positions and an outright win in each of the three scratch races, plus a second and a fifth in the two handicaps, with Bill gaining three fourth outrights in the scratches, and a win and a second in the handicaps enough to give the Schapellisrsquo TCs 1st and 2nd for LB race awards for the weekend. Chris Hunt did well in the TD to get a 2nd in the Regularity event. At Collingrove also, Bob was first and Bill second in class, with John Paynersquos J2T winning Pre-war as usual. More on the T type comps in a separate article, later. A good supper followed the meeting, and it was after10:30 before the last few stayers began to depart so Arthur could get his much needed beauty sleep. In other T type news, Georgie Schapel, fast girl racer in the red TC Special, was pleased to use the YT she shares with Dad, Bill (and sister Hayley) as her wedding car on 22nd March when she married Brett Howman Next (May 2013) meeting is at Ken Fisherrsquos ldquofactoryrdquo at 18 Benjamin Street St Marys - always a big meeting and one not to be missed. June is still undetermined, but July is at Brian Sparksrsquo, 8 Gawler Street, Seaview Downs. Keep driving them PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER - MARCH 2013 From. Arthur Ruediger T he March T - Register meeting was held at the home of John amp Sue Davies at Hallett Cove, the evening was very hot but this did not deter the owners of 11 T - types from driving their vehicles to the venue, this included Ian Buckley in his recently purchased, ex Cairns Boag TC. Also in attendance at its first register meeting was a rare, ( one of only five,) 1934 Triumph Gloria 4 door saloon, owned by Peter Auld. I had intended to drive my TC to the meeting, and had arranged to pick up Laurie Houghton on the way, but due to the generator light staying on and the amp. meter showing no signs of charging, I decided to leave the TC at Laurie, s and continue in his plastic. There were 34 members who signed the attendance book, and past member John Hurst, who now resides interstate, was welcomed to the meeting. Our new T - Register Secretary, Bill Schapel and brother Bob were apologies due to their attendance at Philip Island. Several members had items to report on in the ldquo show amp tell ldquo segment, and the meeting concluded with a well presented supper. Thanks to our hosts John amp Sue for a very pleasant evening. T REGISTER NOTES FOR 2013 The February meeting of the ldquoTrdquo Register was held, (as has become customary), at Leigh and Chris Richterrsquos Property at Aldgate. This has a beautiful setting in the Adelaide Hills. The only daunting aspect is that there is a very short, steep, drive, down into his property. Wise members leave their cars up on the road some donrsquot and it is quite a heart-stopping sight to see a TC trying to ride up the drive in reverse It was a beautiful evening, very pleasant to be outside. As usual, Chris had done a wonderful job in preparing our supper which again was held outside. There were 32 names in the rdquoRegister Bookrdquo, with ten T-types, Usually Brian Golding brings his TC over from Murray Bridge, but on this occasion he rode his Vincent (motorbike) complete with side car to the Register meeting. This rig was beautifully prepared and naturally this attracted considerable attention Several Perpetual Trophies were presented The Roger Irving Cup. This was a cup presented to the Club for a Register award in memory of Roger Irving who was a very active TC-owning member of the Club in the early days of the Club. (One might say even fanatical about TCs.) This was awarded to a member who was outstanding in the use of his TC during the past year. This was awarded to David McNabb The Lou Schapel Memorial Trophy. Presented to a member who was outstanding in the use of a ldquoTrdquo type or pre-war MG in competitions. This was awarded to Chris Hunt with his TD with which he enters Collingrove and Historic Racing. This being the February meeting the election of the T Register Secretary for 2013 was held. Bill Schapel put up his name and I also stood again for the position. A ballot followed, and Bill was elected as Register Secretary for the coming year. (It was probably time for a change, as I had held the position since 2006, after following on from Neville Daniel). The next meeting of the Register held on the first Thursday of the month), is planned for John Daviesrsquo place at Hallett Cove. John has a VERY LARGE garage, and a beautiful TF. It is worth making the trip just to see the TF. I hope to see you there. And over to you Bill Ian Curwen-Walker (Past Secretary). PRE-WAR AND T REGISTER From: Bill Schapel Curly was away interstate. Notes for January, 2013 The first meeting for 2013 was at Russell and Marg Garthrsquos at Coromandel Valley and 25 members and friends signed the book. A solid turnout of register vehicles, with four TCs, two TFs, a TD and one Y sedan, plus a modern ZS and Dean Hoskingrsquos purposeful looking ASP clubman not an MG but cute enough to mention Deanrsquos TC is making good progress and we look forward to seeing it on the road. Special mention should be made of Brian Golding, who again made the trip from Murray Bridge in his TC, plus Lindsay Hick and eldest son Alexander, who had driven there in the gorgeous red TC Special. It certainly would have attracted some attention from other traffic on the journey to Coromandel Valley as it roared past beneath their mirrors. During the meeting Lindsay was awarded the ldquoLou Schapel Memorial Awardrdquo for 2011. The recipient was decided at the start of 2012 but Lindsay and the trophy had not managed to be at the same place at the same time until now, so a belated but happy conclusion. The Lou Schapel Memorial award is to encourage participation in competition events in Road registerable Pre-War and T types. Lindsayrsquos TC was built over thirty years ago by the late Kevin Muldoon, who was great mates with Lou, so that is a nice connection. A beautiful supper was served after a brief but lively meeting. Thanks to Russell and Judy for their hospitality and we all had a great night, with spirited conversations and a sprinkling of bull-dust in evidence. The usual brick wheel chocks were well used it is a very steep road and no cars disappeared down the hill. The February meeting is at Lee and Chris Richterrsquos at Aldgate, March is at John Daviesrsquo at Hallett Cove, and April will be at Arthur Reudigerrsquos more details will follow in due course. Remember that you donrsquot have to own a Pre-War or Y or T type to attend a Pre-War and T Register meeting just an interest will suffice and you will be made very welcome. The main object of the night is to have a drink and a chat, the shortest ldquomeetingrdquo possible and some information sharing, then more socializing and a nice supper. It is BYOG but tea and coffee is available and the supper is provided for your 3 donation and is always good. Come along Georgie Schapel, T Register member, part-owner with Bill and Hayley of the cream Y Tourer and very rapid driver of the red Schapelli TC Special, is marrying partner Brett Howman, pit crew for Bill and Georgie at Mallala, Winton and Phillip Island and an MFS firefighter in his spare time. This important event will take place at Kingsbrook Estate, Currency Creek, on March 22nd. Kingsbrook has a Rolls, a pre war SS drop-head and a DB4 Aston available, but no thanks. The wedding cars will be Y types, of course Photo: Lindsay Hick, recipient of the Lou Schapel Memorial Trophy, with son Alexander and his beautiful MGTC Special at Collingrove. (pic taken over a year ago - Alexander is much bigger now) Alongside is John Paynersquos supercharged MG J2T racer The TC was the first postwar MG, launched in 1945. It was exported to the United States, even though only ever built in right hand drive. The export version had slightly smaller US specification sealed beam head lights and larger twin rear lights, as well as turn signals and chrome-plated front and rear bumpers. Over 10,000 were produced, a large number by MG standards. It cost 527 on the home market in 1947. On the eve of the war, MG had offered the TB model which, with a few modifications was to become the first post-war MG, the TC Midget. The chassis of the new car was essentially the same as before, but the sliding trunnion spring mountings had been dispensed with in favour of more conventional rubber bush shackles. This had been forced on MG, as it was unable to obtain the raw materials necessary for the original mounts, this helped to simplify the maintenance procedure, but made little difference to the handling of the car. The engine was the now familiar twin-carburettor, 1250cc, pushrod, ohv XPAG unit. The transmission was also the single-plate dry clutch and four-speed synchromesh unit as had been seen in the TB. The brakes were 9 inch hydraulic units and the wheels the usual centre-locking wires. The TC was offered in one body style only - an open two-seater which was very similar in appearance to the TB model. All the old features were there. the humped scuttle with folding windshield, cutaway doors, swept front and rear wings, a slab-type fuel tank and rear-mounted spare wheel. It was almost as if the intervening 5 years had never happened Despite the fact that the car was so obviously dated, in terms of both mechanical specification and appearance, the MG TC Midget found a ready market. There were a number of reasons suggested for this a lack of other post-war cars, or the familiar design reminding people of the pre-war days, whatever the reason the Midgets success took MG somewhat by surprise. Aware that the more cars they could export, the greater would be their allocation of raw materials, MG sought sales around the world and succeeded in generating a substantial demand for the car. So successful were they that, in the cars four-year production run (until 1949), some 10,000 TCs were built, a substantial number of which were shipped to the USA where they were to generate new enthusiasm for sports cars and motor sport. It is quite remarkable how a car which was basically a quotstop-gapquot should have enjoyed so much success, generating sales figures far beyond those experienced before the war. Engine no. XPAG (TBA). Chassis No. 1736 Build Date: 5th November 1946 Owner: Don Walker Colour: Camden Cream Owner: Maurice Linehan - previous owner James A Wha Owner: Ian Buckley - Previous owner Cairns Boag Owners: Geraldine amp Wayne Hough Engine no. XPAG 10380 Build Date: 19 September 1949 Engine No. XPAG 6796 Eng No: XPAG TD 11841 Owner: Neville Daniel Bill Schapels Red MGTC Special Since 1986 the car has competed in 93 competition events and has 30 outright or class wins, with 26 seconds and 17 third placings. The performance, while just below Bobs supercharged car, is quite startling for a normally aspirated 1366cc engine - due to the cars light weight and Bobs superb skills in engine and chassis preparation. In the past the circuits of Winton, Phillip Island and Adelaide International Raceway saw her in action. Mallala and Collingrove have been good to the little red car and continue to be her most common playgrounds, but in 2004 Sandown and Rob Roy were also visited to good effect. Has lapped Mallala in 1:27s and Collingrove in the 37s. Bob Schapels silver TC Owner: Mal West(Deceased) Owner: Brian Golding Owner: Barry Bahnisch Owner: G amp S Greaves Owner: Until 321998 belong to Stan Shepherd who sold the car then to the present owner Bob Congdon Owner: Peter amp Joycelyn Clark Owner: Arthur Ruediger Owner: Anthony Pearson Owner: Sallyanne Bond In 1949, a replacement for the TC was announced. It was not, as one might have expected, a car with a totally different, modern appearance, but yet another Midget in the familiar mould. The TD Midget, while it certainly had the appearance of a Midget, had much which was different under the skin. The TD had a completely new chassis, which had been developed from that used in the Y-Type saloon. In 1950 the TD MkII was introduced, produced alongside the standard car, with a more highly tuned engine with 8.0:1 compression ratio giving 57 bhp (43 kW) at 5500 rpm. It also featured twin fuel pumps revised dampers and a higher rear axle ratio. An example tested by The Motor magazine in 1952 had a top speed of 77 mph (124 kmh) and could accelerate from 0-60 mph (97 kmh) in 18.2 seconds. A fuel consumption of 26.7 miles per imperial gallon (10.6 L100 km 22.2 mpg-US) was recorded. Nearly 30,000 TDs had been produced, including about 1700 Mk II models. when the series ended in 1953 with all but 1656 exported. 23,488 were exported to the United States In 1998, the rights, intellectual properties and trade marks associated with the production of MG TD are acquired by TD Cars Sdn Bhd in Malaysia to reproduce the TD series as TD 2000 Owner: Mike Greenwood amp Jan Dinan This vehicle arrived on SS Persic from the UK, 5th Oct 1951 in its original colour of Red with Beige trim. Purchased by Mike Greenwood amp Jan Dinan in March 2010 from Lindsay Caffin who brought the car in Sydney in Dec 2006. The TD had been restored and re-painted in BRG with Black trim in 1999. Other previous owners were Richards Pitt, Lindfield, NSW amp Clifford Fogarty, Rosemount, QLD. Something had to be done about the flagging sales of the TD, but all that could be done at the time was to give it a facelift. Hence, the MG TF Midget was introduced in 1953. Essentially this car was the same as the TD, having the same form of chassis, suspension, brakes, steering, engine, and transmission. The TF was essentially a stop gap car to keep production going until the new MGA would be approved for production by the BMC hierarchy. The TF launched in 1953 was a facelifted TD with a sloping grille and the headlights in the wings. In 1954 the engine was re-designated XPEG and enlarged to 1466 cc by increasing the bore to 72 mm giving 63 bhp (47 kW) at 5500 rpm and the car designated the TF 1500. The last cars were made in 1955 when it was replaced by the MGA - approximately 9600 were made including 3400 of the TF 1500 Paul and Bev Thompson purchased the car in August 2005.The complete restoration of the car was completed in April 2000. TF 6736 Engine No. XPAG TF 36374 Chassis No. TF 6736 Build Date 16th August 1954 Current owner: John Davies The Car is an original 1954 Australian delivered car and 1 of 793 delivered In that year. Original SA registration no. is 175 223 although no original owner details are known. The car was purchased by Colin Davies in 1972, Registration No. RGN 601 and used for several years until the 1980rsquos when a restoration was commenced by Colin. Due to ill health the project was abandoned until 2005 when after much persuasion the vehicle was given to Colinrsquos son John. After a cautious start a full mechanical restoration was completed by John along with some cosmetic restoration and the vehicle was re-registered as TF 1954 in April 2010, 35 years since it was last registered. The car is a full complete matching numbers car including original numbered radiator and generator. Engine No: XPAG 36059 Bill Schapels MG Y Tourer Lou passed on his white Y Tourer to Bill around 1990 and the car has seen plenty of action on the track and the road, winning trophies at two Natmeets in speed events, but with a patina rapidly approaching quotscruffyquot it has not troubled the scorers at Concours Nevertheless a useful and much-loved old girl, she has carried Bill and Jennys daughters about in style from childhood to adulthood and continues, with an engine originally prepared for racing in Bobs TC Special, to surprise any unwary MTT buses, even showing a clean pair of heels to most road-going TCs or TFs. Has now been re-painted and upgraded. She deserves it. Whilst driving past MG Sales amp Service on Torrens road in April, 2005 I saw this Maroon MGY Tourer in the show room, I said to myself, I have to stop and have a look at this I went inside had a look, asked a few questions, the car was immaculate, apart from needing a good surface clean, the car was fully restored. So I went home and jumped on the internet and found that the model is quite rare, so after tossing and turning, that night, decided I would go back and buy the Y as a stable mate for the MGA. Owner: Malcolm Leahy We had sold our Escort ( more competition orientated ) and were looking for a car ( possibly a Magnette ) for use in picnic type runs and were offered this Y Type by another fellow MGCC member. He had owned the car for many years and was in the process of restoring it ( engine had been reconditioned and the body painted ) but didnrsquotrsquo think he would have the time to finish as it had mostly sat in a shed for the previous 9 years. We went and had a look not even knowing what a Y looked like, we wiped off the dust, Pat loved the look of it and we purchased it in May 2003. After many hours of work the restoration has been completed and it hit the road in Sept 2005. We are now looking forward to joining in the numerous runs available with the club. Engine No: XPAG SC X125932016 Finalists Christine Swanson mdash Prominent Financial Services Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist At 24, Christine Swanson was diagnosed with cancer, an experience that caused her to suffer both personally and financially. However, it was through this ordeal that Christine discovered a passion for helping people. It was more than 19 years ago that Christine started Prominent Financial Services, a financial advice business that promotes a secure and comfortable environment for all clients. In 2014, Christine was elected the national Chair for AFAs initiative to help more women seek a career in financial advice to secure their financial futures. Christine says that she didnt choose the financial services industry, it chose her, because of her ability to connect with people emotionally, discover whats really important and help find solutions to issues. Christine is passionate about improving the perception of financial advice within the community and to ease the burden wherever she can of those suffering financially because of major illness. This is reflected significantly by the specialist division of the business, Prominent ProBono, which offers financial assistance specifically to those affected by a serious illness or disability at no cost to the client. I help people suffering financially due to major illness, but I also connect with them emotionally, to understand their fears and let them know that they are not alone. Jenny Paradiso mdash Suntrix Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra South Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Jenny Paradiso is the co-founder and the managing director of Suntrix, a successful solar energy business that operates nationally. Suntrix helps individuals and businesses save money on their electricity costs, while at the same time reducing their carbon footprint. Operating as a predominantly cloud-based business means that Jennys 25 employees have the flexibility to work from anywhere, at any time and can access the data they need from any mobile device. The biggest challenge for Jenny was in 2014 when an unexpected disruption to their industry resulted in an 18-month period of uncertainty. Fortunately for Suntrix, it was through Jennys determination that the business was able to survive and even flourish into the multi-million dollar national company that it is today. Suntrix was awarded the 2013 Telstra South Australian Business of the Year. I see myself as the mother of the business - always looking at the current and future welfare of her child, supporting and encouraging growth and independence and making sacrifices when needed. Tiffany Murray mdash Dressed for Sale Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist On top of looking after four children and running marathons in her spare time, Tiffany Murray knows a thing or two about business. The first half of Tiffanys career saw her working in events for the Australian Grand Prix, in promotions for Triple M and finally in sales to the Australian Defence Force. However, it was after her marriage to a farmer that she spent the next ten years living a life on the land and raising four young children. It was in 2014 that Tiffany founded home styling business, Dressed for Sale, after hiring a stylist to style her own home and having it sell within a month she was sold and Dressed for sale was born. Dressed for Sale offers complete pre-sale preparation which includes hire furniture and project management of painting, flooring and gardening. Tiffanys successful sales and marketing initiatives have resulted in the team having styled more than 900 houses and having hundreds of agents and vendors use their service. She is also currently in the process of scaling Dressed for Sale nationally. Dressed for Sale was also recognised as a finalist in the 2016 Telstra Business Awards. What I have learnt is, that to be successful, I have to do what I love and be proud of the work that I do. Helen Whait mdash ActivOT Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist After years of working in professional practice, Helen Whait decided to embark on her own journey by starting her own occupational therapy (OT) private practice, ActivOT in 2007. Helen says that as OT is a relatively new profession, it is not a widely well-known or understood outside the healthcare arena, but she believes it is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to aged care in Australia. With the countrys rapidly ageing population and increasing health care costs, OT offers a cost-effective way to meet the needs of the elderly and chronically ill citizens. Helens practice offers practical services that encourage the elderly to partake in physical tasks such as showering, dressing and cooking without the help of a carer, by modifying the task or environment to enable them to complete it for themselves. In the last five years, Helen has expanded the business into a franchise. She now shares her practice with five other women who all manage their own franchises. I love the practicality of my profession and the sense of satisfaction I have at the end of a work day, knowing I have made a positive difference in many lives. Kathy Drogemuller mdash Paracombe Premium Wines Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Kathy Drogemullers story began after the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983 when she and her husband bought a burnt out dairy farm in Paracombe. Despite having no previous experience in grape growing or winemaking they decided to plant a vineyard. Several years later, after establishing a public relations consultancy in 1992, Kathy launched Paracombe Premium Wines, where she is responsible for the business management and sales. She uses her passion, vision and energy to market Paracombe wines throughout Australia and the world. A milestone achievement for Kathy was winning the Qantas tender for Paracombe Premium Wines to be served during Business Class flights as part of the national airlines prestigious in-flight wine program. Outside her role, she actively supports a Maasai project in Tanzania by selling their jewellery in Australia and sending all proceeds back to the Maasai community. I don039t focus on the problem, I seek the solution, and rally and encourage my Paracombe team in tough times, always leading by example Dr Gemma Munro mdash Inkling Women Telstra South Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Dr Gemma Munro is the founder and CEO of Inkling Women, an organisation with a mission to rapidly increase the percentage of women at leadership level. Gemma has a PhD in psychology and has so far coached more than 10,000 women. She has worked with hundreds of leadership teams, giving them the skills to step up, speak up and lead. Having worked with major organisations such as Google, Nissan and PayPal, Gemma believes that her business is important because when organisations reach gender parity at leadership level, almost every single key performance metric increases. Such indicators include innovation, ROI, profitability, decision making, employee engagement and customer satisfaction. With Gemma at the helm, Inkling Women is changing womens lives and careers and helping organisations to unlock the multiple benefits of gender diversity. My personal and business mission is to ensure that 50 per cent of leadership roles worldwide are held by women. Dr Sherry Kothari mdash CRC for Cell Therapy Manufacturing Telstra South Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Dr Sherry Kotharis vision and leadership are forging a new frontier in cell therapies, which through their potential to cure, are set to transform the future of healthcare. Her pioneering role harnesses her diverse background in which she has held the roles of clinician, lecturer, entrepreneurship educator, program leader and founding investor of two life-science companies. As CEO and managing director of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Cell Therapy Manufacturing, she has taken the company from a concept, to a six-year Commonwealth and partner funded national business with 16 partners. In three short years, the company has filed six patent applications and has achieved international reach as part of a global alliance, helping to increase the affordability and accessibility of cell therapies for citizens worldwide. I039m proud to be leading a national centre that has put Australia firmly on the global cell therapy map. We are pioneering novel technologies to make cell therapies more affordable, giving patients with currently untreatable medical conditions a better chance of access to potentially life-saving therapies. Sarah Powell mdash Champions Academy Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra South Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Growing up in rural Australia, Sarah Powell, knows how vital regional communities are and has turned this insight into a social enterprise, Champions Academy. Champions Academy partners with local sporting clubs to foster personal development through sport and mentoring. It teaches aspiring leaders how to lead by example, act with integrity, think selflessly and demonstrate commitment. Starting her career as an office manager before transitioning into banking and accounting, Sarah has been constantly recognised for her outstanding contributions in both her work and community. In 2005, she was appointed president of the Cairns Young Chamber of Commerce before transitioning into economic development. In this role, she was the inaugural CEO of Regional Development Australia Far North QLD and Torres Strait. Subsequently she launched her own consultancy, Shadowbox, and in 2013 she began developing a next gen leadership concept which became the Champions Academy initiative that is known today. For her community work with Champions Academy she won the 2015 RIRDC Rural Womens Award for SA and went on to be named Australian Rural Women of the Year. Sporting clubs are the pulse of the rural community and the young participants are next generation039s leaders and regional advocates. Kerry Rowlands mdash SA Water Telstra South Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Kerry Rowlands had a career of more than 20 years in senior commercial and customer experience roles at Kimberly Clark Australia and Faulding Pharmaceuticals, before joining SA Water in 2003. SA Water is wholly owned by the Government of South Australia and provides water and sewerage services to more than 1.5 million residents. After several roles in customer service and finance, Kerry joined the executive team where she took on functional responsibility for the Customer and Community Relations division. Kerry says that SA Water has a long history of being an engineering organisation, but it has been her responsibility to bring the voice of the customer to the organisation. She was in charge of driving an organisation-wide customer strategy, putting the customer at the heart of the business. It is her ongoing responsibility to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction by delivering services that customers value. Kerry is also the Chair of the Water Services Association of Australias (WSAA) Customer and Community network, a role that allows her to influence her industry at a national level. I actively employ strategies to set people up to be successful, building capability and resilience to the face of challenging times. Dr Joanne Bowen mdash University of Adelaide Telstra Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra South Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Since completing her PhD in 2006, Dr Joanne Bowen has played a key role in academic medical research at the University of Adelaide and is head of the Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology Laboratory. The lab is dedicated to better understanding the mechanisms and management of conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract, working to prevent some of the serious side-effects associated with cancer treatments. Focused on training the next generation of medical researchers, Joanne is a manager and mentor for four research assistants and supervisor of five PhD and three honours students. Joanne collaborates with the private sector and other researchers, having merged her laboratory with two other groups in 2015, to form a larger laboratory called Cancer Treatment Toxicities Group. By partnering academia with the private sector, she ensures that new technologies are tested and effectively translated into useful clinical treatments. My approach to securing funding is to network as much as possible at conferences and events, as well as actively seek out new opportunities to collaborate both inside academia and with industry. Darlene Mattiske-Wood mdash People039s Choice Credit Union Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra South Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Darlene Mattiske-Wood is the deputy CEO and chief strategy, members and people officer for Peoples Choice Credit Union, the second largest credit union in Australia. Working with the CEO, Darlene provides strategic leadership and guidance for the overall operation and long term growth of Peoples Choice. Darlene has been responsible for the people strategy and implementation plan of every significant change undertaken while being employed at Peoples Choice, including the largest merger of two mutual organisations ever undertaken within Australia. She developed The People and Culture strategy, which supports the alignment of internal culture to the corporate strategy and vision. The strategy has successfully reduced turnover from 21 per cent to 11 per cent within five years. At the same time the strategy increased staff engagement from 67 per cent to 98 per cent by 2009 and even after one merger and two acquisitions, in 2016 staff engagement is back up to almost 90 per cent. In addition to this, in 201314 she implemented a Workplace Diversity policy which included setting and achieving objectives such as increasing the ratio of female part-time leaders from two per cent to 10 per cent. I love what I do because it039s about working with the psychology of people, staff and customers, to deliver commercial results and business success while maintaining a positive, aligned and engaged culture. Christine Katic mdash BOC Telstra South Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist More than twenty years ago, Christine Katic started her career as a chemical engineer working as a graduate for BOC. BOC supplies compressed bulk gases, chemicals and equipment around the globe through safe, sustainable and innovative solutions. BOC customers come from a variety of speciality sectors, including heavy industry and medical environments. Christine is now the zone production manager for BOCs South Australian and Northern Territory cylinder production sites. Christine is responsible for achieving quality, service and performance as well as health, safety and environment (HSE) objectives. As one of the first female engineers at BOC she has a passion for supporting women in her industry. She actively promotes STEM fields to younger women and encourages them to choose engineering as a career. Outside her role, she has also been a Trustee Director of the BOC Superannuation fund since 2013, after being re-elected in May 2016, an achievement she is most proud of. Although I039m an engineer with a strong technical understanding of processes, I love to listen and develop people so they can achieve their best. Jenny Karavolos mdash Saab Australia Telstra South Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Jenny Karavolos knows what it means to succeed in a male-dominated industry. With more than 19 years experience in the transport, energy and defence industries, she is now Saab Australias commercial adviser. The company develops defence and security solutions. As the companys lead negotiator, she fosters long-standing relationships, and develops and executes commercial strategy. Constantly challenging the norms, Jennys strong leadership and professional skills, complemented with a good dose of humour, have enabled her to take on senior roles in the defence industry including Treasurer for the Defence Teaming Centre Board. Outside of work, she leverages her negotiation and interpersonal skills to achieve societal change for those who need extra assistance in life. She is the President and Chairman of Autism SA, and works to achieve greater inclusion of children with disability through changes in policy, methods and attitudes. Additionally, as a director for parents4kids, her mission is to help children with developmental disorders or language delays unlock their potential. My profession has given me the skills and the opportunity to influence a better society through provision of defence and security solutions, helping people realise their full potential, and effecting social change by challenging the norms. Andrea Slattery mdash SMSF Association Telstra South Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Andrea Slattery is one of Australias leading experts on self-managed super funds (SMSFs), having co-founded the SMSF Association in 2003. The Association advocates on behalf of Australias 590b SMSF sector, comprised of the 1.1 million Australians who have elected to manage their own superannuation. Andreas expertise is sought out by local, national and international governments, policymakers and the private sector, for advice and thought-leadership on retirement systems. Her aim is to positively influence public policy, so that Australians can achieve self-sufficiency and a good quality of life in their retirement. Through her work, SMSFs have now been recognised as a critical pillar in Australias social and economic wellbeing. Recently, Andrea conducted a report identifying the root causes of inequity between men and womens superannuation balances. Her recommendations directly influenced the regulatory framework enabling women to catch up on their contributions. Andrea leads the SMSF Association with a team of 24 staff and 200 volunteers, which represents and services all the SMSF trustees as well as the nearly 4,000 professional members. My passion is to inspire Australians to take greater control over their own destiny, by striving to fund and manage their own retirement, and build a profession for those advising and servicing the industry to continue to position our nation for a sustainable future. Grace Lever mdash GraceLever Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra South Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Grace Lever is a passionate entrepreneur who started her first business when she was only 20. She has since built six businesses from the ground up, all of which have been sold, rented or invested in. Her latest venture is GraceLever, a platform through which she works with other female entrepreneurs to help them create balanced, automated lifestyle businesses. She holds regular Doing Days, live workshops across the country which empower and equip female entrepreneurs to turn their business ideas into reality. Grace also runs an online community, The Doing Academy, with more than 1,000 members, all passionate female entrepreneurs ready to stop dreaming and start doing in their business. Grace is a firm believer in the power of digital marketing and Facebook is instrumental in her strategy. Every month, her brand is in front of more than one million entrepreneurs and she credits the social networking site for enabling GraceLever to grow from zero to six figures in six weeks, and a million dollar business in 10 months. Grace was a 2015 Telstra South Australian Business Women Award finalist. I love seeing what women are capable of and how rewarding they find it when they see that they have the ability to achieve success in their business. I realised there was a need for someone to empower and equip them because no one else was doing it. Samantha James-Cockayne mdash ORBE North Adelaide Telstra South Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Samantha James-Cockayne moved to Adelaide from the UK, aged 17, with her family. When she arrived in Australia, she undertook a hairdressing apprenticeship at hair salon ORBE, and completed it a year early due to breaking past records of budgets and client retention percentages and surpassing other stylists in the team. Upon obtaining her qualifications, she stayed on at ORBE and became part of the in-salon training team and was quickly promoted to salon manager. After being an integral part of a very successful long-standing business for ten years, she decided to further her career and become a salon owner. In September 2014, she set up her own salon as part of the ORBE brand. Samantha has three roles within the business: a manager, an employer, and an educator, ensuring the salon is well-run whilst recruiting, retaining and training her staff. Samanthas aim is not only to style her clients hair, but to instil confidence in them, empowering them to feel and look their very best, and to build with them trusting relationships. After working as an employee of the original business, I have achieved continuous satisfaction at being part of the whole quotbig picturequot that comes with being a business owner. Nicole Sumracki mdash Nutrition Republic Telstra South Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist After completing a PhD in Medicine, Dr Nicole Sumracki didnt think that the academic or pharmaceutical worlds would suit her. Instead, she wanted to pursue a natural and holistic approach to health and wellness. She became involved in her husbands business, Nutrition Republic, a retail supplement store. As the store evolved into a health caf . providing nutritious and healthy meals catering for all special dietary requirements, Nicole saw a real opportunity to fulfil her dreams of working for a greater purpose. Nicole now shares the CEO responsibilities with her husband and is also the creative and marketing director. Her vision is to make the world a happier and more health-conscious place for all, by inspiring and educating people to make informed food choices. Health and happiness are at the core of the business, and are reflected in the caf menu and retail offering, customer service and community involvement. I love what I do as it creates a healthy, happy space to nourish, unite and transform people039s lives. I believe it is necessary to have people like me who will disrupt the status quo to create positive change. Churyl Scheppard mdash Fitness Works Telstra Northern Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Churyl Scheppard has always had a passion for health and fitness and has worked in the industry for more than 30 years. So it was only fitting that in 2010 she decided to purchase Fitness Works, a gym and health promotion business, which offers a range of services. Churyl and her eldest son, Seann, jointly own and manage the business two locations: Nightcliff and Alawa. Churyl has developed a culture of welcoming and warmth as she believes that making people feel comfortable in their environment will encourage them to use the facilities and gain the results they want. Churyl believes a diverse team with a passion for fitness is the key to success. Churyl is passionate about providing a service that is broadly accessible and cost effective in an environment that is not intimidating to ordinary people and families. Churyl is a strong believer in diversity and inclusion the facilities are wheelchair accessible and the gym hosts programs for Nemarluk School, a school for children who require specialised educational programs. I love managing a fitness business as it has a positive contribution to the wellbeing of individuals and to the wider community. Karen Sheldon mdash Karen Sheldon Group Telstra Northern Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Karen Sheldon heads up a unique enterprise. What initially started off as a hospitality business in 1982, expanded through a staff buy-in into a company developing diverse services that focus on addressing Indigenous economic and employment disadvantage. To achieve this, the four divisions of the business: hospitality, employment services, training and development, and the Saltbush Mob Residential Alcohol Habilitation Centre work together in synergy. In addition, Karen Sheldons Future Stars Indigenous Employment Program provides positive employment experiences with planned pathways and long-term intensive holistic mentoring, guiding participants towards a brighter future. Karen says she and the company directors look forward to the day when the gap has been closed on Indigenous disadvantage, so they can concentrate on even more creative pursuits in fostering micro and small enterprise development. My fulfilment comes from being able to use my career and life experiences to provide practical solutions that are assisting some of the people who first welcomed me to their country. Rhonda Dunne mdash Raw Cloth Telstra Northern Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Sewing was initially a self-taught hobby for Rhonda Dunne, but as her family grew, she created garments for her five daughters and then eventually started selling them at the Nightcliff Markets. Rhonda enjoyed creating the handcrafted goods so much she, formalised it as a business, launching Raw Cloth. The brand name is inspired by her passion and work ethic with Raw standing for Rhonda at Work. Rhonda sources textiles from designer-brands such as Marimekko through to Indigenous textiles from communities throughout Australia. Rhonda believes that it is important to know the history of where a garment comes from and so, every product at Raw Cloth is presented with its own original story. Raw Cloths products and philanthropic activities are a testament to the value Rhonda places on celebrating diversity and the talents of textile artists from around the world. Her business is a strong supporter of local indigenous artists from Daly River, Tiwi Islands, Gunbalanya and Central Australia. One of her greatest achievements was winning the Fashions on the Field at the 2013 Melbourne Cup Carnival, a collaboration between herself and local Aboriginal artist Gracie Kumbi. I enjoy creating a hub for our suppliers, artists and customers to learn about textiles, exchange information and create networks and friendships. Denise Dunn mdash Slappa039s Thongs Telstra Northern Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Denise Dunn is the founder and CEO of Slappas Thongs, a business with an innovative take on the much-loved, iconic Aussie footwear. Denise identified a gap in the market for a thong that was comfortable, affordable, durable but most importantly supportive, which is Slappas Thongs key point of difference. Denise came up with an idea to create a thong with sufficient arch support to lessen the impact that traditional thongs have on the foot, leg and rest of the body. Slappas Thongs are different to regular rubber thongs because they are made from EVA foam, the same material used to make mouthguards. This means that the shoes are light, mould to the shape of your foot, do not retain odour and, most importantly, have decent arch support. What started out as a market stall at Mindil Beach has now become a thriving business. Denise says that Slappas Thongs are approximately one third of the price of orthopaedic sandals, and the fact that podiatrists and physiotherapists recommend her shoes is a true testament to the fact that they really do provide valuable support to the feet. My proudest achievement has been taking a simple idea and building it into a successful business that generates sufficient income and allows me spend quality time with my family. Mahongo Fumbelo mdash Born to Win Consulting Telstra Northern Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Mahongo Fumbelo started her career as a journalist writing stories highlighting the plight of women in Zambia. She then went on to work for the United Nations in East Timor, as a public information officer, helping female victims of rape. After leaving a recruitment agency which helped disadvantaged job seekers, she started her own training, coaching and motivational speaking business. Born to Win Consulting provides soft skills training programs, which include emotional intelligence and science-based behavioural-style assessments. Mahongos clients include politicians, business owners and individuals who come to her with issues such as improving employee engagement, communication, team cohesion, retention and general career advice. Since starting her business in 2014 Mahongo has trained more than 2,000 people, has helped more than 100 people get a qualification, and has assisted others in finding work and adjust attitudes and mindsets at their workplace. In addition, she also does free speaking engagements to inspire, motivate and help refugees understand Australias workplace culture. I thrive in bringing out the best in others regardless of their past. I love seeing people overcome their obstacles, discover their potential and live fulfilling lives. Terri-ann Maney mdash Australian Institute of Company Directors Telstra Northern Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Terri-ann Maney has had extensive experience in business-related fields, with a career largely centred on adult education and organisational development. Its the dynamic business environment and sense of community that has kept Terri-ann living in the Territory since 1999. For the past four years, Terri-ann has been working for the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), an organisation which aims to make a positive impact through governance education, director development and advocacy. As Members amp Directors Manager NT, Terri-anns role is to advocate for the Territory, ensuring that it has a program relevant to local needs. She says that what works well in other states, may not always be right for the NT market. Over the last four years and particularly the last financial year, she has played a critical role in significantly growing the profile of AICD as well as a community of directors within the NT. She is an active not-for-profit Director herself and does so as a meaningful way of giving back to the community. I believe if I continue to raise the importance of good governance through appropriate development opportunities this will assist in ensuring ongoing sustainable community benefits. Ilana Eldridge mdash Cast Your Net Consultancy Telstra Northern Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist From journalist to domestic shelter worker and founder of an NGO in Timor Leste, Ilana has held many roles throughout her career. Most recently, she started Cast Your Net Consultancy, which supports emerging Indigenous companies and remote councils with funding, recruitment, cross-cultural understanding and government lobbying. Upon request, Ilana has also recently returned to her previous role as CEO of Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation, the representative body of the descendants of the original people of Darwin. During her previous tenure, she took the organisation from insolvency to turning over 8.5 million and grew staff numbers from 30 to 85. In addition, Ilana managed Indigenous employment on an important school project with Halikos Construction, one of Darwins largest construction companies. This project has increased Indigenous employment from 0 to 30 per cent. I truly feel that Australia cannot proceed to greatness without reconciling our shared history, through enabling of Indigenous healing and achieving economic parity and social equality. Liz Reid mdash YouthWorX NT Telstra Northern Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Liz Reid is the executive officer of YouthWorX NT, a not-for-profit organisation governed by the NT Industry Training Bureau. The organisation provides education and career development opportunities for young Territorians. YouthWorX NT works closely with educational bodies, businesses and the community to optimise the career potential of all Territorians. As executive officer Liz has many varied roles, including managing diverse programs for youths and the delivery of services to support employability in young people. Liz is an avid supporter of marginalised groups such as disadvantaged youths, Indigenous Australians and people with disabilities. Liz is no stranger to disability and uses her own experience to advocate for others. She is very passionate and strong in her beliefs, in that everyone should be afforded the same rights regardless to their differences. This has been recognised by the NT community, as she was an ambassador for Disability Awareness Week, which raises awareness of the abilities and achievements of people with a disability and to engage with the wider community to think and act inclusively. My fundamental thinking is that all Australians, irrespective of difference, should be afforded the same rights and freedoms as other members of the community. Andrea Mason mdash Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women039s Council Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Northern Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Andrea Mason has had a variety of roles in both the public and private sectors, all focused on opening just and fair access to Aboriginal people, through employment, workforce planning, tenancy management and negotiating reconciliation action plans. In 2009, she was made CEO of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantja t jara Yankunytja t jara (NPY) Womens Council. For more than 20 years the NPY Womens Council has been supporting its members through service delivery, advocacy, education and employment. All services are provided for women and their families to increase their capacity to lead safe and healthy lives with improved life choices, in the NPY tri-state region remote communities. Due to the nature of the organisation, the range of services on offer and the geographical remoteness of the communities, Andrea has to be very adaptable in her role. On a day-to-day basis she can move from being a policy maker, to a social reformer, a negotiator, an advocate or an inspirational leader. She is also responsible for the 413 members of the Council, who are all women over the age of 16. As an Aboriginal woman herself, she says it is a career highlight to work in an Aboriginal womens member-led organisation. I love being the type of leader that I am because it means I can take communities with me on a journey. Rachel Kroes mdash Down Syndrome Association NT Telstra Northern Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Rachel Kroes is the executive officer of the Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory, the only not-for-profit organisation in the NT delivering specialist support and information to families and people living with Down syndrome. In her career she worked in health, broadcasting, law and accounting before veering sharply into the disability sector after acquiring a disability herself. Married with two children, Rachel says that in her wider family, physical, sensory and intellectual challenges are the norm and not the exception. These lifetime experiences are the inspiration for her belief in the capacity and capability of all people. Rachels knowledge of the Down Syndrome Association spans more than 20 years as a family member, committee member, employee and now executive officer. One of Rachels greatest achievements at the Down Syndrome Association was starting Project21, a post-school learning centre for young people with intellectual disabilities. In 2015, Project21 was recognised in the NT Human Rights Awards for taking action to ensure the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights of young people in the Northern Territory. I revel in creating solutions that achieve multiple goals for many people. I understand challenges and turn problematic situations into practical learning opportunities. Michelle Walker mdash Department of Housing Telstra Northern Territory Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Michelle Walker is an independent success. After becoming a mother at 16 and leaving school at the end of Year 11, she began her career in customer service roles. Developing skills in sales, accounting, retail and hospitality her career took an important progression when she began her journey with the Department of Housing in 2000. The Department of Housing is an agency within the Northern Territory Government, providing subsided housing options to Territorians most in need who are living in remote and urban centres across the NT. Currently, she is the executive director of Service Delivery North, which sees her managing a team of 113 employees as well as overseeing the development of governance and administration of public policy and protocols. I am passionate about being a strong resilient leader, using my role as a platform for improving the lives of people who are struggling and facing adversity. Carolyn Edwards mdash Henbury School Telstra Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra Northern Territory Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Carolyn is a devoted educator with more than 31 years of experience in the NT school system. Currently, she is the principal of Henbury School which is a comprehensive specialist high school in Darwin. The school focuses on advocating the rights of students with disabilities, assisting them to achieve autonomy and enabling their participation in the economic, civic and social life of the community. Under her leadership, the school has transformed into an educational leader and focuses on creating individual pathways for every student. The school empowers students with special needs to pursue their hopes and dreams through an educational program tailored to their needs. Leading a team of passionate staff, the school also offers a Transition to Work program that helps provide a range of meaningful opportunities to students. Each day is an opportunity for me to make a difference in a students life. Professor Sue Carthew mdash Charles Darwin University Telstra Northern Territory Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist As the pro-vice chancellor of the Faculty of Engineering, Health, Science amp the Environment at Charles Darwin University (CDU), and more recently as provost and vice president, Professor Sue Carthew is passionate about education. After completing her PhD in Wollongong NSW, she spent almost 20 years as a lecturer, researcher and mentor across the University of Adelaides three campuses before being lured to the tropics and CDU. Sue is an accomplished academic, who facilitates learning opportunities for students and faculty members, including researcher mentorships and industry leadership training. Under her guidance, the faculty and university delivers relevant, job-ready education for students and conducts research that makes a difference to the community. Additionally, Sue provides strategic leadership and management for teaching and research across the units of the faculty, and has responsibility for positioning the Faculty and broader university in relation to national and international developments in tertiary education. I love mentoring and facilitating excellence in others so they can reach their potential. Its amazing what people can achieve with a little positive support. Professor Sue Carthew Andrea Moriarty mdash Killarney Homes (NT) Pty Ltd Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Northern Territory Corporate and Private Award Finalist After spending 16 years working as a nurse, Andrea Moriarty, decided to steer her career in an entirely new direction. Wanting to work in a family-friendly environment, she joined her brothers construction firm, Killarney Homes, which builds eco-efficient housing adapted to the Territorys tropical climate. It was an opportunity for her to use her people and project management skills in a completely different way. In her role as the client services director, a fairly unique role in residential construction, Andrea is the interface between the client and the construction team. She ensures that the client understands the building process, as well as expected work and deadlines, and translates the clients concerns back to her team. Andrea sits on several industry boards in order to expand her business experiences, and to have the opportunity to influence the direction of construction at a high level. Killarney Homes won the 2014 Telstra Northern Territory Medium Business Award. Building a family home is often one of peoples most important decisions. I believe I can make it a fantastic experience and one that can be a very affirming moment in their lives. Neilia Ginnane mdash Housing Industry Association Ltd Telstra Northern Territory Corporate and Private Award Finalist Neilia Ginnane is the executive director of Housing Industry Association (HIA), NT, a national not-for-profit organisation, which provides lobbying, members services and training for builders and related professionals in the residential building industry. Highly regarded, HIA is consulted in the first instance by government for input into policy reviews and developments. Neilia is responsible for all aspects of the HIA business in the NT, including national and local strategy implementation, and growing the HIA business in the NT to become a self-sustainable region within the national organisation. She has brought to the business a customer first focus which has been instrumental in continuously improving the product and ensuring the best outcome for members. In a largely male-dominated industry, Neilias team is bucking the trend as an all-female team, and is successfully building strong credibility with all stakeholders. Neilia is also the Chairperson for the Work Health and Safety Council NT, a member of the Northern Territory Training Commission, and sits on the NT Business Council. I have always had a passion for developing others and delivering the best possible service, and they are two key elements that I believe a successful business needs. Ruth Palmer mdash Property Council of Australia Telstra Northern Territory Corporate and Private Award Finalist With her government experience working for the Oppositions Office with former leader Delia Lawrie, Ruth Palmer was sought out to take over the running of the NT Division of the Property Council of Australia. The Council is the leading advocate for the property industry, championing the interests of more than 2,200 member companies that represents the full spectrum of the industry. In her role as the executive director of the NT Division, Ruth fights for and delivers policy outcomes that keep the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia growing and make it a great place to invest. She develops policy, advocates these to government and communicates the Councils position to policy makers, its members and the media. She represents the property industry in meetings with the Government and local government representatives and she is also on board committees and Government working groups, striving to influence decisions related to property. I have surprised myself with what I have achieved in the last few years. It really is amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it and when a role is both challenging and fulfilling. April Jorgensen mdash Niche Education Group Telstra Western Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist At 19 years old, April Jorgensen began working as a beauty therapist before branching into the field of cosmetic medicine and studying a Bachelor of Health Science in Biomedical Science. While studying, she established Niche Education Group when she recognised the need for an educational program to bridge to gap for beauty therapists wanting to upskill to work in a cosmetic medical setting. Niche Education Group is a Registered Training Organisation specialising in dermal therapies, cosmetic nursing, beauty and specialist makeup. Part of Aprils role sees her creating and designing four new courses and qualifications in both dermal therapies and cosmetic nursing. Recently, she completed a leadership and immersion program in Uganda with The Hunger Project. She has since incorporated her experience there with her work by creating a division called the ACBT Student Clinic, which provides discounted beauty services to the public with all proceeds being donated to an epicentre in Malawi, Africa. April won the 2009 Telstra Western Australian Business Womens Innovation Award. I039m extremely proud of the contribution Niche Education Group has made to innovative training on a national scale and the employability skills we have provided to our graduates. Anya Stephens mdash PeopleSense Anya Stephens is an experienced psychologist who began her career consulting children with learning and social difficulties, before progressing to working with offenders in the justice system. She entered private practice in 2004, joining two other psychologists in a small firm. A year later, she became a director at the firm and they established PeopleSense. More than a decade later, PeopleSense is an industry leader providing holistic injury management, counselling, employee assistance programs and organisational development services. Today, Anya remains hands-on with a small case load of clients alongside her other responsibilities, which include financial governance, leadership training, eCommerce and innovation, HR management and supervising tender submissions. The company has grown from a three psychologist operation which turned over a few thousand a year in revenue, to a 70-strong team turning over 8.5 million each year and providing services on a national scale. My proudest achievement has been the establishment of a business structure that allows for the development of our most competent and loyal staff and which provides a succession plan to ensure long term growth and stability. Dr Susanne Bahn mdash Tap into Safety Telstra Western Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Susanne Bahns first business was in partnership with her parents, designing womens sportswear. After 18 years at Pell Sports, she developed a keen understanding of business which shes since put to good use. In 2003, she began her own venture, KIS Safety, with her husband. KIS Safety provides a risk management system, which is simple to use allowing businesses to easily fulfil their health and safety requirements. She has also completed a Bachelor of Education, a Masters in Human Resource Management and a PhD in Business. Four years ago she was appointed senior lecturer - the only ongoing research role at the School of Business at Edith Cowan University. Recently, she founded her third business venture, Tap into Safety. It is a fast-growing tech company that is transforming safety training through the development of an interactive safety training platform with customised, 360 degree panoramic scenarios of real workplaces. She has published three books, more than 50 academic papers and has been recognised as a world expert in hazard perception research. I have an entrenched desire to contribute energy and knowledge within my community, to encourage the pursuit of higher education, to innovate in business and to make a genuine change for the better of the world. Julie Adams mdash chemohome Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Western Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Western Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist With 25 years experience as a certified oncology pharmacist, Julie Adams, founded, and continues to manage, home chemotherapy business, chemohome. Through their business, Julie and her business partner offer patients the convenience and flexibility of having their cancer treatment in the comfort of their own homes. They also provide home infusions for other conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Crohns disease and rheumatoid arthritis. With no business model to follow for this type of health care delivery from either a clinical or business perspective, Julie has needed to innovate, negotiate, collaborate and problem solve to make it a reality. From a clinical perspective, she has utilised her expertise in home-based care and complex therapies to provide leadership, accountability and confidence to the nursing team and health care partners. She recently commenced a PhD, with her research aimed to assist those cancer patients in the community who require oral chemotherapy. I love chemohome because it allows me to provide my patients with high-quality care and respond rapidly to changes in their care requirements. Its a privilege to get to help people during their time of need. Kim Gentle mdash Gentle Transitions Telstra Western Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Kim Gentle believes passionately in the healing power of horses. She was initially drawn to horses at the age of 12 when her father died suddenly and has since acquired more than 20 years experience in the equine industry, spending the last four developing and piloting her equine therapy program in the Pilbara. Gentle Transitions helps young Aboriginal people reconnect to culture, tradition and family through the horse. Horses help them heal and develop self-worth in a non-judgemental, non-verbal and safe environment. Kim says that this is something many participants have never experienced before. Through the success of her pilot program in Port Hedland, Kim believes her business fills a void, particularly in remote communities where domestic violence, substance abuse and suicide are a high risk. It is helping youth overcome feelings of shame and improve their education and school attendance, creating confidence, trust, respect for themselves and others. It provides them with skills to help them make positive life choices whilst reconnecting with the Aboriginal way of life. My program allows children time out from the pressures of life, time to be in a safe, loving and fun environment learning about horses, whilst at the same time learning about themselves, and where they fit within their own herd. Jane Pemberton mdash Heritage Advice Australia Telstra Western Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Jane Pemberton founded Heritage Advice Australia (HAA) in 2010, and is the CEO and Director, Government Liaison amp Approvals. HAA undertakes Aboriginal heritage surveys on behalf of clients, negotiates and executes Native Title Mining Agreements andor Heritage Agreements on their behalf. Mainly working for the resource sector, the business has also expanded to governments and other non-resource companies. She has shown immense business savviness, working hard to keep HAA afloat by enabling and diversifying the company to grow the client base and develop new products and services. She believes diversification was critical to the business survival. Besides running the business, Janes main responsibility is to liaise with the legal representatives of different native title groups and Aboriginal corporations throughout WA and facilitate negotiations. Jane has recently returned from studying international negotiations at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Boston, where she was able to expand her skills but also benefit from networking opportunities with corporate and government leaders from more than 15 different countries. She also represents three Native Title Groups on a pro bono basis. I am an advocate of economic development through the engagement of Aboriginal communities in business and major projects. I bring opposing sides together, setting the foundations for long, meaningful relationships. Rachel Davies Burrows mdash The Joy Sanctuary Telstra Western Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Rachel had worked in a variety of administration roles before founding The Joy Sanctuary. It was her journey through leukaemia and facing her fears that made her even more determined than before to hold on to joy, which was the catalyst for creating her business. The Joy Sanctuary aims to remind people to find their joy within. As a retail space in Kalamunda, near Perth, The Joy Sanctuary sells locally-made handcrafted products such as furniture, jewellery and artwork, and delivers a host of wellbeing services. Classes on offer include yoga, group fitness training, sound meditation and dance classes, as well as mindfulness workshops, cooking classes, and crochet lessons. As the founding director, Rachel handles all aspects of the business from managing volunteers to organising all-female wellbeing retreats. As a volunteer for Cancer Support WA, Rachel runs a support group for cancer patients. She will soon be offering further support groups by setting up The Joy Sanctuary as a regional centre for Cancer Support WA, for the Kalamunda and surrounds community. I believe we all have a peaceful place within us that we can find and draw strength from. The Joy Sanctuary exists so that we can be reminded of that peaceful place even when it feels like it doesnt exist. Rachel Davies Burrows Marion Fulker mdash Committee for Perth Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Western Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Marion Fulker is the founding CEO of think tank, Committee for Perth, which undertakes research on the social, demographic and economic challenges of Perth, and benchmarks against other cities. Using a multi-pronged research approach academic, in-house, consultative, and on the ground inputs - the Committee has become a credible voice on the future of Perth. Marions contribution to this research agenda has been recognised by her appointment as adjunct senior research fellow at The University of Western Australia in 2013. Marion was appointed to the Committee in 2006. Over the past decade, she has led diverse teams to produce a number of landmark reports which offer new insights and proposed solutions that challenge the status quo. One of which provides a comprehensive understanding of the structural and cultural barriers that impedes womens professional progress in Perth. Marion said the report was initially for a local audience, but it found its way into boardrooms across the country. My work is to understand complex issues and propose solutions that have widespread support, by taking an evidence-based approach in which the findings are shared early and often helps to bring consensus on the way forward. Anita McSweeney mdash Stellar Culture Telstra Western Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Anita McSweeneys career is based around culture, human behaviour and productivity. Always pursuing excellence in this field, Anitas area of expertise is in consulting with different cultures and personnel to create innovative programs to promote productivity, purpose, and passion in the workplace. Her consultancy, Stellar Culture, focuses on the behavioural and business needs of her clients to improve productivity. Her work is focused on creating a workplace culture that fosters leadership, ongoing improvement and innovation. She begins this process by first working with senior management and then engaging with all levels of a business. She uses consultation and diagnostics in group and one-on-one meetings to explore their specific needs and opportunities for growth. From there, Anita creates a picture to build upon to achieve greater results in all areas. Anitas methods enable employees to feel empowered to identify opportunities for improvement and to create solutions, in a way that would not have occurred otherwise. My work has always involved a great level of consultation, listening, understanding and then influencing to truly make a workplace a better place for all. I strive to tap into the hearts and mind of a myriad of cultures. Teresa Soanes mdash Swire Oilfield Services Telstra Western Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Despite being raised by parents who didnt believe in educating women and leaving school at 16, Teresa Soanes has built a strong career and amassed a wealth of leadership experience. Her academic achievements include an MBA and NLP practitioner qualifications. A 12-year tenure with Rio Tinto afforded her the greatest opportunity to acquire technical, leadership and management skills across multiple disciplines. Teresa is now the general manager and director of Swire Oilfield Services, a company that provides tanks, modular and cargo-carrying units to the energy industry, particularly offshore drilling and production. With 60,000 units, it has the largest fleet globally. In her role, Teresa is responsible for the management and leadership of all commercial, sales, operational and financial aspects of the business. She has full budgetary, and profit and loss accountability, reporting to the companys chief operating officer. A mentor to many, she seeks to inspire and extract the best from everyone. I bring focus, cooperation, energy and fun into my teams. I am strong believer in collaborative work and I love inspiring my team to be their best and believe in themselves. Jane Macey mdash Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Telstra Western Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Jane Macey is an accomplished engineer and people manager who began her career as a process engineer at an aerospace foundry. Prior to her current role at iron producer Fortescue Metals, Jane has held various technical and operational leadership roles in manufacturing, oil and gas, and mining. In her current role, Jane manages the Firetail plant and Solomon train loading facility, which are both located in the Solomon Hub a region in the Hamersley Ranges which is home to the Firetail and Kings Valley mines. As the operations manager at Firetail, she is responsible for a team of 150 employees, who ensure the safe and efficient processing of materials in the Firetail facility as well as the loading of materials out of the Solomon Hub and onto trains. Under her leadership, her team has developed and implemented a plan that saw the facility increase production by 28 per cent from 21 to 27 to 27 million tonnes per annum and achieve design capacity for the facility a major milestone for any new site. I have a history of bringing together teams to achieve the next level of performance, including continued focus on creating opportunities for diverse employment, particularly women and Indigenous trainees. Paula West mdash Inspired Homes Telstra Western Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Joining the building industry in 1988, Paula has impressively contributed to the sector and its evolution for more than 28 years. Experienced in all facets of the industry and having worked for 22 years with one of Perths major building companies, Paulas experience is vast and her knowledge diverse. Paula is deservedly recognised by the Housing Industry Association, where she serves on their committee and judging panels. Paula is also the first elected female councillor of the Master Builders Association, and was also nominated for the Rising Star award in 2014. Paula is the general manager of Inspired Homes, a business that specialises in design, management and construction of turnkey custom homes and multi-unit apartment complexes. Paulas passion for building and genuine love of assisting people achieve their aspirations is industry-renowned. Priding herself on delivering a dedicated level of service, honesty and integrity, Paula is a highly motivated people person who has a strong focus on customer service with the view of developing long term repeat business relationships and building on existing ones. It is extremely rewarding helping people be involved in a dynamic organisation that assists people achieve their housing and investment goals. Kate Holsgrove mdash Scentre Group (Owner amp Operator of Westfield AUS amp NZ) Telstra Western Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Equipped with extensive management experience from working with retail outlets Myer and Betts, Kate joined Westfield in 2004 as an assistant centre manager before being quickly promoted to centre manager. After relocating to Canberra in 2010 as senior centre manager and then to Sydney in 2012 as regional manager Sydney South, she moved back to Perth in 2015 where she is now the Western Australia regional manager for Scentre Group (owner and operator of Westfield in Australia and New Zealand). In her role, Kate is responsible for the strategic asset management of three centres: Westfield Carousel, Westfield Whitford City and Westfield Innaloo. She is accountable for the delivery of customer experience, profits, retail turnover targets and the long-term growth of asset valuations. Kate is passionate about diversity and inclusion and has also brought the gender equality initiative, Scentre Group Connect, to WA, which had previously only existed in the eastern states. The aim of the initiative is to increase female representation in senior leadership roles. In her role as project sponsor, Kate hosts professional development and networking events for female executives. I invest time in the causes I am passionate about, including networking with other professional women, mentoring future leaders and furthering my own learning. Tania Sinibaldi mdash Chandler Macleod Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Western Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Tania Sinibaldi has a career spanning more than 30 years in the human resources sector. She is the chief operating officer, staffing services, for Chandler Macleod, a leading provider of integrated human resources services in Australasia. Tania leads a division that offers a range of services including permanent, contract and contingent employment, as well as behavioural interviewing, psychometric assessments and global sourcing strategies. Some of her responsibilities include leading and growing the business, developing business leaders, and overseeing operations. Tania has overseen major re-structural changes, such as in 2015 when Chandler Macleod delisted from the ASX and listed on the Tokyo exchange as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Recruit Holdings. She visited Japan to learn about the teams, culture and policies of the new parent company. When she returned she led an immersion program for her team to help them understand how to adapt new processes, in particular in unit management. I am a woman of my word, I can empathise with most people and have the ability to foresee future problems and opportunities. I believe these are some of the factors that make me successful at what I do. Danielle Rooney mdash The Peninsula Bar and Restaurant Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist While studying chemical engineering on a scholarship at Curtin University, Danielle Rooney found she was more passionate about her part-time restaurant job than her studies. She realised her heart was in hospitality and left her degree to work in the industry full-time. At the beginning of 2016, she became general manager of The Peninsula Bar and Restaurant, a modern Australian bistro on the prime Mandurah waterfront. As the venue had just opened, she helped to create an identity for the restaurant through branding and interiorexterior design. In addition, she is wholly responsible for organising staff, products, prices, suppliers and technology. She says that the restaurant creates a positive atmosphere and helps to further boost the character of the town. Danielle has also recently become involved in a local charity called Step, which helps local communities in need and educates people about the issues of mental illness. It is important that I help to create an appealing place for people to dine, as it is a great way to increase tourism, employment and a sense of community. Lisa Marie Zorzi mdash Perth Scoliosis Clinic amp Bodyworks Subiaco Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2001, Lisa Marie Zorzi was diagnosed with severe Scoliosis just before her 14th birthday. This was the catalyst for a life long journey of helping others with Scoliosis and giving those people a place where they can receive evidence-based treatment in Western Australia. In 2010, she founded Bodyworks Clinical Pilates in West Perth and spent many years refining her knowledge and skills to become a Scoliosis-specific exercise specialist, Schroth therapist and Stott Pilates rehab instructor trainer. Stott Pilates is a contemporary form of Pilates that focuses on good biomechanical movement and movement re-education, as opposed to classical Pilates, which maintains a flat back. Bodyworks Clinical Pilates, which is now the parent company to both Bodyworks Subiaco and Perth Scoliosis Clinic, was moved to a purpose-built space in 2014 in Subiaco. All 18 of the staff aim to treat conditions with the same evidence-based focus embodied in Lisas ethos. I take pride in watching adolescent girls with Scoliosis walk my journey but with so much more direction and actually having an understanding of their treatment. It inspires me to keep pushing to make evidence-based treatment more readily available in Western Australia. Neha Patel mdash Kinetic IT Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Nehas story spans across the globe, born in Mumbai but raised in Adelaide, she lived in Chicago, Mumbai and Nairobi before moving to Perth in 2007 to pursue an honours degree in computer science. However, her first break into IT didnt come easily. She was a retail sales assistant by day and by night she worked at a petrol station, all the while applying for role after role in her discipline. However, her perseverance paid off and Neha secured her first role in IT in 2011 at Fujitsu as a service desk analyst she then went on to work for INX Software as a technical and support services manager. Currently, Neha works for a leading provider of enterprise-class IT solutions, Kinetic IT, as an operations manager. Seeing the need for an applications development capability to support current clients, Neha rallied the organisation to develop a dedicated business unit which focuses on managing a suite of products, a portfolio of projects and much more. She is currently the leader of this newly-formed team. She is the youngest female operations manager, making her a role model for many women in the business and industry. My role extends to being a coach and mentor for many in the industry males and females and from a variety of age groups. Katherine Roberts mdash This Little Pig Went to Market Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist If Katherine Roberts isnt eating food, shes planning what shes going to eat next. Her one true love is food, which is how This Little Pig Went to Market came into existence. Three years ago, Katherine and her sister Jessica started a new kind of food company: one that delivers gourmet boxes of fresh, local and free-range food straight to peoples doors. The beautiful, recycled food boxes come equipped with dietician-approved recipes that people can cook up at home. Katherine is responsible for running the day-to-day business of This Little Pig. She makes the decisions, pays the bills, hires the staff, taste-tests the food, and generally just keeps the business afloat. To maintain premium quality, she instils in her staff the credo, if the box of food isnt good enough for a food blogger, then it cant go out the door. As a family-run business, Katherine and Jessica focus on creating a company that reflects their ethos and way of life. Growing up on a farm, they saw first-hand how hard farmers work and are therefore big believers in supporting local businesses, which is reflected in all of the produce included in their boxes. This venture has made me realise that you dont just start a business and customers turn up. You have to work so very, very hard, every single day. Sandra Searle mdash Elvi Design Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Sandra Searle comes from a family of dress designers, so her journey into fashion was a natural progression. After gaining work experience with renowned Australian fashion designer, Collette Dinnigan, Sandra went on to work as a production assistant at Morrison and a product buyer at PunkyB Jewellery. In 2011, she decided to go out on her own and start Elvi Design, a Perth-based boutique bridal label which creates bespoke gowns from exquisite laces and silks. As the owner of the business, multi-tasking and problem solving is what Sandra does best, constantly switching between accounts and design. From Thursdays to Saturdays you will find her meeting with and fitting clients, and every other day, updating social media accounts and website, planning photo shoots, completing administration tasks and of course, sewing gowns. Sandra says when she first started her business she lacked confidence and was undercharging. Now five years later, she can accurately quote for the hours involved in making a dress to ensure that a profit is made. I focus on the style of the wedding, working very closely with the bride to ensure they feel amazing on the most memorable day of their life. Betty Tran mdash Betty Tran International Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra Western Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Betty Trans love for fashion began when she started helping her mother, a talented seamstress, manufacture garments for numerous Australian and international fashion labels. Although initially studying public relations, her love for garment manufacturing resulted in her switching to a fashion and textiles degree. It was in 2012, that Betty launched her own label, Betty Tran, an Australian couture and ready-to-wear luxury brand. The core product line at Betty Tran consists of glamorous evening gowns, party cocktail dresses and functional day wear. Betty says that all garments are made with high attention to detail and are timeless in their design, so each piece is an investment that can withstand fickle trends. With what started out with a 2,000 loan, has now grown into a business with two stand-alone stores in Western Australia, stock in stores globally and an international profile as a result of involvement in the prestigious Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Australia, New York and most recently Los Angeles. The reason I started a fashion label was to empower women, by introducing a line of clothing that allows women to be confident in their appearance and be the best version of themselves. Kim-Louise Liddell mdash Non Destructive Excavations Australia Pty Ltd Telstra New South Wales Entrepreneur Award Finalist As the sole founder and director of Non Destructive Excavations Australia, Kim-Louise Liddell says she saves lives by protecting live underground assets: optical fibres, gas mains, electrical conduits, water pipes and other buried utilities that provide the population with our daily conveniences. When construction companies want to expand their networks, buildings, infrastructures, roads and rail systems, they call upon Kims business to identify and locate the underground services. The risk of hitting live buried services within highly congested cities is extremely dangerous and can have devastating effects. Kim has built a business around managing this risk by safely exposing underground services, which is essential for community growth and progress. Using the latest technology, her business services include hydro-vacuum excavation for pot-holing, pier hole excavations, trenching in and around buried services, heritage tree excavation as well as electronic service location. Since its inception in 2005, Kim has grown her company from a team of two to 20 and from one vacuum truck, to a fleet of six vacuum trucks, two tippers, several light vehicles, and an asphalting truck. I am strongly focussed on my accountability and powerful influence within my business and believe that I must live, breathe and act as a brilliant role model that inspires my team to consistently exceed our customers expectations. Irene Falcone mdash Nourished Life Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra New South Wales Entrepreneur Award Finalist After spending 10 years in senior marketing roles for some the worlds largest companies, Irene Falcone created her own business to fill a gap she saw for trusted, environmentally-friendly beauty products. She created Nourished Life to provide sustainable, eco-friendly, natural personal care, beauty, home and lifestyle products all backed by substantiated information. As a founder and CEO of Nourished Life, Irene sets the direction, vision and culture of the company. She leads, inspires and empowers her growing team made up of more than 20 working mums. As a 100 per cent owner, she is responsible for all management decisions from creative direction to financial planning. Irenes proudest achievement so far has been to successfully take her online-only business to a bricks-and-mortar retail store with a large warehouse, office space, and on-site naturopathy service. Irene was a finalist in the 2015 Telstra Business Womens Awards and Nourished Life was a finalist in the 2016 Telstra Business Awards. Ive created an ongoing solution for the health-conscious community, a solution for the environment and an opportunity for local mums wanting to return to the workforce. Matina Jewell mdash Matina Jewell Enterprises Telstra New South Wales Entrepreneur Award Finalist Matina Jewell inspires change as an international keynote speaker, facilitator, coach, mentor and author. She shares learnings from her 15-year career in the Army, as one of the most highly decorated females in Australian military history. Since retiring from the military after suffering debilitating war injuries, Matina has since served as an advisor to the Prime Minister on defence and veterans issues. Her work in this role has enabled positive change for serving and retired defence members and has highlighted among the Department of Veterans Affairs the importance of addressing mental health and specific issues that touch young and female veterans. Matina started public speaking five years ago, helping to provide perspective and inspire a sense of purpose in the corporate world, sharing her learnings from active duty and how they may apply. Her key focus areas are leadership and culture, change and resilience. She says that through this work, she is able to help educate and inspire current and the next generation of leaders, showcase the great work of our soldiers and honour the memory of fallen team-mates, and give back as a philanthropist. I share hope, to inspire the young and remind those of us older what is possible even amidst adversity. That out of change can come incredible opportunities if we have courage to pursue them. Jacqueline Arias mdash Repblica Organic Telstra New South Wales Entrepreneur Award Finalist During a trip to her native Colombia in 2005, Jacqueline Arias had a light-bulb moment that led to the creation of organic coffee company, Repblica Organic. After seeing the fate of local farmers being treated unfairly, she resigned from her job as a journalist at the ABC to create an ethical company that guarantees farmers a fair deal. She has since grown that business into Australias number one organic coffee company, sold in more than 1,700 Coles and Woolworths supermarkets across the country. Jacqueline says that coffee is the most highly traded tropical agricultural product, yet many of the 25 million coffee farmers who depend on it for their livelihood make little to no money from their efforts. Repblica Organics products are certified organic, Fairtrade, and sustainable. Jacquelines vision for her company is to become Australias most ethical food brand. Since launching, Jacqueline has expanded the business into drinking chocolate and raw superfoods. As the CEO of Australias most ethical beverage business, I am changing the hearts and minds of Australians to buy organic and Fairtrade products because it is better for us and the planet. Emma Bannister mdash Presentation Studio Telstra New South Wales Entrepreneur Award Finalist Arriving in Australia from the UK, Emmas love for creativity and design led her to turn her passion for beautiful, memorable and engaging presentations into a business. She founded Presentation Studio in 2006. A decade on, as founder and CEO, Emma manages more than 30 staff who write, design and produce presentations for large and small organisations across the Asia Pacific. From content creation and delivery through to visual design, Presentation Studio delivers a suite of services to help ideas stand out. Having recently taken a step back from the day-to-day running of the business, Emma is now focused on advancing her vision of transforming the culture of presentations among the business community through speaking engagements and media opportunities. A key part of this thought leadership strategy is the distribution of content through Presentation Guru, which is an independent digital magazine that she co-founded. Emma was a finalist in the 2015 Telstra Business Womens Awards. Im passionate about presentations because we give people the power to influence. I see the difference we make for start-ups, charities, corporations amp individuals careers when speakers have the confidence and tools to present to their audience. Abarna Raj mdash Palmera Telstra New South Wales For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist In 2004, Abarna Raj was working in the consulting industry when she witnessed first-hand the Boxing Day tsunami which devastated coastlines in 14 countries bordering the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000 people in what is considered one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Abarna set up Palmera straight after as a volunteer organisation dedicated to addressing to the immediate needs of the populations impacted by the disaster. After a decade working with Palmera and the wider sector, including NGOs and corporates, she identified a growing gap in the support being offered to the rural entrepreneurs and farmers. In response to this, she reinvented Palmera in 2014 as a grassroots international agency to address this critical challenge. With an initial pilot program in Sri Lanka that spans over 2,000 entrepreneurs, Palmeras approach is to work with an entire village over a five year period to support their inclusion into the economic mainstream, increase income, and build the capacity for long-term change. Abarna hopes to scale the model to contribute to the global social problem. I believe that the best way to end poverty and aid dependence is to build economic self-sufficiency. If we are truly going to end poverty, we need to shift the dial from dependence to charity, to choice and dignity where families can stand on their own two feet. Janelle Goulding mdash City West Housing Telstra New South Wales For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Janelle Goulding strongly believes that everyone has the right to be safe and have shelter it is a belief she advances as a reality in her role as CEO of City West Housing. The not-for-profit organisation offers affordable housing for rent, to low and moderate income earners. Currently, City West Housing provides homes for more than 1,400 people in Sydney. Janelle says that the median house price in Sydney currently exceeds one million dollars, and home ownership is not a realistic option for the average person. She says that one of the organisations key objectives is to keep people out of the social housing system by providing more quality and affordable accommodation, and keeping people living in areas close to where they work so as to maintain employment. When Janelle joined the organisation in 2012 it needed a strategic vision to increase its property portfolio and enable it to build more housing developments. Under her leadership, Janelle restructured the business, employed people with similar social ideals and secured more than six new developments, which by the end of 2017 will house more than 1,000 additional people. My vision is to continually develop, build and manage affordable housing in Sydney and continue to create innovative developments that will meet the changing needs of our communities. Jenni Seton mdash Redkite Telstra New South Wales For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Jenni is the CEO of Redkite, a national charity providing financial, emotional and educational support to children, young people and their families who are impacted by cancer. Its hospital and community services include social workers, music therapists, career support, tele-group counselling for families and bereavement support. Jennis proudest achievement was leading the merger and rebranding of little-known state organisations, helping hundreds of families into a unified national charity that now supports thousands. In the past five years, Redkite has made significant headway in bridging the gap in need, going from reaching one in five teenagers and young adults at diagnosis to one in two. Jenni has led Redkite to double its service to families and nearly double its fundraising. Jenni is a strong advocate of collaboration in the sector, including with other key childrens charities and national research groups. I love leading a charity that has professionals and volunteers working alongside each other knowing exactly what we stand for, why we exist and are unified towards achieving our vision of reaching all children and young people with cancer. Petrea King mdash Quest for Life Foundation Telstra New South Wales For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Chronic pain from crippling arthritis and having nearly died from leukaemia are just some of the reasons that led Petrea King down her career path of wanting to help people suffering significant life challenges. In 1989, Petrea established the Quest for Life Foundation which provides resources, community workshops and retreats for people living with chronic disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Petrea is the CEO and founder of the Foundation and is responsible for maintaining the vision of the organisation. It is her responsibility to ensure she and her staff work effectively together to create a safe, nurturing environment for all of the people who seek their services. Petrea has worked hard to ensure that the Foundations Quest for Life Centre is a safe haven for people seeking ways to heal the past, build resilience for the future and live more contentedly in the present. Since Petrea launched the organisation, Quest for Life Foundation has welcomed more than 110,000 people at workshops and retreats. The Foundation provides confidential, compassionate and wise counsel to thousands of people who are confronted by lifes unexpected traumas and tragedies. Anne Bryce mdash Achieve Australia Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra New South Wales For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Anne Bryce has spent over 30 years working within the disability, human services and health sectors. Following a variety of management roles, she was appointed CEO of Hornsby Challenge in 2003 (later renamed Achieve Foundation) and led the organisation through significant growth and a merger with another equal-sized disability organisation in 2009. Achieve Australia is a not-for-profit leader in the provision of disability services, with a vision of social inclusion for people living with a disability. Services include specialist disability accommodation, health and wellbeing support, social education and personal development for independence, and the development of skills for employment and volunteering opportunities. In 2014, Anne led the devolution of a large residential centre housing people with disability called the Crowle Home and closed the site. The project was undertaken in order to improve the quality of life of former residents and involved negotiations with multiple levels of government and stakeholders. In addition to her role at Achieve Australia, Anne is also a board member of National Disability Services (NDS), the industry peak body for non-government disability services organisations, as well as Chair of the NSW Division of NDS. I support adults living with a disability to live valued and meaningful lives. Sally-Ann Williams mdash Google Telstra New South Wales Corporate and Private Award Finalist Sally-Ann Williams is an executive program manager on the engineering team at Google. In her portfolio she looks after five important areas: CS (computer science) and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) outreach and engagement start-up and entrepreneur engagement and university research and relations. Through her portfolio, as well as Googles programs and partnerships, Sally-Ann and her team seek to provide assistance and support at every point in the education system. They work on programs that integrate STEM disciplines with other learning areas so people can see the real world outcomes of STEM education. Sally-Ann says that it is estimated that 75 per cent of all future jobs will require STEM skills, particularly in the technology and CS spaces. She also says that it is estimated that tech start-ups have the potential to add 109 billion to the economy and more than 540 thousand jobs. Her work in CS and STEM education in Australia and New Zealand has been instrumental in creating national and lasting change in curriculum (primary, secondary and university) as well as aiding the professional development of teachers. If we are want to ensure the economic prosperity of Australias future it is critical that we have a highly skilled and engaged workforce in STEM. This starts in primary school. Vivienne Bower mdash Lendlease Telstra New South Wales Corporate and Private Award Finalist Vivienne Bower has held senior positions in communications for the past ten years of her career, moving to an executive role with Lendlease four years ago. Lendlease is an international property and infrastructure group. As the group head of corporate affairs, Vivienne is responsible for the overall direction, strategy and management of the Corporate Affairs function globally. In this role, Vivienne has overseen a successful transformation of the Corporate Affairs function, resulting in a significant improvement in the companys overall reputation. When she began at Lendlease in 2012, she measured the companys reputation through the AMR reputation index at 55.8, she set about driving change and now four years on the index is at 65.7. This significant increase has closed the gap between Lendlease and other top 50 ASX listed companies. In addition, Vivienne is the global Chair of the Lendlease Diversity and Inclusion Council, which gives her the opportunity to drive her personal passion about gender equality and inclusion across the Lendlease business as a whole. As a leader, I have learned that you must celebrate success with your team and enjoy reaching key milestones along the journey to keep you motivated and engaged. Sarah Hunter mdash Virbac Animal Health Telstra New South Wales Corporate and Private Award Finalist Sarah Hunter completed an agricultural science degree at the University of Sydney before heading to the UK, where she worked in the specialist insurance market of Lloyds of London. Upon her return to Australia, she ran an industrial bakery and retail outlets before revisiting her agricultural roots by starting in a new position at Virbac Animal Health. She moved her way through the ranks to the position she is in currently, commercial manager. Virbac Animal Health is a global organisation that researches, develops, manufactures and markets products for Australian livestock and pets. The core business is parasiticides (veterinary medicine to kill parasites) for cattle, sheep, horses, dogs and cats along with vaccines, injectable trace minerals and specialty veterinary medications. As commercial manager, Sarah is responsible for the development and implementation of sustainable business strategies in agribusiness and veterinary pet care. One the most significant changes that she has brought about in the business is the removal of departmental boundaries to eliminate silos and create a culture of unity in the delivery of customer satisfaction. My hallmark is the development of innovative and collaborative business models which seek to leverage team strengths. Melanie Hilton mdash Macquarie Group Telstra New South Wales Corporate and Private Award Finalist After graduating with Bachelor Degree in Commerce, Melanie Hilton decided to pursue a career in financial services. From frontline business and corporate banking roles, she progressed to leadership positions, where she sought to drive change via greater influence and impact. She is currently the COO of Macquarie Business Banking and is responsible for ensuring a successful balance between strong risk management, sustainable business and financial performance. Melanie is the most senior female leader within the business banking division and takes her role very seriously. She invests significant time, thought, energy and tangible actions into developing the non-director female population. Not long after joining Macquarie, Melanie set about creating a bespoke program to support women to progress into senior leadership positions. SHINE is a six-month experiential program that brings together small cohorts of women in an accelerated environment to drive personal and professional development through a mentor system, structured events and one-on-one coaching. I am unapologetic about my unwavering commitment to equality, and have a cheer squad who are instrumental in my motivation and inspiration. The very essence of me is knowing that I did it right, that I was fair and played fair and won. Jackie McArthur mdash Martin Brower Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra New South Wales Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra New South Wales Corporate and Private Award Finalist In 1994, Jackie McArthur began her supply chain career at FJ Walker Foods, and over the next seven years she continued in the logistics, food manufacturing and supply chain industry before she joined McDonalds Australia in 2001. By 2012, she was appointed Corporate Vice President of Supply Chain for McDonalds Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, which included overseeing the entire supply function across 38 countries. Last year she returned to Martin Brower (previously FJ Walker Foods) as Managing Director Australia and New Zealand, where she supervises the end-to-end logistics and supply chain for more than 1,100 McDonalds restaurants. Her cross-functional experience, from supply chain to real estate and construction to menu development and marketing, has provided her with the diverse skill-set required to excel in leadership. Driving a more diverse workforce, particularly in the male-dominated industry of transport and logistics, is a key passion of Jackies. Together with her colleagues, she is forging a new path of diversity in the organisation. All of the roles I have had were the result of someone believing in me being able to take a step outside of what I was good at. Someone has to believe in you enough to take a calculated risk. It is now my privilege to be able to do this for others. Jane Burhop mdash Common Ventures Telstra New South Wales Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2012, Jane Burhop and three partners founded an advertising agency called Common Ventures. Strategically curious and creatively rebellious, the business is built from a collective group of thinkers who look for interesting ways to solve diverse problems. Four years on, they remain 100 per cent independent, employ 12 full-time staff and continue to exponentially increase annual revenue and profits year upon year. Jane is currently transitioning from a creative director role into General Manager. Stepping into this new role will give her the chance to express her creativity, while also supporting the operations and build efficiencies within the business. Outside of this, she is the youngest female to take up a position on the AWARD (Australasian Writers and Art Directors Association) Council, a peak body that represents agencies in the marketing communications industry. Since joining, she has helped set-up Power of 10: a mentoring program for female creatives to address diversity issues within the advertising industry. I am passionate about redefining female leadership at the very top of the corporate ladder by creating a work environment and developing business initiatives that give people independence, fulfilment and happiness Gina Lednyak mdash LampA Social Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra New South Wales Young Business Womens Award Finalist Gina Lednyak was born and raised in the USSR. In 1991, political unrest forced her family to flee Belarus for New York City. Her ambition showed at an early age as she taught herself to speak English by reading books. This led her to being accepted to a prestigious technical high school where she studied engineering. Upon graduating, she undertook a degree in psychology at Boston University before relocating to Sydney in 2007. She quickly recognised an opportunity in the local market and began LampA Social, a full service strategic social media and digital agency. It specialises in digital strategy and implementation with a strong focus on creative content execution, analytics and consumer behaviour. Over the past several years LampA has doubled in size and revenue each year, and today is composed of a dynamic team of 15 people, with more than 50 clients. As the founder and CEO, Gina is responsible for strategic business growth, finances, HR, team development and overall business strategy. The company is thriving under her leadership and is profitable enough to take on significant non-profit pro bono work. I love what I do because I get to create a positive environment where my team gets to express themselves, innovate, occasionally stumble, continually learn and create deep value for the clients we work with. Jessie Mitchell mdash Amicus Digital Telstra New South Wales Young Business Womens Award Finalist Jessie Mitchell moved to Australia from New Zealand for a graduate role at IBM. Three years and three roles later she was recruited to help set up ExactTarget in Australia. ExactTarget is a cloud-based marketing software company and Jessie played an instrumental role in its growth and in securing its market leader position. Following the companys acquisition by cloud computing giant, Salesforce, Jessie became one of the companys youngest sales leaders. In search of a new challenge, Jessie became the co-founder of Amicus Digital. Amicus Digital is a team of experts within digital marketing, helping clients make sense of the best marketing technologies available to them. In just 18 months, Amicus Digital is now 17 people strong with sales of over 2 million in its first full financial year. As Client Service Director and active member of the Board, Jessie plays an integral role in shaping the vision for the business, strategic direction and planning. This includes budgeting, resourcing, market positioning and growth strategies. I understand that I am only as good as my team and I pride myself on their success. I am passionate about helping others and we have created a culture where teamwork is everything and which reinforces strategic partnerships with our clients. Ruth Lewis-Jones mdash Esteem Designz amp ChooseREAL Campaign Telstra New South Wales Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2012, Ruth Lewis-Jones founded Esteem Designz which creates solutions and provides creative resources for building self-esteem, identity and confidence in pre - teen girls to young female adults. It delivers interactive activities to schools, welfare organisations and individuals to engage, equip and empower girls. The Esteem Designz Program has resourced more than 250 schools, welfare and community organisations across Australia, which has been used by more than 2,500 girls and those around them. A further 105,000 girls have been reached through free online resources and the global ChooseREAL campaign. Ruth has self-funded the whole program and initiatives, investing more than 100,000, in her aim to find creative solutions to impact, expand and raise awareness for her cause. Additionally, she has worked full-time unpaid on this social enterprise for the past five years, as she is so passionate about making a difference in young womens lives. I love recognising and developing the potential in young women, helping them to believe in themselves and not rely on others for acceptance or approval. It039s a privilege to journey alongside and help them discover their self-worth and confidence Turia Pitt mdash Turia Pitt International Telstra New South Wales Young Business Womens Award Finalist Turia Pitt graduated from the University of New South Wales in 2010 with first class honours and a double degree in mining engineering and environmental science. This earned her a scholarship with Rio Tinto and a job at the prestigious Argyle Diamond Mine. However, her career was suddenly put on hold in 2011 when she entered an ultra-marathon in the Kimberley region. During the race she was trapped by a grassfire and suffered burns to 65 per cent of her body. Over the past five years, Turia has pain-stakingly rebuilt her life. She has not let her injuries define her they have empowered her to take action. She has completed an Ironman competition, been one of the four people selected to compete at the World Championships of Ironman and launched her School of Champions, an online goal setting course. On top of all of this, she is a highly-sought after motivational speaker and the author of best-selling book Everything to Live for. She is also a keen fundraiser having raised almost a million dollars for Interplast, a not-for-profit that sends teams of health professionals to provide life-changing surgery and medical training in 17 countries across the Asia Pacific region. I039m always told that I039m inspirational but it039s a word that in my eyes, is over-used - inspiration is nothing without action. And so when it comes to why I do what I do it039s pretty simple: I do it because I want to inspire people to take action. Patrice Brown mdash CQG Consulting Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Queensland Entrepreneur Award Finalist Patrice Brown is a woman of many passions: a business and commercial property owner, cattle producer, mother of three and advocate for the protection of environmental and cultural values and land rights. With qualifications in engineering, science and business she is passionate about the future of regional Australia and the need to trust science in the race to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Patrice established CQG Consulting which provides practical environmental planning, precision drone services and engineering professional advice to clients throughout Australia and Southeast Asia in the tourism, mining, agriculture, development and industrial sectors. Patrice is also a director on the CQUniversity Council, the Gladstone Area Water Board, and a founding director of two start-ups. Northern Ventures is a company that supports Aboriginal groups to achieve economic independence and Fortitude Infrastructure Development a company formed to deliver green technologies. Growing up in remote Queensland I learnt early that every day presents new opportunities that are more likely achieved by optimism, team work and a desire to make a difference. Melissa Marsden mdash Marsden Collective Telstra Queensland Entrepreneur Award Finalist Just over three years ago, Melissa Marsden launched Marsden Collective, a creative design firm that infuses interior design with business strategy, creating workplace environments for businesses. Melissa is the chief creative director and leads a team of interior designers. She is also a workplace strategist, meaning she takes into consideration both physical and human factors before developing a workplace environment. Melissa says that at Marsden Collective they are committed to designing spaces conducive to physical and emotional wellbeing. Melissa is responsible for establishing relationships with clients, becoming their trusted advisor, strategically analysing their business and then setting the direction for their project implementation. Although initially starting the business out of her spare bedroom, Melissa has managed to grow Marsden Collective considerably over the last few years. She now has a team of 10, is working on multi-million dollar projects across Australia for global companies and is experiencing year-on-year annual growth. I love working with aspiring businesses who care about their people and are truly invested in the possibility that a well-designed space can create greater success for their business and enhanced cultural aspects for their people. Tanya Titman mdash Consolid8 Telstra Queensland Entrepreneur Award Finalist Tanya Titman is an accountant on a mission to change the lives of as many business women as she can by improving their financial literacy. She says that when women understand their numbers and how to use them to drive business strategy, amazing things happen. As part of her accounting business, Consolid8, Tanya launched a 12-month business program called Acceler8, specifically targeting business women, to empower them with the knowledge of numbers. The program aims to financially educate participants by making complex concepts easy to understand for business owners who have little to no training in finance and accounting. Tanya started the program in Sydney five years ago and recently expanded to Brisbane with impressive results. The program guarantees a 30 per cent improvement in profitability over 12 months, but Tanya says that most businesses far exceed this goal. I empower business owners with information and give them the confidence to be able to understand the drivers of their business and financial impact of every decision they make. Penelope Twemlow mdash Energy Skills Queensland Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Penelope Twemlows career started in the Australian Defence Force, where she was involved in projects and deployments around Australia and Southeast Asia. After she left the Defence Force, she held senior positions in the mining, oil and gas sectors before being appointed CEO of Energy Skills Queensland, in 2015. Energy Skills Queensland is an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing innovative solutions to enable a skilled and safe energy industry. Penelope is ultimately responsible for the day-to-day management, decisions and for implementing the companys short and long-term plans. She is also accountable to the Board of Directors and communicates on behalf of the company to members, employees, government authorities, other stakeholders and the public. In addition, she has also recently graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is currently the founder and Chair of Women in Power, a not-for-profit organisation that promotes and improves the electrical and electro-technology industry by the advancement of women within it. She is also the Chair of the Electrical Safety Education Committee and the Gladstone Energy and Maintenance Training Centre. An organisations success depends on its people. Human capital is an organisations number one resource, so I enjoy making sure my team are consistently engaged and happy. Return on investment benefits all of us and the company. Vicki Batten mdash FSG Australia Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Vicki Batten is a passionate human rights activist, who believes in equal opportunity for all. She has worked at FSG Australia since 1995 in a program development role and as assistant manager to the CEO, before successfully acquiring the CEO position herself in 2001. FSG Australia is a social enterprise that specialises in making a positive difference in the lives of those people affected by disability, mental illness, age-related frailty, dementia and child safety issues. FSG Australia is partly government funded but 25 per cent of turnover is self-generated, meaning it is able to deliver highly responsive and bespoke solutions to communities whose needs are not being met in traditional ways. Vicki has a diploma of Professional Counselling and loves working very closely with families. She has written a book called Putting the Joy Back into Parenting and a manual called Im Ok, for teachers struggling with disengaged youth. I subscribe heavily to the give people a fishing line, not a fish theory and spend my days helping everyone at FSG to understand what that means. Rochelle Courtenay mdash Share the Dignity Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist When Rochelle Courtenay found out some women in Australia do not have access to sanitary products, she was shocked. She couldnt believe this could happen in Australia and found it harder to believe that the problem hadnt already been addressed. So she took action and launched Share the Dignity. Share the Dignity is a national registered charity that works to ensure that no woman has to choose between buying food or sanitary items. She says that sanitary items should be a right and not a privilege and that her work matters because it gives Australian women dignity when they need it most. They have sanitary collection drives twice a year at more than 1,500 different collection points around Australia and have collected more than 400,000 packets of pads and tampons. They also run a drive around Christmas called Its in the bag, where women donate a pre-loved handbag filled with personal care products that many take for granted such as shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste. I am committed to supporting at-risk women in Australia. My vision for Share the Dignity was for women to help other women to make a difference because everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed. Meagan Cross mdash Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics Australia Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist When Meagan Cross found out her 13-month-old daughter, Molly, was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease, Angelman Syndrome, she felt isolated, confused and helpless. This was in part due to the lack of information about the disease and so she co-founded the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (FAST) to provide other families the support she felt was missing. FAST is a charity that is dedicated to funding research to find treatments for Angelman Syndrome and to ultimately find a cure. Meagans goal for FAST was to address the lack of knowledge and understanding about the disease by creating a global online Angelman Syndrome registry, which they are now on the cusp of launching. The registry will be invaluable in increasing understanding and moving forward research and upcoming clinical trials. Meagan says that before FAST there was no mechanism to foster and disseminate research information to create a better future for Australian families with a loved one with Angelman Syndrome. Through FAST, families can now support each other in fundraising, sharing achievements and struggles, alleviating feelings of isolation. I am passionate about raising awareness and funding research into Angelman Syndrome so that families who receive this unfortunate diagnosis have a solid understanding of what it will mean for them and empower them to make a difference within their community. Galila Abdelsalam mdash Islamic Women039s Association of Queensland Inc Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist After volunteering at her local community centre in Queensland, Galila Abdelsalam identified a number of unmet needs for Muslim women, leading her to found the Islamic Womens Association of Queensland Inc (IWAQ) in 1991. IWAQ is a not-for-profit organisation that provides services to meet community needs with a specific focus on culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. IWAQ provides services to support people with disability, elderly people living on their own, and settlement services to help newly arrived migrants and refugees. IWAQ also offers programs such as English acquisition, womens leadership skills, early intervention programs to address issues such as domestic violence, and support to vulnerable young people who are at risk of becoming radicalised. In the last five years, Galila opened the Salam Respite Cottage which provides overnight and short-term care of elderly and disabled people, allowing their carers to take a break. As a carer to her husband, Galila appreciates the demands of the job. In addition, she has recently expanded the services to the Gold Coast and is in the process of setting up an office in Sydney. Both my personal views and values of IWAQ are focused on addressing some of the stereotypes associated with Muslims and breaking down some of the barriers, which is more important than ever. Rae Priaulx mdash The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital Telstra Queensland For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Registered Nurse, Rae Priaulx, has been the director of nursing at The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital for the past eight years. She has played an integral role in growing the service from 141 to 190 beds, expanding the maternity department, introducing a rehabilitation service and rebuilding the mental health facility. Her responsibilities are to provide a culture of care and professionalism while implementing the strategic clinical vision of excellent patient care. Rae continuously looks for innovative pathways to improve business efficiency. For example, together with her specialist team, she implemented a new cardiac admission pathway which enables heart attack patients to be admitted directly to the hospitals Heart Centre, rather than the emergency department. In her previous role as acting general manager director of nursing for St Stephens Hospital, the first fully integrated digital hospital in Australia, she was exposed to innovative health care technology that continues to inspire her in her current role. At The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital, she implemented an electronic patient tracking system which improved patient workflow, including enabling families to see live updates on progress from the operating theatre. The best part of my role is the privilege of developing future health care leaders. If I can inspire someone to step up, provide them with a leadership opportunity or project to learn and grow their confidence, it makes my whole day shine. Professor Hilary Winchester mdash CQUniversity Australia Telstra Queensland Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Throughout her career, Professor Hilary Winchester has gained a deep understanding and knowledge of the higher education sector, and is a recognised expert in quality assurance within the industry. She has received awards for widening learning opportunities for disadvantaged groups and for enhancing quality educational provision. She has held senior positions at the universities of Newcastle and South Australia and is currently provost and acting vice-chancellor at CQUniversity Australia, leading the higher education division. She delivers programs through six schools, manages research grants and projects, and engages with the universitys academic, government, industry and community stakeholders. Hilary champions widening participation in academia, through the universitys programs in regional Australia. CQUniversity is recognised within the Australian higher education sector as the nations most engaged and inclusive university, with the highest ratio of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Since she joined CQUniversity, Hilary has instilled a culture of performance, significantly raising teaching quality, support of research students and research outcomes. I strive to improve and develop strategies, creative policies and structures to make learning, teaching and research the best it can be, in order to provide the best learning experience for students and a satisfying environment for staff. Professor Hilary Winchester Professor Jan Thomas mdash University of Southern Queensland Telstra Queensland Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Professor Jan Thomas is an accomplished academic. She holds multiple qualifications including a PhD in Veterinary Science. Jan worked as an academic veterinarian before assuming senior management roles across multiple areas at two universities. In 2012, Jan was appointed Vice-Chancellor and President at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). Similar to a CEO, Jan is responsible for leading and managing the universitys academic, administrative and financial affairs. She is accountable for the management and welfare of all staff and students, and for shaping USQs reputation. Under her leadership, USQ has ranked well above world standard across several research areas, demonstrates strong financial performance, delivers outstanding graduate outcomes and has achieved award-winning staff engagement results. Jan believes an organisations success depends on its people and has developed senior leadership models that promote change, encourage advancement and celebrate success. Jan holds Chairs of the London-based Managing Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities Regional Universities Network and Queenslands State Library and is a member of the Queensland Futures Council. I am committed to the progressive roles of universities and to their research and education innovations that help shape global economies. Professor Jan Thomas Inspector Virginia Nelson mdash Queensland Police Service Telstra Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra Queensland Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Inspector Virginia Nelson has been a police officer for more than 26 years, having joined the Queensland Police Service (QPS) at 18. She has served in regional and metropolitan locations and has worked in front-line policing, prosecutions, the bureau of criminal intelligence and the office of the state coroner. Now, as an inspector, she is in charge of a patrol group of more than 150 officers in the Capricornia Police District. As a commissioned officer and senior leader, Virginia shapes strategic thinking in the organisation by inspiring a shared sense of purpose and direction for her patrol group. She builds organisational capability and ensures crime trends are identified and operational responses are delivered to the community. She is the single point of contact for operational, tactical and strategic activities within her patrol group. Virginia is the only female commissioned officer in her area and she contributes significantly to developing the capability of women in policing and growing women in leadership within the organisation. Having been a police officer for more than a quarter of a century, I love the difference we make in the community. I enjoy being a mentor to younger officers to help them be the best they can be. Inspector Virginia Nelson Professor Anita Lee Hong mdash Queensland University of Technology Telstra Queensland Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist As a proud descendant of the Badjalla language group, Anita Lee Hong is passionate about social justice and human rights and enabling access to and participation in education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Anita is an accomplished academic and in 2010, was appointed as the director of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Oodgeroo Unit which is the centre of the universitys activities in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, studies and research. Under her leadership, the Oodgeroo Unit has expanded its profile both within QUT and in the community - state, nationally and internationally. One of her key achievements has been establishing the Indigenous Australian Science and Infrastructure Development (SID) Winter School. It provides a five-day residential program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queensland high school students in grades 10, 11 and 12. The SID Winter School demystifies and encourages an interest in higher education, with a particular focus on science and infrastructure development disciplines. My mother instilled in me the importance of a good education and I would like to think that I am an influencer to the younger generation. An education is a passport to a career. Professor Anita Lee Hong Professor Jenny Martin mdash Griffith University Telstra Queensland Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Jenny Martin has a successful career in academia, which began early when she was awarded five scholarships and bursaries to undertake a PhD at Oxford. She followed that opportunity by achieving a postdoctoral research position at Bond University and then Rockefeller University, before a move to the University of Queensland. There, she established the first protein crystallography laboratory in the state. Over her career, she has been awarded four nationally competitive fellowships including an inaugural Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship. Her research is devoted to understanding the molecular basis of disease and applying this knowledge to early-stage drug discovery. In March 2016, she took on the role of director of the Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery at Griffith University. She now leads a team of 150 staff and students focused on finding new ways to treat cancer, infectious diseases and neurological diseases. I love what I do because it is transformative, multidisciplinary, challenging research, and because it039s deeply satisfying to contribute to a better world. Professor Jenny Martin Tracey Vieira mdash Screen Queensland Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Queensland Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Queensland Corporate and Private Award Finalist Tracey Vieira is passionate about the arts and has used her business acumen to turn this interest into a successful career. She spent a decade in Los Angeles as Executive Vice President of International Production for Ausfilm. While abroad, and in partnership with Screen Queensland, she has attracted more than 1.5 billion of production spend to Australia. In 2014, she relocated her family to Australia to pursue the role of CEO at Screen Queensland. In this role, Tracey is responsible for growing the screen industrys contribution to the economic and cultural wellbeing of Queensland. Tracey is passionate about helping the industry transition into a contemporary screen environment as technology rapidly changes how audiences view content. Under Traceys guidance, Screen Queensland is now leading the way in Australia, developing stories and content in the digital environment. Tracey is also a non-executive director of RSPCA Queensland, QMusic and the Sunshine Coast Arts Advisory Board. She also sits on the Board of Advisors for the US based organisation Australians in Film. It wasn039t until I walked into an organisation in crisis that I understood my own strengths and my love for transforming an industry. Teena Pisarev mdash Icon Cancer Care Telstra Queensland Corporate and Private Award Finalist From a young age, Teena Pisarev knew she was destined to lead and was determined to take every opportunity available to her. Her efforts have paid off, with Teenas career so far including roles such as manager, general manager and CEO. In March 2015, Teena commenced as the CEO of Icon Cancer Care, the largest private provider of cancer care in Australia, delivering 78,000 treatments per year. Supported by more than 100 specialists and 330 staff, the team at Icon Cancer Care provides world-class treatment for patients with cancer or haematological disorders. This is delivered across seven day hospitals, with a strong reach into regional Queensland via satellite clinics and telehealth. Teena says designing and establishing the regional cancer centre in Townsville is one of her proudest achievements. It was not only delivered on time and within budget, but is providing vital care to regional Queenslanders. In just three years, it has already exceeded financial and business goals. Im a firm believer that leading through inspiration is key to any decision, plan or crisis. I believe my role is to inspire people to understand their role and empower them to deliver nothing but exceptional care. Kathrina Bryen mdash Aurizon Telstra Queensland Corporate and Private Award Finalist Kathrina Bryen has dedicated more than 25 years of her career to understanding and enabling people to create optimal business practices. She has held a range of people roles across a variety of government and corporate entities. For several years Kathrina has led Aurizons cultural transformation work to challenge the long-standing assumptions that Aurizon, Australias largest rail based transport business, will always be a male dominated employer. With accountabilities for talent, employment, capability, diversity and inclusion, Kathrina is currently Vice President HR Operations and leads a national team of HR practitioners. She is devoted to working with leaders to drive cultural transformation to produce efficient operations for our customers. Kathrina says growing up in the Northern Territory shaped both her career and much of her personal life, which she has dedicated to equity and diversity in education and business. She is also passionate about advancing gender equality globally, and has been actively involved in supporting UN Women through fundraising to support the critical on-the-ground work for womens economic empowerment in Fiji. When your passion drives you to deliver and you039re genuinely committed and believe in the outcomes, it makes the challenge worthwhile and fulfilling. Rebecca He mdash Good Price Pharmacy Telstra Queensland Corporate and Private Award Finalist Rebecca He has a background working in accounting firms, publicly-listed corporations and fast-growing entrepreneurial companies. She completed a Bachelor of Economics and a Law degree in Shanghai, before moving to Australia where she studied a Master of Commerce at the University of Queensland. She also completed the CPA accreditation and an MBA while working full-time. In her last position, Rebecca was the financial controller for RACQ group, and is currently CFO at Good Price Pharmacy. She plays a key role in driving the strategic direction and future vision for the business, by instilling innovation and culture transformation to affect change and deliver sustainable and enduring growth. Good Price Pharmacy is now one of Australias leading retailers in health, beauty and medicinal products turning over 300 million each year with 51 locations nationally. As a first-generation migrant, Rebecca is conscious of the real challenges that people coming into Australia may meet in their professional lives. She champions business success, coaching and mentoring, sharing her experience and learnings to inspire others. I feel privileged to be able to align my profession with my value and passion. I am proud to contribute towards enhanced community health outcomes and inspire and empower others to succeed under my leadership. Dr Elaine Stead mdash Blue Sky Alternative Investments Telstra Queensland Corporate and Private Award Finalist Dr Elaine Stead completed her PhD at the University of Adelaide, where she trained as a biochemist and stem cell biologist. During this time, she became familiar with the business side of research and innovation, which led to several roles assisting public institutions, companies and founders translate and commercialise their technology across a broad range of industry sectors, including agriculture, healthcare and digital technology. She is now managing director, Venture Capital, a division of Blue Sky Alternative Investments, an alternative assets fund manager, listed on the ASX, which invests in private equity and venture capital, real assets, property, and hedge funds. In her role, Elaine is responsible for the management of the venture capital fund and portfolio, providing capital, expertise, operational and strategic guidance and networks to help those innovative companies and entrepreneurs grow globally. Elaine says that as Australias economy diversifies away from resources and property, innovation will be the key driver of long-term economic growth. Blue Sky has an exciting role to play during this transition, in helping companies who may be bringing innovations to the market that can have a life-changing impact in peoples lives. I back innovative companies and entrepreneurs that are developing new solutions and solving hard problems across a broad range of industries. I help them build businesses that make a difference, create jobs and can have a positive impact on our community and Australias economic future. Pixie Weyand mdash The Lost Collective Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra Queensland Young Business Womens Award Finalist Two years ago, Pixie Weyand had nothing but a notebook, a whole head of ideas and the drive to do something with her life. Since then, she has worked tirelessly to create The Lost Collective, an umbrella for several businesses she is in the process of growing. These include: Lost Boys, a small, organic vegetarian, carbon-neutral caf in Fortitude Valley The Tree House, a bar offering local, natural, and organic drinks The Zoo, an iconic live music venue Feed Music, an app connecting touring musicians and local cafes and restaurants across the globe to provide healthy meals and Zoo Tours, which aims to bring quality acts from overseas to Australia. Pixie is responsible for guiding the businesses using innovation and direction. She oversees all elements of the business and is directly accountable for all the challenges, successes and downfalls that may happen. Through her journey, Pixie has learnt that having a genuine belief in herself meant that she could achieve anything. Opening the caf led me to where I am now. Everything is a stepping stone to the next thing. Every moment is significant as it leads you to the next one. It is up to you to channel these moments. As long as you are moving forward in some way, you are never going the wrong way. Jen Geale mdash Mountain Bikes Direct Telstra Queensland Young Business Womens Award Finalist Jen Geale has a background in management consulting and was inspired to start Mountain Bikes Direct when her partners local bike shop started facing increasing pressure from international online competition. Gaining an understanding of the retail cycling industry while working in the shop, she drove the move to create the pure play e-commerce business, focused on mountain bike parts and accessories. Mountain Bikes Direct makes it possible for Australian riders to buy from an Australian retailer at prices that are globally competitive. With low overheads, great partnerships with suppliers, streamlined systems and a focus on addressing customer needs, Jen believes it can not only compete in international markets but will also remain a sustainable, thriving business. As one of four owners, Jen is making the most of her experience in systems and process management to create tools to enable the team to work faster and smarter. She also runs the marketing, finances and reporting functions. In addition, she ensures that the warehouse is working to the best of its capacity to enable fast shipping of its products. The wonderful thing about cycling retail is that we sell products that encourage people to live healthy lives outdoors. I believe that the more people get out and enjoy the world, the more they will care for it. Evette Hess mdash Makeup Cartel Pty Ltd Telstra Queensland Young Business Womens Award Finalist Evette Hess started her makeup business in 2014 while working full time and caring for her young child while her FIFO husband worked on remote mining sites. She had an overwhelming belief that she could find a way to give busy women a glimpse of the empowerment of what comes with professional makeup in their daily lives. What started as a home business has now become a multi-brand makeup house, called Makeup Cartel that is home to one of the fastest growing makeup brands in Australia, PONi Cosmetics, and is positioned to release a string of cult brands over the next few years. Evette invests heavily in research and development and the product design process in order to create new, easy-to-use, intuitive products that make makeup easy. The products are sold online and in professional salons in Australia and overseas. Evette and her business partner, Sandy Ronalds, share the responsibilities of the business. Evette is principally responsible for product and brand development, along with customer engagement via social media and public relations. Educating users and resellers on how to get the best result from their products is also a big part of Evettes job. I feel that I truly understand two things very deeply: makeup and womens emotive needs. This makes me great at product design and identifying what women want in their makeup bag. Jessy Cameron mdash Molten Store Telstra Queensland Young Business Womens Award Finalist A bowerbird at heart, Jessy Cameron launched her business, Molten Store, a destination for otherworldly jewellery and accessories, in 2011 at the age of 24. Originally an online-only store selling products by an array of jewellery designers, Molten Store experienced strong initial growth but soon found itself unable to compete with global e-commerce websites. Determined to stay true to her vision of creating a utopian destination for lovers of fashion jewellery, Jessy reinvented the Molten Store brand by hosting pop-up stores, sourcing her own unique products rather than selling other brands, and collaborating with artists to design awe-inspiring stores on a tiny budget. Jessy revolutionised the way the brand was presented, winning over her customers hearts. Sales improved dramatically and Jessys reincarnation of the brand culminated with the launch of the first flagship boutique in 2015. Now with two boutiques and an online store, Molten Store offers an ever changing array of curiosities including jewellery and the brands own signature fragrances. It has become a popular destination for special occasion jewellery, with the brand launching a bridal range in 2015. A visit to Molten Store is a tactile, sensory experience. It is this ethereal, relaxed character that has seen us naturally evolve to become an in-demand destination for lovers of otherworldly jewellery. Anu Sheela Themudu mdash iGene Sdn. Bhd. Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Anu Sheela Themudu is the co-founder of iGene, a pioneering venture in the field of digital autopsy, which is an elegant, easy, humane and state-of-the-art method of performing post mortem without cutting open the deceased body. The visualisation-based software enables a non-destructive, non-invasive method of autopsy, eliminating the need to dissect bodies in more than 70 per cent of cases. Digital autopsy provides an alternative to fulfil medico-legal requirements, while preserving the dignity of the deceased and avoiding causing further distress for the next of kin. As a founder, she has been responsible for the strategic management of commercialising the service and developing the company from its inception to a global company. It took eight years of research and development until iGene succeeded in its first commercial sale. Now, the company has expanded into United Kingdom, Middle East and Asia. Currently, there are three facilities across England and a further 10 facilities to be operational by 2018. I am proud that through our personal investment and passion weve created a platform to provide a modern, technologically-savvy solution to undertake a post-mortem examination, revolutionising the age-old practice. Anu Sheela Themudu Kimberley Cole mdash Thomson Reuters Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist After graduating from Monash University, Kimberley Cole joined Thomson Reuters, the worlds largest supplier of news and information to professionals. She now leads the Asian sales team of over 150 specialists focused on delivering solutions across the financial markets. The past three years have seen her team deliver the top sales performance in the company, resulting in Asia being the fastest growing region in the business, delivering US1.1 billion revenue per year. Based in Hong Kong, Kimberleys career has taken her across the globe allowing her to live and work in five cities, giving Kimberley a vast array of experiences. She has held roles from product management to marketing and sales, managing business transformation and turnaround. In 2009, she co-founded Women in Finance Asia, connecting networks across financial institutions and most recently Risky Women, a global network championing and celebrating women in governance, risk and compliance. Additionally, in 2015, Kimberley launched Trust Forum Asia, an annual event designed to take action to stop modern day slavery, bringing together governments, corporations, banks and NGOs. Impact and inspiration is what I aim for in business and my other passions, driving gender balance and creating a platform to stop slavery. Connecting and championing talent is crucial for business success and to change the world. Beth Lui mdash APEC Schools Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Beth Lui has a career in IT spanning more than 30 years, with her most significant role being country managing director of Accenture Philippines. In 2013 as she was about to take a sabbatical break from the IT industry, she received a call asking her to join new education venture, Affordable Private Education Centre (APEC) Schools. She didnt hesitate and started the very next day as CEO. APEC Schools is a chain of private high schools operated by Ayala Education and Pearson Affordable Learning Fund. It aims to make a difference in the local education system by providing affordable, quality education to children living in dense urban communities where public schools may be overcrowded. Beths experience in running large organisations and scaling them has been a tremendous help in her new role. She has grown the venture from a small cohort of 70 students to more than 10,000 students across 27 schools in only three years. Her role is to ensure that the business model is successful and the organisation remains financially viable and sustainable, while providing academic excellence. As a CEO, I use my position as a guiding light to not only remind the teams about our mission, but just as importantly, to deliver education outcome for students whose parents set aside hard-earned money to put them through private schools. Gabrielle Costigan mdash Linfox International Group Pty Ltd Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Gabrielle (Gabby) Costigan has had a distinguished international career in the military and logistics where she has built a reputation for strong leadership and driving organisational success. Gabby served in the Australian Defence Force for 20 years. During her time with the ADF, she was deployed to Afghanistan and worked as an advisor to the Australian Joint Chief of Operations. After retiring from active duty, Gabby joined an American aviation company in a senior executive role. Afterwards, in 2014, Gabby was appointed CEO of Linfox Asia, to lead supply chain operations across Southeast Asia and expand the companys footprint in the region. At Linfox, she has significantly changed the culture of the company to an inclusive, team-based environment, and evolved the business model to accommodate the unique challenges of the region. Gabby is passionate about workplace diversity, mentoring rising talent across the organisation and enthusiastically supporting the Linfox Graduate Program. Gabby is also a board member for the Australian-ASEAN Council, providing advice on relevant bilateral or regional issues in Southeast Asia. To move from a military career to a CEO of the largest privately owned logistics company in Southeast Asia, is very special. While my career has been blessed with great opportunities, I believe you create many of these opportunities through your own hard work. Marion Fromm mdash Cambodian Harvest Dried Fruit Co. Ltd. Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Marion Fromm is 78 years old, a widow with two children, seven grand-children, four great grand-children and an extended Cambodian family. A native South Australian, she spent years as a teachers aide in a variety of local schools, including five years teaching in Japan. Her passion for assisting people is what drove Marion to become an entrepreneur. In 1997, Marion took a holiday to Cambodia that would change her life forever. While there, she saw the plight of local people with disabilities due to landmines, bombs, burns, polio, birth deformities and vehicle accidents. A vision from God motivated her to take action and in 2004, she moved to Cambodia and set up Cambodian Harvest Dried Fruit Co. Ltd. a leading manufacturer of processed fruit products including dried mango, papaya, pineapple and ginger, and jams, marmalades and chutneys. The factory provides work, education and a future for people with disabilities, who suffer discrimination in the local community for being damaged. The company now employs 44 staff and has been selling products in Cambodia for 11 years, more recently it has expanded to export to Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. I enjoy mentoring and empowering my extended Cambodian family, as well as seeing changes that have occurred in their lives as they are able to provide for their families education and provission. Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo mdash Bubu Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo is a serial tech entrepreneur. During her 20-year tenure in the technology industry she has started a plethora of companies, which demonstrate her passion to help shape and develop the tech landscape in Indonesia. Founded in 1996, her current company, Bubu, was one of the first internet companies in Indonesia. Bubu started as a web design agency, but as technology advanced in the country, it has evolved into a full-service digital creative agency. In 2011, she developed the Bubu Awards to honour web design and digital campaigns. It has now expanded to include a three-day event workshop, conference and exhibition called IDByte, which is attended by industry heavyweights including Google and Facebook. In addition to Bubu, Shinta also runs an investment and mentorship program called Angel eQ Network to enhance access to funding for tech start-ups around the country. I am obsessive about putting Indonesia on the global digital map, which is why I invest my time into mentoring and providing opportunities for others who are just as devoted as I am to technology. Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo Rituparna Chakraborty mdash TeamLease Services Ltd Telstra Australian Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Telstra Business Woman in Asia Award Finalist Rituparna Chakraborty is a co-founder of TeamLease Services Ltd. Established in 2002, TeamLease is one of Indias leading providers of human resource services, with a vision of Putting India to Work by enabling young workers to have a formal job, providing them with secure wages, social security and healthcare. As Executive Vice-President, Rituparna is responsible for managing the temporary staffing division, as well as Indias first Public Private Partnership (PPP) apprenticeship program, National Employability Through Apprenticeship Program (NETAP). With an MBA in sales and marketing, she has been instrumental in growing the business through innovative sales and marketing, as well as the implementation of sophisticated web and mobile-based technology workflow, enabling scale and significant productivity gains for customers and staff. Rituparna says her proudest achievement has been to sustain a minimum of 25 per cent year-on-year growth in the business for the past five years. Today, the company employs more than 1,000 full time staff across its eight regional offices, and currently has 115,000 temporary staff and 15,000 apprentices on its books. To date, TeamLease has provided employment to approximately 1.6 million people. My priority is to lead a highly motivated and empowered team who is equally committed to our vision of Putting India to Work and making a difference to the lives of our youth. Sharyn Johnston mdash Australian Tea Masters Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist In 2012, Sharyn Johnston founded Australian Tea Masters, and in four short years it has become the leading tea education organisation in Australasia, delivering various levels and types of tea training. Sharyn says she is dedicated to the public education of tea, at every level, from leaf to cup. This passion is what motivated her and her team to develop the only government-accredited tea standards for hospitality in Australia. In addition to the tea sommelier course, they have also created the worlds first online tea training program, tea flavour wheel and tea aroma training kit and recently have released a book. Australian Tea Masters has grown quickly to become the largest private label tea and herbal blender in Australia, and is the source of 52 niche brands in Australia, Singapore and Indonesia. It will produce more than 300,000 private label tea bags in 2016, import more than 1,000kg of tea, and export its products to three countries. The business has recently expanded to open an office in Singapore and will launch in China and Korea in 2017. It is exciting to be recognised as a leader in tea education in such a short period of time and its a privilege to get to improve public awareness about the cultural diversity of tea. Victoria Kluth mdash Araza Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Victoria Kluth has more than two decades worth of experience in the technology industry. After beginning as a developer and coder, Victoria moved to an analytical role, before progressing to project management and finally entering sales. With experience across the full gamut of the technology industry, Victoria was confident she could do it all, and do it better than many of the existing providers, which led her to establish her own consultancy, Araza, in 2013. Araza specialises in cloud and digital solutions. As the managing director, Victorias fingerprint is on everything the company delivers from client management to delivering bespoke and innovative solutions. Though it is a young company, it has grown quickly to a team of more than 100 people, by Victoria carefully selecting staff to represent her brand, establishing key client relationships and savvy business investments. Victoria says one of her proudest achievements for the company was when they achieved gender parity as the technology industry is male-dominated, attaining 50 per cent female staff meant they were breaking down barriers and creating an equal opportunity workplace. Inspiring and positive are two traits that I convey everyday with my team. I want them to be inspired to create innovative solutions and positive when looking for opportunities or tackling problems. Jacqueline Savage mdash MedCorp Technologies Pty Ltd Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2013, Jacqueline Savage graduated from Swinburne University with a Bachelor of Product Design Engineering, specialising in Biomedical Engineering. She began working for Outerspace Design where she obtained invaluable experience and the confidence to establish her own venture, MedCorp Technologies in 2015. MedCorp Technologies is an early-stage digital health company developing wearable technologies and devices for the healthcare industry. Recently, the company has successfully completed product trials of its core temperature-sensing platform: a wearable, non-invasive temperature monitoring system. The device is worn adjacent to the patients skin providing continual 24-hour wireless data extraction and feedback to healthcare professionals, enabling the early signs of infection to be detected in at-risk patients. As founder and CEO of MedCorp Technologies, Jacqueline is responsible for the development and growth of the company, including raising capital, commercialisation of products, manufacturing and distribution. I was told it was career suicide starting my own business without 10-15 years industry experience, but Im proud that I backed myself and have developed a life-saving product that could revolutionise the medical treatment for high-risk patients. Gabrielle Harris mdash The Interchange Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist For 15 years, Gabrielle Harris worked in traditional management consulting roles advising clients globally. In 2012, Gabrielle took on a brave new venture to explore more innovative solutions to create cultural transformation and founded The Interchange. Gabrielle recognised that traditional change methodologies were not working and needed turning on their head. With a high commitment to innovation, creativity and the use of cutting edge technology, The Interchange has brought a fresh perspective to culture change. The foundation of her philosophy is learning through story, film, virtual and augmented reality, as well as purpose-built mobile environments. The Interchange never stops pushing the envelope to get the best outcomes for organisations and community. Gabrielles innovative approach has shown positive results with the safety program reducing a major infrastructure companys fatalities to zero. Another program which focused on wellbeing transformation reported a 23 per cent reduction in sick leave. Gabrielle leads a team of eight and is a hands-on managing director. However, she knows that her team are critical to her success, so she prioritises fostering an environment where staff are empowered to create and innovate. With any challenge, people hold the real solution. Listen and learn from them and you will affect real change. Kim Westwood mdash Shopping Links Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Kim Westwood has always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but prior to launching her first venture she worked for more than ten years with BHP Billiton, primarily in IT, HR and Shared Business Services. These positions took her across multiple regions, countries and commodity groups, allowing her to gain expertise in a variety of business areas and roles. In 2014, she launched Shopping Links, an online global marketplace that connects bloggers and social influencers with brands for the purposes of reaching new audiences. She developed the platform after recognising the lack of transparency in the influencer marketing space. As Founder and Managing Director, Kim oversees all aspects of the business. Operating with a small global team, her accountabilities range from strategy, governance and financial management, right through to end-user support and engagement. Shopping Links network now has more than 9,500 carefully vetted influencers from 103 countries with reach of 835 million, making Shopping Links the fastest-growing social media start-up in Australia. Nearly 900 brands are using the platform including Macys, Marks amp Spencer and Topshop. I love thinking about potential possibilities and showing the industry what039s possible and how to harness the power of technology. I like to challenge the way we do things, seeking out opportunities for innovation and change. Sheryl Thai mdash Cupcake Central Telstra Victorian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Sheryl Thai initially began her career in the information technology and telecommunication industry however with a job loss resulting from the economic downturn of 2009, she found herself presented with an opportunity to fulfil her passion of opening a cupcake business. Starting off in her home kitchen with 2,000 in capital, the business was an instant success. As demand increased, the decision to bring her dream to life hatched and she joined forces with her business partner, Thin Neu, to open Cupcake Centrals first storefront in August 2010. From these humble beginnings, Cupcake Central now has five retail stores across Victoria, with a team of more than 45 staff and is selling more than 30,000 cupcakes a week. Early on in her journey, Sheryl recognised the need for like-minded peers to help tackle the isolation from being a start-up business. In 2011, she co-founded League of Extraordinary Women an organisation that connects, inspires and supports female entrepreneurs. As CEO of the League, Sheryl is on a journey to build a technology platform to connect female entrepreneurs worldwide. I have learnt so much on my journey as an entrepreneur, and Im keen to share my experiences with others to show them that no matter how big or small your dream is, anything is possible with passion. Elise Bialylew mdash Mindful in May Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Dr Elise Bialylew began her career as a medical doctor specialising in psychiatry, which incorporated her interests in the human mind and supporting people to thrive. Along the way she turned to mindfulness meditation as a way of managing her own stress and quickly discovered the powerful effects it had in her own life and in the lives of her patients. Inspired by the scientific research supporting the transformative effect of mindfulness on the mind and body, in 2012, she founded Mindful in May, a global online mindfulness fundraising campaign that has taught thousands of people mindfulness meditation, while also raising funds to bring clean water to those in developing countries. Following the success of Mindful in May, she now offers mindfulness training all year round through her online program, The Power of Presence. Having trained with global leaders in the field of mindfulness, Elise brings her unique east-meets-west expertise to guide participants through this 31-day online meditation program, which includes guided audio meditations, video interviews with global experts and live meditation events. She delivers in person mindfulness training to individuals and corporate organisations at The Mind Life Project. Through Mindful in May, I can have a bigger impact on thousands of peoples lives through teaching mindfulness tools that can build resilience and develop inner resources to manage the increasingly stressful world we live in, while also contributing to reducing suffering for those living without access to clean drinking water. Karen Hart mdash The Youth Junction Incorporated Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Karen Hart has been involved in a variety of projects that maximise service delivery within disadvantaged people and communities, both in the UK and Australia. Her experience includes grant funding and program design, delivery and evaluation. For the past 10 years, Karen has been the general manager of The Youth Junction Incorporated, a not-for-profit that manages the Visy Cares Hub in Sunshine. It was established in 2005 to consolidate youth services across Melbournes western region, into a services centre for young people aged between 12-25 years. Karen is passionate about ensuring the safety and security of young people and does this by providing streamlined services and encouraging collaboration among programs. Karen says her proudest moment was receiving a scholarship which allowed her to carry out a research study into the critical success factors of co-located youth centres. These findings led her to establish a not-for-profit incubator, which enables organisations to pool their resources and provide new and innovative programs to young people. Ive always been drawn to leadership roles within the not-for-profit sector, as I wanted to inspire, create, build and financially sustain social purpose and justice projects that develop the social capital of disadvantaged communities. Ann-Maree Davis mdash Amicus Group Inc Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Ann-Maree Davis has more than 25 years experience in the disability sector, across a broad range of programs and in executive, senior management and leadership roles. She has been in her current position, CEO of Amicus Group Inc, for the last eight years. Amicus is a not-for-profit organisation working to ensure that people with a disability live a good and valued life in regional Victoria. Under Ann-Marees leadership, the organisation has undertaken transformational change and shifted from supplying traditional day services in a facility-based congregate care model, to providing fully individualised service options to 70 per cent of participants in a community-based model. Ann-Maree is passionate about the learning and development of not just her participants and their families but staff as well. She has established a mentorship program at Amicus to ensure staff receive individualised practice coaching and support team meetings to foster peer support and learning. What I love about my work is that we are providing people with disabilities real opportunities to be active community members through employment, education and volunteering, which helps eliminate the social segregation and stereotypes that can come with living with a disability. Helen Szoke mdash Oxfam Australia Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Dr Helen Szokes career has specialised in protecting and advancing human rights. Focussed on health consumer advocacy and health institution leadership, she has held roles as the Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner, and led the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Helen also has a strong academic background, with a PhD focused on the public policy issues surrounding regulation. Currently Chief Executive at Oxfam Australia, the development, humanitarian and advocacy organisation, Helen leads a team of more than 500 staff in Australia and internationally. Helen is responsible for delivering strategic direction, oversight, and ensuring that the organisations impact in addressing poverty, is effective and growing. Helen says, that stepping into leadership at Oxfam Australia was a challenge as the organisation was emerging from a complex period of flux and it was important to her that she creates a legacy that left the organisation stronger than when she found it. Helen relishes working with such a broad business, with a retail social enterprise, long-term development work in more than 20 countries, humanitarian response capability and a strong public engagement agenda. I am invested in and respect the staff and volunteers I work with and am devoted to the work we do to support the communities we serve. Karen Mahlab AM mdash Pro Bono Australia Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist For the past 26 years, Karen Mahlab has run successful, profitable, innovative social enterprises and businesses. She was given due recognition in 2015, when she was awarded Member (AM) in the Order of Australia for significant contribution to the not-for-profit (NFP) sector and philanthropic initiatives. In 1999, Karen established Pro Bono Australia to give a voice to the NFP sector. The website offers news, opinions, surveys, jobs, skilled-professional volunteer matching, webinars and podcasts, to senior decision makers in the sector. It has since become the largest go-to online hub empowering the for-purpose sector. As the founder and CEO, Karen built the business from the ground up and under her direction it is now servicing one million people in Australia. She used the platform and her influence to push for the establishment of the overarching regulatory body, the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC), which has brought more transparency and accountability to the sector. In these times of struggling media, we have created a unique, profitable, successful online business which gives voice to the values and concerns of people and organisations wanting to engage social change and make social connections. We activate good intentions. Jennifer Fitzgerald mdash Scope (Aust) Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Victorian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald has worked in the health, aged care, community and disability sectors throughout her career, spanning 34 years. During that time, she has honed her leadership and managerial skills and developed a strong understanding of the political and policy environment. In 2012, Jennifer was appointed CEO of Scope, an organisation supporting people with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities and developmental delays. With a team of more than 1,500 staff across Victoria, Scope provides services such as therapy, supported living, respite, community inclusion and education to more than 6,000 people. In her role, Jennifer is responsible for successfully leading Scope through a time of substantial change as the disability service sector moves choice and control from government and provider to the individual. Jennifer says that this shift will shape a consumer-driven marketplace over the coming months. In preparing the organisation for this, she developed Scope 2020, an organisation-wide project that will ensure all people, systems, services and practices are aligned with the industry changes. The disability service sector is undergoing transformative change. I am determined to use my skills and knowledge to ensure the for-purpose sector remains a vibrant and sustainable choice for people with a disability. Jo Mithen mdash Monash College After graduating from Monash University with a double degree in both Economics and Law, Jo Mithen started work at 28, and at 31, became CEO of the Australian Human Resources Institute. She successfully grew the institute for six years, during which time she completed her MBA at Melbourne Business School. After selling the institute, she was appointed general manager of a law firm, before starting in her current role as CEO of Monash College in 2008. Monash College provides support to students, many of them from developing countries, by offering preparatory courses that give them access to Monash University and the capability to succeed during their studies and beyond. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Monash University. In her role, Jo develops the business strategy with the board and senior leadership, ensuring that it aligns with the Universitys wider direction. She is also responsible for developing innovative and commercial solutions to address market needs. Her vision is to effect real, positive change on the lives of the students through creating a better future for them. The world of education needs people with passion and tenacity because it is a sector often resistant to change. It needs forward thinking and innovative approaches to provide younger generations with the tools they need to succeed. Marcia Devlin mdash Federation University Australia Telstra Victorian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Professor Marcia Devlin is a graduate of five universities. She worked in the community sector, before joining the university sector in the hope of having a positive impact on a greater number of people, particularly disadvantaged students. Marcia is now a senior executive and academic, with areas of expertise encompassing supporting low-income students, learning and teaching, quality assurance, equity, policy and leading change. She is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Quality) at Federation University Australia, a regionally-based university with an inclusive philosophy, which offers educational opportunities across several locations to those who would not otherwise have them. In her role, Marcia has successfully enhanced the universitys online presence, going from zero to 50 programs available online to improve access to university and promote digital learning. In addition, she has led the improvement of the student retention and success rate, by shifting the strategic focus of the university to include nurturing current students and preventing them from dropping out before completing a qualification. I am a vocal advocate for the transformative role of tertiary education, as it is both a social justice mechanism and a fundamental enabler of regional and national innovation. Mirjana Prica mdash Food Innovation Australia Limited Telstra Victorian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Dr Mirjana Prica is a trained scientist with a doctorate in physical chemistry. Her wide-ranging Australian and overseas experience in research and business, demonstrates Mirjanas passion for learning and exploring new ideas. Innovation has been the common theme throughout Mirjanas career, and a driving force in her transition from academia to the business world. Her achievements include: discovering a novel process to manufacture ceramic components for hydrogen fuel cells establishing a global animal feed ingredient business and transforming a struggling analytical testing services business. Mirjana is now managing director of Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL), a not-for-profit organisation, established under the Federal Governments Industry Growth Centres Initiative. In her role, Mirjana leads the development of a vision and strategy for the Australian food and agribusiness industry. As the voice of industry to government, FIAL drives innovation, productivity and competitiveness in the sector. Additionally, it provides knowledge, funding assistance, learning workshops, and online tools connecting international buyers with Australian suppliers. In 2016, she developed a first of its kind book, launched by FIAL, celebrating innovation across the industry. FIAL, like all small businesses, is bootstrapped. Our collaborative approach, passion and resourcefulness, addresses the needs of our 500,000 plus stakeholders. The industrys success is our success Rowan Brookes mdash Monash University Telstra Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist After leaving school at 15, Rowan Brookes was told that she would never accomplish anything with her life. She took it as a challenge and two decades later, she has re-written her life story from troubled teen to a successful academic and educator with a mission to inspire students. As a mature student, she discovered a passion for learning which saw her earn a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Science and a PhD. The real accomplishment, Rowan says, was discovering that she could light a fire in young people, something which has inspired her career. As director of Education for the School of Biological Sciences and the course leader for the Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges at Monash University, Rowan seeks to transform the way STEM education is taught to prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow. She does this by researching, designing, implementing and delivering science education. She reinvigorates curricula with employability, leadership and entrepreneurship skills in mind she oversees education within the school, leads multi-disciplinary research projects to support best-practice teaching, and also continuously encourages her students to become life-long learners. Re-thinking STEM education is one of the biggest challenges we face in Australia and globally. A science degree must be more than just an education. I want to build a strong understanding of scientific concepts whilst fostering capacity for enterprise, science, diplomacy and leadership. Susan Delahunty mdash MCIE - Explore English Telstra Victorian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Over the years, Dr Susan Delahunty has held several teaching and management roles in Australia, Dubai, Malaysia and Japan, focusing on English as a second, foreign or additional language. For her PhD, she researched women from the Middle Eastern Gulf before, during and after their education journey in Australia. This experience made her realise that she could make a difference in Australia by creating something new and innovative in the world of international education. In 2015, Susan set up Explore English in Melbournes CBD, an English language centre, which offers a variety of English language classes, exam preparation, and business language courses to international students. As the director, it is Susans role to oversee the business operations and use her creativity to lead the way in a competitive market. She provides pedagogical advice to teachers and helps them come up with new teaching ideas. With a focus on innovation, Susan has led the school to integrate apps and specific software as part of the learning program, to appeal to todays student generation. Susan is also an active member of the NEAS Advisory Council, an organisation that provides quality endorsement for language courses and language centres across Australia and Asia. Education is an ongoing process and it is important that there is someone who is passionate about what is being delivered, someone who is ethical, takes responsibility and is proud to open the schools doors each morning to international students Madeleine McManus, FIE Aust, CPEng, EngExec mdash Monash University Telstra Victorian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist In 2009, Madeleine McManus was the first female Chairperson of Engineers Australia Victoria, the professional body for engineers in Australia, leading Victoria to have the highest number of female members in its division. As the highest professionally-qualified female engineer in Victoria, Madeleine is a fellow of Engineers Australia with Chartered and Engineering Executive status in recognition of her contribution to engineering leadership. She has been actively involved in rebuilding communities following the Black Saturday fires. Madeleine has extensive management experience in Australia and France delivering large-scale global commercial multi-disciplinary projects. Madeleine currently holds dual roles at Monash University, Director of Industry Engagement, focusing on engineering and IT, and Director Monash Industry Team Initiative MITI. Madeleine is responsible for driving strategies to ensure successful long term partnerships with key stakeholders. For MITI she established an award winning program that partners industry and multi-discipline student teams to create solutions for real-world problems. Madeleine also holds a number of board and advisory roles for industry, community, NFP and philanthropy, including Women in Science, promoting, developing and increasing profile of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). I believe in the importance of paying forward knowledge and expertise for the benefit of others and I am passionate about making a difference, promoting STEMM and encouraging greater gender diversity in the industry. Madeleine McManus, FIE Aust, CPEng, EngExec Jac Phillips mdash Bank of Melbourne Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Jac Phillips has been involved in marketing people, products and services across the Asia Pacific region for 25 years. Before joining Bank of Melbourne as head of Brand and Marketing in 2014, she held senior marketing roles with IBM and ANZ. Leading a high-performing team of 10 marketing experts, Jac reports directly to the Chief Executive of Bank of Melbourne and is part of the banks leadership team. Her role focuses on making sure the bank has a strong and consistent presence as Victorias local bank. Since launching a refreshed brand campaign 18 months ago that introduced valued brand and proprietary media assets, new customer growth rates have increased. Jac is a Certified Practising Marketer and is currently completing an MBA. She recently graduated from Harvard Kennedy Business Schools Women and Power executive program, designed to help women advance to positions of influence in leadership. Shes actively shared those learnings in Bank of Melbourne and beyond, working with an educator to develop an internal development program to support emerging female leaders. What I love doing most is mobilising and energising teams, mentoring others, connecting people, and sharing what Ive had the privilege to learn - and continue to learn. Ingrid Filmer mdash Burgess Rawson Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Ingrid Filmers path has not been a traditional one. Passion, determination and commitment have driven her lifelong, successful career in commercial real estate. From a centre accountant, Ingrid now heads up Burgess Rawson, a commercial property firm, where she has been employed since 2005. Appointed chief financial controller of Burgess Rawson in 2011, when the two founding directors retired, Ingrid became one of very few female leaders of her industry. Her vision was for the business was to become a leading company within its field, and to forge the way for more women to succeed. Since her appointment, as core driver and controller of business finance and company direction Ingrid has led Burgess Rawson through three-fold growth. Retaining the best practices of a solid and successful small business, she expanded the assets under management from 430 to 760 million, established a shareholder agreement, restructured the company, invested in technology, developed policies and procedures, and changed the company culture. Staff numbers have increased from 18 to 33. I strive grow the business, demonstrating integrity in everything I do. Committed to ensuring optimal financial security for my clients, I also strive to advance opportunities for women in our male-dominated industry. Anna Thomas mdash Stockdale amp Leggo Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Anna Thomas is Chief Operating Officer of Stockdale amp Leggo, one of Australias longest standing real estate franchises. Anna is responsible for holding the vison and setting the strategic direction for the group, developing and implementing the growth strategy, ensuring the franchisees have access to efficient technology and rolling out innovative group marketing strategies. Under her leadership, Anna implemented a new Information Technology platform including website, intranet and marketing portal for the Stockdale amp Leggo franchises, providing a robust system which enables them to scale their business exponentially. The project spanned two and half years, from strategy to delivery, with the end result being a user-friendly platform which operates 247 and provides access to tools which gives franchisees a higher level of autonomy and ownership within their business. Anna is also passionate about mentoring, coaching and leading women in a heavily male-dominated industry, leading her to create the Empowered Women in Real Estate movement, of which she is the brand ambassador. Leading, mentoring and managing people is a passion of mine and I genuinely love that I am making a difference. We have nearly 1,000 people in the group and I take that responsibility very seriously. Dayle Stevens mdash National Australia Bank Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Dayle Stevens is the divisional Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the National Australia Bank (NAB). As divisional CIO, she supports the strategic direction of technology at NAB that helps to deliver a great customer experience. Dayle says that NABs strong technology foundation drives greater performance for the entire bank and its people, and delivers a more personal, easy and supportive customer experience. Dayle is also the leader and co-founder of NABs Women in Technology Program. She champions diversity based on gender, culture, life stage and ability in technology and supports the banks leaders to achieve greater inclusive leadership across the business. She is determined to see equal gender diversity achieved in her lifetime and a world where inclusion is the norm. I have made it my business to lead change for diversity and inclusion across the whole of NAB and beyond into the broader community. Liz Jones mdash Jo Fisher Executive Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Liz Jones experience in the executive search industry spans more than 20 years. She started her career in a graduate position with IBM Australia, before moving into an account manager position at Lend Lease Employer Systems. In 1995, she entered the executive search industry at Dunhill Recruitment. She then went on to work for Korn Ferry InternationalFuturestep where she worked as a managing consultant for 12 years. For the past six years, Liz has been a managing consultant at Jo Fisher Executive, a leading Australian-owned executive search and leadership advisory firm. In her role, Liz specialises in executive appointments, predominantly across the health, independent schools and not-for-profit sectors. Liz adopts a partnership approach to every search, working closely with both client and candidate. Liz has been a key contributor to Jo Fisher Executives impressive track record, with 47 per cent of her placements being senior female candidates. Liz holds a Bachelor of Arts from La Trobe University, a MBA from Deakin University, is a graduate from the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and has undertaken leadership based studies at Harvard University. I am passionate about my work and genuinely care about the people I assist in finding their next career move. Diana Taylor mdash CT Management Group Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Diana Taylor graduated from Deakin University with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and achieved admission to the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2000. Following a successful career as a lawyer in firms and large corporate environments, in 2011 Diana became the executive director and regional manager for Victoria and Tasmania of the CT Management Group. CT Management Group is a national management consultancy business with its head office based in Geelong. Services are provided across the areas of organisational development, financial management, asset management, service planning, project and contract management and professional placements. Dianas role includes responsibility for every part of the business operations including marketing, strategic planning, business development and delivery of the annual budget. She is also the general counsel and company secretary for the business. Outside her professional role, Diana is also the first female president of the Melbourne Western Region Football League and in 2010 became a director of the Geelong Football Club. Diana also chairs the Geelong hospice and end of life care organisation Anam Cara House Geelong. By using a values based and innovative approach, I have worked with and pushed beyond the current market to diversify the business, while at the same time strengthening our integrity and governance practices. Sarah Leung mdash Healthy Energy Holistic Nutrition amp Lifestyle Centre Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist After completing her Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Monash University in 2009, Sarah Leung was eager to share her passion for health and wellbeing and began consulting immediately. Between 2010 and 2014 she worked in private practice and consulted out of medical centres however, she felt dissatisfied by only giving basic dietary advice because she felt like she was not making a big enough difference in peoples health. This prompted her to start Health Energy Holistic Nutrition amp Lifestyle Centre. Health Energy is a local wellness hub that provides services such as osteopathy, clinical hypnotherapy, reiki, Chinese medicine, nutrition consultations, cooking consultations and yoga. Sarahs goal is to bridge the gap between western medicine and evidence-based alternative medicine so that she can provide her clients with excellent holistic healthcare. Sarah believes that lifestyle and diet can prevent illness and promote wellness but in order to change someones behaviours, you need to first change their mindset. I am a firm believer in creating your own reality no one else can do it for you. You must take initiative and be prepared to take risks. A dream remains a dream unless you take action. Gabrielle Lim mdash TRAPT Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Gabrielle Lim is the co-founder of a unique entertainment business, TRAPT, which locks participants in a room with 45 minutes to find clues, solve puzzles and escape before time runs out. If unable to escape in the allocated time, game masters go in to the room and provide a final opportunity to ask questions before taking teams out and ending the challenge. The escape room venue provides an opportunity for team bonding experiences through its multi-room escape adventures, providing friends, family and colleagues with a new way to interact and bond in accessible way. Gabrielle is responsible for all aspects of management, business development, new product design, HR, finance and marketing. She says that immersive entertainment is an exciting industry to participate in and she spends much of her time on business and product development, while ensuring the existing business continues to thrive. Outside her business, Gabrielle is passionate about giving back to the community. She is a volunteer with YMCA Victoria and the MLC Old Collegians Club. She has previously been a volunteer with AIESEC and the University of Melbourne Faculty of Business and Economics Young Alumni. At TRAPT we create unique social experiences. I love what we do because we facilitate a fun and inclusive space, quite literally filled with fun, laughter and people discussing ideas. Lauren Woodman mdash Seven Sisters Festival Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Dr Lauren Woodman believes the practice of self-care, awareness and embodiment, leads to empowered choices and an inspired life. This belief encouraged her to found Seven Sisters Festival, a three-day womens wellness event which has become the largest festival of its type in the southern hemisphere. Through experiential workshops, interactive talks, healings, poetry, art and music, this transformational festival creates a powerful space for women to rest and reconnect, gather perspectives, inspiration, tools and resources to support them in living a more motivated and vital life. Every year Lauren donates festival tickets to women experiencing hardship, domestic violence, ill health and involuntary unemployment. She supports and aligns with not-for-profits and advocacy groups, creating a platform for them to foster further awareness and generate funding opportunities. Recently she co-published the book, The Evolved Woman, which encourages women to reach their full potential. The book reached number one on Amazon and has subsequently increased Laurens online community by tens of thousands. My mission is to inspire women to awaken their creative potential and craft meaningful change in their lives and the world. Melissa Bell mdash Mayko Hair Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist At just 20 years of age, Melissa Bell started her own business Mayko Hair, a hairdressing salon located on the Mornington Peninsula. As the managing director of Mayko she is responsible for the day-to-day management of the business, creative education and servicing clients which she has continued to do for the past eight years. Melissa strives to have her brand set the benchmark of quality in the industry. She seeks to achieve this by securing recognition through competitions, participating in industry events and showcasing her work through photo shoots. She also ensures that she keeps technology up-to-date and above all, maintains outstanding client satisfaction. Mayko is a member with the Australian Hairdressing Council, the only governing body in the industry and has recently achieved gold accreditation, essentially recognising them as a top salon in the country. Melissa also recently won a competition making her an ambassador for The Future Creatives, a program run by hairdressing wholesaler Norris. As part of her role as ambassador she is able to give back to her industry by teaching other hairdressers about unique colouring techniques. My career in hairdressing has not been my occupation, but my passion. I have the pleasure of making every individual who sits in my chair feel fantastic. Anna Ross mdash Kester Black Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra Victorian Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2009, Anna Ross founded Kester Black, a leading manicure and skincare brand built on beautiful design and uncompromising ethical values. Kester Black offers consumers sustainable, Australian-made, vegan, and cruelty-free beauty products. Anna is the sole proprietor and director of the start-up and is wholly responsible for the success of the business from strategy to execution. An important aspect of her business is bringing the products to consumers who might otherwise be marginalised by the beauty industry, such as vegans and Muslim women. Devout Muslim women are unable to wear regular nail polish because of the washing involved in daily prayers however, Kester Black offers a water permeable nail polish, or breathable polish, which allows water vapours to pass through to the nail. Anna is also dedicated to giving back to the community and is currently in a partnership with YGAPs Polished Man initiative to support ending violence against children. In addition, for every online sale, a dollar is donated to the customers choice of four partnered organisations. In business my beliefs manifest in a drive for innovation and establishing sustainable, ethical options for the consumer. Fiona Fonti mdash The Rehabilitation Specialists Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist When individuals are away from work due to injury or ill-health, this can be costly for businesses and result in reduced confidence for individuals. Fiona Fonti saw a gap in the market for specialist services to assist individuals and workplaces, and sought to address the issue by founding The Rehabilitation Specialists. The Rehabilitation Specialists offers a range of injury management services, workplace solutions, specialist assessment, intervention and training services that all assist in getting individuals healthy and back to work. As the managing director, Fiona has built the company from the ground up with help from her team of experienced consultants who deliver high-quality, outcome-driven and tailored services to meet the complex and varied needs of clients. Since inception in 2012, Fiona has grown the team from three to 23 and has led the business to such achievement that it was recognised as a finalist in the 2015 and 2016 Telstra Business Awards, winning the 2016 Telstra Australian Capital Territory Small Business Award. Workplace rehabilitation is a challenging industry and needs professionals who can last the distance, be innovative and drive positive change in the sector, which is what I aim to do. Julie Okely mdash Dilkara Essence of Australia Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Julie Okely is a proud Kamilaroi woman. Her strong connection with her Indigenous background inspired her to create hair and body care brand, Dilkara Essence of Australia. The organic line of products utilises Australian bush botanicals, using raw materials that are sourced from Indigenous communities and suppliers from around the country. Julie created the Dilkara Essence of Australia with a mission to promote a better way of life for Indigenous communities through sustainable employment opportunities. Also aligned with her values, her supplier, Native Extracts provides an economic cash flow through Indigenous communities, creating long-term economic impact locally. Also passionate about her impact on the environment, Julie only uses organic ingredients, which are also paraben, sodium and sulphate free. She says that using organic products has given her a sense of responsibility in helping to preserve the environment. I endeavour to make decisions based on the impact I have on future generations. I hope to make a positive impact and create sustainable income streams for Indigenous people, businesses and communities. Tracy Keeley mdash BOOKPLATE Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist When Tracy Keeley began operating successful caf and catering business, BOOKPLATE, she decided she needed a new approach to work-life, balance having realised the importance of maintaining a healthy wellbeing after failing the balancing act in her previous business. BOOKPLATE is located in the iconic National Library of Australia and attracts a diverse range of visitors, from students to high-profile dignitaries and international guests. Everyone from pensioners to prime ministers. Tracy encourages her staff to live a balanced life and runs her business accordingly so that that no-one burns out. She ensures that she leads by example by bringing joyfulness into the workplace and by prioritising wellbeing. Additionally, Tracy is also passionate about assisting in the personal development of others, by drawing out staff potential and strengths, to enhance the business and every individual in it. BOOKPLATE was also a finalist in the 2016 Telstra Business Awards. I encourage creative ideas, identifying individuals strengths and allowing them to discover their own identity, carefully assigning responsibilities where contributions are valued and individuals can flourish and explore their capabilities. Lauren Heys mdash Moxxi Group Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Young Business Womens Award Finalist At 25 years of age, Lauren Heys left her six-figure international consulting career which included stints at Accenture, Ernst amp Young and international aid organisation, CARE Australia, to create Moxxi Group. Moxxi is a peak-performance mindset coaching business for women who want be more and give more, and are willing to do the work to get there. Lauren founded Moxxi out of the frustration of watching women sell themselves short, no matter how incredible they truly were. She couldnt understand how women would pick themselves to shreds over the smallest mistake while men seemed to breeze through massive blunders without a blip. The business name comes from the word Moxie, which means to be determined, to have courage, and the double-x from the female chromosome, thus its meaning is Women With Courage. As the business owner, Lauren is responsible for the strategic growth of the business as well as the day to day running of the operations. Leading a team of four, she creates all of the content for the Moxxi online programs and is personally involved with coaching her clients. I love what I do because I get to work with women all over the world to figure out who they are and the influence they wish to have in the world. I get to accompany them and see their dreams become a reality. Dr Nicole Sides mdash Compass Fertility Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Dr Nicole Sides believes everyone has the right to become a parent. She is the founder and managing director of Compass Fertility (formally ISIS Fertility) which is a boutique, inclusive, locally-owned and operated fertility clinic that gives hope to those who wish to start a family. With an impressive list of qualifications and work experience, she is a well-equipped specialist medical surgeon in fertility and reproductive medicine. She received her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Sydney, and specialised in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Royal Hospital for Women in Paddington, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. She completed her Masters of Reproductive Medicine through the University of New South Wales. Compass Fertility uses leading medical services in IVF and encourages lifestyle changes to optimise the chances of becoming pregnant naturally. The clinic also provides genetic counselling for couples with a genetic pre-disposition to conditions such as Cystic Fibrosis, to help conceive a healthy child. Through Compass Fertility, Nicole has also established the Refugee Fertility Assistance Programme. The program seeks to help refugees and vulnerable people who are struggling to become pregnant, many who have lost children in war zones. I love what I do and that I have the chance to make a huge difference in peoples lives. It is a huge privilege I treat with great reverence and respect. Jessica Buffier mdash HomeACT Telstra Australian Capital Territory Entrepreneur Award Finalist Jessica Buffier knows that a persons home is at the very heart of their security, safety and wellbeing, which is why she founded property rental business, HomeACT, with a mission to improve industry standards in the Australian Capital Territory. The core of the business is the leasing and ongoing management of residential properties in Canberra. Unlike many property management agencies, HomeACT offers a standard flat rate for their services, ensuring that the client is not surprised with any hidden costs. Jessica is passionate about offering flexible employment options for people who would otherwise not be able to work in the industry, due to family commitments, studies or other responsibilities. HomeACT is transforming the way people work in the property industry by investing in cloud-based management software and data storage, employees are now able to log in on any device from anywhere in the world and work. The office also has a designated kids space. The world needs businesses like HomeACT to set an example and prove that you can run a successful business with skilled staff working flexibly we dont live to work Kate Seselja mdash The HOPE Project Telstra Australian Capital Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Kate Seselja is a reformed gambling addict, who, through her not-for-profit business the HOPE Project, is helping normalise the conversation around addiction. The HOPE Project aims to Help Other People Everyday, by destigmatising addiction, building a positive environment for recovery and providing education to assist in prevention. Addiction takes many forms, but through open conversations, Kate says shes seen barriers come down and people begin to take the first step to rediscovering their passions and igniting their drive to live life rather than remaining in their situation. This self-awareness helps provide an opportunity for people to listen to their body and refocus their minds, which aids both recovery and prevention. In addition to helping people reclaim their purpose and recognise their triggers, Kate has established several bespoke programs to help educate community groups, schools and workplaces on addiction and practicing self-awareness - as prevention is the best cure of all. I have experienced the destruction of addiction first hand and I want to alter the conversation of recovery and prevention by re-educating the fundamentals of being human. Emma Macdonald mdash Send Hope Not Flowers Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Emma Macdonald is an award-winning journalist and Associate Editor of HerCanberra by day, and a charity founder by night. Having dedicated more than 20 years to breaking news for The Canberra Times, five years ago, she followed her heart and co-founded the maternal health charity, Send Hope Not Flowers (SHNF). SHNF aims to help more mothers survive childbirth in the developing world by delivering direct aid to mothers on the ground in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The charity is based on a simple idea - instead of sending flowers to celebrate a new birth, friends and family can go online and make a donation to a safe birth program through SHNF. The majority of funds raised are used to train health workers, midwives and doctors. In addition, they also provide baby bundles to give to mothers when they present at health center for a supervised birth. Emma says one of the best things arising out of the charitys work is raising public awareness of the toll of maternal mortality on communities. It has been a steep learning curve but its so rewarding to know that were making a positive difference in the lives of so many people. Jessica May mdash Enabled Employment Telstra Australian Capital Territory For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Jessica May is the founder and CEO of Enabled Employment, an online labour hire company specialising in employment opportunities for people with a disability and veterans wounded during service. The company challenges the premise that employers should receive a subsidy to employ a person with a disability Jessica is a firm believer that a candidates eligibility should be assessed on merit. Jessica established the business after recognising a need for more support for people with a disability to find gainful employment, after she herself faced discrimination. Using her skills from her diplomas in software development and project management, it only took a year to design and build the website and launch her business. As CEO, she is responsible for every facet of the company from securing venture capital to business development to managing her team of five. She won the 2015 Telstra Australian Business Womens Start-up Award. I am passionate about creating employment opportunities for people with a disability and wounded veterans. I believe that if you can get it right for vulnerable members of the community, you can get it right for everyone. Myfanwy Galloway mdash Functional Fitness Australia Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Young Business Womens Award Finalist Myfanwy Galloway was a professional cyclist racing in Europe before retiring and taking on roles in retail management and then in events and marketing. While working, she continues to complete dual Bachelors of Business and Professional Communications. Myfanwy now holds a dual role as co-owner and business manager of Functional Fitness Australia, a brand of training facilities that is dedicated to improving each individuals relationship with their body and how it moves to enable them to enrich their lives outside of the gym. Myfanwy joined Functional Fitness Australia to assist in implementing a sound infrastructure to support and sustain the business through its rapid growth. Myfanwy has since consistently shown her ability to support others in turning their passions and ideas into a business. Overseeing a team of 11 coaches, Myfanwy has implemented business systems and policies to support and encourage further growth for both the business and its team. She is responsible for managing all operations within the business including finances, HR, membership systems, class scheduling and other business offerings. I love what I do because I see first-hand the impact that our products and services have in the community. Corinne Wallis mdash Arrow Facilities Management Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Australian Capital Territory Corporate and Private Award Finalist Corinne Wallis is an MBA-qualified general manager with a technical background. She has more than a decades worth of experience in heavy industry, including manufacturing, offshore wind-farm construction and underground mining. She is also a licenced electrician and electrical engineer, which has seen her manage multi-million dollar projects in the steel and mining industry. For the past eight months, she has been general manager of Arrow Facilities Management, a certified supply nation services provider that specialises in national electrical commercial maintenance. Under her leadership, the company was able to achieve more than one million dollars in revenue within its first year of trading. Corinne is passionate about sharing her skills. In 2015, she began volunteering for Engineers Without Borders Australia and currently sits on its board as a non-executive director. As a devoted volunteer, she also assists with the local ACT chapter who helps promote STEM skills through a school outreach program, and in 2015 she spent six months in Timor Leste initiating a professional skills development project for local engineers. I am a strong advocate for womens equality by creating a path for other women. Throughout my career I have frequently been the only female, and I am privileged to be a mentor and help other women navigate their own path within engineering. Madeline Chacos mdash Infinity Legal Telstra Australian Capital Territory Young Business Womens Award Finalist At the age of 17, Madeline Chacos had an early start in the legal sector when she was hired as a receptionist for a law firm. She was soon promoted to legal assistant, and moved to Infinity Legal as administrative assistant in 2014, taking on the role of practice manager within three months of starting. Madeline holds a diploma in Business Services amp Administration, and is currently completing a diploma in Leadership amp Management. Since starting her career, she has developed skills in human resources, finance, IT support, compliance and business development. These skills are essential to the running of the firm and allow Madeline to oversee all aspects of the business to ensure it remains profitable. Infinity Legal is a law firm that specialises in family law and domestic violence. Its core values are to support its clients through one of the most challenging times of their lives, such as property settlement, child custody disputes and domestic violence. Madeline is passionate about assisting other young women, supporting them professionally and personally to encourage them to achieve their goals. From the start of my career, I was able to gain experience in various areas of law firms, cultivating a strong understanding of how they work and are run. Ive learnt a lot professionally, developed my skills and have also learnt about myself along the way. Alicia Rackett mdash Blue Rocket Productions Telstra Tasmanian Entrepreneur Award Finalist In 1999, Alicia Rackett co-founded digital media company, Blue Rocket Productions, which specialises in producing innovative, animated and interactive entertainment for children across television, online and mobile. Alicia produced Australias first Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) TV series in 2000, Hoota amp Snoz, which was broadcast in more than 120 countries. Since then, she has developed broadband websites and direct-to-mobile animated series, which are sold to the UK and Canada. Over 17 years, she has produced 17 television series, 11 of these as international co-productions working with the UK, Europe, North America, India and the Philippines. Alicia is the managing director of Blue Rocket Productions, responsible for the day-to-day administration of the business. She is also actively involved in the production of the companys projects, managing teams of up to 80 people. She has significant creative input into the development of programs, constantly seeking new ways to appeal to and engage with children of all cultural backgrounds, to make them laugh. She holds the position of Chair of Wide Angle Tasmania, a screen resource organisation that nurtures local talent. Our business mission is to entertain kids by producing quality digital content that speaks to them. I aim to enhance the understanding and experience of kids and the world in which they live. Penny McShane mdash Evomed Pty Ltd Telstra Tasmanian Entrepreneur Award Finalist While working in a sales and marketing role at Johnson and Johnson, Penny McShane discovered her passion for healthcare and the difference one can make to someones life. When she took a career break to start a family between 2009 and 2012, Penny started healthcare distribution company, Evomed, which has since grown into a successful international business employing four staff and a large contract team. Evomed is a multifaceted start-up dedicated to finding new and innovative healthcare technologies to distribute in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Pakistan. The team scours the globe to identify cutting-edge products and take them through a rigorous selection process. One such product is AccuVein, vein illumination technology that improves the safety and accuracy of IV access. The products sold by Evomed had previously never been sold in the market. Penny is proud to think that what she imports has a direct impact on the quality of the healthcare received by patients, and participate in raising the benchmark in the standard of care. The success of Evomed is a testament that living regionally is no longer a disadvantage in building a successful international business. Kirri-lee Brazendale mdash Kirri-lee Enterprises Pty Ltd Telstra Tasmanian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Kirri-lee Brazendale joined the Australian Defence Force (ADF) aged 17 and travelled the world on various deployments. When she fell pregnant, she knew that her days in the ADF were numbered. She enrolled in a business degree to diversify her skills, while working full time and looking after a young baby. In 2014, while still in the ADF, Kirri-lee started her first business, Military Mumma, a fitness community based on the foundation that a strong mind is the foundation of a strong body. With holistic fitness services, she encourages her clients to find their inner happiness. Starting with two clients, the business recently went national with 80 private clients, 500 corporate and school clients, and 14 employees around the country. A year later, having leaving the ADF, Kirri-lee started Kirri Wears Pink, a motivational public speaking company. Through the business, she has worked with schools to raise awareness of eating disorders, conducted International Womens Day networking events and business start-up workshops. She is continuing to grow and diversify her business through the purchase of Raw Challenge Tasmania, a mud obstacle course, which gives participants the satisfaction of accomplishing a true physical challenge. I work hard to obtain what I want for my businesses. I do whatever it takes to succeed and as a result my businesses have experienced significant growth in the past 12 months. Dr Kirsten Connan mdash TasOGS - Tasmanian Obstetrics amp Gynaecology Specialists Telstra Australian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Entrepreneur Award Finalist Growing up in Tonga, it was Dr Kirsten Connans passion for people that drew her to a medical career, and her love for educating and empowering women, that led her to her specialisation in womens health. Kirsten co-founded TasOGS Tasmanian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialists - in January 2015, as the states first all-female specialist obstetrics and gynaecology practice, in answer to an unmet need for local women. TasOGS provides womens health, pregnancy, birthing and surgical care in an environment that is respectful, inclusive, non-judgemental, and conveys clinical and business excellence. The practice assures women have access to not just a female obstetriciangynaecologist, but an entire team of female specialists, midwives and allied health staff. As a medical specialist, Kirsten shares clinical responsibilities with her co-founder, Dr Tania Hingston. She takes the lead in business matters, including strategic planning, recruitment, processes, and finances. In less than 18 months, the practice has grown from two doctors and a receptionist to seven staff, three allied health professionals, and a third doctor. My highest priority is to empower women who attend our practice, and with them their families, by educating them about their bodies while they receive their medical and surgical care. Lynda McKay mdash Beacon Foundation Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Lynda McKay is the Northern Business Engagement Manager for the Beacon Foundation, a national not-for-profit organisation that supports young Australians who are at risk of leaving school for a lifetime of welfare dependence. Beacon helps them successfully transition from education to meaningful, long-term employment. Lyndas role is to work with businesses, educators and communities to provide opportunities for young people while they are still at school to prevent disengagement and unemployment. She engages students in activities to prepare them for life after school, ensuring they have the skills and networks to make the most of future opportunities. The work she initiates is based around providing authentic work exposure, creating an industry-focused curriculum, facilitating job-readiness development and securing work placement. Lynda has formed strong relations with a variety of businesses in the region, identifying and linking students into school-based apprenticeships that result in students completing year 12, while gaining a professional qualification. Beacon Foundation works with more than 130 schools and communities across the country, with 15,000 students actively engaged in the programs annually. Currently one in three of Australias unemployed are 24 years old or younger. The work that we do matters because by providing practical experiences and opportunities, it allows every young person to reach their full potential. Bernadette Black mdash Brave Foundation Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Australian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Business Woman of the Year Finalist Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist There are approximately 24,000 teenage pregnancies in Australia every year and when Bernadette Black was 16 years old, she was one of them. Although now happily married with three children, Bernadettes pregnancy experience inspired her to found the Brave Foundation in 2009, a charity that builds a community of support and acceptance around anyone facing teenage pregnancy and parenthood. Brave Foundation is the first and only national charity in Australia that exists to provide access to support and education opportunities to pregnant and parenting teens and their loved ones who find themselves in this situation. Brave provides flexible educational opportunities and pathways, which helps to reduce lower socio-economic outcomes, as well as alleviate government economic burden. As a direct outcome of Bernadettes hard work, more pregnant and parent teenagers are finishing secondary school, remaining in employment, establishing a happy and healthy family and having a positive impact on the community. Brave Foundation also has a comprehensive social media strategy and provides scholarship opportunities for secondary and tertiary education to assist with childcare, travel and the material costs of education. It is my mission to reduce stigma, build families and strengthen communities by building up the village of support and acceptance around anyone facing teen pregnancy and parenthood, turning the trajectory of generations. Penny Egan mdash Cancer Council Tasmania Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Penny Egan has held a number of senior roles in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. She has been CFO of Forestry Tasmania, and the CFO and CEO of the Business Services Network at the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services. At present, she is the CEO of Cancer Council Tasmania (CCT). Cancer Council Tasmania is a charity providing services to people of all ages, who have been impacted by cancer. Their services include practical, face-to-face and telephone support, financial assistance, support groups and programs. CCT also undertakes cancer-prevention activities, which educates individuals on the steps they can take to reduce cancer risk, with a focus on being sun smart and not smoking. Penny says that every day more than eight Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer, a figure that is likely to increase over the next five years due to Tasmanias ageing population and increased early detection. She says, for this reason, her work and that of CCTs must continue by providing services and support to those impacted by the disease. My parents both died of cancer. I am passionate about fighting and beating cancer because of them. Penny Egan mdash Cancer Council Tasmania Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Penny Egan has held a number of senior roles in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. She has been CFO of Forestry Tasmania, and the CFO and CEO of the Business Services Network at the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services. At present, she is the CEO of Cancer Council Tasmania (CCT). Cancer Council Tasmania is a charity providing services to people of all ages, who have been impacted by cancer. Their services include practical, face-to-face and telephone support, financial assistance, support groups and programs. CCT also undertakes cancer-prevention activities, which educates individuals on the steps they can take to reduce cancer risk, with a focus on being sun smart and not smoking. Penny says that every day more than eight Tasmanians are diagnosed with cancer, a figure that is likely to increase over the next five years due to Tasmanias ageing population and increased early detection. She says, for this reason, her work and that of CCTs must continue by providing services and support to those impacted by the disease. My parents both died of cancer. I am passionate about fighting and beating cancer because of them. Melody Towns mdash Be Hers Telstra Australian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Young Business Womens Award Finalist When Melody Towns first heard about the 27 million people that are currently enslaved by human trafficking around the world, she was holding her own daughter and couldnt believe that other peoples daughters were kidnapped and raped multiple times a day until they either escaped or died. She couldnt understand how only one per cent of victims were rescued and so decided to do something to address this global issue by founding Be Hers. Melody founded Be Hers on the premise that She Matters. She, being every woman and child that has had their basic human right of freedom stolen from them. She could be your daughter, sister or friend. She is the local woman, living in freedom that thinks to herself How could I help She may be the victim of domestic violence, rape, or just caught in her own insecurities. Be Hers exists to place value on every woman and empowers her to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, those who are enslaved by the horrific sex slavery industry. Melody works in partnership with The A21 Campaign, a global anti-human trafficking organisation, to develop strategies and discuss how to best use their fundraising. All of Be Hers fundraising initiatives are donated to The A21 Campaign. My passion is to live a life of generosity. I strongly believe that it is impossible to out-give ourselves. Be Hers asks every woman to use their freedom to fight for the freedom of others. Emma Price mdash Source Kids Telstra Tasmanian For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award Finalist There are currently 850,000 Australians under the age of 25 living with a disability. Each of these individuals is supported by a team including family, carers and professionals, equating to millions of people affected in some way by children and young adults with a disability. As a mother to a seven-year old daughter with Angelman Syndrome, Emma Price knows first-hand that parents of children with special needs experience many challenges in their life, so she decided to make life a little bit easier for those parents by creating Source Kids magazine. Source Kids answers a clear need for parents and carers working with children with special needs. The magazine provides the most relevant, reliable and up-to-date information and delivers it to its audience through an easy to read and positive source. The magazine is produced four times a year and is distributed in hard copy for free in more than 110 outlets in five states of Australia. It is also available online. Last year the total reach of the magazine was just under 750,000, which was a massive increase from the 460,000 readers the year prior. This year, Source Kids is expecting its reach to be in the millions. I love what I do because I know it matters to so many people. Having a child with a disability, I live the experience of our audience every day. I understand the challenges first-hand and know what our audiences need. Penny Terry mdash ABC Telstra Australian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Penny Terry began her career in creative advertising at Clemenger BBDO in Melbourne, where at the age of 21, became the sole account manager for a high volume international account. She then went on to work abroad in tourism, hospitality and in-home aged care before beginning with the ABC in 2006. Since then, Penny has worked as a radio presenter and producer, journalist and rural reporter presenting to national, local and online audiences. As a public broadcaster, the ABCs programs should contribute to a sense of national identity and inform, entertain and reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community (ABC Charter). Penny says she feels privileged to deliver the ABCs strategy to help Australians better understand the place they live in and how changes in policy affect them, to empower them to be a part of the national conversation and to help connect people with similar interests. Pennys main role is to present a two-hour, live radio program daily. She is responsible for researching stories, sourcing talent and finding innovative, creative and relevant ways to connect with her audience on air, online and on social media. One of the things I value the most about working at the ABC is being able to tell stories and report on events simply because they are important to my audience. Kimberley Martin mdash Worrall Lawyers Telstra Tasmanian Public Sector and Academia Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Young Business Womens Award Finalist At the age of 28, Kimberley Martins career in the traditionally male dominated profession of law has been anything but uneventful. As a senior associate at Worrall Lawyers, a firm that specialises in private client work, Kimberleys core practice is providing specialist advice and developing client specific solutions in estate planning and related fields. Since beginning practice in 2012, Kimberley has developed a state, national and international presence through her published work, presentations and media exposure. Most notably, she has had her work published internationally, has been quoted in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and was interviewed on ABCs nationally broadcast 7.30 program for her work on digital life after death. She is also the current secretary of a global working group known as the STEP Digital Asset Working Group, and is currently undertaking her LL. M (Masters of Laws). Outside of her busy work schedule, Kimberley has strong involvement in the wider community. She regularly presents to local industry groups and community organisations, is a director and deputy-chair of the Glenorchy Community Fund, and regularly volunteers her time mentoring high school and university students. By assisting my clients to plan for their incapacity and death, or find solutions when there is no plan, I help them to find peace of mind for an issue that affects everybody. I love what I do, and it is something I hope to do for the rest of my life. Belinda Hazell mdash Optimum Standard Telstra Tasmanian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Belinda Hazell has worked in small to medium businesses since the beginning of her professional career. This experience has helped her to understand the importance of having clear systems to make businesses operate with ease and efficiency. Currently, she is a principal consultant with Optimum Standard, which aims to be the provider of choice for business management system solutions. It operates across a wide range of industry sectors, from primary industry, waste management to food manufacturing and civil construction, enabling their valued clients to meet and exceed market and customer requirements. In this role, she specializes in structuring, standardising and streamlining business processes to provide more accurate and productive systems that enhance performance and facilitate better business decisions. Along the way she has undertaken courses to upskill in building project management, strategic and leadership skills and now progressing to accomplish an MBA. Presently, she is using this experience to a state and national level through not-for-profit and volunteer Board involvement. Helping SMBs invest in themselves to achieve results through the right systems is what motivates me because I can see the tangible difference I make. Naomi Edwards mdash Tasplan Super Telstra Tasmanian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Until 2001, Naomi Edwards had a high-flying role based in Sydney with frequent trips across Asia as a consulting actuary and senior partner at Deloitte. At 35, she relocated to Tasmania and began a new career after taking a hiatus to be with her ill husband. For the past 15 years, Naomi has been dedicated to using her financial expertise to champion environmental and social justice causes. Naomi has chaired ASX-listed Australian Ethical Investment, provided pro bono advice to groups as diverse as The Wilderness Society and refugee advocate groups and in 2011, became the Chairwoman of Tasplan Super. Tasplan Super, following its merger with RBF, manages the retirement savings for more than 150,000 Tasmanians, over half of the Tasmanian workforce. Naomi says that her proudest achievement was negotiating a three-way merger of independent Tasmanian super funds, which ensured the viability of maintaining a local superannuation fund. This merger required Naomi to negotiate with multiple boards, executive groups, unions and politicians to agree on the complex transition and pass the required government legislation. It is a privilege to help improve the financial wellbeing of the community by providing sound advice, education and investment to ensure Tasmanians achieve their best possible retirement outcomes. Alicia Leis mdash WLF Accounting amp Advisory Telstra Australian Corporate and Private Award Finalist Telstra Tasmanian Corporate and Private Award Finalist In 2013 Alicia Leis became the third female partner appointed to WLF Accounting amp Advisory, a wholly-owned Tasmanian chartered accounting and advisory firm. In response to the growing importance of risk management and governance, Alicia has built a new internal audit and risk service offering from the ground up and now leads the consulting and internal audit divisions of WLF. Since securing her first contract in 2012, Alicia has established a large portfolio of clients and secured revenue in excess of 2M in under five years. This new offering has positioned WLF as a leader in the Tasmanian market, and has contributed to WLF successfully navigating disruptive shifts in the accounting industry. Alicia is lead partner for marketing and spearheaded a full rebrand for the firm delivering a contemporary new identity and brand purpose. Alicia is Vice Chair of the Institute of Internal Auditors Tasmanian Chapter and is currently leading an initiative to embed a staff development framework across the business. Using her professional skills, Alicia delivers governance and risk training to not-for-profit organisations at reduced rates or pro bono. My work directly leads to better practices, more engaged staff, stronger decision making at the executive level, and organisations who can deliver their objectives more effectively and efficiently. Renee Parry mdash Parry Real Estate Pty Ltd Telstra Tasmanian Young Business Womens Award Finalist In 2014, with minimal funds, Renee Parry launched Parry Real Estate, a boutique real estate agency specialising in rental and sales across Launceston. The company is thriving and currently has 11 employees across the sales, rental and administration departments. As owner and director of Parry Real Estate, Renee is the main decision maker and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business including staff training, financials, business, marketing and researching new ventures to grow the company. Renee says one of the biggest challenges she faces is changing the perception of real estate agents, which she aims to do by creating a culture of trust and transparency. She says that she wants her clients experience to be un-real estate, not the generic real estate experience, ensuring that they feel confident that their assets are being taken care of and they are able to invest in a home not just a house. believe that hard work and passion have their own rewards and there is nothing as powerful as believing in yourself. Jessica Norton mdash Eat Safe Live Well Telstra Tasmanian Young Business Womens Award Finalist Suffering from numerous food allergies and coeliac disease led Jessica Norton to found her business, Eat Safe Live Well, in 2013. She undertook this venture after recognising a market void in the display and offering of allergy conscious dietary requirements in Tasmanian restaurants, cafes, wholefood providers, workplaces and schools. Over the past three years, Jessica has focused on educating the community on alternative foods and adapting meals for various dietary requirements. One way she is doing this is by sharing tips on her website and free app. Both platforms offer healthy recipes, suggestions of local places to eat and advice on managing health and wellbeing through diet. As part of her community engagement, Jessica holds an annual high tea to bring locals with special dietary requirements together so they can learn tips and tricks from each other, while also providing support for each other. My main goal is to provide the community with education on allergy awareness, health and wellness. We can never stop learning or having enough information and resources. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. Finalists are announced progressively around the country. Finalists for this StateTerritory will be published shortly. Please check again soon. National Finalists will be announced once all State Finalists have been selected. Please check again soon. John Bray runs the pre-war, T-type and Y-type register. Particular attention is made of pre-1955 vehicles. Members meet the first Thursday of each month (note you don8217t have to own a pre-1955 vehicle to attend). These are a friendly 8220get together8221 in someone8217s shed or garage, a light supper provided and a good time to share information and experiences. A small donation is payable towards supper upon arrival. You can contact John on ph: 82785133, mob: 0403 043 434 Diary dates - the next meeting Thurs 2 Mar to Brian Goldy Golding at Murray Bridge. A convoy will be leaving from the Crafers Hotel at 6:20pm for a sedate run to quotGoldysquot. PRE-WAR AND T REGISTER points system for awarding The Irving Cup One point for attending a Register Meeting in a Register vehicle One point for attending the Monthly General Meeting in a Register vehicle. In the event of tied scores all winners will be recognised. What some of our Register members are up to The Dons latest joy ride. A black 49 TC Don Walker, Goolwa SA Prewar And T Register report at Peter Aulds, Fife Ave. Torrens Park on 2 February 2017 To view photos and pics from Terry Wright - click here No, for those anticipating another prewar MG entering the fold this is the Peter Auld, My Garage Rules meeting held in the leafy suburb of Torrens Park which was awakened by the barking exhausts of the many MGs that arrived and departed with gusto in that placid neighbourhood. Put simply it was another exquisite night and if it was Manou or Pete assessing the garage it might very well go like this for Peter amp Christine: Manou. The ambience and texture of the garage can only be described as sweet, the arrangement and presentation is puurfect, I give you a 10. Pete would probably say, could you have done better I give you a 10. Thankyou Christine and Peter for excellent cuisine, good as seen on MKR for sure, devoured instantly by the ravenous horde of excited members who gave you a group score of 9. Apologies: TD McNabb, David Fairbrother, Ken Fisher, Trevor Driver, Laurie Foody, Mike Lyons, David amp Joy Pearson. Forty two members actually signed in, 15 Register Vehicles, 8 TC, 2 TF, 2 TD, 1 Y, 1 NA amp 1 ND General business: Neil Stagg spoke on the forthcoming MG CC SA weekender in October to Kangaroo Island inviting members to participate, the World Press has been informed that Maurice Linehan is taking the TC over so that they do not miss front page this time round. Sandra Carnell ran two raffles in support of the National Meeting fundraising for April this year. Reg OMalley returned from illness, sprightly as ever, great to see him back in the fold. Ian Buckley was able to report on Barry Bahinischs current state in care at Daw Park through Daphne who wished to be remembered to all, Ian having called in to see Barry for a while and a discussion on MGs. Hes not bad but fails to recognise friends unfortunately. I was able to report that long time member Graham Clark, also in care at Kalyara, Belair is reasonably bright according to Jill Clark and she thanked us for enquiring about Graham. It is most unlikely that we will ever see them out and about at MGCC functions which is truly sad. Coincidentally it was Peter Aulds birthday again at the meeting this year, the rich chocolate cake went down a treat after a mumbling rendition of happy birthday from the throng. The Irving Cup Presentation: After being sworn to secrecy, it was a great disappointment to learn that TD McNabb was given inside information on the result from the adjudicator Mr Baldrick Hough who has now been severely reprimanded and may lose his status in the hierarchy of the Register. Results were: 1st: Peter Auld 17 Points outright winner again this year. 2nd: Russell Garth 12 points. 3rd: tied on 10 points Maurice Linehan, Ian Buckley, Artfur RoodIger. A fine result really and a great effort by Peter Auld. Peter would like to say that the owner of the 5 Coopers Premium Light from the six pack remains in his bar fridge and can be collected anytime by contacting Peter, he may not be at the next meeting though. I can assure you all that the beer is safe with Peter, he will not touch a drop. Matters of significance: The Doc Dallwitz, TC 8411, dumped a mess from the radiator all over Christines tiles in the carport, the ever alert photographer, Terry Wright unfortunately was not quick enough to gain a shot before Christine had doused the offending mess with kitty litter of sort Thane Martin has started a trend by plonking a bottle of wine onto the front apron of the TC, copycats have followed Schapel amp Buckley, all to be seen on the website photos if you look. Andrew Bate drove to the meeting in his recently restored TF. This was done with the help of Bob Bazzica and its great to see Batesy out in it again, a great change from the previous yellow paint. MG memorabilia was to be seen in Peters garage, a nice display Peter for those of us that can remember the antics from the 60s at Lanac Park and the Blackwood paddocks mud plugging trials. Ronnie Jellet arrived in a soaking mess, seems that the heat inside Goldys TC was akin to a Swedish Sauna without the masseuse to pour cold water over his head. Actually the side curtains are removable, someone tell the boys please. Peter Cundys NA continues to impress, see website photos, Baldrick looks the part, shame really. Breaking news: At the time of putting this to the editor I have learned that Arthur Ruediger took out the top prize, Best in Show at the All British day at Uraidla, well done great to see that the generator is working again and probably got you the points in the end. Next Meetings: March 2: We go to the Riverland next month in convoy leaving from the Crafers Hotel at 6:20pm for a sedate run to Brian Goldy Golding at Murray Bridge, the A Register have been invited to come along as well. Brian amp Kath are our hosts, last year it was a hoot Ronnie Jellit will not miss the sauna, but he does like the gravel driveway. April meeting: Clubrooms meet with visitors to the National Meeting, refer website. Looking forward to seeing a good turnout next month. Cheers, John Bray, Grand Vizier and Coordinator. PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 5 January 2017 from John Bray Photos from Buckles, TD McNabb and Terry Wright. - click here to view The magic of MG in King Arthurs Castle, triple M magic Reminiscent of the scene 1 from Shakespeares Macbeth I say, well an adaptation really, When shall we three meet again. In thunder lightning, or in rain I cannot recall or maybe can any others, attending a meeting of the Register with three sensational pre-war MGs present in the one place in company of many T series cars so beautifully presented. Can be described as a world class event you would think, very well done everybody and thank-you to Bob Bazzica - J2, Peter Cundy - NA, amp King Arthur - ND for the display, see photos - click here to view Apologies: Yes there were a few, J Tamke, G Brice, G Glasson, K Fisher, B Forth, D Hosking, D Kemp, D Fairbrother, Reg OMalley amp Hon. S Ley MP (Gold Coast). Reg has been hospitalised and is recovering, all of us wish him well. Thankyou Artfur for hosting your annual and privileged January meeting this year, any drop in standards will see it moved, however this year was a standout and you are safe for 2018. Signed in were 37 members, 22 register vehicles, 3 pre-war MGs. The slick Mustang parked at the front was not given a ticket however it did carriage several unnamed members to the meeting. Irving Cup: Thanks to Peter Auld for returning back so that it can be awarded again this year at Peters Register meeting in February at Torrens Park. The results of the 2016 winner are now known to a select few, albeit that the Russians have tried unsuccessfully to influence the outcome. General Business: Peter Auld stressed the importance of always signing your Historic Rego Log book before venturing out in the MG, as he was stopped by the Plod, breath tested under protest (never had alcohol in his life he says, apart from alter wine and Irish Moss cough syrup) so take note. Thanks Peter for driving up from your leisure digs at Victor Harbor to return the cup. The conditional registration changes to the legislation on historic vehicles registration got a considerable airing from AC Pearson and others, it is too involved to be reported accurately here, information will be circulated to all but the serial pest, John Neilson who knows it all anyway Geraldine reported on the National meeting in April, Anthony requested support for judges to head up teams assessing MGs at the concourse event, please help where you can,(Peter Auld will not be judging the TF 1500) The april meeting will be at the clubrooms to meet interstate participants. The convoy MGs, TCs amp the TD from Buckleys was an event to behold, see photo below. Well, thats all folks, Laurie has limited me to one page this month, so to finish a final quote borrowed from Macbeth. Fair is foul and foul is fair, TCs thrive in the fog and the filthy air John Bray. MG TC. IM. RC Imperial Master to some, Register Coordinator to others. PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 1 December 2016 Pre-war amp T Type Register meeting at Eden Hills, The Biggest, Beaut, Bonza amp Bonsai One of the biggest T Register meetings that we have had for the year, really great turnout of register vehicles held again under the spreading olive tree, the biggest in SA, probably the whole world according to our esteemed and popular hosts, Maurice and Steph Linehan. Thanks again for another beaut night Mozza amp Steph, beaut weather, beaut cars and food. A bonza show of 22 register vehicles, 11 TCs no less, check out the photos on the website from Terry amp TD McNabb, 6 TDs, 2 TFs, 1 Y amp 1 NA. What a bonza lineup of TCs including the new addition by Paul Doc Dallwitz. Apologies: Peter Auld (singing in the rain), Geoff Glasson amp John Tamke (grandkids, but a late arrival) amp Bev Waters (baby sitting), Hillary Clinton (again) The arrival at the meeting of Peter Cundys latest acquisition, a 1934 NA purchased out of Queensland, caused a sensation at the meeting, a wonderful machine and a great asset indeed to have on the register to partner Arthurs ND. Peter must be congratulated for his smooth negotiating prowess to extract the former owner out of the drivers seat that has not seen anothers bum on the leather in 37 years. At least he got one drive before completing negotiations it seems. but I understand that it was given up reluctantly, the drive that is. Another amazing purchase by the Doc Paul Dallwitz. Dragged out of the sand dunes at Semaphore the story goes. Well the open shed was encrusted with sand and salt spray I am told. Paul presented the car to the meeting and he had spent considerable time cleaning and washing the salt laden grime off the body and chrome. What is interesting is that he achieved a high degree of polish and shiny chrome using steel wool and Coca Cola, now thats innovation for you. Congratulations Doc, another TC for the Register. General Business: There was not much really just Reg OMalley noting MG Sales is alive and well, Andrew Willington looking for TC parts which I am told he now has most but needs a 16 inch wire wheel, Gordon Brice on door timbers and fittings. Mozz amp Steph celebrating 19 years anniversary happy wife, happy life Mozza, seems you get to keep the TC for future meetings. John Neilson, our serial pest, will be celebrating another anniversary of a different kind in 2017, 50 years since he purchased his TC, he still has the receipts (produced to me at the meeting) however it is still in bits I am told, when we get to his Register meeting its likely to be a working bee Check out his photograph from Terry Wright on the website. David amp Joy Pearson attended and it was a thrill for them and us to have them there on such a mild night in the hills setting. Both in their nineties, David was 92 on the 1 October 2016, a wonderful achievement from our esteemed car club member and WW2 RAF veteran. The National Meeting of MG Car Clubs will be held in Adelaide at Easter in 2017, there is plenty of information on the website and in the magazines, participation and assistance running events is eagerly sought after, the Register will host a meeting at the clubrooms so that interstate visitors can engage with us and look over our cars. Try and get to that night with your vehicle. You may very well ask what the heck bonsai has got to do with the Register meeting Well our talented and artistic hosts presented on show, a beautiful piece of living bonsai, a tree with a scale model TC replica of Mozzas TC infused into the display under the olive tree. This generated some interest from those not glued to Peter Cundys NA, however there was a huge focus on the model TC from the clubs avid model sniffer, Stan Shepard. Several phone calls followed after the meeting, Stan on the hunt for the source of the model manufacturer, obviously looking to add to his fine collection of MG models and memorabilia. The model is from Road Signature 92468 MG TC MIDGET 1047 Cream Colour 1:18 Scale E Bay source, PL Models Superstore. Next meetings: Thursday 5 January 2017, in keeping with tradition that has only been broken once by the Imperial Master, the meeting will be held at Arthur Ruedigers, 28 Huntingdale Dr West Lakes. Hopefully we will have 3 Triple M Register vehicles there, N amp K Types by messers Ruediger, Cundy amp Bazzica. February 2, meeting will be hosted by Peter amp Christine Auld, Torrens Park. March 2, meeting at Goldys, Murray Bridge, MGA Register invited for the memorable drive. April 13, Clubrooms, National Meeting event. May 4, To be advised, host eagerly sought for this prestigious event October 5, Peter amp Bronwyn Micklems Paechtown races take 2. Conclusion: It will be well into the new year when this report gets published, new year greetings will be well and truly over by then, but happy new year anyway. I am about as excited as Donald Trump entering into the White House for the year ahead in 2017. It was certainly a surprise to see new cars appear on the scene, the N types, TCs, the LHD TD Jason amp Faye Edwards and maybe others that I have missed. Sadly, Roland Harris sent the Y Type Saloon to another home interstate, all memorable in the scope of things. Heres looking forward to another entertaining year in 2017 it will be a ripper See you at Arthurs wheel and rim works. John Bray, Register Coordinator IT IS JUST A MATTER OF SPIN A change of meeting venue to our clubrooms proved to be a popular choice and an ideal setting for the spin doctors who held court amongst the 36 members who signed in, 9 T Register vehicles graced the carpark on a cool but most pleasant night. To view the photos from Terry Wright - click here Apologies: Received from Ken Fisher, Thane Martin, John Tamke, Geoff Mc Lean, Mike Lyons, Mike Greenwood, Leigh Ritcher amp Chris Kinney. Mc Nabb produced the latest printing of the Sporting Car Club magazine, Wheel Spin with our popular member Dean Hosking on the front cover, photo circa 1970 in the process of a major spin out on the track somewhere. Dean has plenty of copies if you want one. Announcement from the spin doctors Artfur amp Baldrick Hough who have become obsessed with the restoration of 19 inch wire wheels of late, held the meeting with their riveting oratory on just how to revitalise old wheels. It seem that a new business has evolved at West Lakes, Rummerger Restorations to handle the expected orders that are surely going to flow from this enterprise maybe. Arthurs finished 19 inch wheels will be a godsend next time he tries to exit my driveway at Blackwood. Not to be outdone, AC Pearson announces that he has 19 amp 16 inch wheels for sale at amazing prices if you can believe that, but he is always good for his word. General business: Peter Cundy gave the meeting a really good recital on a book that he has purchased on the history of MG, especially the formative years when Cecil Kimber evolved MG into competitive racing in the 1930s. The book, COMBAT, A Motor Racing History by Barre Lyndon first published in 1933 is an enthralling read and a must read according to Ian Curwen-Walker. Peter has lent me his copy and I find it a fascinating read especially on the early racing on the historic circuits in the UK and Europe. Roland Harris has sold his Y Type to a Victorian collector and judging by his enthusiastic advice he must have got a good price Don Walker has at last made a purchase and bought the TC formerly owned by Ross Roberts, a really nice car, black with 16 inch wheels all in really good shape. David Kemp has suffered a mishap with the TCs petrol tank, which exploded when being repaired recently, Lachy Kinnear has offered to lend him one for the Kimber Run. On the Kimber Run, the club is still wanting entries to fill the expected quota, please if you can go get the T out and give it a well deserved run. Ronnie Jellet is really stoked with the Datsun steering box in his TC and great to see him and Goldy up from the Bridge again at the meeting. We will be heading to Murray Bridge next year again. Geoff Glasson provide some goodies from SupaCheap Auto to hand out as consolation prizes for those who missed out on the raffle, thanks Geoff. Geraldine Hough requested the register to be active during the National Meeting Easter next year and for cars to be driven to the club to meet interstate visitors and guests. Special thanks: Geraldine Hough and Joy Pearson provided the supper for the night and it was delightful, thankyou. Arthur managed the bar duties for us and did his usual capable job. I am hoping the President will be pleased with the takings across the bar on the night and thankyou to all of you who supported the Club. Meeting this year: Unfortunately September venue at Coromandel Valley is no longer available, hopefully I can reschedule elsewhere, please watch the Advertiser and the website. October: Peter amp Bronwyn Micklem, Paechtown near Hahndorf, meet at Crafers Hotel at 6:15pm November: Bridgewater Hotel, meet at BP Belair 6:00 for 6:30 start. December: Mozza Linehans, Olive Tree Eden Hills January 2017: Arthurs Wheel Works, Huntingdale Avenue West Lakes. February: Peter Aulds Torrens Park March: Brian Goldings Murray Bridge, twilight run, meet at Crafers Hotel Any offers for a meeting of the register will be sincerely appreciated if you can let me know. Well thats about it folks, thankyou for your interest and participation on the night at the clubrooms. Safety Faster. John Bray, Register Coordinator. 7 July 2016 at David and Joy Pearsons, Hawthorndene I COME FROM THE GARAGE. DOWN UNDER Well it certainly was a great night in the Pearson garage down under the house at Hawthorndene on a very chilly but dry night. Only 29 patrons signed the book but there were at least 35 present, 7 T Register vehicles and one BMC Mini cheekily parked on the front lawn, Thane view the pics of the night from David McNabb - click here The Down Under garage still evokes memories of the many MGs that belonged to the Pearsons and it is a delight to poke in and around the array of tools and spray cans that adorn the walls. Watch your head, the beams are low splendidly decorated with used number plates of all descriptions, tools and the lathe are memorable features of time spent on great cars. The word accolade comes to mind and by definition by Dr Google, synonyms are: tribute, commendation, acclaim, applause, ovation, acclamation, praise welcome flattery and it goes on Now all of these synonyms were a feature of the night in general business and in the all round incoherent out pourings made by interjectors who will not remain nameless as you will see. (ref the serial pest John Neilson) Apologies. Stan Shephard, Roland Harris, Mike Lyons (all on sick leave), Laurie Foody (asleep in the chair), Maurice Linehan (birthday), David Fairbrother, Lachy Kinnear, Geoff Glasson, Bob amp Shelley Bazzica. Raymond Finch appeared once again and received a commemdation from Nick Proferes for the work being done by Finch Restorations on Book Face, however that lovely accolade had to be withdrawn as Ray no longer owns the firm. Just as well eh, you would not like your fine reputation tarnished in any way Ray A membership cannot be far away Ray. In keeping with the Registers aims of improving the gender balance, Joy was delighted to have Suzanne Bray, Jenny McNaughton and our Geraldine wife of Baldrick, along for company. Welcome also to new member to the Register, David Kemp, all the way from Hahndorf. General Business First accolade went to Maurice Mozza Linehan. members were privileged to sing a happy birthday tribute on the occasion of his 71st birthday in Melbourne via ACPs smart phone. Secondly, our Artfur lavished heaps of praise and outright flattery on his Irish friends in Belfast following his return from the MMM rally, airport pickups, J1 MG by Uber, K3s and of course a sister ND to drool upon. Really well done Arthur we are all insanely jealous of your wonderful trip to Ireland with the Triple M family (not Roo amp Dits) cars, cars, cars. Baldrick received the third accolade following his enlightened speech regarding the respoking of a 19 inch wheel for his TC. I cannot say that members broke into spontaneous applause but they bestowed suitable acclamation on Wayne for his new found knowledge and informative advice. AC Pearson. au informed the inattentive populous that Brian Jenkins has bits left over from his TF, anyone interested to email Anthony for details, acpearsonchariot. au He also has TC stuff from a swap meet if you need bits and pieces. There was no applause. Reg commented upon a restoration of a K3 somewhere with an L Type motor, tut tut Dean Hosking advised that there are new Morris Minor crown wheel and pinions available for upgrades to TC differentials and the like. Thanks Dean, pity no recognition for your efforts. Thanks heaps to Ian Buckley for the 5pc organizer boxes for the raffle, accolade 4 Accolade five. 50th Anniversary of the formation of the Pre-war amp T Type Register. The T Register was formed on the 11 March 1966 at 84 Hawthorndene Drive, Hawthorndene just up the road from the Pearson Down Under garage, at the home of Ian Curwen-Walker who became the first Register Chairman, copies of the original minutes are still available for viewing by only those wearing white gloves. Russell Garth championed this late celebration with a rich chocolate cake and candles. Generous flattering comments were bestowed on past Register Secretaries and Coordinators present. Those receiving adulation were, Russell Garth, Peter Auld, Ian Curwen-Walker, John Neilson, Anthony Pearson, Ian Buckley and John Bray. The paparazzi were active in recording this celebration, photos are posted up on the website. Special request. I read out to the meeting, a request from a Scott McAuliffe who is seeking a ride for his terminally ill father in law who was a MG TD owner in his time. At the age of 81 he still talks fondly to Scott about adventures in the MG. Scott is looking for one of us to make a car available as a special request for his father in law as a surprise at this sensitive time. Can you help please Accolade Six. To Joy and David, many thanks for allowing us to be in the Down under Garage and the generous supper provided. Acknowledgement to Anthony for preparing the garage for the event, thankyou. Next meeting. Thursday 4 August 2016. This will be at the Clubrooms of our club, 93 Chief Street Brompton. Please come and support the club, Arthur will open the bar and supper will be arranged as usual. Support with bar trade will be appreciated by the car club committee. The real Accolade. I have to tell you that this theme for the night comes from the avid passion of our host Joy Pearson who regularly checks the shipping notes in the Advertiser. She noted that the Accolade II had not been sighted of late in shipping schedules. The Accolade regularly travels between PT Adelaide and the West Coast delivering the ingredients for Adelaide Brighton Cement, she (not Joy) is a pain in the proverbial interrupting sailing vessels in the summer evening series at Outer Harbour. On the day of the Register, Joy received a letter from Diane Holmes with a great deal of detail on the Accolade which pleased her immensely she told me. The final accolade goes out to all of you for attending and making the night memorable. Thankyou so much, see you at the Clubrooms, first week of August. John Bray, Register Coordinator, Imperial Ring Master and Cat Herder. 2 June 2016, Robert and Beverly Horn at Clarence Park. CORNUCOPIA, THE HORN OF PLENTY From the latin, cornu copiae or horn of plenty is a symbol of abundance, (MGs) and nourishment, commonly a large container (garage workshop) overflowing with products (cars) flowers or nuts and in this case car parts and many other things to delight the senses of vision and smell. On behalf of the register, I would sincerely thank Robert and Beverly on the success of their maiden register night at their home, Beverly for the marvellous supper, Robert for presenting his cornucopia garage in great condition with the brace of MG Ts that one auspicious member describes as horny (please excuse the pun, Robert), no doubt that you can guess who that might be, however the self-appointed secretary of the TD register will get a mention later. 42 signed in and there were 14 T register vehicles present, not all in the garage though. Apologies: In keeping with the theme, there were plenty. Geoff Glasson (again), David Leibbrandt, Goldy and Ronnie Jellet, Mike Greenwood, Mike Lyons, Roland Harris-Tweed, David amp Joy Pearson, Kenny Fisher, Stan Shepherd (hospital, bad leg) and two from the Monaco GP Andrew Willington amp plumber Trevor Driver. It has been rumoured that Willington amp Driver were in the Red Bull shed when Riccardos tyres went missing during the GP, funny about that. Chris and Heather Bennett, proud new owners of a TF under restoration attended the meeting, hopefully they will join as members, photos of the car look great. General Business. Dean Hosking opened the batting with a compliment bestowed on Rod OMalley and his team at MG Sales amp Service, service being the operative word here, well done Rod great to hear that and well deserved. Put a big smile on the face of the old bloke in the corner, eh Reg Bob Schapel gave us a report on the Historic Racing at Winton, accompanied by Terry Wright and Ian Buckley he said, apparently Bob did ok in his class but suffered from low boost. I am not sure that he was talking about the TC, probably had something to do with the prolific wine consumption that goes with the territory when all three of them get together. Arthur Ruddyger reported on a racing 1948 TC special with history for sale, price unknown as yet. July 9th is MGCC, 60 years anniversary dinner, Table lists and tickets, see Geraldine Hough. Bazzica has some old TC cylinder heads to give away free, one with valves in good nick is 100. Items of considerable interest. 1. Arthur is off to Belfast to join the IRA in the MMM Rally, hooked a ride in a J2 midget. 2. AC Pearson went to NZ with his lovely wife, got distracted by a VA MG, how nice. 3. The Hong Kong Cricket Club are handing out new jockey hats, Terry Wright loves them 4. Russell Garth got a blow job in the TF, hair that is, hood down on a cold night, well done son. 5. Maurice Mozza Linehan with his twin, Thany Martino, cannot observe the 40K speed limits. 6. The TC twins have both resorted to hoods up it seems leaving Russ truly out in the cold. 7. Ian Curly-Walker has resorted to UBER, two cars called to collect him for the meeting 8. The Imperial Master apologises to TD McNabb for calling supper early, too long to wait really. 9. Someone tell Terry Wright that we are a Car Club, not a foreign Chinese Cricket Club. 10. Paul Doc Dallwitz won the lucky member prize on the night, nice man bag to take home. 11. What about that 1939 TB of Roberts, wonderful ambience and patina on the original body. 12. Its Linehan, Linehan, Linehan, just making sure that I get it right for you Mozza. Now seriously: Robert Horn gave a brief rundown on his cars, members are most welcome to drop in and talk to him about anything if they like, he has many spares including eleven round TF tail lights if you are running short, its an interesting story as to how they came about. TD MC Nabb did some forensic work on Roberts TD checking the identification, chassis and engine numbers as you do. According to TD the car was built on a Tuesday after a long weekend in November 1951, thats why it is so good. The car has some features of a later model which is interesting. The paintwork is the original colour, the first of the metallic style paint we are told by Robert Horn confirmed also by Laurie Foody who also donned a dust coat for the forensics. Don Walker is contemplating acquiring another TC, he feels lonely without one to drive around in. Thank you to Terry Wright and TD for taking photographs for the magazine and website. to view - click here There is a very strong rumour that we will be invited to the lair of the serial pest, who I might add has been behaving exceptionally well of late, to Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley during daylight hours for a register meeting and viewing of the famous Neilson TC under renovation amp restoration in 2017. Only a rumour at this stage but momentum is growing. Future meetings: Hopefully July will be at David amp Joy Pearsons, Suffolk Road Hawthorndene on 7 July. August is not finalised however it may be on a Friday night at the MG CC clubrooms to assist the club with the bar trade, this will be confirmed but please keep it in mind. Some members are unable to come on a Thursday I am told. Finally, the wrap up: Thanks again to Robert amp Bev, I really hope that we get to go back again sometime, it was a great experience. Winter is just about on us but do not let that deter you, the meetings are still fun and you get to wear those WW2 flying jackets, helmets, goggles and funny furry hats like Ian Hobbs. Cheers for now, John Bray Register Coordinator and last but not least to some, Imperial Master. Safety Fast Pre-war and T Register report 4 May, Paul amp Louise Dallwitz at Unley. A SIGN OF THE TIMES: A great thankyou to Paul and Louise for hosting a great night for the register. Why a sign of the times you may ask, well there are more enamel signs there collected by Paul since he was in roll up pants and braces than the car yards along the Main North Road Its been a great hobby together with the camera collection that has been a distraction of his, apart from the cars. Thank goodness the real estate sale signs are core flute plastic otherwise there would be nil sales in the metropolitan area. Enough said on that, but another sign of the times past was the outcoming of the blended ports after most had left except for the devoted few who wound up at 12:15am in Mc Gowan street after bidding good night to our hosts. Reminds me of the late nights and early morning departures from Ian Curley Walkers years ago. Maybe the Register is returning to past customs of lots of conversation and fine red wine port Apologies: Here we go again, apologies from me for omitting two prominent members last meeting. The lucky ones who got listed as absent apologies are: Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, AC Pearson, Curly Walker, Chris Kinney, Mike Lyons, Geoff Glasson, Donald Trump amp Bobs Ya Uncle. Amazing as it seems, Bob Schapel had no one to apologise for again this meeting. Peter Auld and John Tamke both attended this month in lieu of last months meeting. Visitors: Robert Rust (MGB), Terry Fitzpatrick came with Inspector Buckles, Peter Shipside and Don Walker arrived in the splendid MG WA Tickford drophead which you may see on the website photographs. It was a splendid introduction to the night seeing the big red car parked amazingly snug behind Pauls verandah on arrival, a great piece of theatre boys. Vale: Tom Stevens, an inaugural member of the MG Car Club of SA died recently. Tom was known in the club as the father of TC Racing and it was lovely to hear accolades from Reg OMalley about Toms racing achievements in the TA Special. Thankyou Peter Auld for bringing it to my attention, I did send a condolence card to his family on behalf of the Register. Y Series for sale: Roland Harris has let me know that he is considering retiring out of the Y Type which is in excellent condition and well known as the car that Barry Bahnisch restored and sold to Roland, ph: 8277 2138 General Business: Don Walker on behalf of Peter Shipside proudly announced that the 1930s WA in which he was riding as observer, actually passed another car heading in the same direction on the way to the meeting. Bit of a squeeze getting out of the OTR at Aldinga maybe, one way to pass a car Birthday boy Ian Hobbs gave up his family dinner just to attend the Register, silly boy really, he now gets to pay for all of them the following night. The ever amazing belle of the car club, racing and competition guru, Bev Walters was a surprise attendee at the meeting, on the way home from babysitting, but very welcome indeed. Mozza Lineham drove to the meeting hood up again How embarrassing for his good mate Thane Martin in look alike TCs barrelling down Shepherds Hill Road to the meeting. The goggles and flying helmets were made to look good in Spitfire cockpits in WW2 over Britain, not in hood up TCs Mozz. However there was a slight reprieve, he did drive home hood down side curtains up for Thane. Brian Golding amp his good mate Ronnie Jellet made the journey up from Murray Bridge again, Goldy is not available for the next two meetings but the good news is that he will host another register night next year at the Bridge in daylight saving time so that we can admire the sunset apparently. Those who pocketed gravel from his driveway should return it on the night. Peter Aulds win in the raffle, luckiest member prize, 1 magnum of Di Bortoli red wine will not be wasted he says despite being a Coca Cola devotee, Christine eagerly awaits his home coming on occaisions like this, lucky man is Peter eh, you can read anything you like into this. Breaking news: The worlds greatest ongoing mystery of the whereabouts of Lord Lucan has not been solved, however the self appointed guru of TC and TD history in SA, Hon. Stan Shepard produced a document that clearly identifies that in 1970 at 6 Moore Street Tranmere, Register Secretary and serial pest John Neilson, recorded 32 T Type Register vehicles at the meeting. 12 TCs, 7 TDs, 9 TF and 4 Y Series vehicles. (two MGAs one Alfa. Holden amp Studebaker blocked the driveway) I would like to publish the document after permission from the Mortlock Library. June 2, monthly meeting at Clarence Park. I was delighted to announce that our host for the next meeting will be Robert Horn at 6 Mills Terrace Clarence Park, just off Goodwood Road near the underpass. I was able to visit Robert at his home and amazing garage which houses a complete set of MG T TYPES, starting at TA, TB, TC, TD and TF. Robert said that he acquired them about 35 years ago after owning the TC, This is truly exciting and I know members will be gobsmacked as I was on seeing them. The great thing is that not all are in pristine condition, they all run ok, but it is truly an amazing sight to see. Robert is a talented man who has many varied interests including wooden boats (2 off) and he is a most interesting conversationalist and drinks red wine. A register member with perfect credentials, it should be a long night again you would think. SEPTEMBER 1: Thane Martin, The Walk Coromandel Valley OCTOBER 6: Peter amp Bronwyn Micklem Paechtown near Hahndorf NOVEMBER 3. Bridgewater Hotel Dinner, start at OTR Belair Triangle DECEMBER 1: Mozza Lineham Eden Hills, under the spreading Olive Tree JANUARY 2017: Artfur Roodygers. West Lakes JULY amp AUGUST this year are free at this stage, I am looking for volunteer hosts so please help if you can, the pay is good if the food is up to it. Wrapping up: The news that you have been waiting for, just to keep you in suspense and rivetted to this report. 40 attended the Dallwitz Sign of the Times meeting, 13 register vehicles. 6 TC, 3 TD, 2 TF, 1 YT, 1 Prewar WA. This is a good result however I am sure that we will get a good crowd again next month at Robert Horns where the starting gun count is 5 whoo hoo Thankyou once again for your attendance at the meeting, the interjections and heckling were tolerable for a change, good to see great conversation pervading the evening, great cars on display, Pauls racing special, fine red wine ports to finish off with, what more could you want Dont forget the MG CC dinner in July at the Glenelg Convention Centre Brighton Road. The Imperial Master is pleased, executions have been postponed for the school holidays. Cheers and Safety Farts April 2016 7 April 2016 Meeting at Brian Goldings, Florence Street Murray Bridge SA. THE PW amp T REGISTER NIGHT: ITS PURE GOLD Yes, gold it was. It can only be described that way right from the start, 5:30 Joans Pantry Hawthorndene, 6:00 The Crafers Hotel, 7:10 The Goldings at Murray Bridge after some spirited driving up the freeway to Mt Barker then on to Murray Bridge. What a night to be in convoy on the road, hoods down, WW2 flying jackets, goggles and gloves, high revs and rhythmic exhaust notes if you could keep up with the T Type in front. for other photos from the night - click here Thankyou to our hosts for the night, Brian amp Kath Golding who did a splendid job on the night especially given the great roll up of members who totalled 37 in all, 7 TCs, 1 TD, 1TF amp 1 Y-type Saloon. The drive up to the event was quite an experience given the fast moving traffic on the freeway, however all who had the pedal to the metal managed to negotiate a safe passage to the event. Apologies: Received from: Stan Shephard, Robin Gibbs, Ken Fisher, Geoff McLean, amp Don Offler. The Buzz: Leigh Ritcher amp Laurie saw us off at the Crafers Pub, after a shaky start given Arthurs late arrival and Buckles wonky rear tail light which blinked incessantly along the road trip. Bob Schapel fresh from his success at Phillip Island took the convoy on outside Callington and sped way ahead with his monk like passenger Terry Wright wrapped up in his North Sea duffle coat and hoodie. Good to see the TC out on the road again Bob. Good to see an old face again, Ian Purdy of TF fame back with us from Kangaroo Island, Bob Schapel collected his sister from nearby and brought her to the meeting. Ian Hobbs missed the LeMans start from the Crafers Hotel but managed to get there for supper. General Business: It took considerable effort to get the attention of the gathering to commence the meeting, however once started a number of items were aired and fiercely debated especially the upcoming rule changes to Historic Registration as reported by AC Pearson. The forthcoming MGCC of SA 60 year anniversary dinner on the 9th July at the Glenelg function centre on Brighton Road was mentioned by Geraldine Hough suggesting that the Register Group take up tables for the event. Bob Schapels success in his TC at Phillip Island was reported to the meeting by Willow Willington and though Bob is to be congratulated it should be remembered that the older he gets, the faster he seems to go leaving other poor competitors in his wake, mind you he did say that the safety car had a bit to do with his winning every event that he entered. The Ford Trophy for the fastest TC is a special award, well deserved. He could have got another one on the way Murray Bridge the way he drove All sorts of items got aired, those that were paying attention will surely retain them in their photographic memory you would think. Those like Russell Girth, Ian Buckley, Thane Martin and TD McNabb have got no hope given their short attention span during the course of the meeting, however items raised also included number plate heights (Trevor Driver), McLaren Vale Festival ( Graham Loader), stub axles for TCs with holes (A Willington), MGA handbook for the library, supposedly given to Russ G by one of his customers, Bob Bazzica looking for a left hand side internal bonnet catch for TC, 60 years MGCC badges amp Entertainment books Geraldine, National Meeting report by Geoff Glasson, etc. As I said, those who were paying attention will remember it all, but it was good fun after all. Congratulations: Breaking news for the register, Peter Micklem with his newly acquired TD got front cover of the April MG Motoring magazine if you have not seen it, and after several fine and passionate attempts, ace photographer Terry Wright (the monk in Bobs TC) provided the stunning internal shot from Ken Fishers Register night, well done boys, thanks to Editor Laurie Houghton for recognising quality on both counts. A few observations and points of interest. en. Brain Goldings Vincent motor bike sand side car was on show, looks great. b. McNabb has not got the TD on the road yet, but he still has black magazines. c. Jan amp Mike Greenwood drove up from Strathalbyn in a plastic what no MG d. Nobody noticed the PORSCHE in Brians shed. I did, it was a Porsche drill press. e. Peter Cundy had a bleeding lip no stiches needed though, culprit was beer bottle. f. Ronnie Jellets TC graced a meeting for the first time, great to see. g. Ronnie Jellet showed great restraint by not spinning the wheels on Goldys gravel. h. Russell Girth will sue anyone who mentions his waistline, eg Sir Cumference Ian Hobbs. jag. Dean Hoskings red MGB 1974 V8, does 100 miles ph in the dark going home (guaranteed) j. Mozzas aviator goggles are not original but cheap Japanese imports, he loves them though. The Next Meeting: The Doc Paul Dallwitz will host the May meeting at his home, 18 Mc Gowan Street Unley, off King William Road on WEDNESDAY 4 May. Please note this date as it cannot be Thursday due to limited street parking on Thursday nights late night trading. I will post it up on the website and hopefully the Advertiser will publish it as well. After that I am hoping for a night to be scheduled at Clarence Gardens or elsewhere. If you have your place available, please let me know. Thankyou for all those who attended Brian amp Kaths Register night, you showed great support for Brian who regularly makes the trip up from Murray Bridge to our meetings, hope to see you at the Docs next month. Cheers and Safety Fast, especially Dean. The Imperial Master of Calamities, John Bray March 2016 Meeting at Ken Fishers. 18 Benjamin St Marys SA. MEET AND GREET WITH THE REGISTER ELITE What a fabulous night to be out and about with the T Register faithful and lob in at the home of the Fisher King, Benjamin Street St Marys, 42 attendees, 20 Register vehicles. Thankyou Firstly to my esteemed fellow gnome, Russell of the Girth who stood in for me at mine time of need. I might note that he read, on the pulpit stairs, perfectly from his running sheet without which the meeting would have fallen into disarray. Secondly but importantly, to Ken Fisher and his staff for preparing the premises for our enjoyment with interesting vehicles to compliment the MGs on show. Kens father of 91 good years, a former RAF airman in WW2 thoroughly enjoyed the night, and I am told asked for Curleys autograph. Thirdly, I must thank another gnome, Baldrick Hough and his lovely Queen Geraldine for assisting me with the register book and the ever demanding task of collecting the money, thankyou both. Of note, a Register meeting at Fairview Park could be a reality one day says the Baldrick, however the Queen must be consulted and suitably persuaded and plied with generous gifts to succumb. Guests: We were able to welcome two new members to the register, Brenton Illingworth-MG TF in restoration and Stephen Keightley MG P Type in fine running condition. Welcome to both, it will be sensational to see both vehicles out with us in the foreseeable future. General Business: The continuing debate on the record number of Register cars at a meeting continues, surpassing the disappearance of Lord Lucan which is nothing really compared to this compelling mystery of when, where and how many cars were supposably present at some MG CC Register going back 50 years. Maurice Mozza Lineham is to be congratulated on the new plush looking trim inside the TC. This includes the steering wheel which now alleviates the necessity for him to wear gloves on the highly absorbent material which soaks up the sweat from clammy palms driving at breakneck speed through Eden Hills with the hood up. Its a new good look Mozza Our good mate Paul Dallwitz has offered a meeting for us at Hyde Park on a Friday night due to limited street parking on a Thursday. Looking forward to that, watch this space and the website. The auction sale of Barry Bahnisch cars was a remarkable thing grossing high numbers for the respective vehicles sold, I do not want to divulge figures but the total exceeded 360K which was great for the family in the long run. Some cars will go interstate and to the UK. The Irving Cup: Congratulations once again to Peter Auld, the cup being his to hold for the remainder of the year. The April Meeting: Brian amp Kath Golding will host our April meeting, Thursday 6 th at 3 Florence Street Murray Bridge. We are to meet at the Crafers Hotel. off the Freeway at Crafers, 6.00pm for 6.20 start to Murray Bridge which takes Goldy 47.25minutes in the TC to get there. Buckley amp Dallwitz are taking on anybody in the TC for the hill climb into Mt Barker, be aware. We owe it to Brian to attend in whatever you feel comfortable, preferably MG, as he has put in over the years, regularly attending meetings here in the TC from Murray Bridge in all types of weather. Points of interest: a. The content of free magazines has changed somewhat if you had not noticed. b. David Mc Nabb has ground to a halt in the TD after 500,000ks apparently. c. Russell of the Girth, showed disrespect to the imperial leader from his elevated position . d. The serial pest failed to appear this meeting or indeed lodge an apology. e. Bob Schapel forgot who he was apologising for this meeting. f. Terry Wright has been practising portrait photography for a front page cover shot. g. Terrys photographic skills were displayed on the ABC weather report recently, fg Lorikeet he says, no bleeding parrot, the ABC are not interested in Phillip Island it appears. h. AC Pearson was unnoticed at the meeting, must be planning a coup with Russ. jag. Geoff Glasson has had his shocks renovated and back on the TD, now stiff as hell he says Attendance at the Register meetings has been outstanding of late, hopefully all are enjoying the fun and spirit of the MG fraternity that has developed amazingly in SA over the years, keep it up there are new members filtering in with interesting cars, make them welcome and help out when you can. A final wise old saying: Frustration is trying to find your glasses. without your glasses To view other photos of the night - click here Cheers and Safety Fast. From: The Imperial Master of The Register, Kim Jong Bray February 2016 Meeting at Peter and Christine Aulds TORRENS PARK, IT WAS JUST PERFECT REALLY Perfect night, perfect venue, perfect hosts, cars and our own Peter perfect Brock Auld. Peter and Chris prepared their delightful venue perfectly for the Register devotees to salivate on the beautifully presented MGA Coupe, MG TF and the Triumph Gloriadisplayed to perfection. Enough of the perfect stuff, but it is testimony to the skill and expertise that Peter has displayed over his many years in the MG Car Club (early sixties) finishing his cars to concourse winning standards. It was also Peters 75 th birthday that night, the splendid cake was a surprise to him from Christine at the end of supper making coffee and cake even more special. Apologies: John Neilson called just to make sure that we missed him, Trevor Driver, Andrew Willow Willington, Roland Harris, Geraldene Hough, and The Pearsons were recorded as absentees. Statistics: Would you believe, another near record of register vehicles present, just look at the photos on the website, a total of 19 vehicles: 1 prewar ND, 7 TCs, 6 TDs, 4 TFs amp 1 T Type saloon. 41 signed in the book and presumably paid their dues. Visitors: Ken Fisher has finally been able to get Brenton Illingworth along to the register, he has a 1250 TF in bits and his wife Gaye is hoping that we will enthuse him enough to get it moving and the various body parts relocated out of the living areas at home, who knows it could be a good thing for his marriage. You may see Brenton in the photos displayed on the website and in the magazine wearing a tie which was noticed from a distance by the ever vigilant Terry Wright who can sniff out a Hong Kong Cricket Club tie over the length of 4 cricket pitches. Terry obviously has one himself and was a distinguished member of that club and a fine cricketer to boot, not to mention a prominent social butterfly as well, great spotting Terry, nice tie Brenton. General Business: Laurie Foody has some Aussie Jet Ink cartridges to give away, thanks they are expensive. Brian Forth has a new business importing Veteran and Vintage Tyres, specialising in beaded edge tyres, wheels, rims and spokes for Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle. Speak to him if you are looking for say 19inch tyres for TC etc, he will ensure that you receive a very compeditive price. Phone 0409514213 or 8251 4213. Mozza Lineham is looking for a car trailer to take the TC to Robe for the weekender. 0412670378 A C Pearson: Anthony had something to say but it was too noisy to hear after Doc Colin Whyatt offered cut rate digital examinations to any bloke over 70 which there a quite a few, nobody was game to accept. Peter Micklem (new TD owner), had for display a composite workshop manual for servicing all British Cars up to TDTF, found at a stall at the Hahndorf Lions Mart he says, great document really. Geoff Glasson spoke of the woes in trying to find someone to service repair shock absorbers for the TTypes, LUVAXGIRLING DAMPERS. yes this is a problem around Australia and needs further research in finding a reliable contact. I know that Bill Schapel when he was alive had a chap in Victoria repair dampers, his name is Greg Keely at Oakleigh East Vic. Tel 0419388234 The Register Book: Two new additions are Peter Micklems TD and a member from Keith through Arthur Roodyger. All British Day. Valentines Day, Sunday 14 th at Echunga Oval. Mc Laren Vale Vintage amp Classic. Sunday April 17th, street Parade 11.00 am Australia Day Parade. TD Mc Nabb gave a brief report. 6 register vehicles attended in the parade. THE IRVING CUP: Presented to the club by R D Irving Esq, to encourage the use and preservation of register vehicles and to be presented annually. Last years winner John Davies kindly handed over the cup to me at the meeting, however at that time the chief scrutineer had not adequately finished the job of assessing and checking the attendances and participation of members with their register vehicles at club events. I cannot divulge any details of the chief scrutineer, however Houghie said that he will return the attendance book at the next meeting now that the result is known. I am pleased to announce that the clear winner this year is Peter Auld, congratulations Peter, it is a well deserved win as has been the others previously. The cup will be presented at Ken Fishers Register meeting on Thursday March 3, Benjamin Street St Marys. MEETINGS 2016: March meeting is Ken Fishers Benjamin Street St Marys. Thurs 3 March (indoors) April meeting scheduled at Brian Goldings at Murray Bridge, address to be advised but we can meet at the Crafers Hotel off the Freeway at Crafers say 6.00pm for the run to Murray Bridge which usually takes Goldy 45 minutes approx. from there in the TC. We owe it to Brian to go to his register night as he has always been a regular attendee to meetings up here in Adelaide. Photographs: My thanks to Terry Wright and David Mc Nabb who provided many splendid photos at Peter Aulds please see the website as well as what is included in the magazine. To view the many photos of the evening - click here Cheers from Register Coordinator and herder of goats and sheep, John Bray January 2016 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 7 January 2016. West lakes Arrival: Members and guests were feted to the two pre - war cars on display in King Arthurs garage upon arrival, the magnificent ND amp Bazzicas J2 side by side in front of the T Types of our members. This set the scene for an exciting night of chatter and fellowship, punctuated by bad jokes at others expense. Apologies: Alan Semmler, Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, Leigh Ritcher amp Inspector Buckley. New Register members: A sincere welcome to Peter amp Brownwyn Micklem (MGCC members) with their late model MGTD recently purchased from NSW, beautiful condition, Car TD29127 Eng XPAG 29584. Incredibly the numbers align with the T Series Association reference book that I have, first time ever General Business: The Register wishes to express sincere condolences to the families of those associated with the MG Car Club who have lost loved ones very recently. Chris Ritcher, wife of Leigh, Angela McLean, daughter of Tony Ohlmeyer and inaugural member of the MG Car Club of SA, Alan Hutchings. Attendees: 47 signed into the book, 13 Register vehicles, 2 Pre-war, 11 T - Types. Russell Garth says he tracked down the former owner of his TF well over 30 years ago, not sure that he is getting the information that he wanted, try the folding stuff Russell. AC Pearson reported on the Shannons Insurance scam going around, simply hang up if not sure, Pearson has a squeaky voice. Alan amp Sandra Cardnell presented TD Mc Nabb with photos of a table setting in a haunted castle in the UK with his name on the seating place card, apparently the Mc Nabbs are not entirely descendants of NZ sheep herders after all, maybe Ancestory. au can help David All MG Day, Sunday 10 April, Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza, brochure handed out to members. Australian T Series Association. Mike Greenwood is the state of SA representative and spoke to the meeting about membership and displayed their attractive magazine. There are associations with other groups around the world, coordinator is Peter Kerr 07 54441 552, kerrpcyahoo Pre-war MMM Register: Bathurst. Arthur has bragging rights for the two laps around Mt Panorama in his historic, well done, not many of us will achieve that. Supper: The numbers caught Arthur by surprise, but there was plenty of action in the kitchen by Geraldine and the others from MKR it seems. Good old Arthur, not to be seen to be short, pulled the dusty MG ports out of the cupboard coupled with the 2 cm squares of lamington cake that saw everyone off reasonably satisfied.(Dominos were on standby at West Lakes just in case) Faces in the crowd: Tim Edmonds, Maxie Sierp, John SP Neilson, Brian Sparks, all good to see at the meeting. for other photos of the night - cick here Next Meeting: Peter Aulds Thursday 4 February, 27A Fife Avenue Torrens Park Brian Golding has offered a night at his home in Murray Bridge, this is likely to be in May at this stage. It would be good to support Brian and his mate Ronnie Jellet (TC) as they make the run up regularly. More news to come, see you all at Peter amp Christine Aulds next month. Wise old saying: Every morning is the dawn of a new error. Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Coordinator Boss. December 2015 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT - 3 December 2015, Eden Hills The Register celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the MG TC, born into production 1945. In - The Garden with the classic delights, where old T desires are turned into reality. To view photos of the night - click here Hosts Mozza amp Steph Lineham, a big thankyou for another amazing event characterised by the lovely garden and ambience of Australias biggest olive tree. A long standing record almost broken, how unfortunate that the hosting TC was not in the garage Mozza Apologies: John Neilson, Mike Lyons, Bazzicas, Pearsons seniors, Fat Cat amp Humphrey. Signed were 44 attendees, 20 Register vehicles consisting of 1 MG ND, 7 TCs, 5 TDs, 5 TFs, 2 Y Types, total is 20, 2 short of an outright record I was told on a number of times, great though. General business: Great to see the boys from Goolwa up in the TF 1500, Peter Shipster and Don Walker whos restoration on his TF is progressing well, see photos on website, thanks Don. On TFs Andrew Bate has progressed his TF to the wiring loom install, all good but when will we see it Andrew King Arthur was the first to arrive in the ND just to ensure a prominent possy as he should. Great to see the McNabb duo, Kerry and David arrive in the TD, it was Kerrys first register meeting for some time she said, however the lucky lad pulled a winner, blue ticket sucks, in Kiwi. Chris Kinney, at last the TC appears from Fergusson Ave to roll into the garden, looks good as ever Chris, and still sounds good too. Ian Buckleys flowers for host Stephanie was a very nice gesture, plucked from another garden of earthly delights, neighbourhood watch not seen. Steph, thankyou for the great photos for the website. A resurgence of TDs was especially good to see, TFs equal to the occasion, keep it going boys. T Type shock absorber repairs, LuvaxGirling dampers, questions on anyone who does work on these, I know of a person near Melbourne, but none in Adelaide, anyone have contacts Vale - Robert (Bob) Morphett: A long standing member of the MG CC, Robert passed away just prior to the meeting. In his heyday he was known for his driving skills as I remember, a calm and serene driver with a calmness not often seen in competitive track work in a white MGA, this was in the 60s but recently his name surfaced when Mike Greenwood purchased the two very rare M Type MGs from him that Bob had kept for many years. The Register Quiz, celebrating the TC 1945-2015: Please refer to the photo of the four amigos and answer the following to receive a generous prize at the next register meeting. 1. What event was significant to all of them in 2015 X Lotto birthday 2. Are they Baby Boomers or not Yes no 3. Do any of them own a car older than they are Yes no 4. How many have a T Type in their garage. Two three four 5. Who is the most recent member of the MG CC SA Mozza JB 6. Two have reached full retirement, which two. Mozza AW JB TD 7. Which one did not host a register meeting in 2015. T Driver Next meeting: We are meeting at Arthur Ruedigers, 28 Huntingdale Ave West Lakes,7 January 2016. February 4 - Peter Auld, Fife Ave Torrens Park. 3 March - Elizabeth to be confirmed. Many thanks to all who hosted a Register Meeting in 2015, please consider one in 2016 if you have not had one before or would like to do it again. Best wishes for the new year and safe driving in 2016. John Bray, Register Coordinator. November 2015 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT, 5 November 2015, Dinner meeting at the Bridgewater Hotel The Take off. A contingent of members assembled at the OTR (BP) at Belair for the run to Bridgewater led off by the former Aldgate boy in his hot Y Type, Graham Loader no less. Leigh Ritcher came down from Aldgate to enjoy the run back with the group. Messers Martin, Lineham amp Pearson were seen examining their dipsticks before the takeoff. Did you see Roland Harriss Spitfire T shirt Stunning but out of place in the 1975 Rubbernose B Apologies. An important hotspot, so here they are: T Wright, A Willington, T Driver, I Hobbs, Bazzica, M Lyons, L Kinnear, S Shephard, Curly-Walker, Pearson seniors amp Chopper Reed. Statistics. Many signed the book, but not all however 31 signatures was somewhat reassuring, 10 register vehicles made it to the carpark. No body complained about the food, great 54 squares were sold for the raffle (thanks Buckles) which will ensure a good supply of prizes next meeting or two. Visitors. Apart from spouses and girlfriends which was good to see, Maurice brought his old mate Col. Colin Chapman (MGB) both sporting English leather flying jackets, completely wasted with the hood up, but it was lovely to see the members spoiling their partners who now completely understand the importance of Register business away from home. Goldy amp Kath a special mention, good to see. General Business. Not much was transacted at all really, even if there was it was too noisy and I was too busy to write it down, those at the back which included Chris and Annette Kinny, Robin Gibbs, Loader and Sparks needed it repeated afterwards. Barry Bainichs cars are being prepared for auction soon, so sad that it ends this way. Artfur is heading off to Melbourne hopefully to pick up the ND for the Triple M Register at Bathurst, and for those who do not know, triple M stands for it is Midget-Magnette-Magna amp Pre-war MGs. No one gave me much trouble on the night, I must say that the serial pest was amazingly quiet and subdued thank the lord Next meetings. We will, be gracing the wonderful ambience of the Australias largest olive tree at Eden Hills for the December Christmas meeting on 3 December with our host Maurice Lineham and his lovely wife. It should be a grand celebration, Maurice is 70 you know and we should celebrate that milestone under the spreading olive tree with a few bubbles I say. Arthur has offered the January 2016 meeting at West Lakes again next year which is particularly generous of him. I will be scouting for others to host next year, John Davies has something lined up for the Register which should be of interest. Brian Sparks has offered a night again as a backup, thanks Sparksy. Thats it folks, thanks for your great support again this month hope to see you at Eden Hills peeling olives and boys, the lemon tree awaits you Close. For Maurice: The top up The weather forecast inside your TC is at least as bad as that for the outside world and your insurance company refuses to insure you against pneumonia. Happy days. John Bray, Register Coordinator and gatherer of facts and apologies. To view the other photos fronm David McNabb and John Bray - click here October 2015 Thursday 1 October 2015 at IAN BUCKLEYS Birdwood Terrace North Plympton. Apologies: John Davies, Dean Hoskin, David Fairbrother, David Mc Naughton, A C Pearson, Geoff Glasson. for other photos of the night by David McNabb and Terry White - click here There we were on a balmy night, sun setting over the metal sails of Buckleys carport and shed, the Register night was going swimmingly and sailing along at cruising pace which reminded me of a sea shanty song that we once sang in the Scouts out of earshot from our leaders: THE GOOD SHIP VENUS Twas on the good ship venus Ho ho you should have seen us The register night was a sheer delight The neighbours got a hellava fright The register host was Buckles He handed out many chuckles His best mates name is Terry A GT man and very merry Spring rolls he made delicious Which really, were most nutritious Abdul the Turk did come Displaying the seal from the jerry can drum Not in the desert did he find the can But from bloody Fitch The Rubber Man Twas on the good ship Venus Hell, you should have seen us Bazzica arrives with advice to share Poor Arthurs in a daze and can only stare The photographers name is Mc Nabb Hes bee n showing up quite a flab A cover shot on the club magazine no less Has pushed his ego into a horrible mess Terrys got a cap thats cricket and flat Hobbs cant sign the book, needs a map Curlys all good came for the ride While Russell is bold with nothing to hide Goldys brought his mate from far away Its Ronnie Jellett whos hid his TC for the day The streering box stuffed, hes had enough The cost of a conversion sounds pretty rough Another mate is Kevin Mills Half the Y Type is in the Ashbourne Hills He says his garage is a mess But finishing it is his only stress Reg O Malley never got into Buckles galley So, he promptly sat down next to Shelley He brought a mate Quinton Quirk I say He was a member from many a long day Our mate John Tamkes there All at ease in his chair The RV8s on show for us to see The TFs under the house, what will be The serial pest arrives as a guest He says he will behave at his very best John Nielson is his name Long standing member of TC fame Andrew Bate sneaks in late TF not seen, whats its fate Our Brian Sparks is back It seems things are back on track Twas on the good ship Venus Bloody hell you should have seen us The night went well Buckley rang the bell The food was good as it oughta Thats it, see you at the Bridgewater Attendance. 38 signed in Ian Hobbs by proxy, 10 register vehicles. Next meeting. Bridgewater Inn 5th November 7.00pm Drive in convoy, meet BP Belair Triangle 6.00 for run at 6.45pm to Bridgewater Note: Due to ill health of Chris Ritcher, Decembers meeting is to be decided, hopefully at Eden Hills Thanks: To Ian Buckley for a splendid night, Peter Cundy informative talk about the former owner of his car from the UK, Terry Wright re MG parts from Peter Thompsons estate, Alan Semmler Kimber Run at 90 entrants to date, needs more. Bazzica re French MG meeting next year in France amp all for attending. Thoughts. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. A hole has been found in a nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. And finally, no matter how much you push the envelope, itll still be stationery Cheers from the bridge of the Good Ship Venus quotBruce Springsteinquot, alias John Bray, the Boss September 2015 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER Thursday 3 September 2015 at Andrew Willingtons, Coromandel Valley Held in the crime scene garage with new roller doors. Congratulations. Andrew on preparing the garage and presenting a great night in cool conditions for 35 members and 7 register vehickles. Special thanks to Verona for a great spread of food. Apologies: Apol Goldy, Kenny Fisher, Mike Lyons, A C Pearson, amp Inspector Buckley (China) The meeting was in full swing by the time I arrived at the meeting just after eight, however it was really exciting to see so many old faces amongst the regulars, Ray Finch invitee of Andrew Willington, Don Offler amp Peter Ivy long time members from the sixties, Mr MG Bob Bazzica amp Shelly along with Reg OMalley and Ian CurwenWalker not to forget Peter Auld, all personalities that established the MG Car Club and the Register from those heady days of the 1960s. The Ivy Fuel Consumption Test. Peter Ivy, the originator of this event from which it gets its name was able to articulate in great detail the goings on by car club members which today would find them arrested and held over in the city watch given the amounts of fuel consumed at a plethora of city hotels on a Saturday afternoon. I was a participant once that I can remember, others partook in this event on numerous occasions which included lift cramming and unbelievable pranks. The good name and reputation of the MG Car Club of SA was miraculously spared from the Sunday Mail from all accounts. Register meeting 1. It was fitting to mention that the very first meeting of our register was held on the 11 March 1966 in Hawthorndene at Curlys home, 49 years ago when young Curly was a mere 35 years old and had commenced work on the 1880 Several of us were at that meeting including Bob Bazzica (Parts Secretary), Ian Curwen-Walker (Chairman), Reg OMalley amp John Bray (General committee) and fitting to be together again on Andrews register night. The crime scene: Yes it was a crime scene where the night cleaners cleaned out the garage as you all have heard, but judging by the vast number of registration plates hung on the walls, you could be excused for thinking that someone has done time there. New roller doors are a treat though Andrew. Thanks for putting the Special on show it was a star attraction. Thanks Terry Wright for driving to Victor Harbor amp back to supply the four plastic chairs for your mate. Kimber Run: Allan Semmler advised that 120 had registered so far, many more wanted again for this years run. Allan is looking for an MGB he says, maybe came to the wrong meeting. Black Hat: Dean Hosking proudly arrived in his new red MGB USA converted car, all photos show a smiling face, guess you cannot hide it Dean. Hats. It seems to be a popular thing to sport a hat at register meetings, I believe the it has been started by Trevor Driver whose current regalia looks like a Nepalese Sherper. We have Black Hat Hosking, Rusky Ivan Hobbs, woolly mamouth Dr Dally wiz, and David Fairbrother perfect fit General business: was brief not much to report on that front except Trevor Driver is looking for Jerry Can seals, it was suggested he take a trip to Tobruk, Rommell may have left some behind. Vale John Cundy. It was mentioned that Peter Cundys father John has passed away recently. John and Peter were popular attendees at previous meetings and it was most evident that John enjoyed being with his son at our meetings arriving in the TD. Our condolences go out to Peter and family suffice it to say that we will miss John and his informative and interesting conversations. Welcome back Morrie Lineham from your adventures across the Nullabor celebrating your entry into an eighth decade of your life. Please note that despite the cool evening, at least two of us had our hoods retracted, seems that you and Thane are softening Website: Check the website for a brace of photographs kindly taken by TD Mc Nabb. You will find these informative and in some cases downright embarrassing. Try not to miss the flying circus, Ivey and Offler in their Luftwaffe flying helmets Click here to view photos. Next meetings: October 1 is at Ian Buckleys. Birdwood Ave North Plympton November 5. at Bridgewater Inn, Mt Barker Rd Bridgewater I have booked for 40, arrive at 7.00 for 7:30pm start. Intrepid T Types amp other MGs can drive in thrilling convoy by meeting at the Belair Triangle next to OTR at 6.00 for a take off at 6.30pm. Thanks again for your attention during the meeting, I have been told again by Mr MG to hurry things along, hes getting so old hes forgotten, it was always like that. Cheers Safety Farts John Bray, Coordinator General. August 2015 PRE WAR amp T REGISTER Thursday 6 August 2015 at Ken Fishers, Benjamin Street, St Marys Congratulations Ken, Stephen amp Peter Fisher for a wonderful night undercover in your premises on a cool and somewhat damp evening. Thanks especially to Peter on the BBQ, excellent results Ken had things beautifully organised to ensure a splendid result, just as well I rang him the day before he says, otherwise we would have met at OTR up the road. Apologies: Geoff McLean, Maurice Lineham, Ian Hobbs, Peter Auld, Ian Buckley, Mike Lyons, The Semmlers, Reg OMalley and a few others who I could not get down on paper in limited time. Special mention: With apologies for turning up, the serial pest John TC Neilson was given the usual club greeting by members assembled, good to have him back interjecting and sticking his fingers in others beer well, Leopards do not change their spots do they New members and guests: Ron Gillet, TC has just purchased a TC from NSW and is learning fast just how difficult the TC steering box can be, welcome to the club Ron. Chris Bennet from the RAA (TF) good to see again, Dave Crispin who has bogged up more cars than we have had hot dinners collectively, but expertly mind, was ferried to the meeting by Thane Martin in the TC, hood up on a clear night. Lineham will note this act of cowardice. The voice from America, guest speaker. I think I warned you in last months report that TD McNabb would return with wonderous stories about his trip to the USA including Indiana and the famous Indianapolis race circuit. Given generous time to articulate his travel tales, he performed exceptionally well and received appropriate applause at the end, hopefully he will rest up for a few years before going again. Seriously though his contact with Tom Wilson, organiser of the GOF (gathering of the faithful) for the MGCC in US was really interesting. Check ooseimgs David McNaughton, who did not get a chance on the podium to speak has just returned from the UK where he visited the MG CC at Abingdon, Silverstone GP and would you believe Moss Motors who had him already on their database including half you lot as well by SA post codes, global village or what The English Moss Motors catalogue on T Types that David brought back is really good. General business: Proved to be a bit dull this meeting apart from the wine glass left at Graham Loaders in April, now in the hands of Steptoe Pearson of course, if you are the owner he will wash it for you. Anthony did offer to fill his container leaving the UK with the Harry Lester books if you want one approx. 20GBP hardly any freight though which is generous of him. General attire: It is noted that some members are becoming increasingly conscious of headgear at our meetings, Willow Willington has reverted to a decent MG cap, Terry Wright sensibly attired, however Abdul Trevor Driver sported a traditional Turkish thing, hardly a fashion statement at a car club but quite suitable in the Blue Mosque for prayers. Thane Martin rugged up in his thick navy blue beanie, pity the hood was up on the car though, another wasted effort. Catering, good news bad news: Apparently not all goes to plan at Register meetings, my little mate Artfur Ruediger over catered his meeting last month, my fault maybe, however the good news is that it is in the freezer for next years hosting. Good news, Willow Willington is planning ahead for next months meeting so nothing will be left to chance. This was ensured by a lunch meeting with Terry and myself with two bottles of red, hopefully he can remember what we discussed. In short: The committee of the All British Day need help from car clubs for the 2016 event, otherwise they may abandon it if not supported, more news will come from our club. Terry Wrights 1976 bottle of port wine was withdrawn from the meeting with a constipated cork, however Dean Hoskins generous contribution of a flagon of tawney port was excellent, try harder next time Terry. Thanks for your photos Terry amp TD Mc Nabb, all good. Click here to view. Good to see that Robin Gibbs got Stan Shepard to the meeting, thanks Robin we all appreciate you getting him along as it means a lot to Stan. Rodger Thomas at Blackwood has a TC (TA engine), spare TC engine amp gearbox, also MGA for sale he told me to pass on, see me if you want to get in contact he is overseas back end of August. Arthurs pics of the upholstery for the ND done by Phil Spencer look magnificent and I am told that he is reversing it in and out of the garage like the boy he is with his new toy. Maurice Lineham is still on his road trip celebration but is finding time to produce MG TF graphics for Russell Garth. I have seen them and they are quite remarkable. Garths car is now roadworthy I am told. however he declined an appearance in it as he thought it would rain, most unlike him to squib out on a clear night. I must say that the carbys really suck in the moist air and the TC runs really well as I experienced going home after the meeting up Shepherds Hill Road at about 11.00pm, a good night all round. Next meeting. Willingtons 5 Jackson Ave Coromandel Valley, TF Special on display, many other items courtesy of the night thieves for viewing, heating provided by Abdul Driver, splendid food well planned for, dont let him down be there should be a fab night, Thursday 3 September. October 1st, Ian Buckleys, 52 Birdwood Terrace North Plympton, November, Bridgewater Inn. That is of course if he ever gets back from his OS travelling. Finally: A woman does not turn up for work on Monday, Tuesday her boss asks why She responds that her husband overdosed on Viagra and she could not leave him with the maid all day Thanks for your great support, see you at Willows in September. John Bray, Register Coordinator PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER, Thursday 4 June 2015 at David amp Joy Pearsons. Hawthorndene Apologies: Ken Fisher, Dean Hoskin, Ian Buckley, Bob Bazzica, Brian Golding, David Mc Naughton, Gordon Brice, Wayne amp Geraldine Hough, Allan Semmler Omitted from last month, Peter Auld amp Chris Kinney who spent an enormous amount of coin ringing me, sooory you two. View photos of the night from David McNabb - click here It was a cold dry night tucked away under David amp Joys house when the register met and all the usual suspects were there, a little subdued at first but things got underway pretty smartly once a few screw tops were loosened and the red elixir passed around. The TC twins. Maurice and Thane both arrived with hoods down just to impress us but more importantly in Maurices case to avoid being singled out for driving around Blackwood again in beautiful sunshine with the hood and side curtains up. Michael Lyons gave us an informative note on the recent health of Graham Loader who at the time of the meeting was convalescing in Ashford Hospital after a recent heart scare, just before going away on a holiday trip with Pat, we all wish him the best for a full recovery. Member attendance was 29 and a total of 7 register vehicles were present on the night, some of us preferred the heated seats of our wives cars for the cold trip up to Hawthorndene. The mud crab Austin 1800, was sold for an outrageous profit by Steptoe, A C Pearson we were told, apparently he did not take long to put it on the market, guess that is what you do when you are in the pickup and sell business. Bobby Schapel and friends fresh back from Historic racing at Winton was very pleased with himself scoring a well deserved first and fastest in one race, surprised, well he did not think that he won it. On Winton, the pyjama boys forgot to get their act together and were a mismatch for this trip. Mind you, Terry Wright proudly wore his Knackered Sailor beanie to the meeting, but his pyjama twin Willo Willington at least was sporting a Jag cap which was far more appropriate for a car night. Talking about caps, Trevor Driver has dispensed with the Scottish tarten (Royal Stewart) which I am told that he is entitled to wear, dubious heritage but he now has a leather MG motif peak cap purchased from a Greek in the islands somewhere near Athens he says, got it for a good price, no need to be embarrassed Trev your mate had to make sure that it was newsworthy. Geoff Glasson has offered to start the project list on who is working on what MG for the register, Gordon Brice emailed in to say that it was a good idea, he is busy with a TD. good on you Geoff. Lachy Kinnear, also up to his neck with a TC Special, let us know that John Paynes J2 special will most likely go to Queensland, John is retiring from MG Racing, what a wonderful career he has had. Russell Ill sue Garth was tempted to interject a few times but was restrained enough to get a story out on a TD but I was so distracted by Reg OMalley that I completely missed the essence of the yarn, sorry Russ please repeat next month if we can keep Reg quiet. Ian Hobbs produce a tin plate model of an MG, purchased at the Historic Race meeting at Phillip Island, originally thought to be a TC, but with a keen eye and his passion for the K3, Ian was able to determine that indeed it was a fake. instead it turns out to be much more desirable than the sellers thought a K3 of all things with a sizable defect, only 4 exhausts from the manifold not 6 as should be. A C Pearson, was able to articulate to the assembled throng just how this came about, photography of all things he says, photo taken obliquely front on. concealed the last two pipes, bloody amazing really, Pearson is a fountain of knowledge on all things MG His demonstration spinning the reflector on the lathe was informative, thanks Anthony. Artfur Ruediger. Next month is the big showing of the very rare and prestigious MG ND at Arthurs West Lakes conservatorium of cars where we will be treated to a viewing of the car that has miraculously been towed back from Melbourne unscathed by Bazzica and little Artfur. It will be just great to have such a rare vehicle in our club and to see it out on the road. Thats about all folks, thanks to David amp Joy for a great spread of food really great to see you both well and enjoying the company of the Register. Thanks to TD Mc Nabb for a few photo pics to go onto the website. Next meeting: Arthur Ruedigers 28 Huntingdale Ave West Lakes, Thursday 2nd July. Keep your eye on the website and paper for meetings after that. Safety Farts John Bray - Register Coordinator Pre-War amp T Register, Thursday 7 May 2015, at John amp Suzanne Brays in Blackwood. Apologies: Ken Fisher, Dean Hoskin, Robin Gibbs, Stan Shepherd, Ian Buckley. Andrew Willington. View photos of the night from David McNabb - click here It was a cold night for the meeting at the bottom of the steep driveway at my place, however the rain held off and all T Type owners reported a good run up to Blackwood in the moist atmosphere which is sensational for engine performance through the SUs. Arthur Ruediger was first to arrive at the bottom of the driveway in the red T complete with 19 inch wheels this year, firstly to get prime parking position and a front on assault back up the driveway. Arthurs legacy is his unfortunate demise at the top of the drive a year ago running 15 inch wheels that saw him stuck and bottoming out in front of amused members. Members attendance was 29, 7 T Register cars were present, some like Maurice Lineham thought that there was ice on the driveway so the T was left at home, others like Brian Golding, Thane Martin, Graham Loader, Brett Cole managed it well right to the bottom. TD McNabb however got cold feet and yours truly brought the TD down minus a working handbrake Brett discovered the saying running on the smell of an oily rag well and truly. Alighting from the TD he saw oil on his jeans. then discovers an oil soaked rag stuffed under the dash in the wiring loom, why and what he says Yes, a leaking oil pressure gauge connection Trevor Drivers new Scottish tartan cap was noticed immediately and commented upon by the ever observant Terry Wright who misses nothing these days. THE Irving cup. Points will now be awarded on a simpler and easier basis. One point for attending a Register Meeting in a Register Vehicle, and One point for attending the Monthly General Meeting in a Register Vehicle. In the event of a tie, all winners will be recognised. Next Register meeting, Thursday 4 June. Unfortunately Ken Fisher will be overseas on business and the meeting has been taken up at the home of David amp Joy Pearson, 36 SUFFOLK RD HAWTHORNDENE. Barn Find. Breaking news, Anthony Pearson arrived with his parents in tow in what could only be described as a lumbering mud crab. The Austin 1800 was found inside a shed of a deceased estate in Belair, true to form Anthony negotiates a ridiculously low price, bettered only by his pulling an expresso coffee machine out of a roadside hard rubbish collection. Pearson you are amazing, your car yard is likely to attract the local council sometime soon you would have to say. Bit of bother. It has been reported that some unfortunate incident occurred between prominent members leaving the Register meeting in the narrow street after the meeting. Reversing cameras not working I am told. Well, in conclusion, it seemed quite subdued in my shed on the night, the usual serial pests were quiet and well disciplined which is most pleasing. Seems as though the Register Police are doing a fine job. Geoff Glasson (TD) suggested that we have a list of members who are working on or have car projects running, this seems like a good idea, for example hearing about Kevin Mills YT progress and the Paul Dallwitz special project is always good, now Lachy Kinnear is in the fold with his TC special. Keep an eye on the club website for meeting venues and news, John Davies is on top of the Thursday Advertiser announcements in the motoring section, but changes do occur due to unforseen circumstances. Thanks for your support to the Register and attendance again to make it a good night indeed. John Bray, T Register coordinator April 2015 MG Car Club of SA. T Register report, held Thursday 9 April 2015 at Graham amp Pat Loaders, Flinders Park. Apologies: Geoff Glasson, Bob Schapel, Ken Fisher. A big thankyou to Graham amp Pat, another excellent night with 12 Register vehicles and 36 hungry attendees who enthusiastically devoured the supper with amazing speed. Good to see and hear plenty of deep conversation round and about cars on display, banter and heckling from certain quarters during the business section of the meeting has been noted and will no doubt attract appropriate penalties in the future. Russ the risk taker has been named. The Lew Schapel trophy for competition in a road registered register vehicle has been won this year by Wayne Hough, presented by his mate and star pupil, Arthur Ruediger, well done Houghie Long standing member John Tamke returned to the register fold, he has added to the TF chassis and bits from under the house, with another rolling chassis to start up a project which, knowing Johns abilities will no doubt be an excellent result, eventually. New member Brett Cole arrived with his inheritance, lovely red TD, mostly original and in beautiful condition, just needs to sort out a few numbers with it, welcome Brett. Inspector Buckley back from China is still fiddling with the TC, Goldy arrived from Murray Bridge in his TC which by all reports is running better. TD Mc Nabb gave an update for Landline on the condition of NZ sheep in the land of the long white fog, another trip is forecast in a few years for the TD faithful it seems over there, he did have a great time, passionate about MG, likes the place too. The prize for the best dressed goes to Maurice Lineham. hood down at last in the TC, apparel worn consisted of Aviators flying helmet, goggles, gloves, sheep skin fleece lined leather flying bomber jacket, all fully authentic English made, tally ho old chap, pity that he could not keep up with the flying Thane Martins TC up Shepherds Hill Road though. Maurice a Tiger Moth might be more suitable. The Y is it so team. Aptly represented by our host Graham, Paul Dallwitz, and rarely seen Roland Harris in the former Barry Bahnish 1949 YA, cars were on display, Roland getting a recharge into the battery as well. News that Doug Clarke is to join the club and get his father Grahams TD back on the road is great, sadly Graham is in permanent care up at Belair these days and we wish him well. The Raffle. A slight variation to the format saw masked and wrapped prizes on offer to worthy but unsuspecting recipients, Brian Sparks was really thrilled with his nose hair trimmer, likewise Andrew Willington (fresh from the big cruise for the over 70s) like his bottle of balsamic vinegar, poor old Goldy got a bottle of red and immediately sought a swap. Anthony Pearson collected a LED torch to go with his new sales venture, LED driving bulbs, hoping to make MGs look like Audis on the road and our retired Chief Engineer from Channel Nine, Curwen-Walker got a buzz out of his electric test kit as he proudly displayed it around, not as though he needs it mind you. Meetings coming up. 1. John Brays Blackwood, 7 May ( its in the hills, but down hill mostly at my place) 2. Ken Fishers St Marys, 4 June (all under cover, rain will not be a problem) 3. Artfur Ruedigers, 2 July ( gold coin entry to see the rareamp expensive MG N Type ) 4. 6 August, not sure yet, to be confirmed, at Elizabeth Supaloc 5. Andrew Willingtons, 3 September (now called. Cash Convertors) Thankyou to all those who attended on the night, see you next month maybe John Bray, T Register Coordinator March 2015 PRE - WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT 5 March 2015, Thane Martins at Coromandel Valley. This months report is the result of an interview with the standin secretary for the meeting at Thanes, Russell Garth, who wants to take full credit for the success of the meeting. Any feedback to the contrary will be appreciated especially in relation to his performance. I therefore cannot take responsibility for any inaccuracies in this report to members. Approximately 32 members attended, 14 Register vehicles found their way to Coromandel Valley on a most pleasant driving night that saw Maurice Lineham arrive in the TC with the hood down at last Apologies were numerous as a number of us attended the Historic Racing at Phillip Island VIC. Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, Andrew Willington, Ian Hobbs, Bob Schapel, Georgie Schapel and myself went over for the race meeting. Ken Fisher phoned in, David TD McNabb was away checking sheep in NZ I am told. Arthur amp Bazz in Melbourne to look at the ND, sorry if I missed anyone. Inspector Buckley is in China taking photos of highly polluting steam trains in case you missed him. Wes Southgate caught up with us at Phillip Is. and sends his regards to all at MGCCSA, he looks well I am pleased to say and had duties to perform at the Melbourne Grand Prix, sadly his wife Jill is now in full time care. Meeting highlight was firstly Thanes new dog Harry, who I am told was really well behaved and a delight with members. On behalf of members, thankyou Thane to you and partner for a great night. Reg OMalley reported on the move of their business out to Cormack Road Wingfield, elaborating that they are expecting more on-line sales to do the business, sensible really as some of us may not make it that far in our T Types. Apologies to Nick Proferes as I am told I got his name wrong in previous reports. Andrew Willington is having a significant birthday this month, 70 and will take an elaborate cruise on the Queen Mary to celebrate, returning to Adelaide on 29 March, so we will miss out on welcome home festivities at Outer Harbour. You might take time to ask him when you see him for details of the passenger inventory and suggest that he celebrate appropriately with us at the next meeting. His good friend and member of our club, Terry Wright is denying all knowledge of the intimate details of the cruise, so it is on my head that I report appropriately. These are two very close mates who drive identical Porsche 944s and would you believe it, wear matching pyjamas on tour (authenticated by Trevor Driver) were at Phillip Island to support Bob amp Georgie Schapel. Georgie drove really well in the regularity and certainly showed that she can mix it with some of the flair shown by her late dad Bill. Ian Hobbs was at the Island doing his Elfin thing, he must have 4000 photos by now of the Elfin marque, however Terry Wright has got the bug and enthusiastically shoots with the auto lens on every conceivable vantage point hoping to catch up on Ian Hobbs by the next race meet. Brian Golding has the TC going again and drove up from Murray Bridge which is a fantastic effort at night Goldie, legend status mate TCs FOR SALE. A number have appeared recently, Neville Daniel, Stephen Lavis, amp Ian Hobbs mate, all in good condition, if you need details, send me an text message or e-mail. April Meeting, 9 April at Flinders Park, Y Heaven at Graham Loaders. His last Register night in September last year was sensational, so please come to the April meeting. Many notable Y Type owners, Roland amp Dr Paul etc are expected to front up with their cars. The question is: WHY IS IT SO The mighty Ys were built from 1947-1953, totalling 8336 vehicles, 6131 YAs, 904 YTs amp 1301 YBs and the first Scotsman to purchase a car and drive to lands end John OGroats Scotland in 1947 was as I am informed, Dr Jock Summner-Mc Miller. Amazing facts Finally: I was driving the other day when I saw a VW Beeltle with the number plates, Bobs MGquot. I pulled up at the lights and said. hey thats not an MG The driver looked at me and said, And I am not Bob So its goodnight from me and goodnight from him. Cheers amp Safety Fast. John Bray Register Secretary February 2015 5 February 2015 Register night under the SA Great Olive Tree, Eden Hills UNDER THE SPREADING OLIVE TREE Under the spreading olive tree The February T Register meeting stands. The host, a mighty man is he Maurice Lineham beckons with his hands. He welcomes all to park their cars On grass made ready for the MG clans. The mighty Ts roll in as planned They form up in lines in the fading light It is truly, a formidable sight. Theres Buckley, Mc Nabb Fisher and Wyatt Auld and Bowering Hobbs and Foody Garth and Loader Pearson and Kinney Glasson Preferas Dallwitz and OMalley To name but a few. there is just so many Theres Davies Fisher Hough Semmler and Bray Proud Register members just showing the way. The food is great the talk is rich The raffles run without a hitch The night rolls on its a beautiful night The talk is how the Registers a delight Theres cars for sale and spanners too But girls, theres a problem with the lemon tree loo. The Irving Cup has truly been won Arthur and Laurie were well underdone Its John Davies again from McNabb by a nose I will leave it to ponder as I prepare to close. The night wraps up to spontaneous applause The hosts are congratulated with due cause Maurice and Steph have done us proud Hes offered again expecting a much bigger crowd. Buckleys off to China and may let us down But Loader and Willington are coming around. Its been a great night thats all I can say Keep your eye on the Website for news of the day. Safety Fast, its really a blast The Register secretary is re-elected at last Irving Cup winner - John Davies Post script: 40 participants signed in on the book, 19 register vehicles on premises. Future Register meetings: 5 March. Thane Martin, Coromandel Valley 9 April. Graham Loader, Flinders Park 7 May. John Bray, Blackwood 4 June. Ken Fisherrsquos work premises at St Maryrsquos 2 July. Arthur Ruediger, West lakes 6 August. TBA, (host wanted) 3 September. Andrew Willington, Coromandel Valley 1 October. Ian Buckley, North Plympton 5 November. Bridgewater Inn, Bridgewater 3 December. Leigh Richter, Aldgate John Bray, Register Secretary. January 2015 8 January 2015 Gartham City register night at Coromandel Valley. late arriving Register Secretary Thirty devotees descended on the bat cave man shed meticulously prepared by Russ alias Bruce Wayne for this event at Gartham City Holy Totally T Type Batman was the call as the cars arrived to be parked on the steep slope of Banes Road, chocked by bricks strategically placed in readiness by our ever vigilant and watchfull host. Oblivious to the recorded surveillance of the security system that recorded every arrival, especially mine, the penguins paraded into man cave to begin their register chatter. Inspector Buckles was first to arrive and took centre stage on the driveway. Yes indeed, another great night catered handsomely by our hosts Russell and Margie Garth thoroughly enjoyed by all judging by the conversation and lineup for the sumptuous spread. Apologies: Trevor Driver, Joy amp David Pearson, Bob amp Shelly Bazzica, Geraldine Hough, Thane Martin (RAA patrol duties), Maurice Lineham, Rae Semmler amp Paul Dallwtz (holidays) Those keen to apologise for their spouses must surely need alibis in the magazine Visitors Nick Perefas (TD) and Geoff Glasson also TD amp club member were welcomed, thankyou to Nick for providing magazines to share around, also to ICW for the Safety Fast mags as well. Happy Birthday to Ian Curwen Walker, our Curley is 84, congratulations. and despite falling down the steps and barrel rolling over, he is in remarkably good shape. General business was not high on the agenda, Reg OMalley gave an insight to the wrap up of MG Car Sales clean out, some interesting discoveries have been made it seems. A C Pearson had some cheap spanners and sockets to sell, all good really . Ian Hobbs proudly displayed his K3 book, given as a present by family. It is a marvellous presentation of the K3 history and is beautifully documented with amazing photographs. Editor of our magazine, Laurie Houghton was acknowledged, great to see him along. Given a ride up with his little mate, Artfur Rummerger in the TC. Artfurs campaign manager Huffy also recognised seems that he is touting for business again, watch this space Buckles informed the meeting that Paul Dallwitz is recovering in a Florida Hospital after taking a fall while on holidays in the US. however he is ok and expected to come home soon. Maurice Lineham whose register meeting is next month at Eden Hills, was an unfortunate apology due to a house guest (brother in law) who could not be persuaded to ride in the TC for a brief appearance at the meeting, however we are looking forward to his register meet which I am told will be held around and under the worlds largest olive tree The results of the Irving Cup will be announced at the February meeting, I need the cup back to hand over to the successfull recipient on the night. Future Register meetings are Maurice Lineham, 5 February, 10 Willora Road Eden Hills, March 5 Ian Buckley, 52 Birdwood Terrace North Plympton, April 2 Thane Martin The Walk Coromandel Valley, May 7 John Bray 36 Grevillea Way Blackwood. Arthur will host July at West lakes where the newly acquired 1934 MG ND will be unveiled. I am still looking for other venues, hoping that after his shed was cleared out by the night thieves, Andrew Willington might shine and put the TC Special on show. Tack igen. it was a great night, great hosts and although the faithfull Bat Car TF was there it did not attract as much attention as Russells photos of the restoration carried out 30 years ago on the dirt floor of the garage. well done Russ To view the pics sent by David McNabb - click here Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary DECEMBER 2014 December 4, Chris and Leigh Richters, Aldgate The Richtenstein Castle was ablaze with Christmas lights and good cheer when we arrived for another sparkling Register Meeting. No moat of any form surrounds castle Richtenstein but unlit streets with no kerbs or gutters, pitch black and dark as a dogs date with a cork up his.. well you know the rest. Ten T Register vehicles were driven by their owners and others, to the meeting, 38 brave souls signed the book, hooray Apologies: Officially, all Pearsons, Paul Dallwitz, Kenny Fisher, Al Semmler, Maurie Lineham, and others including the serial pest. From the meeting: Ian Hobbs back from New Zealand with a new Register shirt, announced that he saw no T series MGs over there, looks like Mc Nabb got the last one. Chris Kinney has sold his XJ120 to a loving owner for restoration, the price is undisclosed but reported to be in the millions, (Thai Baht) Laurie Foodys TD has a new rear axle and finally he made it to a meeting to swell the numbers of TDs. sadly he missed last months at Bridgewater. Terry Wright is the quick talking king, got out of a speeding fine doing 69 in a 60 zone on Upper Sturt Rd, something to be said about a 69 maybe, amused the officer somewhat. Andrew Willington is getting ready for a Register night next year. His shed has been cleared out by persons unknown wearing cotton gloves and balaclavas, however the insurance company has yet to cough up for all the stolen items and must be told soon, first Thursday Mind you he had a very nice bottle of wine from a customer that he shared around. Ground Breaking News: The smile on Michelle Bazzicas face tells it all, MG Sales amp Service has been sold. Retirement is knocking loudly for Bob amp Shelly at last and it is certainly well deserved. They have been an institution in Adelaide and served the MG community exceptionally well with vast knowledge and ingenuity assisting and servicing the needs of many. More news: It was announced that Arthur Ruediger has purchase one of the worlds rarest cars out of Melbourne, one of only 24 ever made, a 1934 ND MG. How great is this to have such a rare car coming over to SA in pristine condition. His advisor and knowledgeable guru Bob Bazzica convinced him to purchase it following a big night at Crown Casino I am told. Arthur, we cannot wait to take turns driving it around Mallala Even more news: Ian Buckley allowed me to drive the TC to the meeting with my navigator Dean Hosking gripping the panic handle. Buckles of course had Deans Toyota 86 following the paleton of MGs up Acklands Hill Road. This batting order of TC (BrayHoskin),TC (T Martin), TF (Garth), TF (J Davies), Toyota (Buckley) sadly went pearshape when Garth was left behind, Davies got lost and Inspector Buckley had no GPS to guide him to Hillside Road. I have got to say that Ian has done a great job with the TC. it runs as good as Thane Martins and is a delight to drive in fourth gear at 5000 revs, thanks Ian, I will not forget that drive. Generally: Dean Nicholls who we met briefly at the Bridgewater Inn, brought along his late father Colins books and sold a lot of hardback MG issues. Colin raced a TC and had other cars. Ian Hobbs picked up a first edition of Mike Sherrells TCs Forever and was delighted with the purchase. It was really good for Deane that his fathers treasures went to MG family. Register meetings 2015: 8 Januarys meeting is to be hosted by Russell amp Margie Garth at 13 Banes Rd Coromandel Valley. February - Maurice Lineham, Eden Hills March - Ian Buckley, North Plympton April - Thane Martin, Coromandel Valley May - John Bray, Blackwood Other venues are to be advised. Raffle prizes: A thankyou to Paul Oliver, Autobarn Mile End for donating some interesting items for our raffle, hope you enjoyed the array, I may surprise you soon with take home prizes for wives, girlfriends, mistresses and secretaries. Finally: A huge thankyou to Chris and Leigh for providing a magnificent spread of food for members and friends on Thursday night last, really appreciated by all and a great deal of fun. to view the pics sent by David McNabb - click here See you at the next meeting, GARTHAM CITY, Coromandel Valley Thursday 8 January 2015. Cheers and Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary NOVEMBER 2014 November 6, 2014 Bridgewater Inn, Bridgewater An excellent showing of members, friends and spouses descended upon the Bridgewater Inn right on the appointed time for dinner and fellowship, 23 signed the register book, the other 17 just could not find it. Ten (10) register vehicles attended, most of them assembled at the BP at Belair at 6.00pm for a dignified LeMans start at 6:30. It was an impressive array of Ts, Ys and other Mgs. Ian Buckleys was judged the best by a seven year old visitor with his mum. It did the heart good to smell the heated radiators after a trip up the hill and to see the coolant dripping from the red TD, Green TC and Blue TF ( David, Ian amp Russell). Jim Bowerings TC and Peter Aulds TF looked immaculate. congratulations fellows. Apologies noted in no particular order, Thane Martin, Maurice Lineham, Ian Hobbs, Ian Curley-Walker, Arthur Ruediger, Laurie Foody, perhaps some others, just fill in the spaces.. The Old Blue TF. It was my pleasure to be driven to the meeting by Kenny Rogers lookalike Russell Garth, in the recently restored TF (38 years ago). which can only be described as a robust but tidy machine, certainly showing its age. A novice who is the owner, restored it a long time ago and did an excellent job by all accounts as it runs very well indeed. In the years that I have known him, Russ has only had the hood and windscreen up once, a true and gallant member of the faithfull you would say. Gillette PTY LTD have withdrawn sponsorship. Stan Shepard. Dear Stan suffered a fairly serious setback after the Bazzicas night, but he is home again and in touch. Arthur Ruediger left for New Zealand to attend his sisters funeral and our condolences go out to him. We learnt that Alison West passed away on the night of the meeting, wife of club legend Mal West (deceased) which is sad indeed as the two of them were loyal members of the MGCC for many years. Mal was certainly a character for those who remember. General Business. Bob Schapel opened the batting quite spontaneously announcing himself without introduction (register night potential) to say that he has an oxy-acetalyne bottle cart for sale (small) possible use, zimmer frame. Lachy Kinnear freshly back from the UK engrossed most of us with stories of his experiences over there riding in racing TC, 160kw at the flywheel, and a trip in the J Type of John James of TT fame, through English villages dining out on pub grub. Reg OMalleys find on WD40 original, non politically correct advertisement was read out, something about loosening your nuts and other such things. Poor old Laurie Foody did not make it off Anzac Highway to Cross Road as the TD broke down, probably had Thane Martin in his RAA van in attendance, better luck next time Laurie. Terry Wright spent quite a long time searching around ICWs house at Hawthorndene in the long grass, only to find out that Curley was off to a CAMS meeting via the gathering of the faithfull at Belair The insanely knowledgeable AC Pearson dispelled the myth on the I LIKE CARS program on the BBC that the restored TC actually cost 17 GBP to purchase, sold for 38 GBP but actually cost 70 GBP to rebuild. Totally ruined it for me, but at least he came home from the Panama Canal Cruise with the desperates and dateless to get to the Rolling Stones concert. The Serial Pest was at it again, the next time he puts his finger in my glass, he might find it full of battery acid, however it was to our great displeasure that he took out first prize in the raffle. Commentary. It was a great venue, the food was excellent to most it seems, plenty of noise and great conversation. Those with their better halves, eg Drivers, Kinneys. Aulds. Houghs, Willingtons, Richters, Pearsons Snr, Semmlers etc seemed to be enjoying it spending money. Alan Semmler was congratulated and thanked for his amazing effort organising and coordinating the Kimber Run which was a truly exceptional event this year. Paul Dalwitz will not be at the next couple of meetings next year, he is going overseas, one would hope that he could take Neilson with him. TD Mc Nabb has posted some good shots of the cars and assembled members on the website. (click here to view ) Well that is enough and it is goodnight from him, and goodnight from me, see you at 21 HILLSIDE DRIVE ALDGATE, home of the Richters Leigh amp Chris. Bring plenty of money, it is going to be a big raffle night, Thursday 4 DECEMBER. Next year, January Russell Garths at Coromandel Valley, February Maurice Lineham at Eden Hills, March Ian Buckleys at North Plympton, should be good. Cheers and Safety Fast as you go. John Bray OCTOBER 2014 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT - from John Bray. Coordinator October 2, 2014 meeting at Bob amp Shelly Bazzicas, West Beach Another amazing meeting of the register at the Bazzicas reminiscence of the movie set, Raiders of The Lost Ark. Greeted by the boy kings bust, Tutenkaman at the front door and a wall display that would send a sword swallower into ecstasy, it was almost standing room only inside and out. 43 members signed in, 10 register vehicles on site. Apologies that I can remember: Lachy Kinnear, Russ Garth, Bob Schapel, David Fairbrother amp AC Pearson, Ken Fisher amp serial pest Neilson (up at Uluru) Vale Bill Schapel: A moment of reflection was taken for Bill Schapel who will be sadly missed from our ranks. Bills contribution to the car club cannot be forgotten. a wonderful personality, enthusiastic for the sport and for the success of our great club. Our sincere condolences go out to Bills family and his best mate, Bob Schapel. Sadly Graham Loader lost his mother the previous week, which is sad indeed after a wonderful life. 2015 Register meetings and events. Forward planning is ramping up for a bumper season, the queue is forming fast, those who are aiming at a night for the Register include: Russell Garth (Jan), Maurice Lineham (Feb) Ian Buckley (mar), Thane Martin, TD McNabb, Ken Fisher, John Bray, John Davies, maybes include. Andrew Willington, Paul Dallwitz, Ian Hobbs, Brian Sparks amp Arthur if he is still talking to me. It is really exciting to have the interest and enthusiasm by those above who will clear their sheds ready for the Register members to sniff out and poke around stuff. Daddy Pearson: Davids 90th birthday was celebrated with champagne and cake and a robust round of hes the horses arse from the members, followed by a warm speech from himself. Its hard to quantify the contribution that David. Joy. Anthony amp Winona have made to the club over the years and they are especially loved by the membership. 7 September 2014 PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER REPORT From John Bray, Coordinator September 4, 2014 meeting at Graham Loaders, Flinders Park. What an AB-FAB meeting, held at what could only be described as Y HEAVEN in Flinders Park Graham Loader went to a great deal of trouble setting up his garage for the specific display of the T Type sedans and tourers for all to see, thankyou Graham it was a delight to be there amongst the cars. His garage with the MGC and the blue MG ZR really value added to the scene, plus his trophy displays are amazing and have more silver than the Franklin Mint. Twelve register vehicles were present, 29 signed the book, however more were present who forgot to sign and some kindly donated raffle prizes back by leaving them there, a common occurrence it seems. Apologise were received from Stan Shepherd. Peter Auld, Billy Schapel ( all unwell), Ken Fisher, Lord of the Bulbs Pearson, Artfur Ruediger, Wayne amp Geraldine Hough all overseas, Thane Martin amp Lachy Kinnear (working), Roly Harris and so sorry if I missed anyone. Good to see Dick Manning ( TC ) and Doug Gordon along for the meeting, also Russell Garth well again. We said our goodbyes to our great friend Wes Southgate ( 34 MG PA) as it was his last meeting before leaving to live in Melbourne, it is very sad to see him go and we will miss his appearances in the P Type. Bill Schapels Y Tourer was driven to the meeting by Terry Wright with navigator Trevor Driver and passenger Ian Curwen-Walker. Paul Dallwitz proudly displayed his black YA sedan out front of the others inside. Venues for the rest of 2014 are pretty well covered, refer to the September magazine and website, however 2015 is yet to be established and members were advised that there may be a new formula for the selection of hosts next year based on their behaviour and comments made at the meetings, also deeds of significance. Potential candidates for 2015 are: 1. David Mc Nabb - because he says its about time he did. 2. Ian Buckley because he promised to build his carport for us ( garage is great must see) 3. Russell Garth because he came to the meeting with the hood up on the TF ( unheard of ) 4. Maurice Lineham seen in Blackwood on a Sunday with the hood up on the TC ( it was a sunny day ) 5. Brian Sparks for winning first prize in the raffle ( valuable TC framed artwork ) 6. John Davies for jumping ahead of the agenda out of turn ( journalistic style it seems ) 7. Paul Dallwitz - because I missed the last one and we want to see the progress on the special. Bazz reported on a good TC for sale, early number vehicle, good running condition painted heritage style red and black, previously owned by the West family Mal amp Tony. John Davies did report and alerted members to coming events well publicised on the website, SA Hillclimb championships, Kimber Run, Bay to Birdwood event for pre 1955 cars, Bathurst day at the clubrooms, and apologised for jumping ahead of the well defined agenda. All is forgiven John. Alan Semmler advised that only 67 registrants for the Kimber Run have been received and refused any favours for special numbers eg 007, however it was a great surprise to hear that Ian Hobbs has secured number 001 due to being a clever operator and diligent with the internet, congratulations Hobbsy. Please support Alan and get your entries in asap. Thanks to all that turned out, it was a brilliant night, thoroughly catered for by Graham amp Pat Loader, really nicely presented cars and plenty of deep conversations going around talking stuff as usual. See you next month at Bob amp Shelly Bazzicas at West Beach, 31 Northern Avenue where you will see plenty of good old MG stuff and a mountain of other memorabilia for sure. There will be some good photos on the website of the cars and register attendees. (click here to view photos ) Cheers and Safety Fast John Bray Register Secretary T amp PRE WAR REGISTER REPORT 15 June 2014 from John Bray. Held at Supaloc Racing on 5th June, Elizabeth West and hosted by Allan Semmler the meeting was a memorable event and our thanks go to Allan and his staff for arranging the night and providing excellent food inside the racing stable workshop. Special thanks to Allan for his enthusiasm in arranging the visit for the MG Car Club register members and friends who totalled 38 plus 4 visitors signed off in the book. Only 4 register vehicles made the journey out to Elizabeth. however a total of 11 MGs adorned the carpark. The array of racing machines that Supaloc run are most impressive and the technology on show was mind blowing to all especially the competition members of the car club. Once Simon from Supaloc got into the drivers seat and cranked the Porsche and Lambos into life the mood of the meeting changed significantly due to the noise emission from the high powered motors. Noise and technology really go together with high powered racing machines, not to mention enthusiastic petrol heads gliding around the room admiring fine welding on the massive exhaust systems and body frames. A night like that really pulled some notable Car Club members out from in front of the TV at home. The irrepressible John TC Neilson presented himself looking fit and cheeky as ever, great to have his dry wit and mirth about the place again. Brian (Forthy) Forth TD appeared with advice that he has a number of useful parts of sorts to get rid of and maybe give away. The Gold, Brian Golding arrived in the Suby from Murray Bridge, not willing to risk the TC on the highway up to the meeting on a dark night, sensible decision Goldy. Where was Russell Garth, Bill Gates has a lot to answer for this year Arthur arrived with friends, Pat amp Sean Mullins, good to see that he does have good friends about. Greg Atkins. MGA, has not been seen at our meetings previously, came along with Geoff Goode, also MGA and enjoyed the night. Notable racing guru from the Club was our esteemed editor Laurie Houghton who stalked around the fine machinery on show, head inside cockpits and engine bays while at the same time making sure photographs taken were in vertical photographic format. note well David Mc Nabb. Bob Schapel revelling in his recent racing victories did not seem so interested in the cars but more fascinated with the machinery next door in the adjacent workshop, mind you he was not the only one that had to dragged back out of there for the business part of the meeting. Thankyou Dean Hosking for the ride out to Elizabeth in the Toyota 86, seems as though the speed limit has change past Parafield, I am sure it was 130 when I looked momentarily at the instruments on the dashboard, maybe not but it sure has some punch that car. The ever resilient Wes Southgate never ceases to amaze us with his appearances, again this month, he arrives from Melbourne about 6.30pm, looks at the calendar in the magazine, immediately rings the Register Secretary, primes the GPS, finds the place in the dark, finds his way unassisted through the maze of the workshops into the meeting straight to the food, bloody incredible Cannot name everyone but a few notables include messers Dallwitz, Archdall. Lineham, Driver, TD Mc Nabb, Kinnear, Kinney, Houghs x2, Mc Pearson, Davies, Chapman, Lyons, Foody, Doc Whyatt, were all present and appeared to savour the food and beverages with smiles of satisfaction. Apologies were received from overseas members Auld (Croatia) amp Buckley (China), locals Bill Schapel, Thane Martin, Russell Garth, and one other whose name was not decipherable. Parts: Does anyone know where there is a spare TC Air Cleaner cylinder and manifold about Thanks again everyone for making the night a success for the Register, next meeting is at the clubrooms, Chief Street Brompton on Thursday 3 July 730pm bring something to eat with you, raffle prizes will be run as usual, anyone who has not won, please see me I can sell you a whole book. Best wishes, see you in July, Safety Fast. John Bray, Register Secretary MGCC SA Register report from John Bray, Register Secretary. The May meeting was held at Ken Fishers premises, indoors for cars and members on a very wet night indeed off the Main South Road at St Marys. Thirty eight attendees signed in the book, however only eight register cars were recorded, all inside the building to form the usual fine display that we get at Kens premises. Ken and his team put on a great supper as they usually do and we thoroughly appreciated the warmth inside the building and the hospitality shown to us all. Kens TD looked freshly cleaned and presented at the head of the lineup inside the premises. Wes Southgate stole the show when he drove in from the cold dripping wet but magnificently attired in greatcoat and black Prussian hat comrades How he ever got there amazed us all, no hood, windscreen or protection from the rain, but he did have a trusty GPS hidden below the instrument panel. Someone commented on the colour of the P Type, beautiful red with contrasting black wheels, fantastic really and glistening after the rain. Maurice Lineham proudly brought his new acquisition, the ex James Mc Wha 1948 TC, cream and green trim for us to admire, thankyou Maurice, a garage mate for your B Type, well done son Graham Byass brought along his good mate Brian Lee who is rebuilding a TC from chassis up and Brian was duly signed up as a new member. Historic Registration is a wonderfull thing to keep cars around the club. Now there a few building TCs at the club, Lachy Kinnear has a heap of spares to sell he tells me that will not be required on the racing special . I am looking for a replacement rear shock absorber if some knows where I might find one for the TC. Good to see Russell Garth back again, rather subdued without the TF present due to rain I suspect, so subdued that he failed to sign the book, maybe we need to go on-line for Mr Comptroub Bob Schapel is looking for a tow to Winton he says, Chris Kinney is keeping his head well down on that one, you never know Bob, someone may just bob up for you. Bill Schapel gave us notice that Bob is just too good at winning races these days, Red Bull might just get a CV delivered soon, you never know. Allan Semmler is hosting the next meeting at his Supaloc Racing premises at 2 Peachy Road Elizabeth West on Thursday 5 June, where there will be secure parking and some really interesting cars to see of the go very fast variety. It should be a treat and a good drive out there to boot. Perhaps some could meet at Gepps Cross and drive in convoy to Elizabeth. I remember the old days when we drove out to Tanunda for a meeting, what a hoot it was on the way back, T types forever The July meeting will be at the clubrooms as it traditionally is these days, enter it up, 3 July,7.00pm New business for the meetings, tales of gallantry, racing success, problem solving (Ken Fishers wiring) or just plain stuff, please feel free to let me know in advance and I will get it on the agenda for you. If you have anything to give away or sell. happy to let everyone know for you. Kind regards and Safety Fast John Bray, Register Secretary APRIL 2014 MGCCSA T-Register report from John Bray, Register Secretary The host for the April meeting was TC enthusiast and enthusiastic member of our club, Brian Sparks at Gawler Street Seaview Downs. Our thanks go to Brian for stepping in and holding the night one month earlier as Ken Fisher was not available. A very pleasing turnout on a coolish night it was and we thank Brian for his wonderful hospitality catering for 37 attendees with 12 Register vehicles distributed up the driveway and out into Gawler Street. A number of apologies were forwarded to the meeting with one notable absentee. Russell Garth who was home working against Bill Gates and the Windows XP melt down, the TF being a casualty as well. Notable personalities deserve a mention, but in no particular order, Stan Shepard displaying his exceptionally fine hand drawn illustrations of cars and photos of the old TD Register days. Wes and Jill Southgate arrived a little late courtesay of the boom gate fiasco at the Diagonal Road crossing down the hill, however the 1934 P Type (PA) was in resplendid condition, top down. Jill rugged up to the nines and Wes proudly resilient behind the wheel for both journeys, there and back in the cold. Meanwhile the Pearsons, Anthony. Joy and David enjoyed a warm ride home with yours truly, warm as toast in the soft leather seats at the rear. However their thoughts were with Jill and Wes in open top touring going home. The Schapelli racing team reported in on their racing exploits at Phillip Island the week before. Bob enjoyed some success, Bill announced that he became the most expensive spectator over there having pulled out of racing with what one would usually term a footy injury, excuse the pun Bill. I had a complaint about spelling errors in my very first write up for the magazine, it was not fat fingers, but correctional licence by the computer, apology to Brian Golfong Golding, brought to my attention by resound members Artfur Roodijer and Leigh Von Rietchtenstein, thankyou gentlemen. The editor will be pleased to know that TD McNabb has a new Sony Camera and promises not to tender to the magazine out of focus shots anymore. Paul Dallwitz wants captions and names below all portrait shots in future which is fair in case of misrepresentation of high profile members such as he. The Doc, Colin Whyatt loosely suggested that even though he is retired he could assist with medical advice to older male members of the register although none were too keen. Guess he feels out of it when there is tons of good MG advice being handed around by messers Buckley, Schapel, OMalley. Auld (Mr perfection) and AC light up my world Pearson, plus others. NOVEMBER 2013 MGCCSA Pre-War and T Register meeting, November 2013 Bill Schapel Planned as a triumphant return to a tradition which has come and gone a couple of times, we were to meet at BP Belair and drive in a glorious sounding convoy, on a balmy November evening, to the Bridgewater Inn. When the weather conspired against us, with the worst forecast in a dozen days, I expected to see maybe a car or two shivering at the top of the hill. To my surprise there were 11 Register vehicles 3 TCs, 3 TDs, 3 TFs and 2 Y sedans, showing how brave and resilient our members are, especially those five who were ldquotop downrdquo. The 25 minute drive to the Inn was enjoyed by all, despite the cold and the occasional shower, and we joined the throng where we had our own space in the downstairs dining area. The atmosphere was great, with most of the 46 members and friends standing, talking and laughing, having too much fun to bother with ordering a meal. When we eventually did the food was great, and by the end of the evening the place had received the seal of approval. The business part of he meeting was suitably brief and we look forward to a repeat next year, hopefully with the sort of weather which will see many more Register car owners enjoying the chat at Belair and the drive together on the country roads and lanes. Next meeting, on Dec 5th, will be at : Leigh and Chris Richterrsquos, Hillside Rd at Aldgate. January at Arthur Ruedigerrsquos, Huntingdale Ave, West Lakes February at Peter Auldrsquos, Fife Ave. Torrens Pk (a welcome new venue), March at John Daviesrsquo, Tigress Dve, Hallett Cove April at Ken Fisherrsquos, 16 Benjamin St, St. Marys. Notice: Due to my health issues, I will be standing down as Register Secretary at the end of this term, so if you have any aspirations, now is the time to give it some thought. Not an onerous job, with the holding of a brief meeting each month, writing a short Register report and buying a few raffle prizes and Sprint or Autobarn etc close to you will be delighted to give you trade price or better for an occasional mention in the mag. Remember, drive lsquoem, donrsquot hide lsquoem T and Pre-War Register Meeting, October 2013. Bill Schapel Paul Dallwitzrsquo home at Unley, very close to the upmarket shopping strip of King William Road, was the venue for a great meeting albeit a major break with tradition as the first ldquonon-Thursdayrdquo meeting any of us can recall. Due to shopping and parking conditions, it was on the Wednesday night and as far as we know no-one turned up (a day late) on the Thursday night 27 members attended, with 6 T types driven to the event. On display was Paulrsquos very purposeful TC special, now in rolling chassis form. Built many years ago by Brian Wright, Paul also has some amazing and rare MG componentry in a factory eight port cylinder head, and another eight port head which Brian Wright himself had designed and built. We enjoyed seeing Paul in place in the driverrsquos seat, as David McNabbrsquos excellent pic shows, and the car was a great focus and talking point through the evening. A lovely pizza followed the formal ldquomeetingrdquo and we thank Paul and Louise for their hospitality. The raffle was again a bit of fun Gordon Brice had kindly donated some wine and Sprint Auto parts Edwardstown had excelled again, with Penrite caps and other tasty goods and tools. Also thanks to Terry Wright who has donated wines for the next few raffles. Next meeting is special In a return to a long standing tradition we will meet at the BP Petrol Station at the top of Old Belair and Belair Roads at 6pm on Thursday 7th November. There we will admire each otherrsquos cars and tell lies for a time, before leaving in a glorious sounding convoy of XPAG cast iron for the short drive to the Bridgewater Inn, where we will have our meal and meeting. Be there The sound of a dozen or so T types together is a treat, even if you are following in a plastic modern Remember, drive lsquoem, donrsquot hide lsquoem. SEPTEMBER 2013 T and Pre-war Register meeting September 2013 Bill Schapel A great meeting, in a new venue, and we are grateful to Kevin Mills, Y tourer owner and new member, who stepped into the breach when we needed him. It was a dirty night, with rain and wind threatening, so only five Register vehicles were present. I live about 50 metres away, and my YT is temporarily unwell, so the TC Special found its way there, just in case we needed vehicles to look at apart from Kevinrsquos YT which is ldquounder restorationrdquo but still in more or less one piece. Also there was the unstoppable David McNabbrsquos TD, Arthurrsquos TC and the recently repaired and gorgeous P type of Wes Southgate four red cars in a row A lot of our regulars were away overseas Houghs, Bob Schapel, Pearson to name a few, so thirty-one guests was a good turnout. We welcomed Graeme Brown, who has a beautiful TC in the ldquoCaf racerrdquo style so popular in Melbourne, and he will be driving over to Vic soon to go on a trip with several other warmed over TCs up through inland Victoria. Thatrsquos REALLY using you t type Graeme built many of his TCrsquos body bits in aluminium and did a fine job. We also welcomed Robert Horn to his first Register meeting. Robert has a fair mob of T types TA, TB, TC, TD and TF. The TA and the TC (I think I have that right) are for sale. He is keen to host a meeting next year, so another new venue A lovely supper, a brief meeting and a well subscribed raffle was held, with Ken Fisher winning the coveted Bazzica T Type mudguard cover we all wanted. Thanks also to Jacobrsquos Creek (Hayley Bishop) and Sprint Edwardstown for their help Next meeting is at Paul Dallwitzrsquo place at 18 McGowan Ave. Unley. NOTE: It is on the WEDNESDAY 2nd October, NOT the usual Thursday. For November we will be meeting at the Belair BP at 6pm and driving in convoy to our dinner destination just like we used to several years ago. We will drive the interesting back roads on a short trip to the Bridgewater Inn. I have included two rather fuzzy pics of the cars at the meeting Wesrsquo P type and David and Billrsquos TD and TC Special, plus a couple of Jason Edwards doing amazing things with his TD at a recent Motorkhana. Now thatrsquos what Cecil Kimber really liked Other recently active Ts include Bill and Georgie Schapel who drove the TC recently at a Mallala Sprint, but their pics may appear on the Comps pages. Remember, drive em, donrsquot hide lsquoem. Graeme Brown and Jason Edwards certainly are From David McNabb - Some pix from last nights T-Register meeting, held at Kevin Mills, Lower Mitcham. Some brief pointers - Wes Southgate had his P type there, back on the road for first time since it was stacked in Melbourne 2 years ago We learned that Peter Cundy is looking at purchasing the Peter Ivey green MGTD Mike Lyons has just bought a rubbernose MGBGT V8 - ex New South Wales Bob Horn was present - Bob owns an MGTA, MGTB, MGTC, MGTD, and MGTF - the complete set He is looking to sell the TC and TD if the right price comes along. Bill Schapel had his MGTC Racecar there, and as well as the Southgate PA, there was the Ruediger MGTC and McNabb MGTD, driven on a rather damp evening. Our host Mr Mills has a MGYT which he has started tidying up - a very complete car which even has the Jackall jacking system in place Our hosts havent been Club members for very long, but were very generous in offering to host a Register meeting at their magnificent venue, turning on a supper that had to be seen to be believed The huge garage was full of surprises including a couple of vintage Whippets tucked down the back, and inside the house is a great gallery of artwork pieces and paintings which the Mills produce in their home studio. Again, a great setup. All highlighted by another surprise out front of the driveway - an electric automobile turntable, on which we were able to spin around the early MGs present All in all, a MaGnificent evening June T and Pre-War Register meeting, Ian Buckleyrsquos. A cold and wintry night does not encourage old MGs these days. We are all getting more frail and less adventurous, even if our cars are not. I claimed I left the YT home because the side-curtains donrsquot fit well and scratch the scuttle, but thatrsquos only an excuse, and Irsquom not alone. So while we had a good turnout of members 32 in fact - and a great night, there were only four register vehicles in attendance, and Bucklesrsquo gorgeous TC lives there. Dallwitz drove his comfy Y sedan and the only real heroes were Arthur in the TC and McNabb in his TD. Well done, lads Excellent meeting, new venue, and the house a credit to Ian. Supper was welcome, with hot pastries and cocktail frankfurts to warm our cockles, and the conversations flowed as usual, with few facts to get in the way of the good stories. A few were away at the MG Challenge, notably ICW. Issues raised included encouragement to all T and pre-war car owners to ensure their cars have a sheet in the register folders, and we have plenty of blank sheets available. Ian Denny and Arthur spoke on some changes to the historic rego rules. We discussed the next venue, for the July meeting, at Brian Sparksrsquo, 8 Gawler St Seaview Downs, but we urgently need venues for the August and September meetings. Let me know if you can help, even if you donrsquot have a register vehicle. Also mention made of some lovely MGs for sale, from Russ Fowlerrsquos estate, offered by wife Colleen. A TD, a TF 1250 and a Varitone Magnette. Contact Mob number 0428 241 005. Mention was made of the Winton Historics and Reg OrsquoMalley gave a summary, mentioning Bob, Bill and Georgie Schapelrsquos great showing in their two TC specials, and I can add that there were 20 T and Pre-war MGs competing an impressive list with J2, J3, Magna F special, K3, PA, 2 TAs, 2 TBs and 8 TCs plus a few specials with TC chassis or engines. Lots to see always at Winton. The photo attached, taken by our own Terry Wright, is of the Grand Prix winning ex-Les Murphy P type enjoying the weekend Again had great raffle prizes, with thanks again to Adelaide Tools (formerly Gasweld) of South Rd, St Maryrsquos for their help. Remember all members are welcome, just bring 5 (3 for supper donation and 2 for your raffle ticket) and a bottle and join the octagonal enjoyment. Remember to keep driving them (even when itrsquos cold) and keep enjoying them. Bill Schapel Another great night for the May meeting at Ken Fisherrsquos impressive business at St Maryrsquos, with 37 members and friends signing the book and 15 register vehicles in attendance. Having all the cars indoors and so well illuminated is always a treat, as is the fabulous hospitality of Ken, lovely wife Rosemary and the extended family, including brother Steven (who has leanings more toward Triumph TR8s, poor lad). Ken was carrying a nasty injury to a leg but it didnrsquot dampen his enthusiasm and we again had the benefit of an optional visit over the road to ldquoCrispin Crashrdquo, now in the hands of Ben Crispin, with support from father Dave, where the latest body repair and finishing techniques could be seen. Hobbsy noted that we had an almost complete set of post-war MGs present, with Y and YT, TC, TD, TF, MGA and MGA twin-cam, B tourer and GT, MGC and even an MGF. Of course there was another of those Toyota 86 things there, attracting attention Dean Hoskingrsquos this time. I think they are breeding We are starting a ldquopushrdquo to get the actual Register Folder up-dated, so if you have a T or Pre-War vehicle make sure that your vehicle has a card and it is in the main folder, held by the Register secretary. New cards are available from Bill or at the clubrooms. Next month we are visiting Ian Buckley, at 52 Birdwood Tce, North Plympton, then July with Brian Sparks, at 8 Gawler St. Seaview Downs. Remember, all MG enthusiasts are welcome at any Register meeting. just bring something to drink and the 5 donation gets you a raffle ticket (with some worthy prizes) and the opportunity to enjoy supper and a great night with some fellow MG people. Remember to drive them and enjoy them A crisp, clear night and a good roll-up of T types, plus a YT, made for a great meeting at Arthur Reudigerrsquos, where we had 37 members sign the book, and 15 register vehicles present, plus an MGC and an MGA. Conversation for some centred around the new Toyota 86 sports cars three of our register stalwarts now have these cars, and two were at the meeting. Arthur Reudiger, John Davies and Dean Hosking all had recently taken delivery, and Arthur and Deanrsquos cars were inspected and discussed. John Davies had driven his TF to the meeting, leaving his rsquo86 at home and Deanrsquos TC is not yet com-pleted, so we forgive him. David McNabb, Bazzicas, Bahnisch and a few others had recently returned from the Land of the Long White Cloud, where they had driven several delectable MGs at a biennial Pre-1956 event. David had some great pictures and mementoes on display, showing the beauty of New Zealand and the MGs in general. T types at Mallala and Collingrove Easter Historics were mentioned, where Bob Schapel managed pole positions and an outright win in each of the three scratch races, plus a second and a fifth in the two handicaps, with Bill gaining three fourth outrights in the scratches, and a win and a second in the handicaps enough to give the Schapellisrsquo TCs 1st and 2nd for LB race awards for the weekend. Chris Hunt did well in the TD to get a 2nd in the Regularity event. At Collingrove also, Bob was first and Bill second in class, with John Paynersquos J2T winning Pre-war as usual. More on the T type comps in a separate article, later. A good supper followed the meeting, and it was after10:30 before the last few stayers began to depart so Arthur could get his much needed beauty sleep. In other T type news, Georgie Schapel, fast girl racer in the red TC Special, was pleased to use the YT she shares with Dad, Bill (and sister Hayley) as her wedding car on 22nd March when she married Brett Howman Next (May 2013) meeting is at Ken Fisherrsquos ldquofactoryrdquo at 18 Benjamin Street St Marys - always a big meeting and one not to be missed. June is still undetermined, but July is at Brian Sparksrsquo, 8 Gawler Street, Seaview Downs. Keep driving them PRE-WAR amp T REGISTER - MARCH 2013 From. Arthur Ruediger T he March T - Register meeting was held at the home of John amp Sue Davies at Hallett Cove, the evening was very hot but this did not deter the owners of 11 T - types from driving their vehicles to the venue, this included Ian Buckley in his recently purchased, ex Cairns Boag TC. Also in attendance at its first register meeting was a rare, ( one of only five,) 1934 Triumph Gloria 4 door saloon, owned by Peter Auld. I had intended to drive my TC to the meeting, and had arranged to pick up Laurie Houghton on the way, but due to the generator light staying on and the amp. meter showing no signs of charging, I decided to leave the TC at Laurie, s and continue in his plastic. There were 34 members who signed the attendance book, and past member John Hurst, who now resides interstate, was welcomed to the meeting. Our new T - Register Secretary, Bill Schapel and brother Bob were apologies due to their attendance at Philip Island. Several members had items to report on in the ldquo show amp tell ldquo segment, and the meeting concluded with a well presented supper. Thanks to our hosts John amp Sue for a very pleasant evening. T REGISTER NOTES FOR 2013 The February meeting of the ldquoTrdquo Register was held, (as has become customary), at Leigh and Chris Richterrsquos Property at Aldgate. This has a beautiful setting in the Adelaide Hills. The only daunting aspect is that there is a very short, steep, drive, down into his property. Wise members leave their cars up on the road some donrsquot and it is quite a heart-stopping sight to see a TC trying to ride up the drive in reverse It was a beautiful evening, very pleasant to be outside. As usual, Chris had done a wonderful job in preparing our supper which again was held outside. There were 32 names in the rdquoRegister Bookrdquo, with ten T-types, Usually Brian Golding brings his TC over from Murray Bridge, but on this occasion he rode his Vincent (motorbike) complete with side car to the Register meeting. This rig was beautifully prepared and naturally this attracted considerable attention Several Perpetual Trophies were presented The Roger Irving Cup. This was a cup presented to the Club for a Register award in memory of Roger Irving who was a very active TC-owning member of the Club in the early days of the Club. (One might say even fanatical about TCs.) This was awarded to a member who was outstanding in the use of his TC during the past year. This was awarded to David McNabb The Lou Schapel Memorial Trophy. Presented to a member who was outstanding in the use of a ldquoTrdquo type or pre-war MG in competitions. This was awarded to Chris Hunt with his TD with which he enters Collingrove and Historic Racing. This being the February meeting the election of the T Register Secretary for 2013 was held. Bill Schapel put up his name and I also stood again for the position. A ballot followed, and Bill was elected as Register Secretary for the coming year. (It was probably time for a change, as I had held the position since 2006, after following on from Neville Daniel). The next meeting of the Register held on the first Thursday of the month), is planned for John Daviesrsquo place at Hallett Cove. John has a VERY LARGE garage, and a beautiful TF. It is worth making the trip just to see the TF. I hope to see you there. And over to you Bill Ian Curwen-Walker (Past Secretary). PRE-WAR AND T REGISTER From: Bill Schapel Curly was away interstate. Notes for January, 2013 The first meeting for 2013 was at Russell and Marg Garthrsquos at Coromandel Valley and 25 members and friends signed the book. A solid turnout of register vehicles, with four TCs, two TFs, a TD and one Y sedan, plus a modern ZS and Dean Hoskingrsquos purposeful looking ASP clubman not an MG but cute enough to mention Deanrsquos TC is making good progress and we look forward to seeing it on the road. Special mention should be made of Brian Golding, who again made the trip from Murray Bridge in his TC, plus Lindsay Hick and eldest son Alexander, who had driven there in the gorgeous red TC Special. It certainly would have attracted some attention from other traffic on the journey to Coromandel Valley as it roared past beneath their mirrors. During the meeting Lindsay was awarded the ldquoLou Schapel Memorial Awardrdquo for 2011. The recipient was decided at the start of 2012 but Lindsay and the trophy had not managed to be at the same place at the same time until now, so a belated but happy conclusion. The Lou Schapel Memorial award is to encourage participation in competition events in Road registerable Pre-War and T types. Lindsayrsquos TC was built over thirty years ago by the late Kevin Muldoon, who was great mates with Lou, so that is a nice connection. A beautiful supper was served after a brief but lively meeting. Thanks to Russell and Judy for their hospitality and we all had a great night, with spirited conversations and a sprinkling of bull-dust in evidence. The usual brick wheel chocks were well used it is a very steep road and no cars disappeared down the hill. The February meeting is at Lee and Chris Richterrsquos at Aldgate, March is at John Daviesrsquo at Hallett Cove, and April will be at Arthur Reudigerrsquos more details will follow in due course. Remember that you donrsquot have to own a Pre-War or Y or T type to attend a Pre-War and T Register meeting just an interest will suffice and you will be made very welcome. The main object of the night is to have a drink and a chat, the shortest ldquomeetingrdquo possible and some information sharing, then more socializing and a nice supper. It is BYOG but tea and coffee is available and the supper is provided for your 3 donation and is always good. Come along Georgie Schapel, T Register member, part-owner with Bill and Hayley of the cream Y Tourer and very rapid driver of the red Schapelli TC Special, is marrying partner Brett Howman, pit crew for Bill and Georgie at Mallala, Winton and Phillip Island and an MFS firefighter in his spare time. This important event will take place at Kingsbrook Estate, Currency Creek, on March 22nd. Kingsbrook has a Rolls, a pre war SS drop-head and a DB4 Aston available, but no thanks. The wedding cars will be Y types, of course Photo: Lindsay Hick, recipient of the Lou Schapel Memorial Trophy, with son Alexander and his beautiful MGTC Special at Collingrove. (pic taken over a year ago - Alexander is much bigger now) Alongside is John Paynersquos supercharged MG J2T racer The TC was the first postwar MG, launched in 1945. It was exported to the United States, even though only ever built in right hand drive. The export version had slightly smaller US specification sealed beam head lights and larger twin rear lights, as well as turn signals and chrome-plated front and rear bumpers. Over 10,000 were produced, a large number by MG standards. It cost 527 on the home market in 1947. On the eve of the war, MG had offered the TB model which, with a few modifications was to become the first post-war MG, the TC Midget. The chassis of the new car was essentially the same as before, but the sliding trunnion spring mountings had been dispensed with in favour of more conventional rubber bush shackles. This had been forced on MG, as it was unable to obtain the raw materials necessary for the original mounts, this helped to simplify the maintenance procedure, but made little difference to the handling of the car. The engine was the now familiar twin-carburettor, 1250cc, pushrod, ohv XPAG unit. The transmission was also the single-plate dry clutch and four-speed synchromesh unit as had been seen in the TB. The brakes were 9 inch hydraulic units and the wheels the usual centre-locking wires. The TC was offered in one body style only - an open two-seater which was very similar in appearance to the TB model. All the old features were there. the humped scuttle with folding windshield, cutaway doors, swept front and rear wings, a slab-type fuel tank and rear-mounted spare wheel. It was almost as if the intervening 5 years had never happened Despite the fact that the car was so obviously dated, in terms of both mechanical specification and appearance, the MG TC Midget found a ready market. There were a number of reasons suggested for this a lack of other post-war cars, or the familiar design reminding people of the pre-war days, whatever the reason the Midgets success took MG somewhat by surprise. Aware that the more cars they could export, the greater would be their allocation of raw materials, MG sought sales around the world and succeeded in generating a substantial demand for the car. So successful were they that, in the cars four-year production run (until 1949), some 10,000 TCs were built, a substantial number of which were shipped to the USA where they were to generate new enthusiasm for sports cars and motor sport. It is quite remarkable how a car which was basically a quotstop-gapquot should have enjoyed so much success, generating sales figures far beyond those experienced before the war. Engine no. XPAG (TBA). Chassis No. 1736 Build Date: 5th November 1946 Owner: Don Walker Colour: Camden Cream Owner: Maurice Linehan - previous owner James A Wha Owner: Ian Buckley - Previous owner Cairns Boag Owners: Geraldine amp Wayne Hough Engine no. XPAG 10380 Build Date: 19 September 1949 Engine No. XPAG 6796 Eng No: XPAG TD 11841 Owner: Neville Daniel Bill Schapels Red MGTC Special Since 1986 the car has competed in 93 competition events and has 30 outright or class wins, with 26 seconds and 17 third placings. The performance, while just below Bobs supercharged car, is quite startling for a normally aspirated 1366cc engine - due to the cars light weight and Bobs superb skills in engine and chassis preparation. In the past the circuits of Winton, Phillip Island and Adelaide International Raceway saw her in action. Mallala and Collingrove have been good to the little red car and continue to be her most common playgrounds, but in 2004 Sandown and Rob Roy were also visited to good effect. Has lapped Mallala in 1:27s and Collingrove in the 37s. Bob Schapels silver TC Owner: Mal West(Deceased) Owner: Brian Golding Owner: Barry Bahnisch Owner: G amp S Greaves Owner: Until 321998 belong to Stan Shepherd who sold the car then to the present owner Bob Congdon Owner: Peter amp Joycelyn Clark Owner: Arthur Ruediger Owner: Anthony Pearson Owner: Sallyanne Bond In 1949, a replacement for the TC was announced. It was not, as one might have expected, a car with a totally different, modern appearance, but yet another Midget in the familiar mould. The TD Midget, while it certainly had the appearance of a Midget, had much which was different under the skin. The TD had a completely new chassis, which had been developed from that used in the Y-Type saloon. In 1950 the TD MkII was introduced, produced alongside the standard car, with a more highly tuned engine with 8.0:1 compression ratio giving 57 bhp (43 kW) at 5500 rpm. It also featured twin fuel pumps revised dampers and a higher rear axle ratio. An example tested by The Motor magazine in 1952 had a top speed of 77 mph (124 kmh) and could accelerate from 0-60 mph (97 kmh) in 18.2 seconds. A fuel consumption of 26.7 miles per imperial gallon (10.6 L100 km 22.2 mpg-US) was recorded. Nearly 30,000 TDs had been produced, including about 1700 Mk II models. when the series ended in 1953 with all but 1656 exported. 23,488 were exported to the United States In 1998, the rights, intellectual properties and trade marks associated with the production of MG TD are acquired by TD Cars Sdn Bhd in Malaysia to reproduce the TD series as TD 2000 Owner: Mike Greenwood amp Jan Dinan This vehicle arrived on SS Persic from the UK, 5th Oct 1951 in its original colour of Red with Beige trim. Purchased by Mike Greenwood amp Jan Dinan in March 2010 from Lindsay Caffin who brought the car in Sydney in Dec 2006. The TD had been restored and re-painted in BRG with Black trim in 1999. Other previous owners were Richards Pitt, Lindfield, NSW amp Clifford Fogarty, Rosemount, QLD. Something had to be done about the flagging sales of the TD, but all that could be done at the time was to give it a facelift. Hence, the MG TF Midget was introduced in 1953. Essentially this car was the same as the TD, having the same form of chassis, suspension, brakes, steering, engine, and transmission. The TF was essentially a stop gap car to keep production going until the new MGA would be approved for production by the BMC hierarchy. The TF launched in 1953 was a facelifted TD with a sloping grille and the headlights in the wings. In 1954 the engine was re-designated XPEG and enlarged to 1466 cc by increasing the bore to 72 mm giving 63 bhp (47 kW) at 5500 rpm and the car designated the TF 1500. The last cars were made in 1955 when it was replaced by the MGA - approximately 9600 were made including 3400 of the TF 1500 Paul and Bev Thompson purchased the car in August 2005.The complete restoration of the car was completed in April 2000. TF 6736 Engine No. XPAG TF 36374 Chassis No. TF 6736 Build Date 16th August 1954 Current owner: John Davies The Car is an original 1954 Australian delivered car and 1 of 793 delivered In that year. Original SA registration no. is 175 223 although no original owner details are known. The car was purchased by Colin Davies in 1972, Registration No. RGN 601 and used for several years until the 1980rsquos when a restoration was commenced by Colin. Due to ill health the project was abandoned until 2005 when after much persuasion the vehicle was given to Colinrsquos son John. After a cautious start a full mechanical restoration was completed by John along with some cosmetic restoration and the vehicle was re-registered as TF 1954 in April 2010, 35 years since it was last registered. The car is a full complete matching numbers car including original numbered radiator and generator. Engine No: XPAG 36059 Bill Schapels MG Y Tourer Lou passed on his white Y Tourer to Bill around 1990 and the car has seen plenty of action on the track and the road, winning trophies at two Natmeets in speed events, but with a patina rapidly approaching quotscruffyquot it has not troubled the scorers at Concours Nevertheless a useful and much-loved old girl, she has carried Bill and Jennys daughters about in style from childhood to adulthood and continues, with an engine originally prepared for racing in Bobs TC Special, to surprise any unwary MTT buses, even showing a clean pair of heels to most road-going TCs or TFs. Has now been re-painted and upgraded. She deserves it. Whilst driving past MG Sales amp Service on Torrens road in April, 2005 I saw this Maroon MGY Tourer in the show room, I said to myself, I have to stop and have a look at this I went inside had a look, asked a few questions, the car was immaculate, apart from needing a good surface clean, the car was fully restored. So I went home and jumped on the internet and found that the model is quite rare, so after tossing and turning, that night, decided I would go back and buy the Y as a stable mate for the MGA. Owner: Malcolm Leahy We had sold our Escort ( more competition orientated ) and were looking for a car ( possibly a Magnette ) for use in picnic type runs and were offered this Y Type by another fellow MGCC member. He had owned the car for many years and was in the process of restoring it ( engine had been reconditioned and the body painted ) but didnrsquotrsquo think he would have the time to finish as it had mostly sat in a shed for the previous 9 years. We went and had a look not even knowing what a Y looked like, we wiped off the dust, Pat loved the look of it and we purchased it in May 2003. After many hours of work the restoration has been completed and it hit the road in Sept 2005. We are now looking forward to joining in the numerous runs available with the club. Engine No: XPAG SC X12593

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